Why would God need a hell?

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If your one who looks into the bible and believe it really is the word of God, why would the bible ask that we pray for " All men", if salvation for all was not its focus? 1 Tim. 2:1. It even says to make " Intercessions" for ALL men!

What's wrong with us when we get so off track on this word?

I feel like we are looking for the answers everywhere but within ourselves. If we look deeply enough we will see we are one with the answers.

patrick jane

How can we know that Paul was a true believer who walked In Christ and was close to the Holy Spirit? I'm not saying he wasn't but I want to see how we can discern this. Do we simply trust or take someone's word for it? What if the answer we come up with goes against our instincts or doesn't seem like a good explanation? Can we fool God and just play along because we need approval from our peers or because we don't feel good enough and are in desperate need of something to save us from this belief in sin? Maybe this belief in separation from God is what we need to be questioning. Also, if Paul did walk with Jesus it would have been the resurrected version of Christ. Could that possibly differ from the real physical historical Jesus?

Instead of typing paragraph upon paragraph and spending hours on TOL, you could read Paul's epistles. Each one takes about a hour, some less. See what Paul himself says: a slave of Christ

Romans 1:1 -


New member
I feel like we are looking for the answers everywhere but within ourselves. If we look deeply enough we will see we are one with the answers.

I agree with Paul on this one, in Rom. 7:18, " For I know that in me, ( that is in my flesh), there dwells no good thing." I have found nothing good in my deep look into myself. But that's just me, I can't speak for what others have found.


...1 Tim. 2:1. It even says to make " Intercessions" for ALL men!

"1 Ti 2:3, 4 — God our Savior … desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The Lord does not celebrate the need to judge wicked people and send them to hell, but the opportunity to redeem repentant people and bring them to heaven. He opens wide the doors to His home." Stanley, C. F. (2005). The Charles F. Stanley life principles Bible: New King James Version (1 Ti 2:3–4). Nashville, TN: Nelson Bibles.


Well-known member
If your one who looks into the bible and believe it really is the word of God, why would the bible ask that we pray for " All men", if salvation for all was not its focus? 1 Tim. 2:1. It even says to make " Intercessions" for ALL men!

What's wrong with us when we get so off track on this word?
If all are saved, why would we need to? Is this going to be one of your supposed 'six thousand' Unitarian verses?


New member
Instead of typing paragraph upon paragraph and spending hours on TOL, you could read Paul's epistles. Each one takes about a hour, some less. See what Paul himself says: a slave of Christ

Romans 1:1 -

I enjoy writing. And trust me. I've read Paul's epistles through and through many many times trying to figure out what is was all about. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on it but something inside me was telling me there was something more. If we are honest we all feel this to some degree. It is a longing to feel and reconnect with the divine unity from which we are born. The soul remembers.


Well-known member
Oh trust me. I've read them through and through many many times trying to figure out what is was all about. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on it but something inside me was telling me there was something more. If we are honest we all feel this to some degree. It is a longing to feel and reconnect with the divine unity from which we are born. The soul remembers.

An easy comparison would be the common meanings of words taught to the working class, verses the legal meanings, like white and black in legal speak isn't about those colors the average man would think they mean, the color of law has a whole different application, Same with scripture translations presented to the common man who doesn't know he is reading dog latin meanings interpreted into english compared to the Ruling class Latin, None of them believe in the historic version dished out to the converts they color the meaning for.
I think that when the bible says that we can pray for all men to be saved, it doesn't take away from the possibility of hell. I don't think anyone is entirely Destin for he'll unless he chooses to be. We have free will.

Ben Masada

New member
I think that when the bible says that we can pray for all men to be saved, it doesn't take away from the possibility of hell. I don't think anyone is entirely Destin for he'll unless he chooses to be. We have free will.

Sorry to rain on your parade but, every single one of us in this planet is destined to hell. I am talking about the real hell aka sheol, the grave. The Christian hell exists only in parables.


Eclectic Theosophist
Concepts of hell and the devil....

Concepts of hell and the devil....

Sorry to rain on your parade but, every single one of us in this planet is destined to hell. I am talking about the real hell aka sheol, the grave. The Christian hell exists only in parables.


That of all the various nations of antiquity, there never was one which believed in a personal devil more than liberal Christians in the nineteenth century, seems hardly credible, and yet such is the sorrowful fact. Neither the Egyptians, whom Porphyry terms “the most learned nation in the world,” nor Greece, its faithful copyist, were ever guilty of such a crowning absurdity. We may add at once that none of them, not even the ancient Jews, believed in hell or an eternal damnation any more than in the Devil, although our Christian churches are so liberal in dealing it out to the heathen. Wherever the word “hell” occurs in the translations of the Hebrew sacred texts, it is unfortunate. The Hebrews were ignorant of such an idea; but yet the gospels contain frequent examples of the same misunderstanding. So, when Jesus is made to say (Matthew xvi. 18) “…and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it,” in the original text it stands “the gates of death.” Never is the word “hell” – as applied to the state of damnation, either temporary or eternal – used in any passage of the Old Testament, all hellists to the contrary, notwithstanding. “Tophet,” or “the Valley of Hinnom” (Isaiah lxvi. 24) bears no such interpretation. The Greek term “Gehenna” has also quite a different meaning, as it has been proved conclusively by more than one competent writer, that “Gehenna” is identical with the Homeric Tartarus.

In fact we have Peter himself as authority for it. In his second Epistle (ii. 2) the Apostle, in the original text, is made to say of the sinning angels that God “cast them down into Tartarus.” This expression too inconveniently recalling the war of Jupiter and the Titans, was altered, and now it reads, in King James’s version: “cast them down to hell.”

In the Old Testament the expressions “gates of death,” and the “chambers of death,” simply allude to the “gates of the grave,” which are specifically mentioned in the Psalms and Proverbs. Hell and its sovereign [i.e. the devil] are both inventions of Christianity, coeval with its accession to power and resort to tyranny

– – Isis Unveiled, Vol. 2, p. 506-507 (H.P. Blavatsky)


Sorry to rain on your parade but, every single one of us in this planet is destined to hell. I am talking about the real hell aka sheol, the grave. The Christian hell exists only in parables.

But then there was Enoch and Elijah and other unknowns who were translated directly to the heavens. :rapture: Our religious books contain so many contradictory assumptions and afterthoughts.....way afterthoughts, based on the human speculation of those who wrote about the very real events that they didn't understand.


I enjoy writing. And trust me. I've read Paul's epistles through and through many many times trying to figure out what is was all about. I thought I had a pretty good grasp on it but something inside me was telling me there was something more. If we are honest we all feel this to some degree. It is a longing to feel and reconnect with the divine unity from which we are born. The soul remembers.

Its because Paul taught a speculative, remixed gospel after the tragic rejection and murder of Christ. He was sincere, a great man, but didn't have the benefit of learning the original gospel of "The Kingdom of Heaven" at Jesus' feet. But Jesus' own apostles often stumbled at understanding this miraculous man.

Paul was a Roman from Tarsus, he brought his own religious baggage to his understanding of the Jesus he learned about from Peter. I believe Paul did in fact have a psychic conversion experience, he was born again, transformed, saved and entirely devoted to share his message as he understood it. Paul was the first Billy Gramm, the Gentile world heard of Jesus through Paul. But millions of us have had this experience. Unfortunately the NT gospels were written after Paul's charismatic teaching had begun to influence the recollection of Jesus the man and his message.

Paul tells us that he preached a post cross interpretation about Jesus:

1 Corinthians 15:1-4New International Version (NIV)

The Resurrection of Christ

15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,


New member
Its because Paul taught a speculative, remixed gospel after the tragic rejection and murder of Christ. He was sincere, a great man, but didn't have the benefit of learning the original gospel of "The Kingdom of Heaven" at Jesus' feet. But Jesus' own apostles often stumbled at understanding this miraculous man.

Paul was a Roman from Tarsus, he brought his own religious baggage to his understanding of the Jesus he learned about from Peter. I believe Paul did in fact have a psychic conversion experience, he was born again, transformed, saved and entirely devoted to share his message as he understood it. Paul was the first Billy Gramm, the Gentile world heard of Jesus through Paul. But millions of us have had this experience. Unfortunately the NT gospels were written after Paul's charismatic teaching had begun to influence the recollection of Jesus the man and his message.

Paul tells us that he preached a post cross interpretation about Jesus:

1 Corinthians 15:1-4New International Version (NIV)

The Resurrection of Christ

15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

Very interesting.


Willingness for Creator Son incarnate to share all of what is expected of man...even death= a good thing, an act of astonishing Love for us lowly humans.

Killing Jesus because his loving gospel was offensive to stubborn Judaism's sacrifice minded, traditional, ceremonial, legalistic theology= bad thing! a very, very, very bad thing!

Interpretation of sacrifice minded followers after the fact? "Oh, we get it, he was a final sacrifice to God." A new religion about Jesus was born, but it replaced the religion of Jesus.

Ben Masada

New member
Willingness for Creator Son incarnate to share all of what is expected of man...even death= a good thing, an act of astonishing Love for us lowly humans.

Killing Jesus because his loving gospel was offensive to stubborn Judaism's sacrifice minded, traditional, ceremonial, legalistic theology= bad thing! a very, very, very bad thing!

Interpretation of sacrifice minded followers after the fact? "Oh, we get it, he was a final sacrifice to God." A new religion about Jesus was born, but it replaced the religion of Jesus.

According to some Scholars, Replacement Theology is a form of Christian Antisemitism.


New member
According to some Scholars, Replacement Theology is a form of Christian Antisemitism.

In my view, all religions are a mixture of human imagination, history, Traditional trappings, Liturgies, customs and culture, pagan roots, bibliographies, a blogosphere of myths, the teachings of Jesus, the Koran and a mixture of a few other relevant books. All of these are not sacrosanct with each other, but some are. There is no common model for religious life in humanity, but there are common themes, and this nasty thought of eternal hell punishing is one of them.

It has grown down through the ages , like an invincible weed growing among the garden. And has taken serious residence in the curious conscious of gullible humanity. Like a sore on the resume of God, it retards a proper view of the real God, and it suffocates the sincere effort of people who really are curious about there being a God. And Christianity has dominated that choking of humanity. And they don't even realize they are doing that.

Imagine that, actually killing something; yet not being aware that you are killing it! And therein lies the genius of satan and his most impressive power to seduce.


According to some Scholars, Replacement Theology is a form of Christian Antisemitism.

According to anyone with a brain, yes. The devils of the papal dynasty (325AD to present) :eek:linger: would have you believe that we are Israel.

OJ--not a Jew--and neither am I (Ro 11:17). Many daughter hoes
are returning home to mama whore (Re 17:5)
kissing the pope's ring.

If you do not stand for Israel, you do not stand for God (Ge 12:3).

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Well-known member
Its because Paul taught a speculative, remixed gospel after the tragic rejection and murder of Christ. He was sincere, a great man, but didn't have the benefit of learning the original gospel of "The Kingdom of Heaven" at Jesus' feet. But Jesus' own apostles often stumbled at understanding this miraculous man.

Paul was a Roman from Tarsus, he brought his own religious baggage to his understanding of the Jesus he learned about from Peter. I believe Paul did in fact have a psychic conversion experience, he was born again, transformed, saved and entirely devoted to share his message as he understood it. Paul was the first Billy Gramm, the Gentile world heard of Jesus through Paul. But millions of us have had this experience. Unfortunately the NT gospels were written after Paul's charismatic teaching had begun to influence the recollection of Jesus the man and his message.

Paul tells us that he preached a post cross interpretation about Jesus:

1 Corinthians 15:1-4New International Version (NIV)

The Resurrection of Christ

15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,

Pure speculation made plausible in your mind, Paul is made to say a lot of things he most likely didn't by those who had a need to distant the teaching from the Gnostic Christ that preceded the christian age and taught as a mystery pointing to Christ being within man who is blinded to that liberating truth by a worldly identity crisis.

The reason I don't even give UR the time of day is for it's under-lying stance on Gnostic teaching, which is why you have a knot in you're skivvies over Paul's Christ the internal conscience freed from all the books of spells and the intellectual property they invent in the mind to keep it in paper training.


"...[R]eligions...retards a proper view of the real God, and it suffocates the sincere effort of people who really are curious about there being a God. And Christianity has dominated that choking of humanity....Imagine that, actually killing something; yet not being aware that you are killing it! And therein lies the genius of Satan and his most impressive power to seduce."
:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
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