Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We could ask lovemeorhateme aka Pete to return to the thread and talk about his childhood and how spiritual counseling (faith in Jesus Christ) has helped him overcome his same sex desires.

OR, if GFR7 were here and actually honest about his past, he'd tell you that losing his father at a young age and then being molested as a child (he's stated both in different posts in this thread) were the factors behind his homosexuality.

GFR7 is a bereaved husband and there's no reason whatsoever to doubt his loss or his claim to heterosexuality, not unless you're a nasty piece of work who would make light of a tragedy or a fixated crank who can't stop fantasising about straight people being gay, or both. Some witness you have going on there aCW...

Darn Art, if only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would come forward and refute what I've shown, i.e. nothing happened in his or her life (that he or she can remember) that brought on same sex desires.

Is there anyone that you can think of that can refute the information that's been provided?


You haven't shown anything worth refuting. There's no doubting environment can have an impact on the psyche but to claim that all or even most homosexuals have come from some unstable environment/background is patently absurd. You know fine well that many gay people would tell you they were raised in a stable family with no abuse or anything like but you simply don't want to handle reality. Your projection at the end is duly noted. Tell me, why do you, as a supposedly straight man, do that?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

We could ask lovemeorhateme aka Pete to return to the thread and talk about his childhood and how spiritual counseling (faith in Jesus Christ) has helped him overcome his same sex desires.

OR, if GFR7 were here and actually honest about his past, he'd tell you that losing his father at a young age and then being molested as a child (he's stated both in different posts in this thread) were the factors behind his homosexuality.

GFR7 is a bereaved husband and there's no reason whatsoever to doubt his loss or his claim to heterosexuality, not unless you're a nasty piece of work who would make light of a tragedy or a fixated crank who can't stop fantasising about straight people being gay, or both. Some witness you have going on there aCW...

His posts throughout Part 3 speak for themselves.

Darn Art, if only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would come forward and refute what I've shown, i.e. nothing happened in his or her life (that he or she can remember) that brought on same sex desires.

Is there anyone that you can think of that can refute the information that's been provided?


You haven't shown anything worth refuting. There's no doubting environment can have an impact on the psyche but to claim that all or even most homosexuals have come from some unstable environment/background is patently absurd. You know fine well that many gay people would tell you they were raised in a stable family with no abuse or anything like but you simply don't want to handle reality.

Then have someone who proudly and unrepentantly engages in homosexuality come forward and share his or her life's story with us.

Your projection at the end is duly noted. Tell me, why do you, as a supposedly straight man, do that?

The question that needs to be asked is this Art:

Why would a 42 year old male who has never been married and never even talks about having a girlfriend; who also incessantly defends homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer agenda; who is recorded telling underage children that homosexuality is acceptable as long as the people involved love each other; why would that person be ashamed of admitting what he really is?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
His posts throughout Part 3 speak for themselves.

What speaks for itself is the fact that you show no respect for the loss of the man's wife and his bereavement. There's nothing to suggest that GFR7 is a closet homosexual and what type of person would do the above, a supposed "Christian" at that?

Then have someone who proudly and unrepentantly engages in homosexuality come forward and share his or her life's story with us.

Considering how much you scour the net for all things gay you should be able to find plenty of info where gay people don't come from broken homes etc.

The question that needs to be asked is this Art:

Why would a 42 year old male who has never been married and never even talks about having a girlfriend; who also incessantly defends homosexual behavior and the LGBTQueer agenda; who is recorded telling underage children that homosexuality is acceptable as long as the people involved love each other; why would that person be ashamed of admitting what he really is?

I don't come on forums like this to talk about my personal life and certainly not with the likes of you. You know absolutely squat about
my personal life and as I've told you before that's how it'll stay. I have zero interest in yours and wouldn't believe a single word you said even if you felt compelled to talk about it. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a 42 year old heterosexual guy so I'm not sure why you even thought I might be...

OTOH why would a guy who spends an inordinate amount of time searching out graphic gay material on the net, and who bewilderingly fantasizes about straight men being homosexual not be honest and admit what he is?



Hall of Fame
OR, if GFR7 were here and actually honest about his past, he'd tell you that losing his father at a young age and then being molested as a child (he's stated both in different posts in this thread) were the factors behind his homosexuality.

IF that were the case, then it says a lot more about you then it does about him.

Why should anyone listen to someone who is willing to make bottom of the barrel insults by using past abuses and tragedies of a person's life as a way to shut them out of a debate?

You have no shame.


IF that were the case, then it says a lot more about you then it does about him.

Why should anyone listen to someone who is willing to make bottom of the barrel insults by using past abuses and tragedies of a person's life as a way to shut them out of a debate?

You have no shame.

Did I miss your response to this post Sandy

or does gossip take a higher priority than talking about the indoctrination of innocent children?

Back later with diseases that are disproportionately effecting those who engage in homosexuality.

(That means that I'm moving on Sandy and Art and don't want to turn this thread into one of your pagan gossip columns).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did I miss your response to this post Sandy

or does gossip take a higher priority than talking about the indoctrination of innocent children?

Back later with diseases that are disproportionately effecting those who engage in homosexuality.

(That means that I'm moving on Sandy and Art and don't want to turn this thread into one of your pagan gossip columns).

Not surprised you're running away. Only an outright scumbag would act as you did in regards to GFR7 and even you can't attempt to defend it. Some "Christian" witness you are.

Oh, and you're one to talk about gossip given how you just tried to make out you knew any details of my private life when you don't, never have or ever will. Crank.


Hall of Fame
Did I miss your response to this post Sandy

or does gossip take a higher priority than talking about the indoctrination of innocent children?

I didn't respond to *that* post because your misrepresentation was not worth responding to.

Oh, and it's not gossip when someone responds to what YOU have said. You do understand the quote feature, correct?

BTW, how does making false accusations or using traumatic events from another member's past to hurt them help these innocent children.


New member
I simply don't agree, and do you really think you could just choose to have a different sexuality?...
Yes. Although let's not pretend that every choice is the same. I can choose an ice cream flavor, and I can choose to be a cold blooded thief, but they are not similar types of decisions, and they require different amounts and types of work to actually make.
...Whichever genes are actually expressed from the available ones even for "identical" twins still involves a possible degree of variation. The fact that more "identical" twins than non identical ones claim the same orientation imo shows that at least some genetic factors are involved...
For me to even concede this small point, I'm going to need to see evidence that genetic multiples separated either at birth or very early on, also show the same correlation. Otherwise "nature" is confounded with "nurture." Is there such evidence ?
...But clearly for me not everyone, if anyone, has a totally polarised sexuality anyway.
If you believe that we are all along a continuum or spectrum, then why do you resist that we can not only change it, but choose to change it ? I suspect that it's because you only know what PPS calls "law methodology," or "law method," which is basically trying to force yourself to do or not to do a thing, and this is quite different from walking by faith and not by sight.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...I've shown time and time again that same sex desires are caused due to someone's environment (and with the right spiritual and psychological environment can be changed), not because there is some elusive 'gay gene'.

We could ask lovemeorhateme aka Pete to return to the thread and talk about his childhood and how spiritual counseling (faith in Jesus Christ) has helped him overcome his same sex desires.

OR, if GFR7 were here and actually honest about his past, he'd tell you that losing his father at a young age and then being molested as a child (he's stated both in different posts in this thread) were the major factors behind his homosexuality.

Darn Art, if only a proud and unrepentant homosexual would come forward and refute what I've shown, i.e. nothing happened in his or her life (that he or she can remember) that brought on same sex desires.

Is there anyone that you can think of that can refute the information that's been provided?


what information?


New member
Did I miss your response to this post Sandy

or does gossip take a higher priority than talking about the indoctrination of innocent children?

Back later with diseases that are disproportionately effecting those who engage in homosexuality.

(That means that I'm moving on Sandy and Art and don't want to turn this thread into one of your pagan gossip columns).

That means you, as usual, don't have any real evidence and having been called on the carpet for it now run away


New member
you might want to do some reading on the basics of <This space left intentionally blank> because you don't seem to understand the topic very well
You can go ahead and apply that to yourself for the following, substituting in biblical understanding or something like that:
...Paul specifically used the Greek word paraphysi here, which does not mean "to go against the law(s) of nature", that would be Ενάντια στο. Rather it means to engage in action(s) which is uncharacteristic or against the nature of that person or more simply an individual denying his/her true nature.

Paul is writing about heterosexual women and men who "exchange" or go against themselves and their normal/inborn orientation for same-sex activities. It's that abandoning that is being condemned
You're reading it wrong.


New member
Yes. Although let's not pretend that every choice is the same. I can choose an ice cream flavor, and I can choose to be a cold blooded thief, but they are not similar types of decisions, and they require different amounts and types of work to actually make.
Neither example is anything like the "choice" of an orientation.

You are talking about orientation as if it was only a characteristic of an individual. Sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others meaning it isn't just sex. It involves just who you are attracted to physically, sexually, emotionally and romantically just as it involves the establishment of long term intimate relationships and finding happiness and personal contentment in such relationships.

For me to even concede this small point, I'm going to need to see evidence that genetic multiples separated either at birth or very early on, also show the same correlation. Otherwise "nature" is confounded with "nurture." Is there such evidence ?

As a matter of fact there is such evidence. It can be found in several studies, the most famous of which is the Minnesota twin family study. The study looked at 137 pairs of twins separated shortly after birth and raised separately. There were four sets of twins in the study where both were homosexual.

If you believe that we are all along a continuum or spectrum, then why do you resist that we can not only change it, but choose to change it ?
lack of evidence


New member
You can go ahead and apply that to yourself for the following, substituting in biblical understanding or something like that:

No, you really don't have a grasp of the basics of genetics and it shows.

Eye color, for example, in identical twins does not have a 100% correspondence. Neither does blood type. But these things are still genetic.


New member
No, you really don't have a grasp of the basics of genetics and it shows.

Eye color, for example, in identical twins does not have a 100% correspondence. Neither does blood type. But these things are still genetic.
You could address the issue for once, the issue you raised and I responded to, instead of dishonestly trying to change the subject.

You're reading Romans 1 wrong. Respond.


New member
Neither example is anything like the "choice" of an orientation...
We do not all like dogs return to our own vomit. Some of us are just fine without it.
...You are talking about orientation as if it was only a characteristic of an individual. Sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others meaning it isn't just sex. It involves just who you are attracted to physically, sexually, emotionally and romantically...
I know.
...just as it involves the establishment of long term intimate relationships and finding happiness and personal contentment in such relationships...
It doesn't involve that at all.
...As a matter of fact there is such evidence. It can be found in several studies, the most famous of which is the Minnesota twin family study. The study looked at 137 pairs of twins separated shortly after birth and raised separately. There were four sets of twins in the study where both were homosexual...
That's a start. Four sets. If it were beyond a coincidence, it would show up in multiple studies and always 1 hundred percent correlation. Does it ? Is this study "the most famous" because it's only one that unequivocally proves your suggestion ? Think.
Try to look outside your own personal experience for evidence. You'll think better than you are now.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Where is it written that a society has to "put up with" unrighteous laws?

Under the Monarchial kingdom phase homos could be executed.

BwwCd? (But what would Caligula do?).

We are under the law of Christ which requires we follow the laws of the land. We can't not condemn the gayists because this would violate that law. We can stand up and vote against gayists but if the rulers make homo livin legal we have to live with it.

Again: Where is it written where a society has to put up with unrighteous laws?


As if those who engage in homosex don't have it bad enough already when it comes to disproportionately being afflicted with disease.

Homosexuality: If You Don’t Stop It, You Can Go Blind

March 12, 2015

By Bryan Fischer

Sobering excerpts from today’s Los Angeles Times:

“Public health officials across the West Coast are urging medical professionals to look out for cases of ocular syphilis – a sexually transmitted disease that can cause blindness – after two potential cases in Los Angeles recently.

“On Thursday, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued an advisory for primary and eye-care providers to look out for symptoms associated with the disease, which is usually a complication of primary or secondary syphilis infections.

“With more than a dozen cases – most of them among gay men– reported between Seattle and San Francisco and now potentially two in Southern California, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation is calling for medical professionals to do more.“

“These new cases … highlight the importance of ongoing, regular check-ups for sexually active individuals who feel they may be at risk, particularly men who have sex with men,” said AHF President Michael Weinstein in a statement.”

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/03/12/0900-homosexuality-if-you-dont-stop-it-you-can-go-blind/



New member
We do not all like dogs return to our own vomit. Some of us are just fine without it.
That says so much about you and nothing about anyone else.

you don't seem to

It doesn't involve that at all.
Since sexual orientation is an individuals enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes as well as a reference to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions - yes, yes it does involve that

That's a start. Four sets. If it were beyond a coincidence, it would show up in multiple studies and always 1 hundred percent correlation. Does it ? Is this study "the most famous" because it's only one that unequivocally proves your suggestion ? Think.

Speaking of being honest...

you wanted to see "evidence that genetic multiples separated either at birth or very early on, also show the same correlation."

Well, there is the evidence you asked for.

Further your statements about. "1 hundred percent correlation" Shows a faulty or inadequate knowledge of the workings of genetics. Again try to educate yourself on the subject. I can recommend some basic texts on genetics if you need them

And finally, its the most famous study because it is the most famous study

Try to look outside your own personal experience for evidence. You'll think better than you are now.
Personal experience?
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