Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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And I'm pretty certain that annatennedetti has seen so many scenes like this that it no longer "haunts" her:



like marbles on glass
Laugh it up you savages, laugh it up.

Anyone finding this forum for the first time and seeing your thread would wonder what the heck kind of bizarro world they'd wandered into. You and GFR - you two have no idea what you look like, I know. You take sober ideas and by the time you're done with them, they're caricatures.


New member
Sorry Al, but the M&J study had nothing to do with the APA stating that homosexuality was a mental disorder. It involved those that engaged in homosexual behavior who wanted to leave the lifestyle and desires behind. Many (over 50%) did.

(Yet another blow for the 'gay' gene crowd).
I didn't actually mention the APA this time aCW since they weren't actually leading public opinion, more following it, their nice gravy train was being taken away of course.

Face it aCW corrective therapy simply doesn't work, it actually does much more harm than good, while back in the day many homosexuals probably did think that perhaps they could be "cured" and could also escape from the persecution and discrimination by being "cured" and so went along with it.
Most of us know better today that no one is "cured" of their particular sexual orientation, neither then nor now.


New member
Anyone finding this forum for the first time and seeing your thread would wonder what the heck kind of bizarro world they'd wandered into. You and GFR - you two have no idea what you look like, I know. You take sober ideas and by the time you're done with them, they're caricatures.
I can't begin to imagine what you're talking about. :AMR1:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Laugh it up you savages, laugh it up.

Anyone finding this forum for the first time and seeing your thread would wonder what the heck kind of bizarro world they'd wandered into...

The "bizarro world" of the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, which for those that haven't been following this 3 part thread, will get a review of shortly.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sorry Al, but the M&J study had nothing to do with the APA stating that homosexuality was a mental disorder. It involved those that engaged in homosexual behavior who wanted to leave the lifestyle and desires behind. Many (over 50%) did.

(Yet another blow for the 'gay' gene crowd).

I didn't actually mention the APA this time aCW since they weren't actually leading public opinion, more following it, their nice gravy train was being taken away of course.

Face it aCW corrective therapy simply doesn't work, it actually does much more harm than good, while back in the day many homosexuals probably did think that perhaps they could be "cured" and could also escape from the persecution and discrimination by being "cured" and so went along with it.
Most of us know better today that no one is "cured" of their particular sexual orientation, neither then nor now.

How about the next time we talk about reparative therapy you be honest and start your sentence off like this Al:

"Based on my personal experience, corrective therapy simply didn't work..."

It's worked for thousands and thousands of others Al, keep trying until it works for you.


New member
That reminds me... :chuckle:
Thanks for reminding me: Deep down, he does love me. :)

(although i must admit, looking back at all those GIFs and rantings makes me ill:

How could I have behaved so?:confused: No wonder he thinks I am sociopathic.....

mayhap aCW really does deserve a medal for having put up with me for so long........... :think:

and kuddos to the moderators at TOL for not having banned me ages ago...... :think: )


Thanks for reminding me: Deep down, he does love me. :)

Knowing how mentally and spiritually sick you are, I would love to see you seek spiritual and psychological help.

(although i must admit, looking back at all those GIFs and rantings makes me ill:

(The real you came out in those posts).

How could I have behaved so?:confused: No wonder he thinks I am sociopathic.....

I'm appreciative that you shared part of the horror story that you went through as a child in this thread; I'm quite certain that had a lot to do with your mental instability.

mayhap aCW really does deserve a medal for having put up with me for so long........... :think:

Forego giving me a medal and seek out the help that you so desperately need.

and kuddos to the moderators at TOL for not having banned me ages ago...... :think: )

They're quite lenient towards those who are spiritually and morally lost. I'm pretty certain that they, like me, want the very best for you.
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And now a few words from the wise Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, who is once again showing how the homosexual and abortion movements are inseparable.

LaBarbera Statement on 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Decision Legalizing Abortion

Jan. 22, 2015

HRC, National LGBTQ Task Force and other homosexual groups work hand-in-hand with Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion lobby

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera issued the following statement on January 22, 2015–the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which, along with the companion case Doe v. Bolton, ushered in legalized abortion-on-demand as a privacy “right” across the United States:

“On this day marking the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we remember and memorialize the unborn victims of abortion-on-demand. We stand with Americans and people the world over who are working to stop the ongoing massacre of innocents made possible by this judicial travesty.

“Sadly, many pro-homosexual groups like Human Rights Campaign and the National LGBTQ Task Force also aggressively promote abortion ‘rights.’ Planned Parenthood, in addition to being the world’s biggest abortion provider, actively promotes homosexuality, bisexuality, gender confusion–and even sadomasochism–to young people.

“Ideas and laws–and unjust court decisions–have consequences, and today is a reminder that the Culture of Death and Disease takes an immense toll on humanity. We must continue to stand up for the most defenseless in society by working to stop abortion.”

Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH)




New member
How about the next time we talk about reparative therapy you be honest and start your sentence off like this Al:

"Based on my personal experience, corrective therapy simply didn't work..."

It's worked for thousands and thousands of others Al, keep trying until it works for you.
It's a bit rich you talking about being honest aCW since you show no signs of that ever becoming part of your MO any time soon. Your resorting to making stuff up is clear enough even here, but then making up stuff and dishonest spin is probably all you have anyway.

You are probably being even more dishonest with yourself and perhaps really have convinced yourself that all those "nasty" gay thoughts can all be dismissed by some applied determination, say by venting as a cultural warrior on a public forum? :idea:
You clearly do seem to have a need to keep focussed on fighting off gay thoughts else you just might just start accepting them?

This whole cultural warrior thing you have going on is perhaps entirely about your personal fight against your own innate nature? Your own personal "corrective therapy", which clearly doesn't seem to be working any better than all those quack others. :plain:


Dear everyone,

Kindly stop arguing in this magnificent blog thread.

Sorry, I meant to say malignant thread blog.


ACW, I'm just going to be making this one post on your thread, and that will be the end of it for me along with any associated ones on similar topics or other posts by yourself on the subject...

2 1/2 years later and you're still yapping away like a high strung poodle.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about the next time we talk about reparative therapy you be honest and start your sentence off like this Al:

"Based on my personal experience, corrective therapy simply didn't work..."

It's worked for thousands and thousands of others Al, keep trying until it works for you.

It's a bit rich you talking about being honest aCW since you show no signs of that ever becoming part of your MO any time soon. Your resorting to making stuff up is clear enough even here, but then making up stuff and dishonest spin is probably all you have anyway.

You are probably being even more dishonest with yourself and perhaps really have convinced yourself that all those "nasty" gay thoughts can all be dismissed by some applied determination, say by venting as a cultural warrior on a public forum? :idea:
You clearly do seem to have a need to keep focussed on fighting off gay thoughts else you just might just start accepting them?

This whole cultural warrior thing you have going on is perhaps entirely about your personal fight against your own innate nature? Your own personal "corrective therapy", which clearly doesn't seem to be working any better than all those quack others. :plain:

Just think of all the good you could do for mankind if you told the story of your life and what lead you to HATE God like you do. As one of the older people on TOL, think of the positive influence that you could have on homosexualists like GFR7, zoo22, Art Brain and WizardofOz.

The truth will set you free Al; be a man for once in your life and help lead others to freedom from the bondage of sexual depravation by helping them see the truth as well.
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