Who Here Chose To Be Heterosexual?


New member
How fragile do you think kids are? Or put another way, just how delicate a balance do you think human sexuality really is?
Around 3% of Americans have become so damaged that they think they are bi or homo at the current time.

This would be less of a concern if the homosexual issue was not the basis for 95% of the laws currently being passed against Christians practicing their religion.


New member
Hall of Fame
Around 3% of Americans have become so damaged that they think they are bi or homo at the current time.

So since you assume you're right...that makes you right.:chuckle:

Nifty trick.

This would be less of a concern if the homosexual issue was not the basis for 95% of the laws currently being passed against Christians practicing their religion.

Paranoid much, woman?


New member
Yes, I acknowledge it's [developing sexual attractions post-puberty? - Huckleberry] possible for some but I don't acknowledge that everyone can train themselves up to do the same.
I'm comfortable with this as a point of agreement. But if I understand you correctly, then I have to ask what was the point of the OP? You can see how this renders the original question irrelevant, yes?
When I heard about the woman marrying a Ferris wheel my first thought wasn't to wish them a long and happy life together but rather that she needed help. It turns out that the Ferris wheel symbolised a happy time in her life amid trauma and she was psychologically damaged - such can obviously impact on sexuality.
:think: :idunno: Dunno anything about ferris wheel lovin', so I'm just gonna leave that one alone.
Where it comes to fetishes then again, a fair amount can be connected to environment and psychological factors, for example gas masks/war etc.
Are we agreeing here? Do you agree the same rules applies for both sexual orientation and inanimate object fetishes?

Perhaps you should be objective enough to do the same and acknowledge that it's at least possible for people to be born with orientation pre-puberty? If you're not willing to do that then you're really in no position to lecture about objectivity or critical thinking here.
I don't see how that's possible, though. Nor have I ever seen anyone even make a serious attempt to explain the mechanics of such a thing. Insisting I accept that, especially considering zero evidence to illuminate the mechanics of it (that is, how that could possibly work) in order to claim objectivity...well, it seems to me that would establish I'm not objective at all. Quite the opposite.

Tell yah what, though. Explain how a human being can have the ability to even identify the opposite sex (or any sex...or anything...) prior to even being born and I'll admit orientation established prior to birth is at least possible. Consider especially that how we human beings identify gender by changes from generation to generation. Gender is, in large part, fashion.

I'm not arguing that sexuality isn't malleable even post puberty nor have ever done so.
Okay, so do you see how that renders the OP question irrelevant? What was your point in asking that then?

As it stands I identify as straight because it's only possible for me to be romantically/physically attracted to the opposite sex. It's not a choice, it simply is. Now, if something were to happen that deeply affected my psyche beyond control then who knows?
I think we agree more than we disagree. My whole issue was with the OP question and its relevance. Going by what you share of your beliefs here I don't see what you can honestly hope to establish with the OP.


New member
I think the question is who here chooses to be gay. We are born heterosexual.

For the record, I'm going to disagree. I say we are born sexual. The actual orientation develops later, during the years up to and into puberty. As a Christian the important point to me is that, were the world perfect, as God intended it to be, everyone would naturally develop a heterosexual orientation. The sad fact is, because the world isn't perfect, some of us do not. Because we, as a species, are pretty messed up.

Case in points, we're so messed up, our world and ourselves so polluted with sin, that some of us aren't even born sexual at all.

Like everything else...cancer, alcoholism, etc...it's no one's fault (though, arguably, humanity's collective fault...but that aside...). It's what you do about it that matters.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm comfortable with this as a point of agreement. But if I understand you correctly, then I have to ask what was the point of the OP? You can see how this renders the original question irrelevant, yes?

The point of the OP is to argue that orientation isn't a choice as oppose to some who appear to think it is. I could have titled it differently but that's the context.

:think: :idunno: Dunno anything about ferris wheel lovin', so I'm just gonna leave that one alone.
Are we agreeing here? Do you agree the same rules applies for both sexual orientation and inanimate object fetishes?

Well neither do I but I think with extreme cases like that there's something deeply psychologically rooted going on. Where it comes to fetishes/inanimate objects then ultimately you could argue that there's no chance from the most bizarre (Ferris wheels) to the commonplace (lingerie) although significant external factors are at work with the former I'd venture.

I don't see how that's possible, though. Nor have I ever seen anyone even make a serious attempt to explain the mechanics of such a thing. Insisting I accept that, especially considering zero evidence to illuminate the mechanics of it (that is, how that could possibly work) in order to claim objectivity...well, it seems to me that would establish I'm not objective at all. Quite the opposite.

Tell yah what, though. Explain how a human being can have the ability to even identify the opposite sex (or any sex...or anything...) prior to even being born and I'll admit orientation established prior to birth is at least possible. Consider especially that how we human beings identify gender by changes from generation to generation. Gender is, in large part, fashion.

Well, I get your point about not being able to identify but I would argue it's not actually necessary it's already innate. It's like someone being born a prodigy in a given field but never being subjected to that where it would come to fruition. The talent is still there, it just won't come to anything.

I don't by way of think that orientation is only established at puberty. The body develops sexually at that point but an attraction is already there before that, at least it is for anyone I've discussed it with. Fashion might change but the sexes are still easily distinguishable for the most part so I think you're exaggerating there.

Okay, so do you see how that renders the OP question irrelevant? What was your point in asking that then?

I think we agree more than we disagree. My whole issue was with the OP question and its relevance. Going by what you share of your beliefs here I don't see what you can honestly hope to establish with the OP.

Answered at the start.