What is the Gospel?


New member
What has? Salvation? Having one's sins forgiven? Eternal Life?

It seems all your arguments have been in vain then, haven't they?

I was rebutting this:

Moses was talking about law keeping.

Deut. 30:10 If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if thou turn unto the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul.


Ah, so you were rebutting yourself. Gotcha.

Thank you both. You've made my point for me. There are two parts to Jesus' salvation. The first part is a resurrection. The second part, I think, is entering His kingdom (or Canaan).

One way we can tell if Jesus sacrifice did any good for someone is if they are (will be) resurrected. Can you honestly say that some will NOT be resurrected? Who? Name just one.

Yet there are quite a few who will not enter His kingdom/Canaan. They will be left in outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, or they will be cast into the eternal fire (are those the same thing??)

Can we say, based on this, that those who claim Jesus' death is for every single person, and those that say Jesus' death is not efficacious for every single person, are both correct, despite the apparent contradiction in the statements?

And doesn't this make glorious sense of the rather "foolish" idea that mere belief can change one's status?

Look at it this way: To say that all will NOT be made alive (after death) is to put a different meaning on the word "alive" than is customary. I'm suggesting that isn't necessary, as scripture is clear that ALL will be made alive. But some will be resurrected to "life", and some will be resurrected to "damnation".

And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. [Jhn 5:29 KJV]

Jesus didn't just come to give "life", but to give it more abundantly (Jhn 10:10). We don't really want anybody to have that less abundant option, but some will, unfortunately. I don't think God does either--that's not what He predestined for man; but man chose otherwise.

That, in turn, means the Good News is for those who believe.

"No, perra, significa que Jesús murió por todos"



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You have included unbitten Israelites in the analogy. I was not referring to your assertion that such unbitten Israelites were not included in this way:
All Israelites were there, but the serpent on the pole was not for all of them, but only for the ones bitten.

Moses was not included in the healing from the serpent on the pole.
Therefore, the serpent on the pole was not for ALL Israelites, but only a portion of Israelites (the ones bitten).
Absolutely true.

You include them in the analogy to then claim that the bronze serpent was not raised up for them
So do you.
We both claim that the serpent on the pole was raised before all of Israel to see, but the healing was not for all of them, but only the ones bitten.
That alone should clue you into the fact that the serpent on the pole (representative of Jesus) was raised before all of Israel to see, but had no benefit to all of Israel, but only a portion.
And that alone should make you question why Moses had no need of healing from the serpent on the pole that represented Jesus on the cross.

- and so conclude that Jesus did not die for all
The serpent on the pole was not for ALL of the Israelites there, but only for a portion of ALL the Israelites there.
Moses was there, but Moses was not healed by the serpent on the pole.

but Jesus did not make them part of the analogy in the first place.
Of course He did. ALL the Israelites were there, but not ALL were healed.
There is no way this can be construed that it represented all of mankind, or all of anything for that matter, because the serpent on the pole did not heal all that it was raised up before, but only a portion.

Jesus gives a comparison:

Matthew 9:12-13
(12) But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
(13) But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Moses would be representative of one that was not sick (from serpent bite) and did not need healing (from the serpent on the pole).
One must determine why the snakes only bit some of Israel and not all.
But if a snake had of bitten him a day after the pole was raised up, the serpent on the pole was there for him.

Some, but not all, of the Israelites bitten died from the snake bites. (Who do they represent?)
Some, but not all, of the Israelites bitten were healed from the snake bites. (Who do they represent?)
Some, but not all, of the Israelites were not bitten and were in no need of healing. (Who do they represent?)

This is not a BOC thing, it is an Israel thing.


New member
Ah, so you were rebutting yourself. Gotcha.

I'm not following you.

Moses was a man of faith and would not have pursued the law as a way to righteousness.

Hebrews 11
24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the application of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.


. . . one of the few people that defended Catholic in doctrine people here...
What a surprise. Another narcissist. They're like flies on crap here.
is disgusted with your compromise to the clique...
Did Jesus die for all?


Does God’s Response to Man change because of Mans response to God?

No! He died for all!

Do all respond? Do all Love as He teaches? Do all love the lost like Him?


But ... Damn! He died for all Pedro!

Are you going to pop that head out? :idunno:
If your point isn't universalism, then what is it? :doh: Whoops, I keep forgetting, you're a narcissist. You're not interested in any truth that doesn't involve you being the hero. Or something like that.



Well-known member
I'm not following you.

Moses was a man of faith and would not have pursued the law as a way to righteousness.

Hebrews 11
24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. 25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. 27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the application of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel.

My goodness. Did Moses know this? :jawdrop:


What a surprise. Another narcissist. They're like flies on crap here.
If your point isn't universalism, then what is it? :doh: Whoops, I keep forgetting, you're a narcissist. You're not interested in any truth that doesn't involve you being the hero. Or something like that.


Jesus died with all humanity in mind, for all humanity. All are able to commune with God because God draws all, without being cutoff from those people by their sin, because Jesus Died/Atoned for their sin... (1 John 2:2, 1 Timothy 4:10) ...

Jesus died for all!

Now... do all accept what Jesus did?


Are all saved? Most likely not... do to free will response to the gospel.

Are all ressurected?


Are all resurrected to Eternal Life?


Did Jesus Die for all and become the Savior of All?

Yes (1 Timothy 4:10)

Does Jesus force people to accept His free gift of eternal life that He purchased for all men?

[MENTION=83]Nihilo[/MENTION] ...

Does God desire that none should be lost and all should be saved?

Did God make it possible for all men to be saved?

Does God Force all men to accept what He did for them?



New member
All Israelites were there, but the serpent on the pole was not for all of them, but only for the ones bitten.

Absolutely true.

So do you.
We both claim that the serpent on the pole was raised before all of Israel to see, but the healing was not for all of them, but only the ones bitten.
That alone should clue you into the fact that the serpent on the pole (representative of Jesus) was raised before all of Israel to see, but had no benefit to all of Israel, but only a portion.
And that alone should make you question why Moses had no need of healing from the serpent on the pole that represented Jesus on the cross.

The serpent on the pole was not for ALL of the Israelites there, but only for a portion of ALL the Israelites there.
Moses was there, but Moses was not healed by the serpent on the pole.

Of course He did. ALL the Israelites were there, but not ALL were healed.
There is no way this can be construed that it represented all of mankind, or all of anything for that matter, because the serpent on the pole did not heal all that it was raised up before, but only a portion.

Jesus gives a comparison:

Matthew 9:12-13
(12) But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
(13) But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Moses would be representative of one that was not sick (from serpent bite) and did not need healing (from the serpent on the pole).
One must determine why the snakes only bit some of Israel and not all.
But if a snake had of bitten him a day after the pole was raised up, the serpent on the pole was there for him.

Some, but not all, of the Israelites bitten died from the snake bites. (Who do they represent?)
Some, but not all, of the Israelites bitten were healed from the snake bites. (Who do they represent?)
Some, but not all, of the Israelites were not bitten and were in no need of healing. (Who do they represent?)

This is not a BOC thing, it is an Israel thing.

If one follows the logic of your argument and make unbitten Israelites part of Jesus's analogy then Jesus would be teaching that some men are without sin and do not need Him to save them.

Matthew 9:12-13 merely teaches that those who consider themselves not sick (even though they are Romans 3:23) are not those whom Jesus calls. Jesus was rebuking the self-righteous Pharisees.


If one follows the logic of your argument and make unbitten Israelites part of Jesus's analogy then Jesus would be teaching that some men are without sin and do not need Him to save them.

Matthew 9:12-13 merely teaches that those who consider themselves not sick (even though they are Romans 3:23) are not those whom Jesus calls. Jesus was rebuking the self-righteous Pharisees.

Despite Tambora’s upcoming recalcitrance to all scripture that fully, without refutation, supports your assertion and fully rebutts her false and deceitful rhetoric designed to undermine the scope of Christ’s death for all...

You just Truth Smacked a ToL “Truth Smacker”...

In other words...



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If one follows the logic of your argument and make unbitten Israelites part of Jesus's analogy then Jesus would be teaching that some men are without sin and do not need Him to save them.
You jump to the conclusion that they were bitten because they were sinners.
Since all men are sinners, all should have been bitten.
But all were not bitten.
Why were some not bitten?
Who do the ones not bitten represent?

Matthew 9:12-13 merely teaches that those who consider themselves not sick (even though they are Romans 3:23) are not those whom Jesus calls. Jesus was rebuking the self-righteous Pharisees.
Why do you add "consider" when it is not in the verse?????

The verse clearly says those that are not sick do not need healing.
Moses was not sick from a snake bite and needed no healing.

So, if 'being bitten' was suppose to be representative of sinners, and all of mankind are sinners, then Moses should have been bitten too.
But he wasn't.
Why was Moses not bitten?


Well-known member
Jesus died with all humanity in mind, for all humanity. All are able to commune with God because God draws all, without being cutoff from those people by their sin, because Jesus Died/Atoned for their sin... (1 John 2:2, 1 Timothy 4:10) ...

Jesus died for all!

Now... do all accept what Jesus did?


Are all saved? Most likely not... do to free will response to the gospel.

Are all ressurected?


Are all resurrected to Eternal Life?


Did Jesus Die for all and become the Savior of All?

Yes (1 Timothy 4:10)

Does Jesus force people to accept His free gift of eternal life that He purchased for all men?


[MENTION=83]Nihilo[/MENTION] ...

Does God desire that none should be lost and all should be saved?

Did God make it possible for all men to be saved?

Does God Force all men to accept what He did for them?


And the equivocation spelled out for all to see. Yes, but not really. Some but not all. :rotfl:


Well-known member
Despite Tambora’s upcoming recalcitrance to all scripture that fully, without refutation, supports your assertion and fully rebutts her false and deceitful rhetoric designed to undermine the scope of Christ’s death for all...

You just Truth Smacked a ToL “Truth Smacker”...

In other words...

Evil supports all those who bow to his will, and attacks all those who refuse.

This Sower of Discord should be cast down. Just like his father, the Devil.