Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Today's Word of Encouragment:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Saturday Morning Gazette​

Speaking of insinuated character assassination (aka gossip)...
Better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved telling a lie.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Attributed to Sigmund Freud,

While in the who's going to hell thread...
Would you agree that:

Justice is giving people what they deserve. And that, mercy is giving people less than they deserve?
No, I'd say mercy is giving someone what their actions don't merit. It is more, not less.

Because a good man would be roasted forever simply because he had no faith? I agree, sounds immoral to me.
No man has ever been separated from the good because he lacks faith, but because of the faith he chooses to invest in.

Then how could God be just and merciful?
I'd say how can God be just and loving and not be merciful? You have a contextual want.

A just God cannot be merciful.
Only problematic if you isolate the elements without reconciling them to one another. Or, to my mind grace is where the just nature of God meets the love of God.

Talked college ball with Nick...
If Florida State loses to Auburn I will get an "SEC RULES!" signature for you for one year.
And I thought Christmas day couldn't get any better. :chuckle:

Before SD was back with...
...God's word is true.
To be sure.

Too bad you don't believe it. :poly:
Too bad you believe that. :plain:

:think: You should consider macrame.

From the best selling, "My Life in the Dentist's Chair (subtitle: it's a gas)" by I.M. Stumped

As to:

Originally Posted by Town Heretic View Post
[I am convinced that we are saved by grace alone (Eph 2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:10), in Christ alone (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics deny this (Jude 11).] "...You should consider macramé."
Almost none of that attribution was written by me. It was almost entirely hers, except for the macrame line. I suppose she finds it hard to distinguish between other people's words and her own.

Took a little Q&A in the Christmas Pledge thread...
So, who won?
Everyone who held the line, entire or in part. TOL, on the whole. :D
And what's the prize? :D
Transfer tattoos, mostly. :plain:

Then, in the breakfast thread...
According to Mary Poppins babies can always talk to the animals, especially the birds. I love that thought!
It's true, but the conversation is mostly about eating and pooping, so who wants to listen in? :plain: :D

:wave2: Morning, everyone.

Worst GIF ever. :plain:

Then sunshine came calling again in, of all things, the positive thread...
"Sometimes the church needs division. Without division they cannot have multiplication." ~ Woodrow Kroll
Christ insulted a few people too, but with too many people that's where the resemblance ends.


Some people are their own worst irony.

"Your attitude toward the word of God is your attitude toward Jesus." ~ David Jeremiah
Your attitude toward others is your attitude toward grace.

...As you look in the Word, you become like what you look at.
And yet you seem to be a reader and look what it hasn't gotten you, gossiping and insulting and striving to divide the Body without warrant, scrambling to justify the unjustifiable. Looking isn't enough.

He wants to make you like the Lord Jesus Christ...
I wasn't blaming Him or His desire for your conduct.

Are you?

Tomorrow? Christmas dinner...long story. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Today's poster redux

Today's poster redux

DREAM more



TALK less

LOVE more

ARGUE less

HOPE more

FEAR less

RELAX more

WORRY less


DOUBT less

PLAY more

WORK less

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay...where were we?

The Monday Morning Gazette​

AB gave me a good platform for addressing works and salvation...
I'm not playing games. If a debt is paid on your behalf then it either is or it isn't. If you want to bring 'choice' into it then as much as you declare that others 'choose' hell then your own choice renders God's work either effective or not, no matter how *small* you might regard your own input.
Acceptance isn't a work, or every birthday present you ever received would end with you saying, "Look what we just gave me."

Without acceptance you don't get the gift, but there's nothing in accepting a gift that entitles you to it or fashions it, by way of.

Filled in a blank...

It was a dark and stormy __________________


Made a suggestion in the negative thread...
How do you feel about arrogant ignorance?
"I have no idea, peon/peasant," would be the only acceptable answer. :plain:

While in the "substitute bacon" thread...
Schindler's Bacon is probably a no go on so many I'll go hybrid...


Das Bacon

The Unbearable Lightness of Bacon

Dial "M" for Bacon
Were pretty good. :D

Then things got dicey in the new HOF members thread...
If it were an actual contest and not an exercise of appreciating those qualities in posters the Powers That Be like about themselves, I could see where your criticism has merit. As it is, the only way for someone like Nang to win a spot in the TOL HOF would be to compromise here beliefs, so the criticism--the "sour grapes," if you prefer--is justified.

You have no idea who else is in the Hall, right? :plain:

Wow. False teachings gets them into the hall of fame? Then I am proud to NOT be in it.
Seriously, does anyone not in the Hall know who's in it? :plain:

Speculated about intrigue with fool regarding a post herring entry in the POTY thread...
How did this happen?
:think: Possibilities?

1. He took a long nap.

2. That's the last time he remembered reading me.

3. It was rigged to hamstring me at the tape.


Tomorrow? :think: Breakfast.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Afternoon Gazette

Fooled around with the bacon/movie thread...
While You Were Bacon

Bacon in the Outfield

Field of Bacon

An Unfinished Bacon

Seems Like Old Bacon

Absence of Bacon

ET: the Extra (crispy) Terrestrial :plain:

Okay, that one was tangential.

Tried to take Tot up on his offer in the mission statement thread...
I am here to share
:think: What have you got?

Had a word or two with friend xAv...
... It doesn't take much reasoning to oppose most religions,
I'd go further and say it frequently doesn't take any.


...]I said you'd rarely oppose an anti-theist meaning that most religions as you say yourself, frequently and mostly don't require much effort to oppose or dismiss.
To suggest that anti theism is reducible to disagreement with the particulars of a religious perspective is in line with believing I oppose math because Johnny can't multiply his fractions properly.

Ran into ij in the HOF thread...
If like to nominate meshak. :)

Posted from the TOL App!
Then that makes two of you.

Posted from the floor! :smack:

While in the college football thread, tet was beside himself over A.J.'s mom's comments on the National Championship game interview with the latest Heisman winner...
That's just because you're a Yankee. She's from Alabama. English is a second language credit here. :plain:

Can't imagine what she would have said if it was Alabama that FSU had beaten.
You'll have to imagine it, because that's the only way FSU beats Alabama. :D

Offered a cautionary note to Pure's declarations about the faithful...
I think we rarely group people who differ with us into a collective in order to praise or even accurately portray them (simplifications rarely doing either)...and I'd say that when you say something like, "imagined authority of the Bible" you make yourself an authority fit to judge and declare their truth illusion and you nullify your own foundational complaint.

Then had to ask eamee what she/he was gonna do (extra credit inference pts available)...
I don't know how open minded I am;
That makes two of us. :D

I'm hoping some minds might be open to MY views :)
Then you're almost certainly a shoe-in for the Hall. It's only a matter of time. :D

On the other hand, "God" is so vast and beyond our knowledge that there is always room to learn more. But not by reverting to false beliefs.
I'd say any Christian who thinks he can encompass the mind of God hasn't read enough scripture on His nature, summed on the point by Isaiah 55:8 And I wonder at who gets to decide the issue of falsity and by what standard.

That said, I believe there is a great deal we can know about God through contemplation, reflection and relation. And that there is enough in that to frame a lifetime.

...if I didn't have some level of tolerance and acceptance of views other than my own, I probably wouldn't be able to post and read here at all. Most people here are pretty far afield from where I am.
It's a pretty big field, but as with any of them well used, you have to mind where you step.

Tomorrow? I'm not promising. :nono:


New member
The Thursday Afternoon Gazette

Fooled around with the bacon/movie thread...


Tried to take Tot up on his offer in the mission statement thread...

Had a word or two with friend xAv...



Ran into ij in the HOF thread...

While in the college football thread, tet was beside himself over A.J.'s mom's comments on the National Championship game interview with the latest Heisman winner...

Offered a cautionary note to Pure's declarations about the faithful...

Then had to ask eamee what she/he was gonna do (extra credit inference pts available)...

Tomorrow? I'm not promising. :nono:

I'm especially fond of those who listen politely, ask pertinent questions and add even a modicum of humor to the proceedings!
You qualify on all three!
Sometimes, even more than a modicum....

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
HIS? after all this time? he calls me his?
It's my fault you have a unisex user name? :chuckle: Half the people here I couldn't tell you what their gender was (a couple might be iffy in the flesh :shocked:).

But I'll note and keep it in my noggin from here on out. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Gazette

Answered the age old question...
If I was drunk could I do this? :juggle:
:think: I think you'd have to be drunk to want to.

Speculated with Stripe...
...I insist that it is possible to correctly say "right" or "wrong" for every scenario.
Unless you have a horrible stutter.

It's also easy to say Aardvark, though most people tend to misspell it.

And in the mission statement thread, with Stux...
Lawyers appear to be cursed by God within their "own" faculties.
In the sense that a professional athlete is cursed by God within his own physicality.

While still finding time to answer kmo's ethical inquiry...
Right or wrong in a moral sense?
I might eat Chinese food for dinner. Can that be declared right or wrong?
Depends on the tip. :plain:

Then in the HOF thread Angel almost single handedly invited a serious signature line revision by someone...
Congrats to the five


Thank you
Aha! So you're saying the other four are sock puppets. :think: Well played.

And I began a conversation with meshak that might end with someone breaking a hip...
You see it is cowardly of me to keep silent speaking against majority's practice which is so wrong.
Whereas it's incredibly brave to disagree with a large number of people from a position of relative anonymity on an internet forum...with your fingers in your ears? :plain:

Tomorrow? A fifty percent chance of rainee. :rain: :eek: