Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Sunday

Over in one of the Trump threads...
You can't make this stuff up...
Winner of the "What title will never grace the cover of Trump's presidential memoirs?" contest. :first:

Then it was time for the "Moooooom, everyone is doing it" Jeff Sessions protection attempt, even if...
So must is suggesting that forgetting a meeting you had three years ago along with a number of other legislators is on par with evasion about a one on one while under oath within how many days of an actual meeting? :chuckle: And they say the right has no sense of humor.

And file this under water finding its level...
[omitted juvenile GIF] Reaction shot of Town Hole, Banana, et al.
And that kids, is what someone does when reason fails them. Town Hole--and they said the right lacks humor, well score one for them.

Speaking of...
I honestly couldn't read past your second comment.
That's what honesty looks like on you? Thanks. I've been wondering.

You see I get rather bored, easily.
You finally get the perfect place for a comma and you don't use it. :plain: So it's like reason and your posts then.

Then PJ said...
Trump's sanity is rock solid, beyond reproach.
Does he have a certificate? Because the last president had a birth certificate and your guy kept asking the question.

Why don't we investigate who Hitlery met with and communicated with during her weak campaign, and investigate all of her staffers for the same thing -
Wait...didn't you vote for the guy who got around three million fewer votes than her weak campaign?

Whatever you do, don't sink your money into that product. Turns out no one is buying.

Tried to help Cruc with a little math problem...
What's racially motivated is treating white people like they are stupid- black people kill us at a double rate than we kill them, and at that a lot of our motivation in killing them is in self preservation.
If you're black and you throw darts into a room where 6 out of 10 people are white you're going to hit more white people. And if you're white and throw the same dart you're mostly going to hit white people.

While back on the nonsense as usual front...

I don't read anything beyond one of your sentences.
A man has to know his limits. :think: Maybe if you rested in between you could manage it.

But it did make the next funnier...
The points you're "Trying" to make, don't have what it takes to restore any respect,
How would you know?

You're not displaying anything worthwhile.
You are to objective judgement what Bela Lugosi was to slapstick.

However, I'll give you a point for attempting to earn my respect no matter how WEAK your comments are. Keep working hard, you might find someone to admire what you have to offer?
The only thing more important than that to me is---everything else. So I can't thank you enough, unless I thank you. Then I've overdone it. :plain:

Found time for a couple of One Sentence Movie Reviews...
Arrival: Abbot and Costello meet the aliens, in a surprisingly creative narrative. :D

The Great Wall: if you saw it, which was longer?

Came up with a game for Cruc et al...
High IQ and antisemitism are very well correlated,
Let's look at the clearer picture. I give you Woodrow Wilson.
Born in Virginia.
Reared in Augusta, Georgia and Columbia, South Carolina.
Earned his doctorate in political science at Johns Hopkins University.
President of Princeton University.
Governor of New Jersey.
President of the United States.

Now one of those descriptions is out of chronological order. When you understand which it is and where it fits you'll understand the want of causality between intellectualism and racism, and the tragic role of environment in stunting our humanity.

Coming to a decent ending point as Cruc attempted to defend the indefensible...

There's only one reason why these sort of arguments exist only in places like Mensa
Because they're a lot smarter than you are? I'm kidding. I wasn't really asking.

It is an historical fact that societies prosper far better without a multicultural agenda
You could as easily and errantly declare that Western civilization only works when it's run by white Europeans. And you'd be making a similar mistake that you won't catch.

Put your tin foil hat on if you think Brexit and the Trump election was out of some white nationalist uprising
Of course it wasn't. Now confuse your own point:

- it was out of them desiring to free themselves from the stigma you all lay on white people.
That was funny. Do it again.

It's just like liberals to make EVERYTHING racist.
No, but it's like you to go from false premise to false conclusion in a rush.

Tomorrow? The insidious kudzu of racism and calling a spade a spade... :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Wednesday

Tam made a contextual mistake in assumption that I'd bet any number of good people would and so I took a long, serious look in response. I'll put most of it in spoilers due to the length and the nature of this thread...
[White people] have done more.
Wait, you were serious? :plain:

In a way it makes sense. I mean, unless you were naturally skeptical and curious the chances are you were fed broad stroke, Eurocentric history lessons that largely left out significant in-culture contributions of minorities and relegated other contributions to near foot note status.

Could be because of opportunity, or sheer numbers, or any number of reasons.
Like that. The assumption that it's an unquestionable fact, that all we have to understand is why it is a fact.

But if you felt objectively compelled to think of world accomplishments in racial terms and weren't rooted in the histories of the latest victor, so to speak, you might come away thinking of whites as a people largely adept at integrating and improving the ideas of others, of building successfully upon them as much as anything else...Law, the foundation of meaningful civilization, begins with Hammurabi's code. Mathematics, science, medicine, irrigation, music, writing, novels, paper, ink, the compass all found their origin elsewhere.


The fact is that civilization itself begins and flourishes without white Europeans. Not that any number of noteworthy advancements weren't born in the cradle of Western civilization, but it's really one great story among many. Those of us who were born into it should understand that much of its success is found in the natural tide of history. When the West was rising it was in a position to pull together a number of developing and great ideas and use them to anchor its own rise in a way that was going to safeguard a degree of longevity and success. Luck of the draw, to some extent. You conquer most of the known world you get most of what it knows to make use of. In the day of the West, that has been some draw.

Apparently you do. And apparently you are disgusted with whites that had black slaves.
You certainly bring up color every time you talk about slavery.
Why not just say slaves and slaves owners instead of blacks and whites if you see all people as just people
This is sort of a non-issue though, when you think about it. Race is artificial and a goofy way to view people, but it's a perfectly legitimate way to view the way people have viewed people and its impact.

Or, once upon a time in the South (and elsewhere, but we made it a near art form) people were viewed, discussed, and their rights or social status was impacted by their "blood", by which was meant the interracial heritage. You can speak about it and to it and its impact without sharing the values and intellectual distortions that marked it..

Do you need one on Africa before there even was a deep south?
Or any part of the world for that matter.
You'll be hard pressed to find a history of any color that did not enslave other humans.
True enough. One of the things that makes us different is that we threw off the horror of that practice as a young nation, a nation that understood how much of its vitality, wealth and power had been forged on the anvil of slavery. It made us approach it differently even as the institutionalized mindset that made it possible threw obstacles in the path of meaningful address at every point of even though we knew better, we allowed portions of the evil to exist beyond the fact of slavery, impacting generations of black children, their rights and opportunities, allowed a mindset to develop in any number of ways, so that it wasn't that long ago the thought of a black quarterback was unthinkable. Not illegal, of course, but seriously (it went).

So we're nearer to the harm, both ugly root and profit of slavery and the palpable denial of right and consequential harm that followed it, even as a matter of law, within the living memory of much of our compact, nearer than the examples those who don't like that reality tend to bring up. That everyone did it and we can't address (or don't seek to) the wrong is no real answer to the immediacy of what our compact did and how it profited by it. And if we cite the plight of our distant ancestors in equally distant times it's not objectively the same thing, not of the same moment as the sons of those alive who were denied some essential part of their humanity.

Why is it that only the white masters of black slaves in the deep south are so horrible to you?
I'm pretty sure he'd be as vocally opposed to the race riots in the north and elsewhere. It's easier to see and address it in the South, because we had the bloodiest hands in.

GM observed...
Libs desire a Socialist country. If the forefathers of this country could only catch a glimpse of these Morons, they'd go into shock.
Maybe, after they got over women having rights and black people living free and in their neighborhoods. So it might take a while for them to get to your chosen umbrage.

Then CL asked...
Do you understand the difference between an honest mistake due to rushing a story out and deliberately constructing a story shows intention is to mislead and create a narrative rather than inform?
Sure. When you misrepresent facts that can be checked easily enough you're not making an honest mistake.

Ran into chrys having a conversation over his fence...
Today is International Women's Day. :)
you can't live with em
you can't live without em
You should save that for International Men's Day in November. :eek:
Is Transgender Day only in a leap year?

It was too soon, wasn't it. :plain: It felt a little "soon-ish".

Someone posted a classic study on the impact of bias insinuated into a social group...
Classic manipulative brainwashing on children that believe almost anything an authoritative adult tells them.
That's what social pressure manages and whole societies respond like those children.

I have never in my life felt inferior or superior to anyone.
While I'd bet most people have felt both of those at some point in their lives, you're actually relating what the average white person is probably comfortable believing. It's not the message that has gone out into the minority communities for generations, but it's the inheritance of the average white kid. The impact of that is profound.

So that little stunt in that classroom would have never worked on me.
A version of it already has.

There was GM with another endsight (yes)...
Liberals have fewer brain cells and less gray matter.
Right wingers confuse declaration with information.

So Must said...
The Left never denounced the dozens of BushChimpyHitler gif's of Bush as a monkey. Yet when someone applied the same to Obama, SUDDENLY it was racist.
The Hitler bit you get on both sides in just about any presidency. The chimp bit was to mock Bush's intelligence. It's a low attack, but it isn't racist in nature. When you use the imagery with a black man or woman you have to understand the linkage, the history of that use. That's where it draws its power. To pretend otherwise in an effort to produce a strained hypocrisy that isn't actually in evidence (unless the leftist in question is normally outraged about low method) is simply unreasonable.

Which tells you how the Left has actually viewed black people all along: as advanced but subhuman primates.
...You're like someone suggesting that to drop the N bomb on a white guy must be just as insulting as it would be to a black man and for the same reason. You don't believe that yourself.

Their outrage tells you there's an element of truth in it for them.
An olde but still a vitally incongruous and intellectually bankrupt "argument". The outrageous sparks outrage. It doesn't imply anything more.

Black people really aren't fully human; if they were, they'd be afforded the dignity of receiving and refuting stupid, dehumanizing, self-evidently false insults all on their own.
Acts that should shock our conscience don't belong singularly to the victim because what we say or do about it (or fail to say or do) reflects on us and on the society we value.

And from out of left/right field...
I have German ancestry, should I be called a "German-American?"
Sure. We have Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans falling out of trees. And given the historic persecution of the German peoples...I mean, given the historic persecution by the German peoples I can understand your need to identify.

Then Tam opened up another interesting point on the heels of my speaking to the impact of bias...
I would say it's darn near impossible to know what something feels like that you have never experienced.
But it's not hard to empathize with anyone who suffers an injustice, or a hurt. We share a common human experience that should inform us sufficiently, once we identify with the object of our consideration.

I don't know why anyone would even spend their time trying to imagine themselves in some morbid situation. That seems like a very unintelligent thing to do, not to mention unhealthy. One can tell when another is hurting without having to experience the same hurt.
I'd say you don't have to be crucified to appreciate the Passion, or morbid to consider it and its impact. And you don't have to be a victim of a particular crime to empathize with those who are, or walk about chastising yourself to appreciate injustice.

It's just stupid to try and lay a guilt trip on today"s generation for something their ancestors did.
I don't have to feel the least guilt to feel empathy. I don't have to believe myself a perpetrator of injustice to recognize injustice. .

And then there was...
Once more I couldn't finish reading
If you had as much trouble reading it as you do providing meaningful responses I'm just surprised to see actual letters. :thumb:

You see, I'm easily bored. I find you somewhat uninteresting.
It's probably all the reading you aren't doing. :plain:

Ending a more serious Wrap with a question worth pondering...
...Tell us, how many years have to pass for the time American practiced slavery to be considered no longer relevant to today????????
The first mistake you're making in that is assuming the subject is slavery. Slavery begot the bastard child of institutionalized racism that denied essential right for another hundred years or so here as a matter of law, which gave way to the purely social but ever so potent form and influence that continued after. How long will it take to clean that up? I don't know....What I'm pretty sure of is this: you don't eradicate something that insinuated into the fabric of society within the lifetime of people who directly experienced some of the worst it had to offer. If anyone thinks otherwise I'd suggest they're staggeringly naive.

Cruc added his plugged nickle...
I've been an open book about what I see and I think of the Jews- not individually, but collectively.
You're like Faulkner's Southern racist who hates the race and loves the individual.

He's still a racist though.

Tomorrow? A regular fixture here spontaneously combusts, is put out and keeps combusting anyway. :plain: Among other things.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Thursday

And yet another back to back Wrap begins with...math? :mmph: After GM made an outrageous claim about blacks and the prison system, CS tried his best to hold the threads together...

Not quite 70%. It may have been 1 in 6 in 2001, but over their lifespan, 1 in 3 will be incarcerated at some point in their life.
That would move it from roughly 17% in 2001 to an alarming 33% in present day, if that estimation holds true. Which would be a wee bit short of the 70%. In the same way GM is a wee bit short of reasoned or fair in the attempt.

Elsewhere, PJ advanced...
Trump has no connections to his businesses now.
Well, let's all just agree he's untethered and leave it at that.

Then GM let out a segregated howdy...

Good morning to all who are not, Town Heretic.
Eerie how he knew I wouldn't be here until after noon.

A Bruti felt obliged to...
After noon to all those that are not TH...
Well, that's a cruel parody... a bit like British orthodonture then. :eek:

Leading to a surly exchange the likes of which TOL rarely which I mean it was mostly coherent, lacking profanity, and generally good natured...
And to think
Shhh, you're going to scare the children.

I was going to wish you a good evening instead...
Really? You'd think if you were going to use a wish you might aim higher.


Before the departed one decided to tie his gender issues in with his racial and political issues and the rails were sparking...
I got into this stupid argument last night with a black girl I knew back in high school. She's been on my FB for years and we don't regularly talk, but she made this post demonizing Trump and talking about BLM- and when I responded to it, you can figure what happened next :chuckle: She acted EXACTLY as you see them act when they are on the streets 'protesting'- completely irate, loud and obnoxious, impossible to have any discourse with..
See, your rich fantasy life aside, you can't really do much of that on FB. It's all mostly just typing a lot. :plain:

because they know that they are perpetuating a fake agenda.
They women or they black? I want to keep your prejudice as accurately categorized as is possible.

They don't want to hear the sound of reason :rolleyes:
Or maybe just you...

But this what these so called movements do to people, they turn others into blithering idiots what think they are victims.
You're half right...if not the half you mean.

And GM, continuing...
You really need to put forth more effort. I find your absence of true wit somewhat disconcerting. Ah, if only you could see the truth about yourself.
You should write a book about it, self-publish that book, write rave reviews about it (you've had enough practice).

Then you should buy every copy so you can tell us it sold out.

That sort of thing. :plain:

Exhanged a notional fit to print...
In fairness it was a market move. Their old campaign, "The New York Times, sometimes we nail it!" wasn't getting the hoped for results.

While in the phrase plays thread...
How do you spell relief?
If you're a Republican it's spelled EC.

Then a flaming horse came crashing through the barn door with...
Originally Posted by GoodbyeTOL
you're a bunch of [redacted profanity] hyporcites and after the past couple weeks of being unwarrantly banned and attempting to nonetheless be cool about it I AM DONE.

And again...
Originally Posted by goodbyetol2 I came back
I think you have to actually leave first.

I'm kind of relieved, really
Any idea when you'll stop relieving yourself around here?

it's no wonder this site so rarely sees anyone new for any length of time
You think you're new? :plain:

Tomorrow? Mara Dacha, GM strikes (out) again, and life beyond the gates...
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And now for an unheard of 3 for 3:

The Wrap
on Friday

Contemplating anna's thread noting a few of the more recent shenanigans (if that is the Latin for gaffs...or grafts)...
Somewhere in the dim distance the ghosts of the Grant administration are beginning to uncork their champagne.

When along came one snider and sat down beside himself...
I only wish you were as humorous as you think you aren't.
That was nearly as funny as you thought it wasn't.

Thanks. I succeed, whereas, TH fails. That's the name of that tune.
If repetition elevated material that theme of yours would be our national anthem.

FAIL! Once again you have failed miserably. Keep trying, though, you may someday create something halfway decent? Although, I highly doubt what I just said.
You and the rest of the thinking world.

Of course, that would exclude you.
That was funny on two levels. Sadly, neither was intended. :plain:

Which had anna chiding...
You know you're interrupting the Grosnick Marowbe show - 380 posts
Is that his average response total between one of mine or a running number?

and still ploughing through the pixels like a boring machine. The most incredible boring machine I've ever seen, as a matter of fact...
What he lacks in imagination, humor, or moment he more than makes up for in...ho-boy...volume? :think:

And GM attempting a rally with...
Hey, Anna, "The surest way to failure is to try and please everyone." Remember that, Anna.
Well, his own posts are the best argument against that one. :plain:

A lovely park sign from Japan read:
Do not disturb. Tiny grass is dreaming.

Meanwhile, canned worms were crawling all over the place relating to the Obama wiretap claims...
Why should you? (believe anyone)
I didn't say I did. To walk you through this:

1. You brought the quote up, ostensibly because you believed it (the allegation by former Judge and current Fox affiliated Napolitano that unnamed sources in the intelligence community were pointing to the former president enlisting British intelligence in tapping Trump) .

2. Anna offered a rejection by the (British) government named (by Nap as co-conspirator). Which at best put your bit in stalemate.

3. You asserted the limited option that Nap lied (as the only alternative, the ol believe the honorable judge or a gov. trying to cover attempt by you).

4. I noted your overlooking another, that he had bad intel.

5. You affirmed your initial position, starting the circle over again. :plain:

But there remain three options: Nap got bad intel, Nap and his source(s) are correct and a man who wasn't up for reelection broke laws to keep an eye on a guy no one thought was going to amount to anything by colluding with the British Secret Service, or it's a load of hooey.

Now Nixon proved that anything is possible, but the Right has gone on and on about how blindsided the Dems and media were by Trump's success. Well, that argues for hooey, not worry

Leaving kmo to wonder...
I'm certainly interested in how this pans out. :think:
Like a Chiefs season, I'm thinking. First it gets your attention and you think, "That could turn into something."

Then a little time goes by, things start to break down, fingers point.

Before you know it you're wondering why you thought that to begin with...and if the guy calling the signals is always going to be the problem for your team.

Then, when someone mentioned other internet sites while discussing a technical difficulty, fool seized the day...
What are these "Other Sites" you speak of?
Amazon....Ebay. :plain:

Tomorrow? :think: A seventh inning stretch that doesn't involve politics. :plain: And buckets of buttery sunshine.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Saturday Night

So GM sounded...
In a "Perfect World" Muslims wouldn't be allowed into the U.S.
In a perfect world you wouldn't have internet access.

Then, looking at the "hard cuts" Trump was proposing in his budgets to cut out unnecessary spending I couldn't help notice...
Cost of security for Trump Tower: $183 million/year

Budget for National Endowment Arts/Humanities: $148 million/year

Led CS to water on the former Fox regular and judge's comments about British intelligence and Obama wire tapping, but...
This shows nap lied how?
Here's how rational people approach serious charges of any sort. They look for proof, evidence to support the claim and an argument that makes the claim reasonable. When Nap's own news agency doesn't support his claims and pulls him from the air, when the president makes repeated claims but provides no proof, and when pressed points back to Fox News, when agencies that comment say they have no reason to support it, a reasonable person doesn't say, "Well, I guess it could be true then. We just don't know." A reasonable person says, "Well, until there's actual proof it's not much more than a loud rumor and there's no reason to give it any credence."

Man oh man you did it again. I got through just ONE of your sentences and had to EGGNORE the rest. In the future, how about just posting one sentence when you're attempting to communicate with me? Liberals inspire me to only read one of their sentences then, I get bored.

A word to the wise is sufficient.
But apparently anything past a sentence to the foolish is wasted.

Anna said of the Nunes business...
Yep. Nunes really raised eyebrows by running over to the White house with what's already known to have been legally collected under FISA authority, and in the process really shows why they need a special prosecutor.
The hardest working people in Washington, Trump defenders. On the plus side it might keep them from doing their business in Congress (either). :)

True story...
Trump’s lawyers go after teen who made a cat website - New York Post

Because nothing says, "I'm the most powerful man on earth and I have my personal thing together," quite like sending lawyers after a 17 year old girl's website where people can use cat paws to smack your image.

Cruc was back with, well, it's hard to say exactly...
You're the infant you beat your drum to.
It looks like English, but it reads like drunken Greek.

Your media is stupid, stop informing us with their nonsense
I don't believe there's any real danger of anyone informing you. :plain:

So CS asked...
The population of Muslims that support terrorism is supposed to be low as we are told by liberals and the globalist leaders of Europe and America. It is certainly high among Facebook users who were online at the time of the attacks.

Can anybody see why we are reluctant to let these monsters into our country?
Sure, because you don't understand how to fashion an objective rule and distinguish it from anecdotal support for the bias that moves you to assume.

Glory just kept chumming along...
I've known lawyers who were not high-minded and condescending, so I don't think he can use that as an excuse.
High minded is typically used to note strong moral value or principle and condescension tends to be a good bit like beauty. Your problem, again, is that you're incapable of valuing any opinion that you don't share or originate and if the issue is important to you that approach extends to the person holding it. That's what devalues both your regard and critique. That's what made your exchange with Cruc's shadow funny. You two deciding if you liked one another by virtue of that litmus.

Tam weighed in on legal matters with...
Lawyers are meant to go strictly by law, and not justice.
Rather, when lawyers do their duty before the law it is in the service of justice.

Justice is blind when it comes to the law.
That's a perversion of the idiom. What "Justice is blind" means is that she is blind to power and its influence. All men stand equal in right and presumption before her and the law.

GM decided to be heard on the matter...
You'll not find "True Justice" in the courts of this world.
Of course not. True justice would be for the victim to be put in exactly the place and state they would have found themselves but for the actions of the wrong doer. No earthly court can give you that. All a court can do is punish the violator and attempt to make the injured party whole again. It's necessarily imperfect.

Garbage like "Plea deals" for maniacs who murder people thereby, getting off with a light sentence isn't justice.
The reason for plea deals is simple, certain punishment in uncertain outcomes and because it would take a great deal more of a tax bite out of the average citizen to fund the alternative. What maniac murderer were you thinking of who got off with a light sentence and by what standard?

Here's a pretty good treatment on the subject from the Californian Law Review for you to ignore. :)

But not to listen or consider, of course...
As usual, I only read your first sentence and ignored the rest.
Don't sell yourself short, you ignore a lot more than that.

I was merely making a comment regarding my contempt for Defense Lawyers.
A lot of people feel that way until they're falsely accused of a crime. It's an especially common sentiment among people who get their understanding of the law from tv. :plain:

Like you, everyone else has a right to their opinions
Like the guy who is sure aliens are reading his thoughts.

Tomorrow? I'm going to church. I hope you do too. :e4e:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Thursday

GM ably illustrated why no man alive can examine a thing with the depth he possesses...
I "suppose" to YOUR way of thinking, lacking in imagination and discernment, it would appear that way.
I'd contest the imagination part of your self-evaluation, but given your use of discernment as a descriptive I'm forced to concede the point. :)

Before talking turkey and government cheese with CS...
Criticizing government charity doesn't need justification.
Any rational criticism requires justification. So it depends on whether you mean to be taken seriously or simply rant.

If you want to really help the poor, government is the worst way to do it.
That's a thesis in need of support. In fact, Medicare alone would be a fine rebuttal. The NIH would be another.

Got into the beginning of an interesting conversation on the justice system with JR, but then Stripe closed his thread...
If we had an actual "Justice" system, we wouldn't need either of them.
Heck, in some places all you need is a mob and a rope, but outside of the literal judgment of God I think you're wrong.

Yet case after case we see that "justice" is rarely served, only a cheap imitation of it.
We really don't, which is why most cases stand on appeal.

Juries are also not needed in an actual Justice system. They make it so that no one is held accountable for their decision, meaning no one is obligated to make a good decision.
No, juries make it less likely that you'll pay for the bias or well intentioned mistake of one judge.

When you have over 100,000 cases in a year in federal court alone, you're going to easily find examples where the verdict is arguable. That's why we have a system of appeals. But you don't establish the rule by anecdote. The vast majority of cases brought before the bar end with an outcome that remains. And most appeals end with the outcome sustained.

Tam started a thread decrying liberal censorship without applying enough of her own...
It looks as though youtube has gone full blown to the liberal side.
Not only deleting videos from accounts, but also tracking who has downloaded these deleted videos and freezing their accounts.
Or maybe, unlike CNN, he has a tendency to do what he did in this video and drop an off handed F bomb. And thanks for linking to this, because my son heard that one drop.

Leading, as you'd expect of a Christian and someone who respects the rules of the joint, to the immediate withdraw of the offensive material and an apology for the error...
Poor little feller needs a daddy that checks out videos before playing them when his little son is around.

Well, the next one then...
Liberals love to blame others for what they allowed their own children to hear.

I mean...any ol time...
It's become a trend of the ones here to find anything about any video I post that they can gripe about other than the content of the point being made.

Hooboy...well, there's nothing like taking a little personal responsibility...and that, as the saying goes, was nothing like it.

Started a conversation with a guy about some odd notions he had regarding faith...
My basis for whether something is 'good' or not, is if it harms people emotionally and physically. For example, lacking empathy can inadvertently emotionally harm someone if I am talking to someone of faith or belief in a deity and could accidentally insult someone because of my ignorance to their faith.

Basically I believe that if someone needs, or requires some form of deity to instruct them on what is good and bad then they must have a very skewed perception of the world of which I don't really understand. And therefore in my mind cannot be a very good person. However thats just me.
So you aren't really that concerned about insulting people after all, are you. In fact, your closing is indistinguishable from most zealous proponents of any particular life philosophy. You don't believe as I do. You can't be a very good person...what you're demonstrating is something I've said for a very long time. Eliminate God from the dictionary and you won't eliminate the problems that people lay at His feet.

While Angel, who likes to talk about anna ignoring her while talking about but ignoring me...
[TH] didnt bother to watch it either. That makes it even funnier.
If presumption ever becomes a virtue you're going to immediately ascend. :plain:

Then glory showed up and the party really got under weight...
Well, you could help me, but you like yourself too much to eat a little humble pie once in awhile.
Even Sod has noted enjoying my self-depreciating humor. Or, I don't have to think that much of myself to think less of some ideas and practices...

When's the last time you had a slice? When's the last time you said something funny at the expense of yourself? [crickets thereafter on the point]

Actually, you'd be doing lots of people a favor. No one likes to listen to those who think too highly of themselves.
Then that's a mark in my favor, because on around six posts this month in Quixote's I've gotten working on four thousand views. My threads tend to do well. So if your above limtus holds true that's a decent indicator that you may be a wee bit blinkered on the point.

Then, on the question of humility she actually wrote...
I have to be....I'm not a scholar...I'm not a lawyer.
You're not humble either, but so what? Most people aren't. Psalmist was, bless him. He stood out around here like an aria at the county fair. The rest of us aren't that gifted.

....My kids turned out great in spite of me.
I think most good parents feel that way, so there's one for you. If you mean it you're probably good at it.

Cruc was back under a new username so naturally (if you listen to glory or CS) I savaged him with...
If black lives matter so much, BLM would be trying to do something about the overwhelming statistic involving black deaths.
What did you have in mind?

And if that wasn't bad enough I followed the next comment he made with...
But the don't, because it is a fake agenda so obvious that a liberal white person ought to just look like a jackass defending such a thing.
Seriously Cruc, you have a problem and this place isn't going to cure you.

Tomorrow? :think: A sequel? :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Saturday

Cruc, having exhausted the weight guessing portion of the program...
How many liberals look after the sick or needy on this site: 0

Liberals will help the poor so long as it isn't with their own money.
There's a liberal tax exemption on the long form, is there? :plain:

Heard from chrys, still counting down the days...
I see town was here looking for material
Nah, as long as Cruc can spell this thread is purely superfluous.

I saw the light on in your tower and wondered if it was on a timer.

Got dr wrong and moved on with a discussion of justice and law...
I wasn't insulting you. The law is justice, not force.
Sorry about the misread then. Mea culpa. Justice without strength is just an idea. So I'd say to be meaningful the law must be just and have the power to act in its defense.

They pay no attention to the constituency they serve.
Then the electorate should find new voices. So long as we have free elections the government and what it does is ours to shape.

2nd, how does one consent to anything? Other than to willingly allow someone to do something that is within their control. Fair?
You give consent by affirmation, participation, or by silence where a reasonable man would speak to object.

BTW, you didn't answer the question.
I just did.

CS decided to chime in and it had me thinking about what does and doesn't distinguish people...
And you think your different? Do you ever put your finger anywhere else other than pointing it?
Yes, CS, I do...

I think meeting a humorless insult with humor is different, can invite a different response and forces people to look at a thing differently than meeting it in kind. I think I'm different because I can compliment Glory on her parenting skills or rep GM on a point even though I know I'll never see more than an upturned nose from either of them. Because I can and do distinguish between the person I can't know and the conduct I can't condone. Because nothing would make me happier than seeing someone I'm disinclined to like bear beautiful fruit and I'd have no qualms in praising the outcome. I'm different because I can, have and do poke myself with that finger, a thing even Sod acknowledges, if only because it's his favorite (and likely the only thing he likes) about what I write. I'm different because I'm willing to consider a thing offered reasonably and rationally and invite it at any turn, as I did with you, like you or not.

I wish that I was Psalmist's kind of different. That was a man to model after, but I'm too inclined to fight, enjoy the joust too much to meet the world with his amiable and I think much more Christ like approach...something to shoot for though. In the fullness of time and with God what isn't possible that's worthwhile?

I think I'm different because I wouldn't do what you did among the atheists where I was championing the faith...And I think I'm different because I don't feel my way through the world, though I'm not unfeeling. If emotion contradicts reason then the emotion is suspect, because truth and any decent feeling are not and never will be at odds. And I'm different because my friendship and regard isn't predicated on agreement with an ideological litmus.

Is that difference better? It is to me. Does it make me better than the next fellow, than you or Glory? No, comparing our shabbiness among ourselves is nonsensical, which is why you keep missing with the condescension bit when you should be reading a level of incredulity coupled with a head shake, and even the arrogance assertion, if more understandable, misses the mark. I'm a Christian and a rationalist, it would be irrational to believe I'm better than anyone from within this context, pointless to play king of the hill on our dung heap of sin. We are distinguished by our differences and they speak to all sorts of things that have value, but ultimately either we are clothed in the love and forgiveness, the grace of God or we are not. Those who are cannot seriously squabble about their place at the table and those who aren't should invite compassion or at least pity.

Ultimately that's the only difference that matters and what we do with it, which likely means most of us should be ashamed more often than not around here, myself included.

Then what would a wrap be without...
I only wish you'd come up with something that would put a smile on everyone's face, instead of a grimace.
In fairness, all you have to do is log out, so your standard is a bit uneven.

Somewhere during your "Walk of Life," someone haphazardly told you that your jokes were a real "Knee slapper." Well, sorry to say, they gave you false hope.
Are you saying no one ever gave that to you or that you believed them when they did?

And God bless mom's everywhere.

One is either born with "WIT" or one is YOU.
We can't all be born with yours if we want the lights to stay on.

I'm only trying to point you in the right direction.
Then you're using the wrong finger.

See what I mean? You just gave a good example of yourself.
Yes, that was a good example, of myself. :plain: You are to insight what the Socrates was to break dancing.

Had a long bit with Yor on censorship, a couple of points following...
...Certainly some measures should be enacted to protect a country's citizens from jihad. But there is no rational reason to think this is from things Muslims say.
Which Muslims. As I point out from time to time...Most of the people who suffer at the hands of ISIS are Muslims who don't buy into their extremist party line.

You are overstating the opposition to speech by attaching it to a legitimate opposition to jihad.
No, I'm noting how censorship of ideas creeps into the acceptable by means of irrationality (all Muslims are and so we must) and fear.

...being anti-immigration is not censorship.
It is if the objection is because of the ideas and differences the target groups bring with them.

GM was back...
Yep! TH really needs to stay way from his own comparisons to others. It's just getting out of hand if you ask me.
But really, who in his right mind would do that? And of those who would, how many of them could actually speak English?

I've given it a few hours of thought and have come to the conclusion that, TH may have been comparing HIMSELF to the Philosopher Socrates. Quite an amusing thought, huh?
How quickly you cobble speculation into personal fact? Well, it's not The Honeymooners funny (to provide a reference you'll actually get), but it is funny.

I realize that TH thinks highly of himself and his many varied accomplishments in his, "Walk of Life" however, to actually compare himself to the great Philosopher seems to be a bit much.
Entirely too much. Made up even.

Before wrapping up with...
How many languages do you speak?
As many as I can write, which puts me at least one up on you. :)

Don't fool yourself, you're on the run.
Straight to Gulf Shores even. :D Though I'm having to wait on the family unit to get its act together.

Fortunately, you've given me a lot of practice on that account.

Tomorrow? Back to church for some, to school for others. Maybe a little of both for all of us couldn't hurt. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Overheard conversation between friends. The names have been altered to protect my memory.

Mike: speaks eloquently about friendship and loss and how distance and time can reduce contact, but not the feeling of closeness.

Bob: now that I'm old, I find comfort in the fact that I know exactly who I can count on and who are my true friends. And yeah, we may break plans 4/5 times but when we get together, it's like time stopped from the last time. That's priceless.

Dave: we should make time and call each other more. (speaks to life interrupting)

Barry: I just wanna fish and drink and run bull for a living, or be a rich electrician like Mike, or do whatever Bob does.

Bob: I sell oranges by the road.

Mike: I always wondered.


Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Wednesday

So there was Gm and...
TH is easily amused.
It's way too late to play the humble card now, GM. :nono:.

Asked PJ a question about his...
God doesn't create gays, they are created by society.
At what point do you stop saying "God created" as though He is directly determining the particulars of our birth? I ask because many children are born with catastrophic and fatal diseases, like incurable cancers. You aren't suggesting that's God's work, are you?

While in another thread (since deceased)...
Originally Posted by musterion Who are you?

I came for the show. Didn't know there'd be dancing or I'd have worn different shoes.

Some were outraged by a Brit rapist having an in prison sex change operation on the gov. dime, but to me...
I'd say any action that involves removing his weapon of choice is a step in the right direction.

Gm decided to crow over anna's absence...
You went and got yourself banned, huh?
So for a day she can match your relevance. :plain:

Would you "decipher" what you just said? Good luck.
Think of a grave. Now ask it a question. Same thing. :)

Speaking of...
You're not that guy who sits there and makes snarky comments throughout the entire movie, are you? Because I would get up and change seats to get away from someone like that. :eek:
Only to my friends. The problem is that they tend to laugh and that might be worse. :)

CS was printing the party line on Bannon's ouster, so...
“I was put on to ensure that it was de-operationalized. General McMaster has returned the NSC to its proper function".

Steve Bannon
That's what I said when I lost my job down at the Frosty Treat. :plain: :eek:

Except it was the FT, not the NSC. And it wasn't General McMaster, it was Bernard, the owner's son.

Then, because some jokes you just don't explain or if you have to have it then it wasn't for you...
?????? Not following you
I get that a lot. :)

Sometimes even people who do don't. And let me tell you, that can get pretty confusing. :think:

Before the master plan was revealed to all...
I was unmasking your post...
You thought that was masked? :plain:

Do you understand bannon was put there temporarily to get a specific job done?
No, and neither do you. I don't recall ever reading or seeing anywhere that Bannon's position was meant to be temporary going in. Where did you read or hear it?

He mumbled something about it being all the rage on conservative sites, so I asked for links to Trump speaking of Bannon as a limited engagement addressing operational matters...crickets so far.

And I'll wrap with the ever popular tortured protagonist effect...
When you are doing your usual rhetorical dishonest word trickery,
It was neither tricky nor dishonest, which is why you'll declare it, but never illustrate either.

it requires a little playing dumb to expose it for what it is.
Well, tell me when you stop playing and get to the second bit.

Tomorrow? Ice cream, lawyers, and Antonin Scalia points a spectral finger at the next presumptive Justice... :shocked: Stay tuned.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on S-a-tur-day

The passing of strict constructionist Gorsuch into the ranks of the S. Ct. had me remembering...
“No one should be a strict constructionist. That is stupid. Texts should not be interpreted strictly, they should be interpreted reasonably.” Antonin Scalia

Then fool had a few words for me...
Hang on a second there...The disparity in the EC is born mostly out of the fact that the Senate features two votes per state. The Senate is about to confirm a new Justice for life. Without the popular tempering of the House which is at least present in the EC. If you decry the disparity of the method of choosing the POTUS then you should be losing your mind over the disparity of confirming a JOTSCOTUS!
The Senate is largely controlled by lawyers, unlike the House. And when it comes to selecting justices that's not the worst idea. I don't want a jurist decided on a vote by people who aren't competent to rate the man or woman.

Which had GM wading in with his usual scathing social commentary...nah, it was about me again...
I'm almost certain you don't recognize the confusion you create. I mean you have to know that your sense of humor relies on your amazing ability to perform "inside Jokes" at rapid speed.
Quick, frequently referential humor aimed to give a chuckle to people with a broad education and cultural exposure. Sure. Though I also do pratfalls to mix it up. :)

I don't mean to put you down
So far so good. I omit the rest because it's predicated on a flawed premise, by which I mean your judgement.

Fool was back and in ill humor over my answer on the Senate...
Elitist much?
In exactly the same sense as you are when you need a specialist.

I point out that one person has 65 times more power than another and you say "But it usually works out".
No, I was noting that what typically happens is the president figures out who he wants and the Senate grills them, looks at their qualifications, and largely passes them through. It's not quite a fait accompli, but it's not far from it. Adding more politics into it won't guarantee a better outcome in what should really be a legal question, whereas the presidency is entirely a political, representative question. Different worlds inviting different approaches. I'm comfortable with a Senate largely comprised by peers of the Justice to be examining the prospective Jurist.

But there's no guarantee that the Senators are specialists so what you posit is not baked into the sauce in any way.
No, it isn't baked in any more than the president being a well connected, older white guy is, but it works out that way most of the time. In the meantime, if you have any ideas I'm interested.

On lesser appointed lights, like the Sec. of Defense (and who doesn't love secretaries?)
He serves for the rest of a lot of young soldiers lives.
He serves at the pleasure of the president. So if you want responsible there vote responsibly.

There's a perfect parallel, the rest of the Federal Judiciary. How can you posit that the Senate is a good judge because their "Mostly Lawyers" but over look the Judges who are actually........Judges.
It's also the same sort of thing, isn't it? I mean a different appointment, but the same sort of appointment and process on the same occupation, just a wrung below (yes).

You were gnashing at the bit to revisit the EC after a recent election.
If by gnashing you mean I wondered aloud if it was time to revisit the process, but wasn't convinced that it was...that sort of gnashing.

Why is the Senate disparity any less important now?
The president is a representative of the people. As such, I think it's important that he not be the runner up in that particular. Mostly he hasn't been, but lately it's been problematic.

How does being in the Senate make one a peer of the Justice?
It doesn't. Being a lawyer makes you a peer. And a majority of the Senate are just that and tend to be.

Sarah Palin was considered for a Senate seat.
It happens. A lot of people have considered her seat.

Meanwhile, having called me a sheep for thinking the worst of Bannon's release from the NSC...
Looking for a post of yours so I can show you the SPLC is not the aboveboard organization you claim. They violate tax law.
I haven't said a thing about the Southern Poverty Law Center on the point, though I've noted them in the past. I don't know how they are about paying their taxes. All sorts of people and organizations have gotten into trouble on the point.

What I asked for was a link and quotes to Trump noting Bannon as a temporary appointment to the NSC prior to his placement. You said it was all over conservative media outlets so you can imagine my surprise at how few (by which I mean any) you've produced so far. . . I mean, you had no problem reproducing the party line after the fact and lambasting me for your equally contrived MSM/sheep nonsense.

So did the post press release lead an actual sheep around by the nose or are you more than bluster and assumption? Produce the quotes. I'm always up for recognizing something I missed. All I need is the proof you said was all over your preferred media outlets at the time.


Lon stopped by with a general complaint and to commiserate over my initial problem with an acronym...
This kind of hurts on two levels 1) I don't get humor reps from you.....
Okay, three levels then :mmph:

I seldom get acronyms.
Not my forte either. I mostly prefer tree fortes.

Took exception to aCW's hystery lesson...
Regarding the supposed abuse of American Indians
No supposition involved. We have enough records of atrocities and deprivations on our part.

Prior to the settlers from Europe bringing Judeo-Christian doctrine, laws and culture to America, the American Indians were pagan savages that often times cannibalized infant babies, so save your liberal sob stories for someone who doesn't know better. I'd continue by talking about the kidnapping, brutal murder and enslavement of black Africans by other black Africans, but this politically incorrect article will cover that.
So a people who don't know of Christ behave like you'd expect while people who should know better don't and you think the problem is with the former? :plain:

There have been injustices done in our once great Christian nation since it's inception, but that doesn't make it's foundation (a nation whose rights come from God) any less worthy of praise. Great men, who like all men, are susceptible to sinful behavior are no less great because they on occasion gave into one or two.
You make it sound like someone passed gas at a funeral. A nation and founders who lay claim to God have a greater duty to evidence Him and to approach his standard of conduct in law, instead of institutionalizing national horrors that treated men as animals, women as objects, etc. and led to generations of needless suffering and death.

While Into reminded me why he's not on the ol friends list...
...God ultimately is responsible for who He puts in charge ...Obama was never a blip on the godly radar so I didn't vote for him. But scripture teaches that sometimes God puts even the vilest of men upon the throne which is why sometimes the democrats win. So yes, I was wrong, God intended for me to have that godless punk as my president for 8 years. I asked forgiveness.

However, I qualified for an Obama bailout on my mortgage where he forgave 100k of the principle and dropped my interest rate below 5%. So only owe 400k rather than 5. But I do not credit that black fool, I praise God that although the wicked reign I am in the care of the God of the universe.
As a rule, I find that people who feel the need to speak to the color of a man they're trashing have an issue on the point that probably has a good bit to do with the trashing to begin you might have asked God for forgiveness on the wrong count there.

Tomorrow? Selling yard work by the pound. That sort of thing. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Friday

CS decided to actually try to defend on...
I believed it was all over right wing media and in print. How is that lying.
You're missing an important point: why?

Why would you believe it, not having actually read or heard it?

Why would you believe it so strongly that not only did you assert it, but asserted it was "all over" right wing media?

Why did you feel so strongly that you could assert it and insult me for not "knowing" what wasn't there to be known?

There's really not a good answer to that, is there. I have been mistaken on inference before, gotten facts wrong. It happens to all of us. People recalling an accident will get all sorts of details wrong.

They don't, however, tend to get the fact that there was an accident wrong.

The old slippery moral slope to legalized pedophilia was batted about and eventually...
I wager you right now: somewhere there will be (at the very least) a serious attempt to relax it within our lifetimes, and successful or not the snowball will start to roll downhill.
Imagine away. In the meantime no one who wants to try this line of advance can move it against the clear history of strengthening laws to protect children and the clear and fundamental element of consent that has been strengthened by scientific advancement, a thing whose overturn would require a fundamental degradation of the foundation of law that protects power. And power, moral questions aside, will always protect its interest.

While in the Cub Reporters thread...
[redacted book cover]
I believe you're looking for the Book Club thread...or the poor sport thread. Either one will likely do.

So CS set this gem out (post in its entirety)...
Try to have peace in any western country where the Muslim population has broken 20%.

I answered with Turkey, but it was a poor attempt given relatively recent upheavals. Then I noted something that made the whole point funny:
:chuckle: List the Western countries with a Muslim population over 20%.

He answered...
What are the Muslim populations of Sweden and Germany?
About 5.8% in Germany and about 4.6 in Sweden. Or, there isn't a Western country with a Muslim population of 20%. France has about 7.5%, Bulgaria is around 13%. If you consider Cyprus Western then they're at around 25% and they're in the peaceful ranks, ranked 72 out of 162 countries.

Point ended. Except we're dealing with CS, so...
Bulgaria is an anomaly.
Any Western country with a large Muslim population (using your metric) is an anomaly. :D But the two that would qualify under your criteria are both two of the most peaceful countries in the world.

I know that doesn't serve your bias, but it serves the truth.

PJ was standing by the man...
Trump works on the golf course, meeting with world leaders and making good progress.
Reminds me of the scene from Something About Mary where the people being rounded up at the rest stop all claim to have been in the bushes peeing. . . very funny scene. :)

The travel expenses?
Right. He's on pace to blow by Obama on that one too. And that's before we get into his wife spending almost the amount needed to nationally fund the arts so she can stay in New York. :plain:

Elections have consequences.
They do. And some of them...some of them are very funny.

Trump can spend whatever he wants !!
Now you sound like a Democrat. :shocked:

GM was back on a favored topic of speculation...
I'll bet TH sits and giggles incessantly at his own brand of Shtick.
I bet you spend waay too much time thinking about me. :plain:

Ole TH is still spreading his "Liberal Agenda." Never say die.
I'm not going to comment on what you're spreading, but let's just hope you aren't trying to make a sandwich out of it. :shocked:

Speaking of politicians...
You notice Melania Trump isn't allowed to keep her child in school without being accused of wasting money on the "arts".
Here's what the truth looks like from her fun house sentence: Melania staying in New York is going to cost about as much money as the National Arts endowment would.

If Trump feels like he has to cut that out of the budget maybe he should tell Melania that they have schools in Washington too and keep the funding. I know, he'd miss his friends. I'm sure the last occupant's children had to leave a few of theirs behind too. That sucks, but it's better than losing the arts endowment, buttercup.

Then CS posted an empty one...I mean literally too...and when I chuckled on the point...
So you take advantage of me in the middle of building a post before it's done?
Good grief man, is anything ever your fault?

Here's a novel idea for you, next time before you hit "post" make sure you've actually written something. :plain:

Is that part of your so called maturity?
We can't all be as mature as you. are a MSM sycophant/ sheep, that info would never make contact with your consciousness.
Okay, I suppose we can. :plain:

Tomorrow? More with Yor, Stripe can't change his and CS is back to double down on Islam. Stay tuned. :thumb:

Editorial Bonus: Happy Birthday AB! :cheers:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Thursday

So GM said...
Don't you find yourself, something of a bore? I mean, in a tearing sort of way.
Do you find yourself bored? I mean in a torn sort of way. :eek:

Took up refugee issues with CS...

These refugees are not simply fleeing for their lives, else you would see other people besides young men.
Cite to any authority that the refugees fleeing into Europe entirely or even mostly young men.

I'll wait while that doesn't happen.

Your two western examples do not absolve any muslim problem.
There isn't a Muslim problem, only a refugee problem. The two countries that defy your attempt make that plain enough. [western nations with large Muslim populations noted among the most peaceful nations on earth]

A clear rebuttal of a semi formed idea that is not up to the microscopic chicanery of a lawyer.
It's a rebuttal of the point you made. How long are people supposed to wait until they know you've written something you actually stand behind?

As you helped me toward my final, finished product unwittingly, I will narrow my scope.
If you get any narrower you're going to disappear. And "scope" isn't how you spell escape.

Continued with Yor...
Throughout history the Jews never proselytized by the sword. The Muslims, OTOH, have open commands to murder unbelievers and apostates.
Either you or most of Islam doesn't understand something about Islam, because that's just not how it has worked under actual Islamic control outside of a sliver of rabid and largely rejected extremists. I'm going to bet against you on that.

You don't have to mention that muslims do most of the dieing when muslims are out killing.
That almost sounds reasonable, but then it really sounds like stepping over a point because it's not aligned with the picture you mean to paint. Again, Muslims are largely opposing the fanatics you seem determined to paint as the rule. But the opposition by Islam to them speaks against your efforts.

That doesn't prove your point. It only shows that muslims have an easier time getting to apostates than unbelievers.
A point utterly undone by the absence of those efforts within any of the nations opposing ISIS.

If you tell me Stalinist Russia was a good place, I'll respond by confirming your position with "sure, it was a workers paradise."
That would be an inaccurate stretch, but more than a great stone's throw from taking this:

"Islam once controlled a great deal of southern Europe and the Christians and Jews living there were not killed or converted."

And claiming I equated it with a "paradise". :plain:

Lamented the state of commercial tv...
Saw a quick ad for the CBS show Scorpion. Maybe a ten second promo, if that, and one of the characters mentions the lead is a "genius". So I turned to my wife and said, "You know why they have to keep telling you that the show is filled with geniuses? Because the writer's room isn't."

Wrapped up my attempt to have an actual conversation with Stipe...
If you don't respect the fact that she said what she said, you're in no position to tell her that she is evil.
All you need to rebut someone is logic, which has particular form, and language, which has particular meaning. If they're missing one or using neither then you're really speaking to the gallery, because a person who insists on redefining a concept to suit themself and can't reason their way through an actual argument is never going to see anything more than their shadow or throw more than that at you. Trying to accommodate irrationality, legitimizing a distorted approach, doesn't do the other person any real favor.

I claim to be a fundamentalist and a right winger and I do not call myself a conservative.
It's only problematic if you say you are those first two things but you are not the latter. Not saying something won't confuse anyone on the point. But every time you make the claim of being the first two and reject the latter most of the people you speak it to will scratch their heads and wonder what in the world you're talking about. You bring each of the words out of focus, since at that point no one can reasonably know what you mean about any of them.

And then...
Hey!!!!! Bulgaria was a former Islamic state.
So was Spain. :plain: And we were once subjects of the Crown.

And town wants to put them on the same level as France, Germany, and Sweden as far as recent incursions into WESTERN Nations??????Can you spell dishonest?
I got Bulgaria from a list of Western nations. Its a member of the EU, as is Cyprus. Link

Set out a few bits to make a point about glory and GM leaning over the fence and...
You missed your calling, you should have been a P.I.
You should have been an internet mime.

I must admit, I wouldn't have gotten this involved in something so trivial.
If that's how you characterize your posting who am I to dispute it? :eek:

Fool was back on the election trail...
We didn't have a popular vote.
We really did. They counted it state by state. It just didn't determine anything in sum. It only mattered in bits and pieces.

I'll be saying this for at least four years.
People say all sorts of crazy things for longer than that.

While Fox & Friends brought me to a lamentable truth...

Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade reciprocated [Trump's] praise the next morning, saying Trump “looked bigger than the superpower which he’s representing.”

The more I think about that the more I'm convinced that between Brian and me I'm the only one who did. :plain:

Tomorrow? Competency, restraining orders and someone is basking in a lot of glory.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Conversations require respect for the other side.

You only have time for your narrative.

And ending a conversation by raising it elsewhere is not ending it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Conversations require respect for the other side.
"They really don't," said the one guy to Hitler, by way of example.

You only have time for your narrative.
Who's narrative do you think you're pushing?

And ending a conversation by raising it elsewhere is not ending it.
I already gave you the last word. No one who reads Quixote's is required to accept any part of it and is free to follow the link to where I walked away and left you the floor to say God knows what.

Are you really this insecure?
