toldailytopic: TIME Magazine names Obama as the Person of the Year. Who would be your


New member
Hi Brother,

thank you for your concern. My anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus never said any Prayer because He our Father are One.

Prayer and fasting are the old rituals that used to be performed in the old house, the Synagogues, built by human hands but in Christ Jesus, we have been moved to the Brand New Home, the Temple of God, built not by human hands but by Nature. In this New Temple of God is sitting the very Christ of God, Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom and so far He is in with us, then we and our Father are One that need not demand anything from our Father as He knows before one can say from one's lips.

Prayer and fasting is of the Anti-Christs who are back in greater forces in Churches with Dog-Collars working for Mammon and pretend to their congregation of stones, thick-headed once-born people that they are working for God. that is what Christ Jesus said, turning stones into bread or lavish living fulfilling Matt.12.v43-45. These Churches with hireling Priests are Synagogues of Satan creating sectarian riots that you can watch in N.ireland today.

In Christ Jesus, we have the FELLOWSHIP of the Twice-born capable of Chewing the Flesh of Jesus and then go out into the world to Preach Gospel with authority called Drinking the Blood of Christ from the very Cup that Christ Jesus drank. These are the Wives of Christ Jesus.

Thank you sir, but I believe I will pass on your invitation. You see, when one fails to follow the commandments that Yeshua stated summed up all of the rest of God's, that one individual has nothing to teach me. I will, however, find it in my heart to pray for you that you hear the Truth and believe it.


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Hall of Fame

So far I haven't been impressed with any of the Gnostic newbies.