ECT The whole of the NT explains how salvation is obtained


Active member
Scripture explains how man attains salvation, and it also
reconciles all of the supposed contradictions concerning salvation …

First, all humans are born with an inherited sin nature (a “fallen” nature),
e.g. Jesus actually told His disciples that they were “evil”.
The normal human being is incapable of believing the gospel (good news)
of Jesus Christ because the Truth of it is hidden from him … man is:
spiritually blind and deaf, spiritually dead, a slave to sin, forced to obey evil,
a captive to the law of sin and death, unable to be saved through good works,
deceived and blinded by Satan, a captive of Satan unto death, etc.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is “foolishness” to all those perishing (going to hell).
They do not choose this, but are just incapable of believing the foolish gospel.

God’s grace (unmerited favor) toward the mass of fallen humanity is 3-fold:
• that ANY human could ever be received into heaven by a most Holy God
• that SOME humans are given the ability to believe the saving gospel
• that sincere repentance can usually result in the forgiveness of sins

God must give a seed of faith to man to enable him to believe the foolish gospel.
This is not a one-time event, but the Greek tense indicates a continuing belief.
That only some are chosen is consistent with God’s preference, for example:
“I dwell in the high and holy place with him who has a contrite and humble spirit”.
The question is: How-when-why did certain people obtain this type of spirit?

(*A*) Along with truly believing the saving Truth of the gospel with his heart,
man receives the Holy Spirit within, and is born-again with a new nature.
After receiving this free gift (a revelation of the Truth), the believer will begin
to be taught deeper spiritual Truths by the precious Holy Spirit who dwells within.
Man is no longer a slave to sin; he no longer has to sin; he can choose not to sin.
He can present himself as a slave of obedience unto righteousness for holiness,
or he can choose to present himself as a slave of sin unto eternal death.

One critical spiritual Truth is that disobedience to God is actually proof of unbelief.
In the OT, the Israelites did not enter God’s rest because of disobedience (unbelief).
God left them scattered all over the desert floor; and this was a warning for everyone!
Born-again believers have much less of an excuse for failure … see (*A*) above.
So, here Scripture gives another negative response to the question of
whether or not easy-believism and easy-grace are enough for salvation.

The main reason for God giving man free will is to test his love, faithfulness,
obedience, etc. to God his Creator. Yes, Jesus became the author of eternal
salvation to all who obey Him … and this obedience does not refer to believing
in Him and His gospel after having received the precious free gift of saving faith.
No, Jesus said that if you love Him (for His sacrifice, etc.), you will obey Him.
The practicing of righteousness is proof that one stands righteous before God.

After receiving the saving Truth, the believer can always make the disastrous
free-will choice of not continuing on with his faith. Many Scripture passages
warn that enduring in the faith until death is absolutely necessary for salvation.
You must not fall away from the faith when the terrible persecution of Christians
comes upon you, and you must not take the mark of the beast of the antichrist.

It’s all about unbelief … and the NT describes exactly what unbelief is.
An evil heart of unbelief is displayed by one who departs from the faith,
and this is often connected to one having been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

After receiving the saving Truth, the believer can always make the free-will choice
to be disobedient and return to their old lifestyle of habitual unrepentant sinning.
Several lists of sins, which many people (including believers) commit habitually,
apply to absolutely everyone with regard to being disqualified from entering
the kingdom of God/heaven (which is somewhat analogous to heaven itself).

If you wish to see Scriptures for any of the points above, please just ask.


Well-known member
Scripture explains how man attains salvation, and it also
reconciles all of the supposed contradictions concerning salvation …

First, all humans are born with an inherited sin nature (a “fallen” nature),
e.g. Jesus actually told His disciples that they were “evil”.
The normal human being is incapable of believing the gospel (good news)
of Jesus Christ because the Truth of it is hidden from him … man is:
spiritually blind and deaf, spiritually dead, a slave to sin, forced to obey evil,
a captive to the law of sin and death, unable to be saved through good works,
deceived and blinded by Satan, a captive of Satan unto death, etc.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is “foolishness” to all those perishing (going to hell).
They do not choose this, but are just incapable of believing the foolish gospel.

God’s grace (unmerited favor) toward the mass of fallen humanity is 3-fold:
• that ANY human could ever be received into heaven by a most Holy God
• that SOME humans are given the ability to believe the saving gospel
• that sincere repentance can usually result in the forgiveness of sins

God must give a seed of faith to man to enable him to believe the foolish gospel.
This is not a one-time event, but the Greek tense indicates a continuing belief.
That only some are chosen is consistent with God’s preference, for example:
“I dwell in the high and holy place with him who has a contrite and humble spirit”.
The question is: How-when-why did certain people obtain this type of spirit?

(*A*) Along with truly believing the saving Truth of the gospel with his heart,
man receives the Holy Spirit within, and is born-again with a new nature.
After receiving this free gift (a revelation of the Truth), the believer will begin
to be taught deeper spiritual Truths by the precious Holy Spirit who dwells within.
Man is no longer a slave to sin; he no longer has to sin; he can choose not to sin.
He can present himself as a slave of obedience unto righteousness for holiness,
or he can choose to present himself as a slave of sin unto eternal death.

One critical spiritual Truth is that disobedience to God is actually proof of unbelief.
In the OT, the Israelites did not enter God’s rest because of disobedience (unbelief).
God left them scattered all over the desert floor; and this was a warning for everyone!
Born-again believers have much less of an excuse for failure … see (*A*) above.
So, here Scripture gives another negative response to the question of
whether or not easy-believism and easy-grace are enough for salvation.

The main reason for God giving man free will is to test his love, faithfulness,
obedience, etc. to God his Creator. Yes, Jesus became the author of eternal
salvation to all who obey Him … and this obedience does not refer to believing
in Him and His gospel after having received the precious free gift of saving faith.
No, Jesus said that if you love Him (for His sacrifice, etc.), you will obey Him.
The practicing of righteousness is proof that one stands righteous before God.

After receiving the saving Truth, the believer can always make the disastrous
free-will choice of not continuing on with his faith. Many Scripture passages
warn that enduring in the faith until death is absolutely necessary for salvation.
You must not fall away from the faith when the terrible persecution of Christians
comes upon you, and you must not take the mark of the beast of the antichrist.

It’s all about unbelief … and the NT describes exactly what unbelief is.
An evil heart of unbelief is displayed by one who departs from the faith,
and this is often connected to one having been hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

After receiving the saving Truth, the believer can always make the free-will choice
to be disobedient and return to their old lifestyle of habitual unrepentant sinning.
Several lists of sins, which many people (including believers) commit habitually,
apply to absolutely everyone with regard to being disqualified from entering
the kingdom of God/heaven (which is somewhat analogous to heaven itself).

If you wish to see Scriptures for any of the points above, please just ask.

It would help considerably if your page was teeming, saturated with the works of Christ. You are dwelling on the human response. You need to dwell on what God accomplished in our Lord Jesus Christ, ie, the doing and dying of Jesus, ie, the righteousness of God in Christ. Then you will be much, much closer to the proper answer. You are dealing with the effects or the response, not the cause of it all.


Active member
It is amazing that so many Christians are not taught these truths.
Perhaps it's not so amazing when one understands human nature,
which, of course, is terribly flawed ... "evil" even (as Jesus said).

The Laodicean church (Rev 3) of today has been blinded by Satan,
and the #1 priority of leadership is to keep the tithes coming in,
and this is accomplished by not preaching the hard unpopular Truths,
which would cause the members to flee in droves.


Active member
It would help considerably if your page was teeming, saturated with the works of Christ.
You are dwelling on the human response.
You need to dwell on what God accomplished in our Lord Jesus Christ,
ie, the doing and dying of Jesus, ie, the righteousness of God in Christ.
Then you will be much, much closer to the proper answer.
You are dealing with the effects or the response, not the cause of it all.
Yes, many believers prefer to focus on this.
But, I have been called to warn believers of certain dangers.
So, I must focus on the unpopular Scriptures, not the popular ones.

A prophet-watchman, Benjamin Baruch, has been hearing the Lord's voice very clearly
since his teenage years, and his take on all of this is far more serious than my warnings.
He says that only the super-faithful elect (the remnant) will escape the fire of testing,
which is almost upon us ...
the tremendous persecution of true believers in the West is fast approaching.


Active member
They will escape by what means?
Sorry for my delay in responding.
God's special remnant will escape by God's supernatural protection,
as He always did in the OT.
I am talking about during God's wrath on the Day of the Lord,
which is at the last trumpet on the last day.
The remnant will be raptured out of here, escaping God's wrath.
I see Baruch's conclusions match up with Scripture,
e.g. the pre-trib doctrine is beyond ridiculous (totally unsupported by Scripture),
butski Satan has NO problems at all deceiving believers (even the elect).


New member
I am talking about during God's wrath on the Day of the Lord,
which is at the last trumpet on the last day.

The seventh seal is the seven trumpets. When the seventh trumpet begins to sound the salvation of the firstborn is finished. This is the first resurrection.

...but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished... (Revelation 10:7 NKJV)​

The seventh trumpet is the last trumpet and the seven last plagues will then be poured out.


Active member
Warning ...
Daniel, etc. said the Truth about the very last days was sealed until then.
At which time it would be revealed to ... guess who? ... to his chosen prophets.
Baruch's last days theology revolves mainly around DUALITY (as previously explained).
And he says the church's eschatology is mostly in error.
No surprise to me, for the western church is way beyond apostate.

But, we are far afield from the purpose of the OP !!!
Anyone care to comment on it?
Any proof texts required?


New member
• that ANY human could ever be received into heaven by a most Holy God

What exactly do you mean by "heaven" when Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth?

Jesus also said, "I am meek and lowly in heart."

Will he not inherit the earth?

It is written, "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (Revelation 5:10)


Active member
What exactly do you mean by "heaven" when Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth?
It seems there are 2 destinations involved in the NT:
- entering heaven for all of eternity
- reigning with Jesus during the 1000 year millennium on earth
I have only been focusing on the first,
and IMO they can be fairly easily confused.


TOL Subscriber
God must give a seed of faith to man to enable him to believe the foolish gospel.
It's God's will that all men be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth as the fact that the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all was testified in due time. You must have missed the memo in 1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV. You didn't catch it in Romans 3 either; that the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ is unto all and upon all them that believe (Romans 3:21-22 KJV), nor did you take note of 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV.

And :doh: It is not the "foolish gospel", but the foolishness of preaching the cross (as in:it is foolishness unto them that perish) to save them that believe (1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV, 1 Corinthians 1:21 KJV).

This is not a one-time event, but the Greek tense indicates a continuing belief.
Hogwash. You don't even know the "the Greek". You just made that up or are regurgitating it as you swallowed it of the pulpit of your favorite deceitful worker leader (2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV).

Salvation by grace through faith is trusting the Lord believing the one time event of the WHY of the cross; as in the fact that Christ died for our sins and that He was buried and rose again the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV). It is the gospel by which we are saved, the word of truth, the gospel of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV)


Active member
It seems there are 2 destinations involved in the NT:
- entering heaven for all of eternity
- reigning with Jesus during the 1000 year millennium on earth
I have only been focusing on the first,
and IMO they can be fairly easily confused.

Not sure where you get that entering heaven is for all eternity?

Revelation 21:1-3 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

God will dwell with his people and his people will be with him in new Jerusalem which comes down from heaven to earth.

New Jerusalem has no temple because God and the Lamb are the temple along with the church.

Revelation 21:22-23 22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.


New member
- reigning with Jesus during the 1000 year millennium on earth

Jesus prayed, "Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am..." (John 17:24 NKJV)

Jesus will establish his kingdom on earth until this earth is destroyed.


New member
God will dwell with his people and his people will be with him in new Jerusalem which comes down from heaven to earth.

Yes, and there will be no more death.

For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.
(1 Corinthians 15:25-26 NKJV)

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain... (Revelation 21:4 NKJV)​

And then it begins.