The Trinity

The Trinity

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Lazy afternoon

He was anointed with the Spirit of GOD; filling His vessel. There was no room for another spirit. There can only be one master and the spirit of His MASTER is what guided Him wholly. It was His Spirit.

Jesus was born of man through Mary, and the sacrifice of the man was necessary to effect salvation for others.

It was the perfected man who was filled with the Fathers Spirit at his baptism but not fully or permanent untill His resurrection by His Father.


Lazy afternoon

See, you're assuming that the Son was created, and that's why you have a problem with that verse. It clearly states that the Son was equal with God. The Son was NOT created, because He is God the Son. He existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit for all of eternity past.

Jesus equality with His Father was on account of Him being His Son, born through Mary.

There is no scripture stating God the Son.

It is made up along with incarnation.



New member
When you're talking about a particular verse, you need to use the correct terminology. For some reason, you've taken to changing the words of the text to fit your own particular bent. The name used for the Lord in that text is the Son of Man.

You also ignore the context, which means you have some other notion in mind than what was written.

Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. 30 Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.​

Matthew 12:31-32
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.​

It's pointless to try and carry on discussions with you if you insist on changing the word of God to suit your agenda. Holy men of God were inspired to write those words, and you need to respect what they have written. Words matter.
I'm not sure what your problem is, but thanks for showing the actual verses I was speaking of.

Could you now attempt to answer me.

Oh; and it would be cool if you didn't pretend like I have some alterior motive other than spreading the Word. I conveyed my point well enough, as you knew exactly what I was speaking of.


New member
Made up again. :nono:

Words matter, Pops. Get them right or you will continue to look like a fool who can't read.
The only one looking foolishly is a woman who is arguing about words and context when she understands my words and the contexts from which they are derived (scripture) ,all while pretending I don't know what I am talking about and attemptimg to defame my character.

Walking proof that an actual believer is one who follows Christ. Thanks for making things so obvious for others.
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New member
Jesus was born of man through Mary, and the sacrifice of the man was necessary to effect salvation for others.

It was the perfected man who was filled with the Fathers Spirit at his baptism but not fully or permanent untill His resurrection by His Father.

But doesn't scripture say the Spirit was with him fully? Was his vessel/ temple/ body not overflowing with the Holy Spirit?

Please do excuse my ignorance. These are real questions, and I respect your words generally.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I suspect that this post got lost in the shuffle (I had no idea that this thread was so active!) so I'm reposting it....

Alright, since it doesn't appear that Keypurr is going to offer any more straight answers to my questions, I'll just use the answers he's already given.

Don't say I didn't give you a chance to make better answers later on, Keypurr. These are your own words that you doubled down with by stating that "you do pretty well with your answers". Don't come trying to convince us all that you didn't mean what you said.

Let's review the questions I asked and your answers to them...

I asked the following three questions...

Is it wrong (i.e. immoral) to worship anyone other than God?

Who does the titles "The Alpha and Omega" and "The First and the Last" refer too?

Did God die?​

You answered...

Alpha Omega, First Last in Revelations is ambigous, it could refur to both but I see them as the Father

God can not die, but a created form of God could.

I worship my God as God and my Lord as Lord.

Okay, so if the titles, "The Alpha and Omega" and "The First and the Last" are referring to the Father (i.e. NOT Jesus Christ) and God (i.e. the Father) cannot die, why is it that John, the Apostle that Jesus loved, put the following words into the mouth of Him who called Himself the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last?...

Revelation 1:8 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

11 ...“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches..."

17 ..."“Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. 18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death....​

And in that same verse, John falls down as dead in the worship of Him who was speaking. It is outright heresy to tolerate the worship of anyone other than God Himself. Jesus Himself said so...

Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”​

Who was it that John was worshiping? The Almighty or Jesus, the One who died and lives for ever more?

Or could it be that the two are One?

You claim to base your doctrine on the bible and that you reject the Trinity doctrine on that basis. You also claim that you're tired of people citing the same old verses over and over again. And yet, you fail to avoid contradicting the simplest reading of a passage that you knew I was referencing!

Stop pretending that this is about an allegiance you have to the scripture! It isn't! You have some emotional fixation on this issue that has nothing to do with the bible or anything rational. You need to spend some time seriously thinking and praying about just what it is about the Trinity doctrine that has you so tied up inside. The doctrine of the Trinity is as biblical as anything can be and it is not poly-theism no matter how badly you want to turn it into that. You can go on chasing windmills if you like but I say, stop! Take a break and just relax and think about just what it is that you really have a problem with here and then ask whether that thing real?

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
But doesn't scripture say the Spirit was with him fully? Was his vessel/ temple/ body not overflowing with the Holy Spirit?

Please do excuse my ignorance. These are real questions, and I respect your words generally.
Hi pops, do you believe that Jesus is the father? Or do you believe that Jesus was filled with the fathers Spirit? Thanks :)


New member
Hi pops, do you believe that Jesus is the father? Or do you believe that Jesus was filled with the fathers Spirit? Thanks :)
Jesus the man?

Creation is not creator though Jesus was the fullness of GOD in as much as creation can be in material temporal form.

If the Christ is the Word of GOD then it stands to reason that being "of" and emanating from GOD similarly to how a word comes from a man's mouth and may express that man; it is not that man, but the expression there of.

I hope that is clear. I also hope you have more questions, and that you are well.



Well-known member
Jesus the man?

Creation is not creator though Jesus was the fullness of GOD in as much as creation can be in material temporal form.

If the Christ is the Word of GOD then it stands to reason that being "of" and emanating from GOD similarly to how a word comes from a man's mouth and may express that man; it is not that man, but the expression there of.

I hope that is clear. I also hope you have more questions, and that you are well.

I think it's easier if I explain what I mean and then you tell me how you see it differently if that's ok?

I see that you and I have our own Spirit. They are separate but once we are born of God, we are one Spirit as we both have the Holy Spirit.

The difference I see is that we sin, but Jesus didn't, so we show our fleshly nature, but once we are born of God, then we should be living by the will of God and showing more of his nature as we start dying to self, and by that I mean the lusts of the flesh going so that the life of Christ grows in us by the power of the Spirit helping us to overcome and the world should mean nothing to us as God comes first in our lives.

And seeing as Christ didn't sin, he was in the fulness of God bodily, having the full power of the Holy Spirit, we only have the Spirit by measure, the more we deny sin and live by the will of God the stronger we become in the Spirit and the more he helps us to overcome sin, teaching and guiding us daily. I don't see Jesus as being the father, but the Son. And he was born of God from the womb, so God was always with him.

How do you see it differently thanks. And yes I'm well. Been very busy I hope you are well too :)
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Right Divider

Body part
Still waiting for you to define LORD, Lord and lord.
The LORD Jesus Christ is the LORD from heaven.

Everything, including the saviour, comes from the Father.
So even though the LORD says that He is the ONLY savior, you are going to claim that there are TWO saviors.

Go count the verses that say God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. Notice the word AND.
The LORD Jesus Christ is GOD and MAN.

Your supposed LORD/Lord/lord distinction is completely bogus.


New member
Creation came from the Father through the Son. Even though the Son is a creature he was given the fullness of his God. Jesus is not firstborn of all creation, the logos or spirit son is. Christ is a spirit being, the express image, first of all creation for all were created through it.

Scripture is not always talking about Jesus the man when it uses the term Son. There was a son in heaven before there was a world for Jesus to be born in. That spirit son was sent from above to dwell in the body prepRed for it. Heb 10:5. It spoke through Jesus the flesh son of God.

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Nice story, but that's not what the scripture says though... Seeing as how you've got it right and John and Paul didn't, I don't see why God didn't choose you to write (right?) the New Testament for him.


New member
A man laid down is life for us, not God.

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Good work Keypurr. Aside that you're speaking against what scripture just told us, now you just have to explain why a man has set the highest standard for love, having demonstrated higher capacity for love than the Creator. No wonder we are in awe of your theological arguing capacity from your greater IQ.


New member
Yes we do GT and that is good, however there is one special day in the week we are to honor him and recognize him as the creator of all. That is what his Sabbath is all about. He said to keep his Sabbath so not to do so is a sin. We keep his commandments the best we can, in the spirit of love for him and his people. They are not kept to buy a ticket to heaven for you can not earn salvation on your own.

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. Why not follow his trail?

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Jesus is LORD of the Sabbath Day because he CREATED the Sabbath Day. He invoked his right to declare what was sin (or not sin) because of his status of LORD of the Sabbath. Do you not know what this means? Stop digging in Greek and read your English Old Testament:

Exodus 20:10-11 KJV
(10) But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
(11) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

So when Jesus tells these Jews (who have this passage from the law memorized) that he is Lord of the Sabbath, what authority has he assigned to himself? He says he is their Creator.

Which happens to also agree with the gospel of John and the epistles of Paul. And the Creator is also defined as the LORD, Old Testament YAHWEH.