ECT The rapture has never been imminent--

Lazy afternoon

I am not waiting for the resurrection, as I was raised with Christ already.
I am waiting to be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2Ti 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
2Ti 2:17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
2Ti 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

Lazy afternoon

They ignore even more than 3.

MADists say this is not for them, only for the Jews--(are MADists Christians even)

1Pe 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
1Pe 2:6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.
1Pe 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,
1Pe 2:8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
1Pe 2:10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.



Well-known member
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2Ti 2:16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
2Ti 2:17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
2Ti 2:18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

to STP,
I hope you aren't waiting around for that. There is much to be done.


Well-known member
Christian believers are on a mission while on earth. They are not waiting around for an escape to another life. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket to block the light. Pursuits like tongues, the rapture, or some sort of geo-political sequence connected to the 2nd coming are a waste of effort relative to the mission, which is to inform as many people possible that God was in Christ, fixing the debt of man's sins.


New member
2 Cor 5:19-21 (KJV)

I am glad that is his mission.

He seems more obsessed with MAD than with his mission.

Problem is, it is much of his sense beyond that is so skewed.

Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.


New member
I've met IP's kind before - "get them saved...and then point them to the nearest book store..."

In no time at all, the new believer is observed parroting phrases like "the priesthood of the believer" and so on...

Over time, they come to know all "about" the Bible.

The Bible itself. Well...

And one finds such in all schools of thought.

Thus the great material success of Reformed authors - in all its' strains - including the Preterists; so called Acts 2 Dispy "prophecy preachers," and so on...