The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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Hall of Fame
Kasich bombed the whole thing

I agree, I thought he had a bad night. I really liked him in the first debate but since then he's just been alright regarding his answers and tonight he really annoyed me at times when he kept trying to talk when the moderators were trying to move on.


New member
Hall of Fame
Some quick thoughts....

Like past debates, I thought Rubio did well. I also thought Rand had a stronger showing than previous debates. Best moment of the night was when Trump ranted about China and then Rand Paul mentioned that China wasn't even in the TPP. :rotfl: I also thought Paul had good moments about the Fed and foreign policy with Russia. When Paul went after Rubio on his tax plan and if it was truly 'conservative' I thought Rubio could have countered with saying he's not going to get boxed into labels of 'conservative' or 'liberal' and that he'll do what works and what will help people. I think Rubio's talk about helping families probably resonated with a lot of people.

For the most part I didn't think anyone had a bad night. Probably Kasich was the worst overall. Carson impressed me more tonight than he has in the past.

Cruz comes across as such a sleazeball when he frequently pauses for effect.

Trump was middle of the road. Again he didn't do himself any favors with women when he made that comment about Fiorina interrupting the others. It wasn't just her that was interrupting, why focus on her?

Bush was middle of the road. I remember thinking he had a strong moment at one point but now I forget what it is so I guess it wasn't that impactful.

Firoina was mostly middle of the road.

I thought several of them had good thoughts about how Dodd-Frank has actually made the 'too big to fail' problem worse, not better.

Which candidate talked about taxing imports not exports? Was that Trump?

patrick jane

Some quick thoughts....

Like past debates, I thought Rubio did well. I also thought Rand had a stronger showing than previous debates. Best moment of the night was when Trump ranted about China and then Rand Paul mentioned that China wasn't even in the TPP. :rotfl: I also thought Paul had good moments about the Fed and foreign policy with Russia. When Paul went after Rubio on his tax plan and if it was truly 'conservative' I thought Rubio could have countered with saying he's not going to get boxed into labels of 'conservative' or 'liberal' and that he'll do what works and what will help people. I think Rubio's talk about helping families probably resonated with a lot of people.

For the most part I didn't think anyone had a bad night. Probably Kasich was the worst overall. Carson impressed me more tonight than he has in the past.

Cruz comes across as such a sleazeball when he frequently pauses for effect.

Trump was middle of the road. Again he didn't do himself any favors with women when he made that comment about Fiorina interrupting the others. It wasn't just her that was interrupting, why focus on her?

Bush was middle of the road. I remember thinking he had a strong moment at one point but now I forget what it is so I guess it wasn't that impactful.

Firoina was mostly middle of the road.

I thought several of them had good thoughts about how Dodd-Frank has actually made the 'too big to fail' problem worse, not better.

Which candidate talked about taxing imports not exports? Was that Trump?

Great analysis. I referred to Fiorina as Faria in a previous post. She is is so unimpressive I forget her name. She's like a boring Star Trek character

Trump is a social ape, judging and oblivious to his own vanity and stupidity; his eventual undoing. I like Rnad but he sounds like a surfer (his voice). LOL we'll see what the polls say. I don't know how polls can be accurate.

patrick jane

Right now it's still a matter of getting to know the candidates and hearing them speak, but the debate questions rarely lead to current and near future issues.

Mocking You

New member
Trump keeps interrupting and making a fool of himself. :duh:

His response to Kasich's challenge that deporting 11M illegals was not doable was priceless humor.

Trump said Ike was "a nice guy, a real nice guy. I like Ike, right? Remember that? I like Ike. Well, he moved 1.5 million immigrants across the border but they came back, so he moved them again. Moved 'em way down south. They didn't come back. "

Trump continued, "Dwight Eisenhower, you don't get nicer. You don't get friendlier."

I'm watching this and thinking to myself--Eisenhower was the supreme commander of the European Theater of Operations in World War II, he took the war to the Nazis by invading France. Planned and carried out D-Day in the biggest war the world has ever seen. WHAT A NICE GUY HE WAS!!