the four horsemen


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The four horse men and dooms day predictions in the KJV N.T.

The four horse men and dooms day predictions in the KJV N.T.

Should Christians be concerned with dooms day predictions? Or even with the four horse men? . . . They should not.

A Christian is one who is 'in Christ' and a child of God. God is for such a one. This means that no one and nothing can harm or bring harm to one. In fact Christians/children of God are promised to inherit the surface of earth in the fullness of time, without children of the flesh. Therefore God is not going to create any dooms day affair on the surface of this earth. God is going to restore the surface of earth to perfection, in the fullness of time, after He has removed all children of the flesh.

(Dooms day affairs are occurring and will continue to occur in another place. This is the ongoing reality inside the earth which is hell with Satan. Children of the flesh (including 'horse men' et. all) are routinely sent there, when they die on earth. However dooms day is that point in time when all children of the flesh (the four horse men et. all) will be transferred to inside the earth which is hell, with Satan in, one fell scoop. This is their total and final dismissal from earth's surface . . . so that only children of God will be left here. In Quantum physical this sudden and instantaneous 'disappearance from earth's surface and simultaneous transfer to another place' is described as teleportation through a black hole portal to a place of one's entanglement. This phenomenon is also mentioned in the KJV N.T. as follows:

Matthews: 24 KJV N.T.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Luke: 17 KJV N.T.
34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

Matthews: 24 KJV N.T.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

However, when this sudden transfer occurs, children of the flesh will not realize or recognize that they have been removed from the surface of earth to inside the depths of earth. It will seem like this earth has become that hell inside the earth to where they have been magically teleported. This is why it is described in that way in the KJV N.T. That is simply the experiences of children of the flesh when they first enter the depths of earth, which is hell with Satan. Fact is the description of dooms day events are the never ending, ongoing reality in that place where they all inevitably go.)

Romans: 8 KJV N.T.
1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

To be preoccupied with dooms day prophesy is to admit that one does not believe that one is Christian. What a man beliveth . . . well, . . . so be it.

Dooms day prophesy relates to those who are called to be Christians, i.e. both the chosen and the not chosen. (That is, according to Jesus' statement and/or prophesy: "many are called and few chosen")

However it can and will be a real live dooms day affair, only for 'children of the flesh', i.e. those who are not chosen. God will totally insulate and protect His children (i.e. children of God, they are Christians). i.e. the few who are chosen.

Dooms day is a means of removing 'children of the flesh' (the great majority who are not chosen) from earth so that only 'children of God' (the chosen few who are Christians) can inherit earth, without 'children of the flesh', in the fullness of time. This is the final casting out from earth of children of the flesh.

Therefore dooms day affairs are actually a description of the experiences of only children of the flesh in their new reality after they have been removed from earth's surface. In their new world or reality the light of the sun, the moon and the stars do not shine. Therefore this world or reality is inside the depths of earth which is hell, with Satan.

The Lord Jesus instructed that Christians (those who follow Him) should not be concerned with others. Jesus' clear instruction is:

Matthews: 8 KJV N.T.
22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

Seems to me that those who follow the Lord Jesus should not be concerned with 'the dead' who are the children of the flesh.

Only they (the dead) will be seriously and negatively impacted by the four horse man and dooms day prophesies etc. They are all entangled. They all end in the same place. The four horse men can and do rule over only 'the dead'. They are 'the dead' who are burying their dead counterpart on earth. Justice is very divine.

Are you guys Christians? Yes. Then why the preoccupations with the four horse man and dooms day prophesies etc.?

You all are aware that 'the dead' means 'the spiritually dead'. This means 'dead to one's own spirit'. This means that one is only aware of ones physical body which is one's flesh. Therefore 'the dead' describes 'children of the flesh'.

Those who 'follow the Lord Jesus' are Christians, also called 'children of God'.

Therefore, 'Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.' means: Christians (children of God) do not be concerned with children of the flesh. Let their own kind bury them with their dead physical bodies in the earth, when they die.

When Christians die on earth they are not buried in the earth with their dead physical bodies. They rise in three day (like the Lord Jesus), to be like angels in heaven. They literally follow what the Lord Jesus did and they also literally follow the Lord Jesus to spirit heaven.
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Well-known member

Make no mistakes 'children of the flesh', spend just 40 to 70 or so years on the surface of earth. Then they all go to the depths of earth which is hell with Satan. Even 'horse men' etc. spend just 40 to 70 or so years on the surface of earth, in their man made (earth destroying and killething) paradises, then when they die, they all go to the depths of earth which is hell with Satan.

There the light of the sun, the moon and the stars do not shine. Also there is constant shifting of their footing, eruptions, fighting, wars etc. and all other dooms day event are unfolding perpetually.

So far some of them are inside the earth in hell with Satan for over 2000 odd years. This is according to:

Matthews: 8 KJV N.T.
22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

'The dead' are buried in the earth, with their dead physical bodies to wait indefinitely on the physical return of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is expected to return in a human physical body and shout out to them to rise out of the earth, like Lazarus. Some are in the earth for 2000 odd years already.

Rising out of the earth, like Lazarus, with the help of the physical 'seen' and temporal, son of man, Lord Jesus, must not be confused with rising to heaven (which Christians do). Christians (when they die) rise to heaven, in three day, under live spirit communion with the Spirit, 'not seen' and eternal Son of God, Lord Jesus.

Fact is the dead, including all horse men etc., are taken care of appropriately and fairly, by the divine status quo. Don't you trust the divine status quo?

On the other hand: Christians do not take the above path. They need not and do not worry, at all.

When Christians die on earth they rise in three day, like the Lord Jesus, to be like angels in heaven.

Christians have been delivered from:

1.) all sin even if they transgress the Ten Commandments,

2.) 'the dead' (who bury their dead),

3.) all horsemen and other unsavory leaders,

4.) being buried in the earth together with their dead physical bodies to wait indefinite for anyone or any thing.

5.) hell whether on the earth or inside the depths of earth with Satan.

Christians live in God's kingdom of heaven on earth whiles they are alive on earth. Then when they die on earth, they are delivered right into spirit heaven, within three days after their death on earth, to be like angels in heaven, with the Lord Jesus.

'The dead' are different. They do not know the above and/or the following facts whiles they live on earth. They cannot be reached with the above and/or the following facts. In fact they (the dead) have been known to kill and other wise destroy people (children of God) who know and observe the following:

The earth is a living entity. It is bigger and more important, than any human. Humans are simply given the opportunity to live on its surface. Humans are not supposed to go up against the earth nor can they do so successfully i.e. without receiving an unsavory reply from the earth, herself.

The earth inevitably deals with each human, individually, according to his or her individual mind set and action with respect to her. These are according to their individual entanglement. However the earth's reaction time have been slow for the past 2000 odd years. So the dead on earth, perceives that there is no repatriation for the things which they did or do to earth. This has changed, recently. Now more magic rule will be evident on earth, in real time, as follows:

Matthews: 24 KJV N.T.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Fact is children of the flesh are not aware of the above fact. Therefore while they live on earth's surface they ignores the integrity of earth and do as they please. In fact they are misled by 'the dead' (including the intellectual class). Then they live vicariously (according to the ideas of the dead), in unawareness and carelessly.

The earth responds slowly. However inevitably the earth claims these people for repatriation of their acts against her. It is under the grace and 'not seen' influence of the earth and her sun and other supporting planets and heavenly bodies, that these unfortunate unaware people are buried in the earth together with their dead physical bodies. There they are at the mercy of earth within her very bowels. The earth treat them in the same manner as they treated her.

Fact is, if one does not live on the surface of earth correctly, the earth swallows one up, then chews one up inside her.

Although they all the dead eventually awaken inside the earth in hell with Satan. Only a few of 'the dead' realizes their unfortunate ways and their transgressions. This happens only among the few who have dies and are buried, unaware, inside the earth in hell with Satan. This is how, where and when they may realize their erring ways on earth.

This delayed period (to awaken in hell) applies only to those spiritually dead people who die on earth. Those who are teleported 'live', to the depth of earth which is hell with Satan, according to Matthews: 24 verse: 40, KJV N.T. reach there with awareness. They realize their unfolding misfortune immediately, without ever loosing awareness. However they do not usually realize that they are in hell inside the earth, with Satan. They simply perceive that they are on earth with dooms day events in perpetual progress.

Dooms day events are not actually end of time events. They are the ever unfolding reality inside the earth which is hell with Satan. These dooms day events seem to be end of time events only to those final set of the dead when they are teleported out of earth in one fell scoop, live and direct to inside the earth in hell with Satan. For all others these dooms day events do not happen or exist.

All thing inside the earth in hell with Satan has been and continues to be conformed to the surface of earth with perpetual ensuing dooms day events. It is a living place where dooms day events are ceaselessly unfolding.

People inside the earth in hell with Satan, erroneously perceives that they are on the surface of earth living the perpetual unfolding of dooms day events. The dead are referred to as not being able to discern hell from other realities. Whether they are in hell on earth or in inside the earth, they are not able to discern that they are in hell.

They might also be in a man made money created paradise on earth, it is the same, they would not know that they are in hell on earth. Also they will not realize that they are in hell, inside the earth, when they eventually go there.

Where ever they are they claw over, pull down, enslave, outsmart, fight, bully,etc. each other to create their person lives. Then what ever survival or life they make they perceive that to be heavenly. There are 'horse men' in all hells. There are absolutely none in any of the heavens.

Fact is 'the dead', including 'horse men' etc. never live on the surface of any earth for more than one life time. Then they go inside the earth in hell with Satan. Their off springs are all new. Deceased family members never return to the surface of earth. This has now changes.

Now, there will be no possibility that any new children of the flesh and other new horse men etc. will be brought forth to the surface of this earth in their families. They will get no blood lines (of their disposition) to continue their tradition.

Matthew: 10 KJV N.T.
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Selected 'children of God' will be covertly born into or other wise come into, powerful families of 'dead' leader and ruler, including the families of 'horse men' etc, so as to make things right in the new Age of Aquarius on earth. Some of these guys know this and they are in panic . . . running around like 'headless chickens'.
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(The Antichrist will reach his final 40 Days of life tomorrow, at which time, God intends to allow the Antichrist to reveal the Four Horsemen of the Revelation ... ... billions of lives will be terminated very quickly, the Antichrist believes that there were people listening when he claimed God would furnish an event similar to Roswell for these purposes of enlightenment, however insignificant it is, or was voiced, in the past)

1st Horseman = Megiddo (Abaddon) great evil of man seeking to justify these final days as a declaration of their promise (2 Chronicles 35:22).
2nd Horseman = Bashanhavothjar, Blood Sacrifice of Asia for a Portion of Asia (Nuclear Exchange)
3rd Horseman = Berodachbaladan, Blood Sacrifice of Genetic Dan for Aaron
4th Horseman = Hamongog (Apollyon) great migrating of the people into the United States of America

The Antichrist believes in the ability of the body of believers to handle these 40 days maturely and faithfully, and doing what needs to be done. So he has taken the time to speak directly with God, and with the Universe about what is to come to pass, what is to happen, beginning tomorrow. Love and Blessings.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so what is the significance of the color of the horse?
what is the significance what the rider holds in his hand?

shouldn't you be able to address that?


so what is the significance of the color of the horse?
what is the significance what the rider holds in his hand?

shouldn't you be able to address that?

(So far there is no public safety messages up, to assist the authorities in the humane resolution of the problem,, now that we have address the most important element of this discussion. ... ... ... ... I want to briefly talk about the old ways, namely, that people do not have the right to live when the destruction of the lord's vessel or testimony is taking place. ... ... ... ... At present this is routinely done, sometimes they are allowed to see what happens, other times they choose not to keep attacking after a few examples. Today out of a 10 hour walk, they choose to stop attacking around the 5-6 hour mark. God removes their right to live, after some point they are no longer capable of attacking. After a maximum, it takes a little more than a week before repeating this process is necessary. It doesn't matter they say or do to the Antichrist, the result is the same, they typically attack their own, or die in public shame ... ... ... ... right now I want to talk about myself, this information can hurt a lot of people, if a control mechanism is not employed namely, we give the opportunity, and let God put them down based on what they do ... ... ... ... do you see the video in the link? Their bodies are not burned alive or anything, because of what is done, their organs fail or they simply no longer exist, or in rare instances, they are allowed to live to bring shame and distaste to themselves in the presence of others ... ... ... ... this is an important part of understanding the theology behind the Four Horses ... ... ... ... "Berserk" is probably my most favorite Anime because, Griffith kills more people by being abused sexuall* and physicall* than by using any weapon himself ... ... ... ... secondly my most favorite anime is Jojo, because he never kills directly, he only allows his stand to kill, and those actions are always lethal. ... ... ... ... You have just understood what has happened to thousands of people based on our 10 hour walk yesterday, and the level of force that was used, and whatever else happens I do not decide to draw any attention to, these final 40 or so days of the Antichrist's Lifespan, Back to topic:)

1st Horse White = Rod of Joseph (Staff of Moses) = Leprous as Snow (Exodus 4:6)
2nd Horse Red = Jacob's Pillow Stones = Loins (Gen. 32:23-24)
3rd Horse Black = Ark of the Covenant = Emerods/Plague (1 Samuel 5:10-12)
4th Horse Pale = Holy Grail = Snared Conscious (Matt. 26:23)

Spiritual Answer
1st Horse White = Receiving a Spiritual Blessing (lack thereof, this is revelation)
2nd Horse Red = Testifying of the Spirit to Yourself (lack thereof, this is revelation)
3rd Horse Black = Testifying of the Spirit to Others (lack thereof, this is revelation)
4th Horse Pale = Receiving Salvation (lack thereof, this is revelation)

Carnal Answer
1st Horse White = Skin Color
2nd Horse Red = Genetics (Genetic Dan)
3rd Horse Black = Ungodliness (Work without Faith)
4th Horse Pale = Spiritually Dead/Derogatory form of Humanism (Failure to identify with Spiritual Reality) (Jesus does not pay for Sin)

(Back in 2014, the Authorities had captured God preventing Genetic Dan from killing his body and driving these people into their own. However the Authorities edited the Antichrist out of the video they released as the Picnic killings of a mass of church members ... ... ... ... once the public, media and authorities show the truth, we will simply keep repeating this process because of the nature of the public threat, it has no control over itself) Love and Blessings. (The Antichrist will cut them all from the covenant, as the law states)


New member

which are the same colours of the Flags of all the Moslem Nations

surrounding ISRAEL God's Chosen People.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the riders of the first three horses
-three of the most significant men who have ever lived
-constantine who is the third most significant in what he did for the church
-mohammed who is the second most significant and the enemy of the church
-marx who is the fourth most significant and the enemy of religion