The Easiest Election In History


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My father saw a great benefit from being in a white majority ; not so much for me, even less for many whites today. Everytime I see a white person living in horrible circumstances , I have to laugh at the thought of white privilege.

Perhaps you are confusing conformist, PC, liberally indoctrinated whites with whites in general ? That is where all the power and privilege resides.

He has no idea how and where i grew up.


What counts as being a true American citizen is becoming a mere technicality- Obama would never have sufficed in a past not so distant than you'd like to think.

Those people are sharks who all intended to do just that to him. There is nothing to smear of those already smeared by their own accord, it just takes someone with their eyes open to see it- they are part of the corrupt temple Trump spoke of, and no doubt will continue speaking of.

Yall don't understand that Trump's election is an unveiling of the rigging that had took place- all those people were sure he wouldn't win because they were duped by pollsters and people in Hillary's pocket.
"Lying Ted," "Little" Marco, "Lying Hillary" Cruz's father was part of the plot to assassinate JFK - all these things have one, and only one common denominator, Donald Trump!

After spending years "poisoning the well," its too late to expect people to put their faith in the water the day after you were elected president!


My father saw a great benefit from being in a white majority ; not so much for me, even less for many whites today. Everytime I see a white person living in horrible circumstances , I have to laugh at the thought of white privilege.

Perhaps you are confusing conformist, PC, liberally indoctrinated whites with whites in general ? That is where all the power and privilege resides.

That and the corporate environment, lobbyists, capitol hill, police/judges, religion....need I say more.


New member
That and the corporate environment, lobbyists, capitol hill, police/judges, religion....need I say more.

Who occupies all those posts? Liberals. You got it wrong on the police though. They have no priviledge whatsoever. Their sole power is delegated to them under strict guidelines beyond their control.

The corporate environment is totally controlled by the left. They wield no power in their interests; only those of the progressive power structure.


New member
The status quo is your greatest ally, this vote was the "riot" in favoring the resurgence and savior of the great white status quo..physical riots need not apply as you have the loaded system working well for you.

Voting is the opposite of rioting. It is how we register our needs and grievances with the government. Rioting is just violence when you don't get your way.


"Lying Ted," "Little" Marco, "Lying Hillary"

Exactly- liars, like their flocks.

Cruz's father was part of the plot to assassinate JFK

I know JFK's assassination was an inside job by simple, yet ignored facts. Governing factions did a good job in thoroughly brainwashing people to reject the inevitable.
Every eye witness of the assassination died soon after- that includes the myriad of people on the street watching him. I think it's amazing how society has been rendered incapable of acknowledging that for what it is- it's a sober reminder of the world we live in :rolleyes:


Doesn't matter whether you respect him or not really, he is still the president and the rest of you miscreants are not. The law of reciprocity has come full circle and you will have to just deal with the unpleasantries of being on the receiving end of conservative politics for awhile, maybe you liberals will learn a valuable lesson in the art of compromise when it comes to public policy. Kinda sucks knowing you will be on the receiving end of the shaft doesn't it? Well I can say I know how you feel been living it going on 8 years now.
What happens if the majority of Americans who voted for the party that has been effectively excluded from the White House and majorities in the Senate, House and Supreme Court decide not to learn these "valuable lessons?"

If Speaker Ryan was allowed to disassociate himself from Trump based on his unacceptable behavior, why can't the rest of the country play by the same rules?

I don't think conservatives realize that this current unrest has the potential to send America down that slippery slope into a state of chaos.

Based on the behavior he's displayed over the past year, Trump is totally incapable of providing the moral leadership necessary to unite the country.
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patrick jane

What happens if the majority of Americans who voted for the party that was excluded from the White House and majorities in the Senate, House and Supreme Court decide not to learn these "valuable lessons" pf their own?

If Speaker Ryan us allowed to disassociate himself from Trump based on his behavior, why can't the rest of the country play by the same rules?
Trump Wins !!! :rotfl:


You know what I think is hilarious :chuckle:

The fact that liberals said this and that about what would happen if Trump became President, but yet since he was elected, they've been saying 'we don't know'.

So, basically, they were just talking crap :rotfl:
And look at how many people were duped into that rather than looking to facts.

I projected these current riots to come long beforehand- as expected, it's mainly college liberal idiots- the one's who perpetuated a lot of what supposed grown people report. I mean, do you feel like a tool yet?
You should :rolleyes:


Exactly- liars, like their flocks.
These "liars" weren't caught on tape claiming that they routinely groped women - or had a dozen women claim that this was more than just "locker-room" talk!

The "liars" didn't question the motives of "gold-star" Moslem-American parents or claim that they knew more about military strategy than America's generals.

Unlike Trump, these "liars" made their income tax returns public, rather than demand thar we take their word that were doing the right thing.

None of these "lying" candidates are multi-billionaires, live in the luxury of the Trump Towers or own their own plane - yet they all managed to pay income tax.

None of the "liars" were acting presidential in the middle of the night by tweeting insults about a former Miss Universe or commenting that some of the women accusing him of "groping" weren't pretty enough to meet his standards.

The "liars" didn't warrant Putin's "seal of approval" nor managed to have the Russian KGB hack the Democratic Party files and provide a steady stream of embarrassing confidential emails designed to influence the election.

These "liars" didn't have Speaker Ryan disassociate himself from their candidacy.


These "liars" weren't caught on tape claiming that they routinely groped women - or had a dozen women claim that this was more than just "locker-room" talk!

Trump is honest about his manhood and recognizes the idolatry you all have committed of the female body. When the entire country stops at a mere claim by a woman that her breast was touched thirty years ago, it means that you all are under a particular sort of sorcery I'm glad to be immune to.

The "liars" didn't question the motives of "gold-star" Moslem-American parents or claim that they knew more about military strategy than America's generals.

Religion is a very strong motivator which can cause the least expected of people to do something they wouldn't otherwise do, or begin to labor under influences they otherwise would stay away from.
We are a lot better at stopping Christian extremists rather than Muslim extremists, and it's because Muslims aren't scrutinized like Christians.

Unlike Trump, these "liars" made their income tax returns public, rather than demand thar we take their word that were doing the right thing.

They wouldn't have showed them at all if it wasn't to pressure Trump to show his. It would have never been brought up- a person is wise to not even buy into that nonsense, and that's what Trump decided.

Nothing was ever found to be illegal with Trump's taxes, and quite frankly you aren't no patriot in paying more than what you can get over which is just foolishness. The IRS is no 'service' :rolleyes:

None of the "liars" were acting presidential in the middle of the night by tweeting insults about a former Miss Universe or commenting that some of the women accusing him of "groping" weren't pretty enough to meet his standards.

She's a daft idiot who doesn't see that 'fat shaming' is almost entirely a woman-on-woman crime and projects on men whenever something cracks her self adoration.
Clinton used her Miss Universe, Latino feminist image to augment her own.

The "liars" didn't warrant Putin's "seal of approval" nor managed to have the Russian KGB hack the Democratic Party files and provide a steady stream of embarrassing confidential emails designed to influence the election.

It's time to move on and stop playing the same old record with a country that has thousands of nukes pointed at us.

These "liars" didn't have Speaker Ryan disassociate himself from their candidacy.

Oh me, oh my! Press the big red button, Ryan disassociated himself!
I thought people were leaving the country if Trump became President. Clock's a tickin, get on out :wave2:


Well-known member
These "liars" weren't caught on tape claiming that they routinely groped women - or had a dozen women claim that this was more than just "locker-room" talk!

The "liars" didn't question the motives of "gold-star" Moslem-American parents or claim that they knew more about military strategy than America's generals.

Unlike Trump, these "liars" made their income tax returns public, rather than demand thar we take their word that were doing the right thing.

None of these "lying" candidates are multi-billionaires, live in the luxury of the Trump Towers or own their own plane - yet they all managed to pay income tax.

None of the "liars" were acting presidential in the middle of the night by tweeting insults about a former Miss Universe or commenting that some of the women accusing him of "groping" weren't pretty enough to meet his standards.

The "liars" didn't warrant Putin's "seal of approval" nor managed to have the Russian KGB hack the Democratic Party files and provide a steady stream of embarrassing confidential emails designed to influence the election.

These "liars" didn't have Speaker Ryan disassociate himself from their candidacy.

Drone, do yourself a favor and internalize this simple fact.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What happens if the majority of Americans who voted for the party that has been effectively excluded from the White House and majorities in the Senate, House and Supreme Court decide not to learn these "valuable lessons?"

If Speaker Ryan was allowed to disassociate himself from Trump based on his unacceptable behavior, why can't the rest of the country play by the same rules?

I don't think conservatives realize that this current unrest has the potential to send America down that slippery slope into a state of chaos.

Based on the behavior he's displayed over the past year, Trump is totally incapable of providing the moral leadership necessary to unite the country.

That is rich....and somehow you are under the impression that giving the keys to the kingdom to a corrupt lying felon would have gleaned a sense of moral leadership? What a laugh...No, the people that have been benefitting from 8 years of a nanny state that steals from those who achieve to subsidize those that do not is about to end, they will now have to get jobs to support their wants & needs but, there will be plenty of those jobs also when the jackboot is lifted off American industry's neck through taxation & over regulation. The problem with you libs is you say out of one side of your mouth you don't like Trumps behavior yet, out of the other side you have been totally acceptant of leadership which is, & has been, corrupt, unconstitutional, and quite polarizing. Now somehow we on the right are supposed to make a place for you at the table & accommodate your wishes...well you will eat what is put in front of you as my dad always said, that is what is for dinner so, eat up because nobody said you were going to like it. The left can continue to have their tantrum, they will have to just deal with it.


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Hall of Fame

The New York Times on Thursday called for President-elect Donald Trump to denounce acts of violence and vandalism against minorities that have popped up in the U.S. since his election.

The newspaper’s editorial board wrote that one of Trump's first initiatives should be committing to being a president for all Americans and seeking counsel from those who did not vote for him.

It listed off incidents of vandalism and harassment and warned of an “atmosphere of intimidation and fear is unquestionably real and will keep growing.”

"Here’s some guidance right off the bat, Mr. President-elect: Those sentiments will have more force if you immediately and unequivocally repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults, threats and attacks being associated with your name," the newspaper wrote.

"Do this in a personal plea to people who supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not what you stand for, nor is it what your new administration will tolerate.”

The Times said the incidents are not surprising given Trump's own rhetoric.

"The problem, of course, is that Mr. Trump’s campaign was based on appeals — some explicit, some coded — to racial and ethnic resentment and division," the editorial board wrote.

"His followers heard it starting with his speech declaring his candidacy, warning of Mexican immigrant 'rapists,' continuing to a rally last weekend where he promised to bar all Syrian refugees because they 'will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities.'"

According to the Times, Trump's victory served as a "vindication" of racism and bigotry among those "who have been looking for a license to lash out against immigrants, refugees, minorities and anyone else they find threatening."

The editorial argued that the president-elect now has a "moral duty" to reject racist and sexist acts coming from some of his supporters adding that every American "deserves to live in safety, with dignity."

The newspaper also condemned the violence coming from anti-Trump protestors, stating that such acts also have "no space in American political discourse."


I don't agree with your assessment of Trump. In any case, each one is responsible for his/her actions. The violence is wrong. OK to protest and march.

I agree...and include Trump in that 'individual responsible group' as well.


New member
I agree...and include Trump in that 'individual responsible group' as well.

Trump is definitely responsible for his actions and I would like to have a few months into Trump's administration to see what actually unfolds.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Test the wind. Listen to Trump's campaign rhetoric. Read some of the past discussions on this forum. I don't need to rehash the cultural war specifics for know what they are.

iow, you don't have anything specific

i suspected as much

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What do you think about his views toward women? (given the video...etc.)

hey - something specific! :thumb:

i think that he, like many guys, can channel his inner hound dog/pig when he wants to

i see nothing to suggest that it will affect official government policy

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
BTW Hillary won the pop vote.


she wins first place!
