The Blame Game pt.2


Well-known member
Ok, seriously, you need to get a grip on this here and here's why. I do not hate you, nor do I hate Christians or have any sort of disgust for people professing faith. I have no bother in lampooning zealots who come up with outlandish quackery as if they're about to be on the verge of facing the horrors that people actually did in Nazi Germany. You are asking to be mocked when you come up with asinine crap like that. You are not facing persecution and you are not on the verge of being separated from your loved ones, starved or gassed in concentration camps. You earn ridicule with contemptible garbage like that because you do a complete disservice to people who actually were faced with such horror. You live in America and there's no chance of anything like that happening to you and you damn well know it.

Oh, and take a look at your own 'insults' before getting all holier than thou GD. You wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite would you?

Put your tin foil hat on in turn...


Yippie, he's trying reason, but even that is warped.

Do you not realize that the Jews were not hauled off to the gas chambers overnight? Try to use your brain for once and think about what you're saying. Persecution starts slowly....with name calling and ridicule. Then laws get passed, and people are forced to endure more open means of persecution. What happened to the Jews did not happen over night. Apparently you don't know there was a buildup to the atrocities. I feel like history is a forgotten thing with you people. Maybe tearing down statues is how you deal with erasing facts from your minds. :nono:

Thank God, Hillary didn't get elected or worse yet, that Socialist Sanders. There is hope for America yet if we can keep the terrorist over there in Britain. You all like them, don't you? They mean no harm.

patrick jane

After learning more about the yet not agreed to "deal" Trump made with dems, I may be against such a "deal". Tucker Carlson raises some excellent points in the first 10 minutes of his show tonight. One problem would be allowing relatives of Dreamers amnesty, even those in another country. Republicans need to hold the open border dems in check when negotiating new immigration reform legislation. They have 6 months.

:rotfl: Wrong Video !!!
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Well-known member
After learning more about the yet not agreed to "deal" Trump made with dems, I may be against such a "deal". Tucker Carlson raises some excellent points in the first 10 minutes of his show tonight. One problem would be allowing relatives of Dreamers amnesty, even those in another country. Republicans need to hold the open border dems in check when negotiating new immigration reform legislation. They have 6 months.

No deal has been made yet. Chuck and Nancy are not to be trusted, and Trump is good at leading people on. It will be interesting to see what happens, though.

patrick jane

The deadbeat Republicans (not all), with their repeated failures and ineffectiveness basically drove the President to seek out dem support.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yippie, he's trying reason, but even that is warped.

Ya, I'm not the conspiracy nut. That mantle is yours.

Do you not realize that the Jews were not hauled off to the gas chambers overnight? Try to use your brain for once and think about what you're saying. Persecution starts slowly....with name calling and ridicule. Then laws get passed, and people are forced to endure more open means of persecution. What happened to the Jews did not happen over night. Apparently you don't know there was a buildup to the atrocities. I feel like history is a forgotten thing with you people. Maybe tearing down statues is how you deal with erasing facts from your minds. :nono:

Who argued or implied that it happened overnight? Oh, that's right, nobody, so a completely erroneous assumption on your part to begin with right there. FYI I'm well aware that it didn't happen 'overnight' and of the history of the time, which is why when conspiracy nuts try to compare this blight on mankind's history with some imaginary persecution of themselves it should be called out and ridiculed for the whacked out garbage it is. The Jews were persecuted by an insidious regime which, had it gone unchecked would have conquered the Western world and you and I wouldn't be having this little chat right now. What- in the hell - are you and Christians in general in the West going through that is comparable to that?

In short, absolutely nothing. You can go to church, you can pray, you aren't having your rights gradually eroded, you're not under threat of persecution, nobody's outlawing Christianity, nobody's rounding you up to throw in death camps. About the only thing you can lay claim to is ridicule, but given that far right fundamentalist zealots can say some of the most outlandish things then you bring that on yourselves anyway. Some of what you cranks come out with deserves to be mocked and ridiculed. Doesn't mean you're going to be rounded up and exterminated...In 1998 I visited the Holocaust Museum, I recommend you do the same as it might shake this conspiracy rubbish out of you once and for all. Oh, and FTR I'm not interested in statues, tearing down or otherwise.

Thank God, Hillary didn't get elected or worse yet, that Socialist Sanders. There is hope for America yet if we can keep the terrorist over there in Britain. You all like them, don't you? They mean no harm.

Terrorists? Of course not, only a wingnut would say such a demented thing. :AMR:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
AB sure gets "wordy" when he knows he's losing a debate.

That the persecution and murder of Jews is akin to some imaginary similar in regards to Christians in the West? That ain't a debate that's possible to lose GM. Only crackpots and conspiracy nuts would give any time to that bunk. Go listen to Infowars or something...

patrick jane

That the persecution and murder of Jews is akin to some imaginary similar in regards to Christians in the West? That ain't a debate that's possible to lose GM. Only crackpots and conspiracy nuts would give any time to that bunk. Go listen to Infowars or something...
It is happening in numerous places in the world today. If Christians are being tortured, beheaded, and persecuted anywhere, then it's happening in the "west".

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro was at Berkeley last night and there was a huge display of Police on hand to take care of any and all Antifa Terrorism. For the most part, there really wasn't any display of violence or rioting. Everything remained subdued because of the Police presence involved. Last time there was a Conservative at Berkeley there was rioting, violence, and property damage caused by Antifa Terrorists dressed in masks and black garb. At that time there was no REAL Police presence to stop it. That goes to prove, having a strong showing of force involving the Police is the answer to the Antifa problem.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is happening in numerous places in the world today. If Christians are being tortured, beheaded, and persecuted anywhere, then it's happening in the "west".

What, is it happening in Los Angeles and New York? Are you scared to go to church where you live at? C'mon Patrick, get real. I'm not saying there aren't places in the world where it can be dangerous to be a Christian but it ain't happening on your own doorstep, so the comparison between the persecution of Jews is asinine.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The goal of Antifa is to stop all "free speech" on the Conservative side. If you ask Antifa members, why they're out there protesting you'll usually get a response such as; "Get out of here you, (Expletive deleted) Nazi!" Antifa members use vile language and name calling to terrorize the citizenry. Antifa sees "Phantom Nazis" everywhere. They consider any and all Trump voters to be Nazis. The word "Nazi" has been watered down to the extent that it no longer has any REAL connotation backing it up. The word "Nazi" is a word used to denote anybody who disagrees with a personal ideology.

Fascism (Nazism) was first introduced by the Italian Dictator; Benito Mussolini. An American form of Nazism was adopted by people such as; George Lincoln Rockwell, who was the leader of the American Nazi Party many years ago. Rockwell was assassinated on August 25, 1967, by a member of his own organization. Rockwell's Nazi Party mustn't be compared to the Nazis of Germany, however. Hitler's Nazi regime is responsible for the murder of several million human beings. The American Nazi and KKK members are extremely small today, merely a fraction. However, the far-left-wing Antifa Terrorist group would have us believe that ALL Conservatives/Trump supporters are Nazis/White Supremacists.