The Blame Game pt.2

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
They say that the BRITS have a "Very dry sense of humor." In ABs case, his sense of humor has long since evaporated and has become Non-existant. Poor fellow.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Does anybody think that Hillary will dare to take another shot at the Presidency in 2020? If so, do you think she'll get the financial support of the far-left-wing DEMS?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, people of faith are being ridiculed by people like you. Just look at yourself, Artie. You give off a constant barrage of hate and disgust. You think it's any different here in liberal OREGON? No, it the same everywhere we go. "Religious nuts" are "Nazis" and "deplorable". There are many who are literally afraid to speak up.

Ok, seriously, you need to get a grip on this here and here's why. I do not hate you, nor do I hate Christians or have any sort of disgust for people professing faith. I have no bother in lampooning zealots who come up with outlandish quackery as if they're about to be on the verge of facing the horrors that people actually did in Nazi Germany. You are asking to be mocked when you come up with asinine crap like that. You are not facing persecution and you are not on the verge of being separated from your loved ones, starved or gassed in concentration camps. You earn ridicule with contemptible garbage like that because you do a complete disservice to people who actually were faced with such horror. You live in America and there's no chance of anything like that happening to you and you damn well know it.

Oh, and take a look at your own 'insults' before getting all holier than thou GD. You wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite would you?

My right to freely express my Christian beliefs is being threatened. Put your wee head back in the sand, Smartie. Your opinion is not needed or wanted.

Put your tin foil hat on in turn...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It sounds as if AB is on the brink of having a total, hysterical emotional breakdown. I hope for his sake, I'm mistaken.


Blu..huiyyufhb m,hmlj111 66744!!!!! huilbbjhvhdrtsryiol hjdc re tyjh jlpnmbbvbvcfr..............!!!!!!!*&66432sewfbb???

Whoops, sorry about that. The cat decided to take a walk over me keyboard there.

Do carry on about how you're likely to be persecuted and murdered etc...


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ok, seriously, you need to get a grip on this here and here's why. I do not hate you, nor do I hate Christians or have any sort of disgust for people professing faith. I have no bother in lampooning zealots who come up with outlandish quackery as if they're about to be on the verge of facing the horrors that people actually did in Nazi Germany. You are asking to be mocked when you come up with asinine crap like that. You are not facing persecution and you are not on the verge of being separated from your loved ones, starved or gassed in concentration camps. You earn ridicule with contemptible garbage like that because you do a complete disservice to people who actually were faced with such horror. You live in America and there's no chance of anything like that happening to you and you damn well know it.

Oh, and take a look at your own 'insults' before getting all holier than thou GD. You wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite would you?

Put your tin foil hat on in turn...


AB, looks like your "Aluminum" references have been "FOILED" again. Get my jest, AB?