The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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If you want to do something... do it the right way and talk to your state representatives about trying to repeal that part of the amendment.

Otherwise, no matter what 'common sense' regulation someone dreams up with will eventually fail in the courts and end up being nothing more than a colossal waste of tax payers dollars.
What is, "the right way?" I offer a plan that will train people to effectively use their weapons and monitor their psychology.


New member
Yes, they will. But if you, HisServant, pulls a gun in public and starts shooting, I want to know that you have been trained and are qualified to use that gun without accidentally shooting my kids in the head. If you do not have that training you should not be allowed to draw a gun in a public place. If you don't have that training, pulling your gun is far more likely to make things worse than better.

Constitutionally, this line of questioning is irrevalent.

And you walking around with a gun that you are just itching to use would have prevented those how, exactly?

This is also irrelevant.

This is beyond the scope of this thread. This thread is discussing guns, not bombs. How is your gun going to prevent somebody from building a bomb? How is your gun going to prevent somebody from leaving a back pack in a crowd?

This is also irrelevant... all I was pointing out is that whether someone has access to a gun is irrelevant to mass shootings.. and that if someone is intent on mass murder they will find the easiest possible route to do so... take away guns and they will use the next easiest route.


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What good are results if the laws get struck down by the supreme's...

Then let's never try to do anything out of fear it might get challenged.

But then again, I honestly do not see how you could measure tangible results in this case.

We're constantly told any kind of reasonable gun control will never, ever work and then the NRA terrifies politicians into never considering those alternatives which means we'll never find out if reasonable regulation actually does work. If proposals were enacted--and I suspect the results would be substantial--it'll be observable, documented, and finally put a lie to the insanity pushed by the gun lobby.

Maintaining the status quo absolutely guarantees nothing will change.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Stupid OP assumes people cannot get training and that criminals do not need it.
That is not what the OP says at all. The OP sets forth the idea that training should be mandatory in order to carry a gun in public.


New member
Then let's never try to do anything out of fear it might get challenged.

We're constantly told any kind of reasonable gun control will never, ever work and then the NRA terrifies politicians into never considering those alternatives which means we'll never find out if reasonable regulation actually does work. If proposals were enacted--and I suspect the results would be substantial--it'll be observable, documented, and finally put a lie to the insanity pushed by the gun lobby.

Maintaining the status quo absolutely guarantees nothing will change.

Its not fear that it will get challenged.. ITS GOING TO HAPPEN.. AND IT WILL BE STRUCK DOWN... that is a statement of fact. To think otherwise is to be ignorant of the Courts recent decisions.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Constitutionally, this line of questioning is irrevalent.
Maybe. But the reality of the situation is something different. I don't know you. I see you pull a gun near my family. What am I to think? How about I just pull my gun and shoot you where you stand to protect my family from you.

Constitutionally this line of questioning is highly relevant. Rights come with responsibilities. In the case of gun ownership, those responsibilities should great as one idiot with a gun can spread grief far and wide, whether they mean to or not.

This is also irrelevant.
Why is it irrelevant? You brought it up. The implication is that people carrying guns could somehow have prevented these bombings. How?

This is also irrelevant... all I was pointing out is that whether someone has access to a gun is irrelevant to mass shootings.. and that if someone is intent on mass murder they will find the easiest possible route to do so... take away guns and they will use the next easiest route.
That is not the topic of this thread. The topic of this thread is people who carry guns taking on the shooter. What kind of training should those average citizens have if you are going to trust them to defend you by pulling their gun?


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New member
Maybe. But the reality of the situation is something different. I don't know you. I see you pull a gun near my family. What am I to think? How about I just pull my gun and shoot you where you stand to protect my family from you.

I see you seem to have forgotten to read your bible and understand that Christians are supposed to be pacifists and only care about what can kill the soul.

You can thank Augustine and the Roman Catholic church for your violent views.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If this is what you think this thread is about then you have entirely missed the point.

The kind of gun control I am advocating is actually being able to control your gun. It requires that you be able to assess the entire situation to determine if pulling your gun is a good idea or not. It requires training under live fire conditions to ensure that you can actually hit your target when said target is shooting back at you. It requires that you prove that you are mentally sound to make those judgements.


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Its not fear that it will get challenged.. ITS GOING TO HAPPEN.. AND IT WILL BE STRUCK DOWN... that is a statement of fact. To think otherwise is to be ignorant of the Courts recent decisions.

Which leads you back to "do nothing." Yeah, I got it. "Don't bother" is exactly what made us great.


New member
If this is what you think this thread is about then you have entirely missed the point.

The kind of gun control I am advocating is actually being able to control your gun. It requires that you be able to assess the entire situation to determine if pulling your gun is a good idea or not. It requires training under live fire conditions to ensure that you can actually hit your target when said target is shooting back at you. It requires that you prove that you are mentally sound to make those judgements.

Yup... you are a special kind of stupid.


New member
Which leads you back to "do nothing." Yeah, I got it. "Don't bother" is exactly what made us great.

I'm not saying 'do nothing'... I am saying that the only permanent way to deal with this issue is to pass a constitutional amendment.... and if the majority of the people in a majority of the states want the 2nd amendment modified.. then so be it.

But to think that passing local, state or federal laws that INFRINGE on the 2nd amendment will stick.... is a special kind of stupid.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I see you seem to have forgotten to read your bible and understand that Christians are supposed to be pacifists and only care about what can kill the soul.

You can thank Augustine and the Roman Catholic church for your violent views.
You work pretty hard to miss points, don't you.

This issue of Christians with guns and the willingness to use them to shoot people for various reasons is a topic for another thread. Suffice it to say, there are times where use of deadly force to defend the innocent is acceptable. Use of deadly force to defend property, no. Remember what Jesus says:

Luke 6:28-30New International Version (NIV)

28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.


New member
You work pretty hard to miss points, don't you.

This issue of Christians with guns and the willingness to use them to shoot people for various reasons is a topic for another thread. Suffice it to say, there are times where use of deadly force to defend the innocent is acceptable. Use of deadly force to defend property, no. Remember what Jesus says:

Luke 6:28-30New International Version (NIV)

28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

I disagree... use of deadly force is never a Christian behavior.


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My problem is that I am a realist... apparently you and your cohorts are not.

The constitution provides a mechanism to deal with this issue... why are you afraid of using it?

I was referring to your resistance to CM's suggestion that gun owners actually know what they're doing.

You'd prefer we change nothing and not even bother trying. I've got zero interest in someone like you who's content to blow dust off his fingernails and say "Well, it's tough." People like you always get in the way and then try to explain how much they helped once something actually gets done.


New member
I was referring to your resistance to CM's suggestion that gun owners actually know what they're doing.

You'd prefer we change nothing and not even bother trying. I've got zero interest in someone like you who's content to blow dust off his fingernails and say "Well, it's tough." People like you always get in the way and then try to explain how much they helped once something actually gets done.

I'm not in the way at all...

Did I say how I would vote if given the opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment?... Nope.

What I am against is wasting time and tax dollars for something that is a guaranteed failure.


New member
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I'm not in the way at all...

Did I say how I would vote if given the opportunity to vote on a constitutional amendment?... Nope.

What I am against is wasting time and tax dollars for something that is a guaranteed failure.

A self-righteous passive aggressive who sits on his hands does nobody any good. If you have anything constructive to add to the thread knock yourself out.