Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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You are literally blind to what's happening, aren't you?

This video shows that two new investigations were opened today - wake up jgarb

Obviously the NFL "kneeling" diversion has outlived its usefulness so the White House has been forced to revert to Plan B!
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Eclectic Theosophist
Let 'God' be 'God'........

Let 'God' be 'God'........

You are tossed back and forth by the waves.

If so, joyously :)

You cannot limit the infinite Ocean to just one particular bottled formula, or container, since the universal water of Spirit is everywhere present.

So, If I as an individual soul am bouncing on the waves of the cosmos,...I have no fear for I am EVER in the arms of the infinite, and there is nowhere I can go outside of that ONE.

This One can be personalized as both 'Father' or 'Mother', the divine Parent of all, or viewed in its highest transcendental non-personal sense, as Pure Spirit.....none-the-less,...IT is All There IS :)



Eclectic Theosophist
Open your heart to the Infinite.......

Open your heart to the Infinite.......

Of course you would say that, it proves you hate the Word.

The Word explains that it is not right, but you say yeah it is good.

I'd re-read my former commentary with a little more insight and my own nuance with a touch of humor :)

Again,..if 'God' is the infinite Ocean,...and all movements of life, being, existence....are as the 'waves' in that Ocean,...well, cant so much seperate a 'wave' from the 'Ocean', since every wave is a 'part' of the 'Ocean'. Life is one idivisible whole.....IT includes all the parts and the whole as one totality, an ever progressing evolving effulgence of potentiality ;)

Understanding the universal truth and divine wisdom woven thru-out creation is fundamental to religious science and experience of life. - the Ocean and waves analogy is just that, an allegory representing a deeper more universal truth of the indivisible ONE.

If you want to call the one universal absolute reality 'God' or give IT a 'name' or 'gender', your own personalization, that is Big Man in the sky is gonna hit you over the head or send you to 'hell'. 'God' has many names and forms. This must be understood however from the universal metaphysical understanding of 'God' being the pure energy-spirit-consciousness from which all names and forms are made, the essence of which all things come into being, and are given any meaning or value. Hence, 'God' is ever the omnipresent, timeless reality or HEART of all things and beings, being infinite, and the essence of infinity. - and 'you' as a part of 'God' cannot be seperate.



Trump's new tax reform plan sounds good to me, let's see if the demonrats try to squash it like they do with everything that's good for America -

Given that the Republicans already have a numerical majority in both the House and the Senate, one wonders as to how it is logical to lay the blame on the Democrats for "squashing" GOP legislation!

Apparently the GOP leadership, in its infinite wisdom, feels that there are no lessons to be learned from the recent healthcare fiascos.

Without even attempting to go through the motions of seeking prior consultations with the Democrats, our Republican "friends" will once again act all surprised and dismayed when they fail to attract bipartisan support, particularly for unpopular legislation.

That being said, I'm sure we can all take comfort in "parick jane's" endorsement of this proposed tax bill, safe in the knowledge that he has read and understood its ramifications before bestowing his much esteemed "seal of approval!"
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Eclectic Theosophist
Mistakes are part of life in this conditional existence..........

Mistakes are part of life in this conditional existence..........

A prophet, who is a spokesman for God does not make mistakes.

Several of the men whom you venerate in the bible made plenty of mistakes, prophets, kings, priests and apostles alike....among them murder and adultery to name a few. I dont think MC's so called 'sin' approaches anywhere near those 'sins'. Give yourself a break folks. MC can prophesy all he likes, and it may or may not have any meaning or consequence among so many other hundreds of people prophesying 'this' or 'that' over the many years of humanity, and life goes along just as it did, since time immemorial.

What will happen, will happen, including any 'factors' which might modify or condition things in 'how' or 'when' they might happen. All is still in divine providence, since nothing can exist or happen apart from the Infinite ONE, who is omnipresent.....of which this creation is but a 'creative play' (lila) of endless potentials and possibilities.


Eclectic Theosophist
What you have done is make up stuff and try to pass it off as GOD's word.

MC can only claim what he believes 'God' (whatever being he is calling 'God') reveals to his claims are just that.

The same goes for the 'Bible' who many 'claim' is "God's word", but this too is just a BELIEF.


Eclectic Theosophist
Your silly world view is just a BELIEF.... but thanks for playing.

The observations hold, and in an equal playing field, if you would like to be intellectually honest in your endeavor...your 'belief' if you have any of any kind, and it qualifies to be defined as a 'belief', is JUST THAT. That observation is not 'silly'(your own projection) as much as it exposes your own 'belief-system' to be as frail as it is, since a 'belief' is 'subjective' and often self-serving.


“For His Name’s sake they went forth …” . . “Witnesses unto Me … unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

January 1st

Let us keep to the point

“My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed, but that now as ever I may do honor to Christ in my own person by fearless courage." Phil. 1:20. (Moffatt.)

My Utmost for His Highest. “My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed.” We shall all feel very much ashamed if we do not yield to Jesus on the point He has asked us to yield to Him. Paul says—“My determination is to be my utmost for His Highest.” To get there is a question of will, not of debate nor of reasoning, but a surrender of will, an absolute and irrevocable surrender on that point. An over-weening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others. When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean. Keep to the point; He does know. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only—“My Utmost for His Highest.” I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and for Him alone.

My Undeterredness for His Holiness. “Whether that means life or death, no matter!” (v. 21). Paul is determined that nothing shall deter him from doing exactly what God wants. God’s order has to work up to a crisis in our lives because we will not heed the gentler way. He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him, and we begin to debate; then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide—for or against, and from that point the ‘Great Divide’ begins.

If the crisis has come to you on any line, surrender your will to Him absolutely and irrevocably. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oswald Chambers

Surrender your life and will to Him , absolutely and irrevocably ? Sounds familiar , sounds like "pisteuo."

Who is this Oswald Chambers ?


Eclectic Theosophist
Underhanded tactics...........

Underhanded tactics...........


For those interested...the previous posts of mine 'placed' here by someone else from the 'Thread for tracking Michael Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy'....were not 'SPAM', and I was "removed" from the thread from which the above posts are from with no 'reason' or 'explanation' given to me which is just shady.

Granted this forum is 'biased', but when people cant handle my commentary and fail to be able to engage the points shared in it intelligently (thru rational debate/dialogue, point by point), just 'banning' someone from the thread is an 'underhanded tactic' since I'm just as much an equal 'card carrying' theology player just as any of the others.

In any case, the above is not 'spam' since I'm addressing the issue of MC's prophecy and specifically addressing those criticizing his 'false prophesies' pointing out their own shortcomings (and their tangents), which for some is just too 'uncomfortable' to handle. - so just 'eject' the one offering an opposing, different or nuanced view of the subject. Thats pretty telling.

While I may not agree with MC's religious proclivities, I've never nit picked about his infamous prophecies (as if they really mattered or have any more weight than other prophecy ever given by so called prophets), but offered universal or particular insights into the subjects at hand, addressing pot shot comments, unlike the finger pointers here from the 'forum sanctioned theology' club, who can ridicule and demean others with full license and not have to worry about being conveniently "removed".


Well-known member

For those interested...the previous posts of mine 'placed' here by someone else from the 'Thread for tracking Michael Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy'....were not 'SPAM', and I was "removed" from the thread from which the above posts are from with no 'reason' or 'explanation' given to me which is just shady.

Granted this forum is 'biased', but when people cant handle my commentary and fail to be able to engage the points shared in it intelligently (thru rational debate/dialogue, point by point), just 'banning' someone from the thread is an 'underhanded tactic' since I'm just as much an equal 'card carrying' theology player just as any of the others.

In any case, the above is not 'spam' since I'm addressing the issue of MC's prophecy and specifically addressing those criticizing his 'false prophesies' pointing out their own shortcomings (and their tangents), which for some is just too 'uncomfortable' to handle. - so just 'eject' the one offering an opposing, different or nuanced view of the subject. Thats pretty telling.

While I may not agree with MC's religious proclivities, I've never nit picked about his infamous prophecies (as if they really mattered or have any more weight than other prophecy ever given by so called prophets), but offered universal or particular insights into the subjects at hand, addressing pot shot comments, unlike the finger pointers here from the 'forum sanctioned theology' club, who can ridicule and demean others with full license and not have to worry about being conveniently "removed".

Whining like that makes the age of Aquarius cry.

patrick jane


For those interested...the previous posts of mine 'placed' here by someone else from the 'Thread for tracking Michael Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy'....were not 'SPAM', and I was "removed" from the thread from which the above posts are from with no 'reason' or 'explanation' given to me which is just shady.

Granted this forum is 'biased', but when people cant handle my commentary and fail to be able to engage the points shared in it intelligently (thru rational debate/dialogue, point by point), just 'banning' someone from the thread is an 'underhanded tactic' since I'm just as much an equal 'card carrying' theology player just as any of the others.

In any case, the above is not 'spam' since I'm addressing the issue of MC's prophecy and specifically addressing those criticizing his 'false prophesies' pointing out their own shortcomings (and their tangents), which for some is just too 'uncomfortable' to handle. - so just 'eject' the one offering an opposing, different or nuanced view of the subject. Thats pretty telling.

While I may not agree with MC's religious proclivities, I've never nit picked about his infamous prophecies (as if they really mattered or have any more weight than other prophecy ever given by so called prophets), but offered universal or particular insights into the subjects at hand, addressing pot shot comments, unlike the finger pointers here from the 'forum sanctioned theology' club, who can ridicule and demean others with full license and not have to worry about being conveniently "removed".
You're not in tune with your Chakra


Eclectic Theosophist
Oh stuff it.......

Oh stuff it.......

Whining like that makes the age of Aquarius cry.

Recognizing pettiness, arbitrary 'removals' from a discussion and censorship is far from 'whining' but telling it like it is. But have fun in the 'peanut gallery' with the heretic hunters, which is really the 'goon squad' in religious dress.

pj writes:

You're not in tune with your Chakra

Im aware enough to share the facts of the actions taken and have a voice to share my opinion of such, which may or may not have anything to do with my 'chakra' dear. Btw, there are at least 7 primary ones, 9 in another school, and many more in some systems. Perhaps it is you who need your "spinning wheels" tuned ;)


Cross Reference

New member
Surrender your life and will to Him , absolutely and irrevocably ? Sounds familiar , sounds like "pisteuo."

Who is this Oswald Chambers ?

In this by Chambers does abandonment of one's life to God be but other way of expressing one's faith made completely exceptable to God. . . and for his pleasure. Jesus was full of Grace and truth as the result by His doing so. Jesus, the man, became our example "for His pleasure" to be satisfied.

The Foreword and intro. speaks to what I believe you wish to know.


In this by Chambers does abandonment of one's life to God be but other way of expressing one's faith made completely exceptable to God. . . and for his pleasure. Jesus was full of Grace and truth as the result by His doing so. Jesus, the man, became our example "for His pleasure" to be satisfied.

The Foreword and intro. speaks to what I believe you wish to know.

Is it ok to discuss that statement here on this thread.

Do you understand the door to Salvation only opens with the Complete and continual surrendering of our lives to God ?


Well-known member
So no flaws in beliefs mask as christian in that thread is false, just like being stopped by a cop for fictitious reasons you're reasoning is just as dishonest, instead of coming out and being truthful about why you really remove certain people from the fictitious religion section under christian rulership, you use the color of law to pretend you have some integrity.


Eclectic Theosophist
spam-bots for 'God'.......

spam-bots for 'God'.......

So no flaws in beliefs mask as christian in that thread is false, just like being stopped by a cop for fictitious reasons you're reasoning is just as dishonest, instead of coming out and being truthful about why you really remove certain people from the fictitious religion section under christian rulership, you use the color of law to pretend you have some integrity.

You know the drill,..but lets respect basic 1st amendment rights, still granting particular rules for certain forum venues of course, but reminding moderators of such that some of us are more liberal and eclectic in our world views and more philosophically challenging. Its all good, as I'm at that point in my usual forte of 'creative dialogue' to question or drop even my own religious beliefs, opinions, points of view, (if necessary or correctively) since I from the realm of higher consciousness recognize, they are JUST points of view.

Now whether something has any meaning, value or pertinence within any given context is a matter of free and open discussion (engaging points, criteria measures, defining terms, rationale, etc.), which is what I'm about, even if skeptical or mildly scolding of what I see as limiting and binding dogmas, which instead of liberating souls, put minds in 'grid-lock' and works against the universal truth found thru-out the whole of existence. Add onto this, one's own personal bias and opinion of what qualifies as 'spam' :) - another hot potato.

On the outer edges or within the melting pot, I take a stab at humor every once in awhile (visualize a laughing Jesus or Buddha), since one can get too serious over things, although serious research and scholarship is essential for some subject material. As I've said, "its all alphabet soup" anyways,....and a rose is a rose by any name,...the same goes for that 'entity', 'personality', 'spirit', or 'energy-source' we call 'God' (again just playing with 'words' and 'names'...'denominations'). - various 'theologies' also are invented, developed and assumed, so some arguments or claims become ridiculous or mind-numbing after awhile, since one cannot claim exclusivity about one ray of light, when that same energy-source (Light itself) contains all colours of the rainbow and beyond.

Reality is all-inclusive; - a religious cult, belief-system, school or tradition is but one particular expression or 'model' (mode) channeling its own modified or fashioned version, its own interpreting or translation of reality. From an individualized point of view, we are all 'modems' for 'God', even though our filters distort the original light to one degree or another, unless we dissolve wholly into God-consciousness, and assume total identification with 'God' ONLY, as 'God'.

As far as 'spam theology' goes, any number of threads could fit into this 'catagory' which would make the propogators 'spammers'. Everyone likes their 'milk' and 'meat' prepared differently ;)

While some subjects I approach seriously, much else is entertainment.
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