ECT Shazam, TOL! The Lord Jesus Christ already returned in 70 AD


New member
Do you or don't you believe that Christ's second coming occurred in 70AD?

If you are asking me, GM; the view I hold is Pre-Trib, Pre-Millennal, Mid-Acts Pauline Grace - Romans thru Philemon.

That ought to answer all your questions but those dealing with where we might differ in understanding on some things.

As with any school of thought, at times, there are bound to be some differences in understanding between people.

And when there are differences in understanding they should not be turned into differences with one another; especially personal ones.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul was met by the "ascended" Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. He
was subsequently sent to the gentiles with the "Grace Message." Peter and the
rest continued to preach the "Kingdom Message" to the House of Israel.

There were two messages going out at that time. Paul's message to the gentiles
claimed; God's Grace without works. Peter's message included faith in Christ plus
works. James claimed; Faith without works is dead. However, that message was to
the House of Israel not the gentiles.

Today, the Grace Gospel (Paul's Gospel) is the only Gospel being preached to
Jew and gentile alike. Christ will return and reign on the throne of David, someday
in the future. It didn't happen in 70AD, that is foolishness and
false doctrine.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you are asking me, GM; the view I hold is Pre-Trib, Pre-Millennal, Mid-Acts Pauline Grace - Romans thru Philemon.

That ought to answer all your questions but those dealing with where we might differ in understanding on some things.

As with any school of thought, at times, there are bound to be some differences in understanding between people.

And when there are differences in understanding they should not be turned into differences with one another; especially personal ones.

Then, stick with preaching the "true Gospel" and stop defending those
who preach untruth. Don't be a fence sitter. It makes you look unstable
in what you believe.


New member
Defending TeT and his belief system. If you're a member of the Body
of Christ, you have no business defending false doctrine.

I was defending his right to his sharing his view; not the manner in which he does, nor his beliefs' off-base conclusions.

Preterism is nothing more than Reformed or Covenant doctrine at its extreme.

Still, I try to look at all views. I find I learn more about the one I hold to (Mid-Acts/Acts 9) as I think on things other's views bring up at times.

Doesn't mean I've sold out..that's just another misinterpretation of my intent hurled on me by some.

Not that it changes anybthing. I'm just too curious about all things.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TeT repeats the same garbage over and over again. He loves to drop
the name "Darby" at every opportunity. I never heard of Darby before
hearing it from TeT, copious amounts of times. He drops that name as if
this guy was a famous movie star. I think TeT has a screw lose in his head?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I was defending his right to his sharing his view; not the manner in which he does, nor his beliefs' off-base conclusions.

Preterism is nothing more than Reformed or Covenant doctrine at its extreme.

Still, I try to look at all views. I find I learn more about the one I hold to (Mid-Acts/Acts 9) as I think on things other's views bring up at times.

Doesn't mean I've sold out..that's just another misinterpretation of my intent hurled on me by some.

Not that it changes anybthing. I'm just too curious about all things.

TOL is a confrontational forum. Not for everybody's taste. Things
get rough around here. You have to defend the faith. If not, you'll
be trampled by false doctrine and heresy.


New member
TeT repeats the same garbage over and over again. He loves to drop
the name "Darby" at every opportunity. I never heard of Darby before
hearing it from TeT, copious amounts of times. He drops that name as if
this guy was a famous movie star. I think TeT has a screw lose in his head?

I've basically concluded the same thing; the best to him in that.

But as I often tell people when they want to start up with some person who bothers them but who is not even around - "they're not around right now; why bring their energy into your space; enjoy the moment's rest in their absence; why ruin it with that?"

He'll be back. What say you we explore some more productive issue?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've basically concluded the same thing; the best to him in that.

But as I often tell people when they want to start up with some person who bothers them but who is not even around - "they're not around right now; why bring their energy into your space; enjoy the moment's rest in their absence; why ruin it with that?"

He'll be back. What say you we explore some more productive issue?

I believe the Holy Spirit draws ALL men to Christ during their life.
However, there comes a time when a man hardens his heart
against the Grace of God, to such an extent, that he will someday
become so hardened, he won't hear that calling and at some point
perhaps, reject it all together on his own?


New member
I believe the Holy Spirit draws ALL men to Christ during their life.
However, there comes a time when a man hardens his heart
against the Grace of God, to such an extent, that he will someday
become so hardened, he won't hear that calling and at some point
perhaps, reject it all together on his own?

I love exploring understandings...

I find I differ in my understanding of that one; too many people in parts of the world way back when Paul was preaching who never even heard of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; let alone of His Son.

But this is one of those very personal, very individual things each person views differently.

So, its not an easy one to explore differences in with most people.

There's even a Hymn about it "I know not how the Spirit works convicting men of sin..."

But then it actually solves for its own problem - "But I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day."

Beautiful Hymn about our Eternal Security in the Son.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans 10:14 states: "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"


New member
See; this is what I mean about the views of others sometimes inadvertently sharing light on one's own views when that part of their "witness is true."

I hold to four Dispensations- Promise; Law; Grace; Kingdom Fullness.

And yet, though the Darby Dispensationlists are off in all those Dispensations they hold to; what they refer to as the Dispensation of Conscience actually helps to understand how men in other lands were saved though never having heard of the God of Abraham; Isaac; and Jacob, let alone; the Son of God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
See; this is what I mean about the views of others sometimes inadvertently sharing light on one's own views when that part of their "witness is true."

I hold to four Dispensations- Promise; Law; Grace; Kingdom Fullness.

And yet, though the Darby Dispensationlists are off in all those Dispensations they hold to; what they refer to as the Dispensation of Conscience actually helps to understand how men in other lands were saved though never having heard of the God of Abraham; Isaac; and Jacob, let alone; the Son of God.

I'd prefer you don't use the name of Darby. You're starting to sound
like TeT, which makes me wonder about you?