Riots in Ferguson MO. USA


New member
Unlike you, my IP never changes unless it is changed by Charter, which I doubt happens often with my system. Your poor excuse that you, "have forgotten", because of what I say, really flies in the face of your 2nd attempt at the same lie. Your first attempt was in the Militarized Police thread. So don't try and pretend it is someone else's fault you keep trying to push the same lie. THall and I have been logged on near or at the same time because I have messaged him. I am on nights now and try and sleep during the days, and T works I would presume mostly during the day, but posts from his computer, never mine in a place that is in a different county over 10 miles from me. I don't think we even use the same company for internet services, but don't let the truth get in your way, a real Christian woman would never do that, or dishonor their husband by drooling over other men on a public forum. You are a disgrace to your God and your husband.

So glad you pointed out the difference between my God and yours. That's the first thing you've gotten spot on. My husband has read all your posts and mine and finds me justified. Truth doesn't come from someone who peddles lawlessness and disparagement as you do. If I have mistaken THall for your husband, he has my most sincere apology.

Christ's Word

New member
If I have mistaken THall for your husband, he has my most sincere apology.

It is nice to know your husband approves of your lies and your drooling over other men (birds of a feather). One has to wonder why you would feel the need to make up something about someone you don't know and will never know? Or why you would feel the need to apologize to only one of the three people you have disrespected with your lies?


New member
It is nice to know your husband approves of your lies and your drooling over other men (birds of a feather). One has to wonder why you would feel the need to make up something about someone you don't know and will never know? Or why you would feel the need to apologize to only one of the three people you have disrespected with your lies?

No, no, CW, my husband doesn't drool over other men. :nono:

Christ's Word

New member
I'm sorry you're so blinded by whatever it is you're blinded by that you're incapable of acknowledging that I'd immediacy responded, agreed with what he'd said, and even offered a reasonable scenario that the officer might have feared for his life?:

Nice attempt at a manipulation. This is what you said that T referenced with his quote that you conveniently left out.......

Zoo said:

"The whole discussion hinges on the premise that the confrontation being random?" No. It hinges on whether he was armed or not, or whether there was a legitimate reason to believe he was armed when the police shot and killed him.

THall said:

"You could not be more wrong.
The whole thing hinges on
whether a jury believes that
officer Wilson could reasonably
conclude that he was in danger
of receiving great bodily harm or
death from Brown."

Apparently you all disagree on what the whole thing hinges on? T knows Missouri use of deadly force law like no body else, you don't. You lose.

Christ's Word

New member
No, no, CW, my husband doesn't drool over other men. :nono:

Learn to read.......before you show yourself to be a retard......

Originally Posted by Christ's Word
It is nice to know your husband approves of your lies and your drooling over other men (birds of a feather). One has to wonder why you would feel the need to make up something about someone you don't know and will never know? Or why you would feel the need to apologize to only one of the three people you have disrespected with your lies?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Town Heretic claimed that those who used their bodies to shield there loved ones are heroes.
It was heroic. Sure. But you were the first one to use hero in any context. I noted their sacrifice and what Christ had to say about it.

Thall, corrected Town Heretic and told him that true heroes act out of a sense of Agape, not a sense of Phileo.
He didn't mention Phileo and didn't aim that remark, long after you had made your charge and I'd answered you on it. I think you're forgetting yourself...a look at that thread.

Thread: Colorado Movie Theater

Here's CW July 24th, 2012, 05:46 PM (repeated from her earlier post)
Originally Posted by Christ's Word


1. Sadly, no man in the theater was mentally and physically prepared to defend his family or his fellow citizens. God does not approve of cowardice, it never works out for the cowards.

I responded with: "Observation: you made a joke out of a human tragedy and took a cheap shot at the dead."

And, as I noted, you were the first person to use the word hero between us, if sarcastically. You did it a few posts later in post 245 and repeatedly thereafter:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
Here you go Mr. Revoked......this is how it is done. Big difference from your Colorado heros,.......huh? Turned out a little different as well.

You doubled down on the coward bit again in post 390:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
More histrionic dribble from an idiot who would prefer to praise the dead instead of teach cowards how to live.

I answered four posts later with: "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." John 15:13

No THall anywhere in sight.

Your next ironic post (395) was filled with:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
That is the scary part about "too stupid to learn morons" like you "Mrs. Revoked"...a rock head yahoo like you...You are a coward...sick...too stupid to learn...It is no surprise that you can't discuss the situation like an adult and just hurl childish impotent insults.

Another funny from that thread is found in your post 407. It's funny because of your complaint about my sock puppet speculation. Here's what you said in part:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
How many user names do you post under when you are getting your butt handed to you publicly? 2, or are there more?

THall showed up in post 426, making several posts aimed at others and about tactical considerations. None of those were addressed to me.

You continued in post 504 to defame those dead:
Originally Posted by Christ's Word
Was it the part about not cowering and letting a nut shoot at innocent people for 15 minutes? It seems you prefer to have lots of dead to mourn over? I would prefer more people live.

In post 538 THall wrote, to everyone, about agape love alone and declared that love for all would have demanded a different action than the shielding of particular loved ones. To be fair, later he called the victims sheep. Zoo called him on that and he answered in post 573:

Originally posted by THall
What would you call them, wolves?

Now in an aside your alter ego called me a coward a couple of times and while I believe in later posts and elsewhere he did finally defend or echo your use of that word aimed at the dead in Colorado, what I find truly interesting is that you never said, "No, it wasn't THall who called them that, it was me." It's almost as though you forgot which account you were writing under...:plain:

Christ's Word

New member
Now in an aside your alter ego called me a coward a couple of times and while I believe in later posts and elsewhere he did finally defend or echo your use of that word aimed at the dead in Colorado, what I find truly interesting is that you never said, "No, it wasn't THall who called them that, it was me." It's almost as though you forgot which account you were writing under...:plain:

More lies from you, as we both agree you are a coward who can't answer a simple question on a chat forum, and that you would not know a hero if he hit you upside your crooked head with a 2x4. Not to mention you are incapable of learning from men who act like men and have way more experience than you ever will. Keep encouraging men to dive on top of their loved one, and keep watching them get shot like fish in a barrel, that should make your love concept look so much better at all those funerals. I would submit that the one who truly loves, is the one that teaches those that would die, how to live instead, now that is Christ like. Certainly the opposite of your heartfelt and fatal deceptions.

Christ's Word

New member
No, no, CW, my husband doesn't drool over other men. :nono:

I will bet your husband is soooo proud of you......NOT!

QUOTE: IMJerusha:

1. "Kevin Costner warms me up, too!"

2. "Ah yes, Thor. He was on my mind as well. (Pardon my drool)"

3. "Yup, there's definitely hotness there!"

4. "My thoughts strayed to Yul Brynner last night ............ He was quite fine!"

Alex - "Let's play Jeopardy!!!"

I will take "Words of a Concubine" for $500.00

You are a shameful disgrace to God and your husband. I am embarrassed for you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
More lies from you, as we both agree you are a coward who can't answer a simple question on a chat forum,
Just noting how much you misrepresented or mistook about that thread. You got a lot wrong. Were I you I'd be screaming liar, no doubt. Instead, I simply find it interesting that you didn't know it was you who said coward about the Colorado dead, not THall.

Now why would that slip your mind(s)? :)

Keep encouraging men to dive on top of their loved one,
Not something I did either. But I did note the scripture containing the actual Christ's opinion and not some self appointed "Christ's Word".

I would submit that the one who truly loves is the one that teaches those that would die how to live instead, now that is Christ like.
I submit Christ's literal response: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

No qualification in that. Just truth.

Certainly the opposite of your heartfelt and fatal deceptions.
You can say anything TH, or CW or whoever you are...but the truth has a way of coming out and up on you.

Christ's Word

New member
You can say anything TH, or CW or whoever you are...but the truth has a way of coming out and up on you.

You keep trying to cloud the matter and paint me to be someone I am not, because your sick ego can't handle two people figuring out what you are all about. A lot more than two people here are on to your deceptions and lack of morality. Your lies do not change the fact that what Christ did, he did out of an Agape sense of love for all mankind, not what those men in the theater did out of a sense of Phileo and fear. Thall got it right, and you need to raise your standard of what a hero is. Christ used the word Agape in the verse you quote, but you are too ignorant to discern what it truly means.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
So glad you pointed out the difference between my God and yours. That's the first thing you've gotten spot on. My husband has read all your posts and mine and finds me justified. Truth doesn't come from someone who peddles lawlessness and disparagement as you do. If I have mistaken THall for your husband, he has my most sincere apology.

If she's lawless, what am I? CW actually believes in the concept of a "Good cop", I don't...

The Barbarian

Your lies do not change the fact that what Christ did, he did out of an Agape sense of love for all mankind, not what those men in the theater did out of a sense of Phileo and fear.

Matthew 25:40 And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.

A person who gives up their life for another person is following Christ's example. Anyone who thinks that's cowardice or based on fear, does not know what it is to be a Christian.

Christ's Word

New member
Matthew 25:40 And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.

A person who gives up their life for another person is following Christ's example. Anyone who thinks that's cowardice or based on fear, does not know what it is to be a Christian.

It is not about being a Christian or not being a Christian. Your naive analysis is devoid of any truth about how to survive a potentially lethal encounter. If you have a fear based reaction and jump on your spouse and freeze, you die, it is that simple. The evil guy with the rifle shoots you. If you listen to what T was trying to teach you, you are acting with a sense of Agape and more people will live. The difference is astounding, yet you and a few others reject truth from experienced operators who do this stuff for a living, at your own peril. What you don't know is that all of these scenarios have been gamed with simunitions, these guys study and keep stats like the PGA on lethal scenarios. These men know what they are talking about based on real experience. Town is just a dork, the tactical equivalent of baby, he knows nothing, yet pretends to know about lethal encounters. Go with the pro, don't be a stationary target.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You keep trying to cloud the matter...
I was actually attempting to clarify it. Why didn't you know which of you had come up with the "coward" remark? By which I mean why didn't you know it was you? If you are one of two different posters? It's a reasonable question. Either you're both or you were easy enough setting it at your friend's feet.

No clouding, else. I quoted you directly.

Your lies do not change the fact that what Christ did,
Odd charge given I haven't argued against Christ or lied by noting what he had to say about sacrifice. You did. Both in your anti-Trinitarian foundation and in your description of those dead in Colorado.

John 15:13

Gill's Exposition has the point: "By these words our Lord shows, how far love to another should extend, even to the laying down of our lives for the brethren; which is the highest instance of love among men"

Cambridge agrees, only noting that there is no conflict between Romans 5:6-8.

Barne's notes "A very few cases like that of Damon and Pythias have occurred where a man was willing to save the life of his friend by giving his own."

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown notes, "The emphasis lies not on "friends," but on "laying down his life" for them; that is, "One can show no greater regard for those dear to him than to give his life for them, and this is the love ye shall find in Me."

Poole's has it, "Friends must not here be taken as a name of relation, but only as it signifieth the objects of love; persons we have set our love upon, whether they mutually love us or not; as the world was the object of that love in God"

Expositor's Greek, "Self-sacrifice is the high water mark of love. Friends can demand nothing more: there is no more that love can do to exhibit devotedness to friends"

None of the commentaries note your distinction.

And the people involved in this incident and the subsequent riots will have due process. So they'll get a fairer treatment than you gave those men Christ honored and you defamed.

Christ's Word

New member
Why didn't you know which of you had come up with the coward remark? By which I mean why didn't you know it was you? If you are one of two different posters? It's a reasonable question.

No clouding, else. I quoted you directly.

Odd charge given I haven't argued against Christ or lied by noting what he had to say about sacrifice. You did. Both in your anti-Trinitarian foundation and in your description of those dead in Colorado.

John 15:13

Gill's Exposition has the point: "By these words our Lord shows, how far love to another should extend, even to the laying down of our lives for the brethren; which is the highest instance of love among men"

Cambridge agrees, only noting that there is no conflict between Romans 5:6-8.

Barne's notes "A very few cases like that of Damon and Pythias have occurred where a man was willing to save the life of his friend by giving his own."

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown notes, "The emphasis lies not on "friends," but on "laying down his life" for them; that is, "One can show no greater regard for those dear to him than to give his life for them, and this is the love ye shall find in Me."

Poole's has it, "Friends must not here be taken as a name of relation, but only as it signifieth the objects of love; persons we have set our love upon, whether they mutually love us or not; as the world was the object of that love in God"

Expositor's Greek, "Self-sacrifice is the high water mark of love. Friends can demand nothing more: there is no more that love can do to exhibit devotedness to friends"

None of the commentaries note your distinction.

And the people involved in this incident and the subsequent riots will have due process. So they'll get a fairer treatment than you gave those men Christ honored and you defamed.

We both know you are a coward, and you glorify cowards. And yet you still refuse to address T's point about real heroes act out of a sense of Agape, not out of a sense of phileo, fear, or tactical ignorance.


Oh good, there he is:

No need for a long post, aCW, just wanting you to tell us what "jb's" stands for. Simple enough.

Oh, wait a sec... It look like aCW's logged out.


Now let's talk about how white liberals like you and Town Heretic have enslaved the Black community with your white guilt complex.

Your liberal policies have broken up the family to the point where there are no fathers in the homes of the majority of Black families, so that crime runs rampant inside the Black community.

Christ's Word

New member

Now let's talk about how white liberals like you and Town Heretic have enslaved the Black community with your white guilt complex.

Your liberal policies have broken up the family to the point where there are no fathers in the homes of the majority of Black families, so that crime runs rampant inside the Black community.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
We both know you are a coward, and you glorify cowards.
Thanks for putting me in the company of men Christ praised. I'm honored.

And yet you still refuse to address T's point about real heroes act out of a sense of Agape, not out of a sense of phileo, fear, or tactical ignorance.
He did mention agape, but that was it. No laundry list of love's variance in application. I noted what every serious commentary had to say about it. It was in keeping with what those people did in the dark of that theater.

You're wrong. You're wrong about your anti-Trinitarian nonsense and you're wrong in defaming those acts of love Christ honored.