Reconciliation Cancels Out the Doctrine of Predestination

Robert Pate

Well-known member
False teaching millions upon millions are under Gods Wrath and condemnation John 3:18,36 ! How are they reconciled to God?

You can't figure it out can you?

You can't figure out how people are saved by faith.

You can't figure out how Jesus has reconciled the world unto God.

You want to believe that God is a tyrant that delights in sending people to hell.


Well-known member
You can't figure it out can you?

You can't figure out how people are saved by faith.

You can't figure out how Jesus has reconciled the world unto God.

You want to believe that God is a tyrant that delights in sending people to hell.

How's people reconciled to God still under His wrath and condemnation?


Well-known member
Only those who by their own free wills that have rejected God's great free gift of salvation provided by Jesus Christ are under his wrath.

You said the whole world has been reconciled to God, then how are millions under Gods Wrath and condemnation? You obviously are ignorant to what reconciliation to God is! For one it is Peace with God!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You said the whole world has been reconciled to God, then how are millions under Gods Wrath and condemnation? You obviously are ignorant to what reconciliation to God is! For one it is Peace with God!

I will explain it to you, but I doubt if you will believe it.

God has made peace with the whole world by Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.

Because of the work of Jesus that was done in our name and on our behalf, God now sees ALL THINGS in Christ. Jesus has reconciled us to God by his doing and his dying, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

This reconciliation is not yours if you don't receive it.

When you accept God's offer to be reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ you are then saved.

All that reject God's offer of reconciliation are under his wrath.


Well-known member
I will explain it to you, but I doubt if you will believe it.

God has made peace with the whole world by Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20.

Because of the work of Jesus that was done in our name and on our behalf, God now sees ALL THINGS in Christ. Jesus has reconciled us to God by his doing and his dying, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

This reconciliation is not yours if you don't receive it.

When you accept God's offer to be reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ you are then saved.

All that reject God's offer of reconciliation are under his wrath.

Those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies and unbelievers and rejecting God Rom 5:10 ! So how can you explain that?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies and unbelievers and rejecting God Rom 5:10 ! So how can you explain that?

The reconciliation was provided for them while they enemies.

Just like while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Nothing is yours if you by your own free will don't receive it.


Well-known member
The reconciliation was provided for them while they enemies.

Just like while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Nothing is yours if you by your own free will don't receive it.

Lying, they were reconciled to God while they were enemies Rom 5:10!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Lying, they were reconciled to God while they were enemies Rom 5:10!

You are hoping that is true because you are an enemy of God and hate his Son Jesus Christ.

Reconciliation has been provided, but if you don't receive it, it is not yours.

Ben Masada

New member
The New Testament is a spiritual book written by Christians for Christians.

Since you are not a Christian it is not for you, 1 Corinthians 2:14.

Maybe you should try reading comic books or something.

Jews are to be written and spoken about for the edification of Judaism; and you are using Jesus for the promotion of Christianity, even well aware that he was a Jew and never even dreamed that Christianity would ever rise.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Jews are to be written and spoken about for the edification of the Judaism; and you are using Jesus for the promotion of Christianity, even well aware that he was a Jew and never even dreamed that Christianity would ever rise.

Christianty has risen and it is alive and well.

Judaism is a dead religion that has been replaced with Christianity.

Ben Masada

New member
Christianty has risen and it is alive and well.

Judaism is a dead religion that has been replaced with Christianity.

Some Scholars claim that Replacement Theology is a form of Christian Anti-Semitism. Judaism, in spite of the millions of murders perpetrated by Christianity throughout History by means of pogroms blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust, is also back in Israel alive and kicking. In spite of the six millions Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust, we have already reached more than six million Jews only in the Land of Israel. And last but not least, any one with a little of brain in his or her head, knows that Christianity has not replaced Judaism. Only those who exercise anti-Jewish hatred think so.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Some Scholars claim that Replacement Theology is a form of Christian Anti-Semitism. Judaism, in spite of the millions of murders perpetrated by Christianity throughout History by means of pogroms blood libels, Crusades, Inquisition and the Holocaust, is also back in Israel alive and kicking. In spite of the six millions Jewish lives lost in the Holocaust, we have already reached more than six million Jews only in the Land of Israel. And last but not least, any one with a little of brain in his or her head, knows that Christianity has not replaced Judaism. Only those who exercise anti-Jewish hatred think so.

We now have a New Testament.

The Old Testament has been replaced with the New Testament.

Just like Judaism has been replaced with Christianity.

Judaism was crucified with Christ, The law, the ordinances, the covenants, have all been done away with in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is now the new way. John 14:6.

Ben Masada

New member
We now have a New Testament.

The Old Testament has been replaced with the New Testament.

Just like Judaism has been replaced with Christianity.

Judaism was crucified with Christ, The law, the ordinances, the covenants, have all been done away with in Jesus Christ.

Jesus is now the new way. John 14:6.

You have really decided to take the lying side of Paul. Lying side because Jesus declared loud and clear that he did not come to abolish the Law. (Mat. 5:17-19) And Paul implied that he was either lying or did not know what he was saying because the Law had been abolished on the cross. (Ephes. 2:15; Rom. 10:4; Heb. 7:12) Could
the dead hear what Paul was saying about them, Jesus would turn in the grave.


Well-known member
You are hoping that is true because you are an enemy of God and hate his Son Jesus Christ.

Reconciliation has been provided, but if you don't receive it, it is not yours.

False Teaching ! Those Christ died for are reconciled [past tense] to God while they are enemies and hating God ! Rom 5:10 !


Well-known member
That is only half of the story.

Here is the rest of the story, John 1:12.

If you don't receive the reconciliation its not yours.

No it's the full story, those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies and unbelievers!Rom 5:10 ! That's Grace!