question for MADIsts.

God's Truth

New member
That is word for word what Meshak used to say. Interesting.
I do not believe Meshak ever said that.

But anyway...which teachings of His must they seek and obey to find God? Some? Most? All? Where in the Bible can we find what we need?

This is not a trick question.

Seek Jesus by seeking his teachings in the New Testament. Start doing anything and everything that he says. Do everything you can do. What does Jesus say? Jesus starts off by saying repent or perish. He says that we must humble ourselves, and fear God. We have to forgive or God will not forgive us. He tells us not to give up, and put him above even our own lives. Jesus reveals himself in an amazing way if you do what he says. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All his words are Spirit and life.


Well-known member
I do not believe Meshak ever said that.

Seek Jesus by seeking his teachings in the New Testament. Start doing anything and everything that he says. Do everything you can do. What does Jesus say? Jesus starts off by saying repent or perish. He says that we must humble ourselves, and fear God. We have to forgive or God will not forgive us. He tells us not to give up, and put him above even our own lives. Jesus reveals himself in an amazing way if you do what he says. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All his words are Spirit and life.

So the four Gospel accounts and the start of Acts?


New member
Jesus is God come in the flesh as a Son, and he was returning to God the Father who is invisible and lives in unapproachable light.

Again, our flesh bodies die but our spirits do NOT die.

You didn't explain why Jesus said he was returning to God. How was he returning to himself?

You didn't explain, either, why you keep saying that "our spirits do not die." What scriptures back that up? How is what you believe different than what Satan said ("You will not die.")?

I'm waiting for your explanations, with scriptures.


New member
Replying to your post #1248:

God'sTruth, please list the "other scriptures in the Bible" that are like the spurious I John 5:7, that have "not been disputed." I'm very interested to see them.


Well-known member
Of course, God does not contradict Himself.

So let's stop for a second and make sure we're on the same page.

1. The whole NT is the Word of Christ.

2. Christ cannot lie and does not contradict Himself. I would add from Paul that He also does not author confusion in the Church.

3. You said that the entire NT, being Christ's Word, must be obeyed if one wants to find God.

4. You said you are doing #3.

Okay so far?


New member
Paul didn't limit it. "All" means all. Col 2:13

A simple truth.

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. That reconciliation spanned far into the then-future, thereby covering you, me and people not yet born.

Given that scope, the Cross could and indeed must have accounted for every believer's sins, each and every one, including sins he hadn't committed yet.

But an even deeper truth than that:

The believer of the saving Gospel of grace is counted as co-crucified with Christ and raised to new, eternal life in Him. Because they are so raised, they're counted as forever dead to all condemning Law. Survey Romans and Galatians to see this fact for yourself.

End result: God sees the believer of the saving Gospel of grace as inseparably, eternally, organically united with His Son. And because He does, He not only has no grounds on which to condemn those who have already died (Law has no claim on the dead), He has no reason to do so since the now have His own righteousness in Christ!

Christ took care of it ALL.

That's what ALL means in Col 2:13.

What's this mean for you?

There is nothing your organization promises you that even comes close to matching the blessings of grace described above, all of which - and more! - God offers YOU this day (2 Cor 5:20-21).

Please take it!

What you say is stretching credibility to the breaking point, if what you are saying is that Jesus forgave everybody's sins forever, even before they were born, and no matter what they did after they were born?

I know about the condemning Law, and I believe that Jesus fulfilled the Law and made it obsolete (Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 8:13).

It is not what "my organization" offers that I find awesome. It is what the Bible offers. My organization just happens to be able to understand it better than you do.