question for MADIsts.


Well-known member
You said the new life might sin.

The new life of the believer is the life of Christ Himself.

Rom 8:10

Gal 2:20

2 Cor 13:5

Eph 3:17

Col 1:27

You just said Christ might sin.


New member
There is one sin that would not be forgiven in their life or the next. Paul committed it, and is in heaven.

That leaves two options.
Jesus didn't know what he was talking about.
You don't know what you're talking about.


New member
Matthew 10:5-6 KJV, Matthew 10:23 KJV

We know that the gospel of the kingdom was first to be offered to the Jews, but that would not prevent gentiles who knew their place with respect to the old covenant, from also seeking the goodness of God through Jesus.

What you lot fail to see, is that faith was the virtue Jesus was looking for, and that God could not refuse anyone who sought him out in faith.
Jesus said concerning a gentile, "I have not found faith like this in all Israel".


New member
So in the mean time, Jesus' teachings are no use for Jesus' followers?

You MADists amaze me.

There are some christians on this site that I have the deepest respect for, but it does bother me why they are not vocal about the cultish nature of mad. It seems that they've been bullied or coerced into not speaking out against what is obviously a false movement.


New member
Well, back to Pentecost/Peter worshiper, the above " gnostic trash" stumper/charge is more copy'npaste from other websites, from which you plagiarize. Unless, of course, you can show us chapter, verse?

I thought so, TBN/Benny Hinn/Jan Crouch worshiper.

So there.

You're the one that has to suffer with TBN. Isn't it based in Texas?


New member
I don't see anybody running from you? You are extremely ignorant of the Scriptures and of the Gospel of your only way of salvation. It is you who is running away from God's free gift!

That's not much coming from someone who never gets involved in any of the discussions.


New member
Christ died for the sins of ALL humanity. However, only those who place ALL their faith in Christ as their Savior will reap the benefits. The rest will have to answer to God at "The Great White Throne Judgement."

I you really believed this, you would no longer have different gospels for different people. Peter, James, and John are a part of all humanity. According to you, they put all their faith in Jesus as their savior.


New member
You people are all pathetic. What a bunch! Spouting scripture like you know it all, when you all are way off the mark. If you could hear yourselves talk, I think you would sound like a wall-full of rats, squeaking away with nonsensical gibberish. You delight in insulting someone. Does it make you feel better? Is your own faith so flimsy that you just have to beat others down to feel strong?

W is a basket case who believes his own hype.


New member
You said the new life might sin.

The new life of the believer is the life of Christ Himself.

Rom 8:10

Gal 2:20

2 Cor 13:5

Eph 3:17

Col 1:27

You just said Christ might sin.

You are looking at this as something that is an automatic reality, not something you have to walk in by faith. If you do what the bible condemns as sin, you commit sin.


All Andy and KR are doing is to show Christianity 101, common sense, which is milk part of our faith.

MADism is just going after sensationalism for popularity. It is intentional disobedience.

It is mostly word games, looking for lope holes like slithering snake.

You can go over and over with this kind of tactic.

this is my overall observation for MADism.