

Prostitution is a victimless crime IF the people involved choose to be involved. It is legal here in NZ and I've yet to see the churches closing and their roofs failing in.

What really happened in New Zealand after prostitution was
decriminalized in 2003?
1. Violence in prostitution continued after prostitution was
decriminalized in New Zealand, according to the New Zealand Law
Review Committee. The Report is available at
2. Stigma and prejudice against prostitution, and the shame associated
with prostitution, continued since decriminalization of prostitution in
3. Street prostitution in New Zealand’s cities increased dramatically
after prostitution was decriminalized in 2003.
4. There is inadequate protection for children against prostitution in
New Zealand since decriminalization.
5. The US State Department has noted trafficking of women and children
since prostitution was decriminalized in New Zealand. on NZ 10-29-2008.pdf

So much for prostitution being a victimless crime.


Well-known member
You are retarded, women are forced into it all the time, they are victims - those whose wives get diseases from it are victims of it, those whose marriages break up are victims of it, those children are victims of it, kidnaped people are victims of it.... etc

IF you are going to quote me, then quote me properly; this is what I wrote:
Prostitution is a victimless crime IF the people involved choose to be involved. It is legal here in NZ and I've yet to see the churches closing and their roofs failing in.



IF you are going to quote me, then quote me properly; this is what I wrote: Prostitution is a victimless crime IF the people involved choose to be involved...

Not true. As shown in the link about the decriminalization of prostitution in New Zealand, prostitutes are regularly beaten up by both their pimp and the john's.

1. Violence in prostitution continued after prostitution was decriminalized in New
Zealand, according to the New Zealand Law Review Committee.
“The majority of sex workers felt that the law could do little about violence that
occurred.” (page 14)
35% reported in 2007 that they had been coerced to prostitute with a given john in the
past 12 months. (page 46)
A majority of respondents felt that decriminalization made no difference with respect to
the violence of johns in prostitution – they felt that it was inevitably a part of the sex
industry. (page 57)
The Report notes that “few” sex workers, regardless of whether they were prostituting
indoors or outdoors, reported any of the incidents of violence or crimes against them to
the police. (page 122)
Many owners of brothels have the same exploitive contract arrangements that existed
before prostitution was decriminalized. Often no written contracts or their questionable
quality. (page 157)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Legalize it, closely regulate it to prevent abuse of employees and customers alike, and direct the tax revenue to improving quality of life for all citizens.

It seems like this poster thinks everyone would be so much happier with legal prostitution, is he nuts? :chew:


Well-known member
Prostitution is not a crime. People choose things which impact their loved ones all the time, we don't often arrest them for it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
kiwi simpers:
Prostitution is a victimless crime IF the people involved choose to be involved.

angle smacks!
... a man chooses a hooker, but his wife and kids dont.

kiwi, abandoning her "but but but - prostitution is a victimless crime!" tack, justifies the breakup of marriages and families, the abandonment of wives and children and the spread of stds:
People choose things which impact their loved ones all the time, we don't often arrest them for it.

:mock:kiwi, the pretend Christian


Well-known member
I am against the legalization and practice of prostitution because it is the sexual exploitation of one human being by another, for profit.


Well-known member
kiwi simpers:

angle smacks!

kiwi, abandoning her "but but but - prostitution is a victimless crime!" tack, justifies the breakup of marriages and families, the abandonment of wives and children and the spread of stds:

:mock:kiwi, the pretend Christian

1: You don't get to judge my faith. 2: I don't think I've ever simpered. 3: I'm male.