Pops refutes the biblical concept of the Trinity

God's Truth

New member
Zechariah is referring to the day of the Lord. God will deliver His people. Jesus is God. God is one being and three persons. The person of God, Jesus, was pierced as a sacrifice for the chosen, elect, people of God.
Zechariah 12:1-14
[1]This message concerning the fate of Israel came from the lord: “This message is from the lord, who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the human spirit.
[2]I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah.
[3]On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves.
[4]“On that day,” says the lord, “I will cause every horse to panic and every rider to lose his nerve. I will watch over the people of Judah, but I will blind all the horses of their enemies.
[5]And the clans of Judah will say to themselves, ‘The people of Jerusalem have found strength in the lord of Heaven’s Armies, their God.’
[6]“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure.
[7]“The lord will give victory to the rest of Judah first, before Jerusalem, so that the people of Jerusalem and the royal line of David will not have greater honor than the rest of Judah.
[8]On that day the lord will defend the people of Jerusalem; the weakest among them will be as mighty as King David! And the royal descendants will be like God, like the angel of the lord who goes before them!
[9]For on that day I will begin to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
[10]“Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.
[11]The sorrow and mourning in Jerusalem on that day will be like the great mourning for Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddo.
[12]“All Israel will mourn, each clan by itself, and with the husbands separate from their wives. The clan of David will mourn alone, as will the clan of Nathan,
[13]the clan of Levi, and the clan of Shimei.
[14]Each of the surviving clans from Judah will mourn separately, and with the husbands separate from their wives.

Jesus is the one speaking in the Old Testament.


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The Body of Christ IS the body of Christ.
So we are Christ's body? The one He used while on earth? :think:

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. - 1 Corinthians 12:27 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Corinthians12:27&version=NKJV

Christ's body needs to be edified? :think:

for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, - Ephesians 4:12 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians4:12&version=NKJV


New member
So...according to you...Jesus is God and Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Does that mean...by your thinking...that Jesus was not human, but just appeared to be human?
If so, you are a gnostic.
No sir. I am not speaking of what Jesus was, but of what He is of and where He is now and what He gives believers now.

So now I am a gnostic Muslim according to you?

I had someone call me a trinitarian universalist yesterday. Interesting weekend.

Hope you are well, and that we can communicate for once.


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New member
A person has a spirit, and is their spirit.

God is His Spirit.

There are not three different Spirits and three different Persons.

So you don't have a body?

God is His Being. As a Being, God is Father (one person), God is Son (one person) and God is Spirit (one person). Each are fully one being. Each are fully three persons. This is how the Bible expresses who God is.
You seem to speak as a human who cannot conceive of anything existing outside of your human limitations.

God's Truth

New member
So we are Christ's body? The one He used while on earth? :think:
Jesus says that he puts us 'in' him.

John 17:21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. - 1 Corinthians 12:27 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Corinthians12:27&version=NKJV

Christ's body needs to be edified? :think:

for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, - Ephesians 4:12 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians4:12&version=NKJV

What exactly is your point?
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God's Truth

New member
So you don't have a body?
We are our spirit. When our body dies, it decays and goes to dust.
When our body dies, our spirit lives on in consciousness.
God is His Being. As a Being, God is Father (one person), God is Son (one person) and God is Spirit (one person). Each are fully one being. Each are fully three persons. This is how the Bible expresses who God is.
You seem to speak as a human who cannot conceive of anything existing outside of your human limitations.
The scriptures say there is ONE SPIRIT. God made us as He is---one spirit. We are our spirit. God does not have three different Spirits making three Persons. God also is not One Spirit and three Persons.

God's Truth

New member
Bringing out that OLD STRAW-MAN again I see. Beat him up good!

I don't use strawman.

I have heard trinitarians use different ways of explaining their beliefs that contradict each other's explanation.

There are not three different Spirits and three different Persons;and, there is not one Spirit and three Persons.

There is One Spirit and God is revealed to us in three ways; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Right Divider

Body part
You are you---and you have words when you speak.
Your words are with you, AND ARE YOU.
Your complete and total inability to understand the FIGURES OF SPEECH that are used EXTENSIVELY throughout the pages of scripture is one of your biggest problems and is probably why you continue to spout idiocy.

God's Truth

New member
This is the different ways the trinitarians explained their doctrine to me, on this site:

1. God is Spirit, Jesus is another Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is yet another Spirit, and they all are one together.

2. God the Father is a Person, Jesus is another Person, the Holy Spirit is also a Person and the only one with a Spirit.

3. The trinity doctrine is not explainable.

God's Truth

New member
Your complete and total inability to understand the FIGURES OF SPEECH that are used EXTENSIVELY throughout the pages of scripture is one of your biggest problems and is probably why you continue to spout idiocy.

Jesus came to speak as God---whatever Jesus says, God the Father says.

Think about it more.

God's Truth

New member
This is the different ways the trinitarians explained their doctrine to me, on this site:

1. God is Spirit, Jesus is another Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is yet another Spirit, and they all are one together.

2. God the Father is a Person, Jesus is another Person, the Holy Spirit is also a Person and the only one with a Spirit.

3. The trinity doctrine is not explainable.

Right Divider, which way do you claim?

God's Truth

New member
This is the different ways the trinitarians explained their doctrine to me, on this site:

1. God is Spirit, Jesus is another Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is yet another Spirit, and they all are one together.

2. God the Father is a Person, Jesus is another Person, the Holy Spirit is also a Person and the only one with a Spirit.

3. The trinity doctrine is not explainable.

My answer to the 1st explanation was and is: There is only one Spirit.

My answer to the 2nd explanation was and is: There is no such thing as a Person without their own Spirit.

My answer to the 3rd explanation: If you cannot explain your doctrine then it can't be defended.

Right Divider

Body part
This is the different ways the trinitarians explained their doctrine to me, on this site:

1. God is Spirit, Jesus is another Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is yet another Spirit, and they all are one together.

2. God the Father is a Person, Jesus is another Person, the Holy Spirit is also a Person and the only one with a Spirit.

3. The trinity doctrine is not explainable.
This is the way that a confused anti-Biblical person explained their doctrine to me.

1) God pretends to be a Father and a Son at the same time.
2) God also pretends to be a Holy Spirit as well.
3) As opposed to the BIBLICAL descriptions of three as persons, these three are actually "figures".
4) When asked if God was a ventriloquist, this person said "He can do it.".
5) This person then bashed the one asking if God was a ventriloquist (even though THEY said "He can do it.").
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Right Divider

Body part
My answer to the 1st explanation was and is: There is only one Spirit.

My answer to the 2nd explanation was and is: There is no such thing as a Person without their own Spirit.

My answer to the 3rd explanation: If you cannot explain your doctrine then it can't be defended.
That is YOUR false definition of God based on HUMANS being made so.