Pharmaceutical Exec: Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's Disease


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Hillary is not at a particularly high risk of such an event (and almost certainly at lower risk than many/most previous nominees).

You have no evidence to make this claim anymore than anyone can say otherwise but, the felon Hillary's odd physical behavior is what has brought this issue to the forefront. It is up to her to prove it false by releasing her medical records publicly, or deal with the questions that people are asking about her physical health condition, her mental health is a given, any laymen can diagnose she is mentally unstable...she is a progressive liberal which in and of itself is a mental disorder.


New member
You have no evidence to make this claim anymore.
Sure i do, I've already told you the basis for some of this reasoning.

What's more you've got your reasoning backwards, no one should ever assume someone is at high risk of a disease until proven otherwise. It should really be you saying what risk factors you think Hilary has for such an event.
than anyone can say otherwise but, the felon Hillary's odd physical behavior is what has brought this issue to the forefront. .
"Odd behaviour" alone despite an otherwise grossly normal neurology and normal conscious state and orientated to time, place and person (which can be observed in any video of her walking and talking on stage) is not in any way an indication for anything.
It is up to her to prove it false by releasing her medical records publicly.
Guilty until proven innocent then? Such a double standard too, or were you calling get for the same thing for all presidential nominees prior to Clinton?
or deal with the questions that people are asking about her physical health condition.
Such as whether she had a seizure based on a few seconds of video on loop and it being very obvious to anyone who knows anything about seizures that it was not a seizure?
her mental health is a given, any laymen can diagnose she is mentally unstable....
Laymen are in general idiots when it comes to mental health. Case in point diagnosing anyone as "mentally unstable" as if that is actually a thing in medicine.
she is a progressive liberal which in and of itself is a mental disorder.
Why thank you for such a well reasoned opinion on mental health. Be sure to get your views that the current definitions for mental disorders are wrong published. I'm sure the next edition of DSM will include rocketman syndrome, which is anyone who disagrees with rocketman politics... (in your expert opinion how should we treat such people?)

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Greatest poster ever
Why thank you for such a well reasoned opinion on mental health. Be sure to get your views that the current definitions for mental disorders are wrong published. I'm sure the next edition of DSM will include rocketman syndrome, which is anyone who disagrees with rocketman politics... (in your expert opinion how should we treat such people?)

Medical marijuana?


New member
she sure is, if she's already showing signs of parkinsons
Such as....? The claims in the OP are bollocks, she is not showing typical signs and the person trying to do the diagnosis has no experience at all with diagnosing it. Is there something she is doing /done that you find compelling evidence? Do you even have any idea what the diagnostic criteria or cardinal signs are for parkinsons?

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New member
From the clip I saw, not even the "experts" he trotted out to speculate on Clinton's health played ball.

They refused to "go there" with him and his nonsense.

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I think Hannity is getting desperate. He needs to come up with something, so he pulls up the blooper reel, and stitches together some moments, and trys to get some doctors to say it's a thing.


New member
You have no evidence to make this claim anymore than anyone can say otherwise but, the felon Hillary's odd physical behavior is what has brought this issue to the forefront. It is up to her to prove it false by releasing her medical records publicly, or deal with the questions that people are asking about her physical health condition, her mental health is a given, any laymen can diagnose she is mentally unstable...she is a progressive liberal which in and of itself is a mental disorder.

Do you believe everything Sean Hannity tells you to believe?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Sure i do, I've already told you the basis for some of this reasoning.

What's more you've got your reasoning backwards, no one should ever assume someone is at high risk of a disease until proven otherwise. It should really be you saying what risk factors you think Hilary has for such an event.
"Odd behaviour" alone despite an otherwise grossly normal neurology and normal conscious state and orientated to time, place and person (which can be observed in any video of her walking and talking on stage) is not in any way an indication for anything.

Guilty until proven innocent then? Such a double standard too, or were you calling get for the same thing for all presidential nominees prior to Clinton?

Your comments above incorporated, I would say it is not a matter of being guilty or innocent, it is part of the interview for just about any job. She wants to be the president then she owes full disclosure of her health...period. I got a pre-employment physical and I get annual ones to boot so, it is not too much to ask for the lady to disclose her physical health condition...her mental health aside.

Such as whether she had a seizure based on a few seconds of video on loop and it being very obvious to anyone who knows anything about seizures that it was not a seizure?

Irrelevant to whether she owes the American people full disclosure on her physical health to take the highest office in the land.

Laymen are in general idiots when it comes to mental health. Case in point diagnosing anyone as "mentally unstable" as if that is actually a thing in medicine.

Outside of my sarcasm I have not addressed her mental state but, if you want the laymens view I would say she is batcrap crazy...:chuckle:

Why thank you for such a well reasoned opinion on mental health. Be sure to get your views that the current definitions for mental disorders are wrong published. I'm sure the next edition of DSM will include rocketman syndrome, which is anyone who disagrees with rocketman politics... (in your expert opinion how should we treat such people?)

And thank you so much for being so overly serious or thin skinned as not to be able to identify the difference between commentary & sarcasm...:e4e:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Funnily, progressive liberal in my country is what we call christians. Having a social conscience is normal, not a disorder, The GOP has become a party full of swivel-eyed loonies.

Your opinion is just that...your opinion, which in the scope of things is as valid as mine that says all you libs are covetous nut jobs that want others to pay your way through life...get a job and support yourself, society doesn't owe you a thing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If Hillary becomes president, she will be a lame duck. This will be a game runner for Republicans. If you think the Duck, as future lame duck is the way to go them you may be rooting for the Democrats.

Be sure to read my future post on 'Man, Dog, Duck' as to how Donald might be George Bush all over again.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Do you believe everything Sean Hannity tells you to believe?

Is Sean Hannity on this story as well? Good for him. I however get my news online, I really don't watch cable TV much anymore...not much time for TV. There are plenty of sources online that have addressed the felon Hillary's odd behavior, and if she is ill the American people have the right to know before she takes the job, I don't think that request is too much to ask from any person who wants the job, employment physicals are pretty standard these days, why should the presidency be any different.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If Hillary becomes president, she will be a lame duck. This will be a game runner for Republicans. If you think the Duck, as future lame duck is the way to go them you may be rooting for the Democrats.

Be sure to read my future post on 'Man, Dog, Duck' as to how Donald might be George Bush all over again.

Trump certainly was not my choice but, he is now the nominee and he is a much better choice than a corrupt lying felon.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
She will not be there more than four years. The Republicans need to get it together and find a good candidate. The only people i am advising to vote for Trump are those who care very much about Second Amendment rights, as that is her biggest threat.

Regarding the economy, Trump can be a disaster, while Clinton already said she would tow the mark. I do not hate the duck, in fact i think he is very cleaver. I am still convinced he does not want to be president, rather own his own TV show. Media is big money, and the Duck knows money more than anything. Warren may be the king of investments, yet the Duck is king of the [sic] 'jet set'

one more thing, the Duck cannot be controlled, as we see, he does whatever he wants to do and no one tells the Duck what to do.


New member
Your comments above incorporated, I would say it is not a matter of being guilty or innocent, it is part of the interview for just about any job. She wants to be the president then she owes full disclosure of her health...period.:
And have you ever suggested that for any other nominees or is this just a rule for Hillary?

I got a pre-employment physical and I get annual ones to boot so, it is not too much to ask for the lady to disclose her physical health condition...her mental health aside.:
I am ignorant of US law on this matter but I assume that the results of your physical were interpreted by a doctor and only the details which might affect your capacity to work were disclosed to your employer? They didn't supply your entire medical history to your boss for them to interpret and make laymen errors with did they?
And thank you so much for being so overly serious or thin skinned as not to be able to identify the difference between commentary & sarcasm...:e4e:
You have to lay it on pretty thick to make sarcasm obvious on the internet given I can't hear your tone of voice.

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New member
Your opinion is just that...your opinion,
How could it not have been my opinion?

in the scope of things is as valid as mine that says all you libs are covetous nut jobs that want others to pay your way through life...get a job and support yourself, society doesn't owe you a thing.
I have a good job, I ask nothing from others. I pay my tax, which will be a lot higher rate than you, and I am happy for it to be spent improving the lot of those who have little.

Your assumptions about liberals is wrong, since they tend to be well off and willing to help others, rather than the cross and entitled Trump voters looking out only for themselves.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I have a good job, I ask nothing from others. I pay my tax, which will be a lot higher rate than you, and I am happy for it to be spent improving the lot of those who have little.

That is what charity is for, taxation is a forced burden, juxtaposing that I as a citizen have to support others financial burden as well as my own even if I have to work harder to do so. The recipient on the other hand is not required to work harder, attempt to better themselves, or to pay me back for my financial assistance. The difference between our world view is that I do not feel duty bound to give any more than I want to, and for what I want to give it for, ie. the burdens of others outside of my own family are not my burdens unless I choose to make them so. Creating codependence is not improving the lot of those who have little, in fact it worsens the problem.

Your assumptions about liberals is wrong, since they tend to be well off and willing to help others, rather than the cross and entitled Trump voters looking out only for themselves.

Yea, you liberals are all about helping stealing from those that achieve & giving to those that not only do not achieve but, don't even attempt to, all this and never even with the expectation that the recipients of your forced charity to be self sufficient. Liberals are the epitome of enablers in a dysfunctional codependent societal assumptions here, just the facts.


New member
That is what charity is for, taxation is a forced burden, juxtaposing that I as a citizen have to support others financial burden as well as my own even if I have to work harder to do so. The recipient on the other hand is not required to work harder, attempt to better themselves, or to pay me back for my financial assistance. The difference between our world view is that I do not feel duty bound to give any more than I want to, and for what I want to give it for, ie. the burdens of others outside of my own family are not my burdens unless I choose to make them so. Creating codependence is not improving the lot of those who have little, in fact it worsens the problem.

Yea, you liberals are all about helping stealing from those that achieve & giving to those that not only do not achieve but, don't even attempt to, all this and never even with the expectation that the recipients of your forced charity to be self sufficient. Liberals are the epitome of enablers in a dysfunctional codependent societal assumptions here, just the facts.

You seem to have confused the funding of social programmes (good) with giving out obligation free cash (bad in many cases). Your mistake —*you are criticising me for acts and opinions that exist only in your mind and do not represent reality.

Please, critique what I actually said, instead of what you'd have liked me to say.