ECT Moment of Salvation Compared to Water Baptism

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"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20 (KJV)

"I have abandoned myself to Christ Jesus. I live by His life in me". . .Paul.

God's Truth

New member

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20 (KJV)

"I have abandoned myself to Christ Jesus. I live by His life in me". . .Paul.

In a case like this scripture, one would do well to see if it contradicts other scriptures that say we must have faith.

We live because of Jesus' obedience to his Father, and we are also to obey Jesus as he obeyed.

We also are to have faith in Jesus.

A person should examine that scripture more carefully for better understanding.

Paul lives by the same faithfulness Jesus had for his Father. That is acceptable to say it that way; or that Paul lives by faith in Jesus.

If you say you live by the faith of the Son, do note that it has been used by others here to say they don't even have to have living faith in Jesus, faith with obedience, and they say they just live by Jesus having faith. Don't abandon Christ. Abandon yourself to him; live by his faith and not your own.

See how you said live by his faith and not your faith.

We have to have faith.

Cross Reference

New member
In a case like this scripture, one would do well to see if it contradicts other scriptures that say we must have faith.

We live because of Jesus' obedience to his Father, and we are also to obey Jesus as he obeyed.

We also are to have faith in Jesus.

A person should examine that scripture more carefully for better understanding.

Paul lives by the same faithfulness Jesus had for his Father. That is acceptable to say it that way; or that Paul lives by faith in Jesus.

If you say you live by the faith of the Son, do note that it has been used by others here to say they don't even have to have living faith in Jesus, faith with obedience, and they say they just live by Jesus having faith.

See how you said live by his faith and not your faith.

We have to have faith.

Well then, just rip that verse out and stay with what you have.

God's Truth

New member
Well then, just rip that verse out and stay with what you have.

You are misunderstanding all because of the word 'of'.

I always use the King James version in my deep studies.

One must though realize that the word 'of' cannot nullify all the scriptures telling us to have faith.

Do you really want to believe and teach that we don't have to have faith?

The KJV is old English to us now. However, since it might be important to some who argue about things that do not matter, I will clarify; it is not “Old English”, as in Old English with German features; and, it is not the more simplified Old English called “Middle English”. It is called “Modern English” or more appropriately called “Early Modern English”, used from 1450 to 1650. The KJV might have been written in what is called "Early Modern English", but it is NOT our English. It is old English to us. We are in an age of many blessings as we have many resources for studying the written Word of God. I would not have the more complete assurance of what I know if not for the King James version; however, I could say the same too for the other translations written in our English. Faith alone is dead, so to live by the faith of Jesus is true, because we live because Jesus obeyed his Father and we live by having faith and obedience in Jesus.
So again, I am not saying the King James version is wrong, but I am saying it is wrong the way you interpreted to mean.

Cross Reference

New member
You are misunderstanding all because of the word 'of'.

I always use the King James version in my deep studies.

One must though realize that the word 'of' cannot nullify all the scriptures telling us to have faith.

Do you really want to believe and teach that we don't have to have faith?

The KJV is old English to us now. However, since it might be important to some who argue about things that do not matter, I will clarify; it is not “Old English”, as in Old English with German features; and, it is not the more simplified Old English called “Middle English”. It is called “Modern English” or more appropriately called “Early Modern English”, used from 1450 to 1650. The KJV might have been written in what is called "Early Modern English", but it is NOT our English. It is old English to us. We are in an age of many blessings as we have many resources for studying the written Word of God. I would not have the more complete assurance of what I know if not for the King James version; however, I could say the same too for the other translations written in our English. Faith alone is dead, so to live by the faith of Jesus is true, because we live because Jesus obeyed his Father and we live by having faith and obedience in Jesus.
So again, I am not saying the King James version is wrong, but I am saying it is wrong the way you interpreted to mean.

Paul would never teach against having faith IN Jesus. Therefore, stay focussed if you want more sound understanding of why the KJV has it as written in that inspired way.

God's Truth

New member
Paul would never teach against having faith IN Jesus. Therefore, stay focussed if you want more sound understanding of why the KJV has it as written in that inspired way.

You are the one who said to live by his faith and not our own.

I have heard gd and other here misuse that scripture.

Cross Reference

New member
Read carefully:

"The meaning of sanctification is that the Son of God is formed in us (Galatians 4:19); then our human nature has to be transfigured by His indwelling life, and this is where our action comes in. We have to put on the new man† in accordance with the life of the Son of God in us. If we refuse to be sanctified, there is no possibility of the Son of God being manifested in us, because we have prevented our lives being turned into a Bethlehem; we have not allowed the Spirit of God to bring forth the Son of God in us. Are we putting on the new man in accordance with the Son of God, or are we choking His life in us? If we allow things which do not spring from the Son of God, we will put His life in us to death."

Chambers, O.

God's Truth

New member
Read carefully:

"The meaning of sanctification is that the Son of God is formed in us (Galatians 4:19); then our human nature has to be transfigured by His indwelling life, and this is where our action comes in. We have to put on the new man† in accordance with the life of the Son of God in us. If we refuse to be sanctified, there is no possibility of the Son of God being manifested in us, because we have prevented our lives being turned into a Bethlehem; we have not allowed the Spirit of God to bring forth the Son of God in us. Are we putting on the new man in accordance with the Son of God, or are we choking His life in us? If we allow things which do not spring from the Son of God, we will put His life in us to death."

Chambers, O.

...and are transformed as indicative how? You resemble that desired end result how? It worked for you?

Cross Reference

New member
...and are transformed as indicative how? You resemble that desired end result how? It worked for you?

Did i say it did? Perhaps it is you just want to pick ANOTHER one of your nondiscript fights?

Why not just let it say what it says and go from there and question yourself? I beleive that would be the honest thing to do, don't you? That's what I did.

God's Truth

New member
Did i say it did? Perhaps it is you just want to pick ANOTHER one of your nondiscript fights?

Why not just let it say what it says and go from there and question yourself? I beleive that would be the honest thing to do, don't you? That's what I did.

Now that isn't dishonest of you? That is extremely dishonest.


New member
I am NOT interested in using man's ways and means to discredit what can be clearly understood already written out on the time proven page by 50+ renown Greek scholars inspired by the Holy Spirit.

I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying here. I did not attempt to translate from the Greek manuscripts. All I have done is use what the 50+ did translate into English, then use grammar rules for English to understand what they are saying. Words are how thoughts and concepts are conveyed. I didn’t change the words. I do my best to understand what they are telling us.

Understand that the first rule for understanding anything written is to first let it say what it says.
I totally agree. That is my first rule as well. Many will totally ignore what it plainly says because it goes against their view.

The second would be to check the credentials and motive of anyone trying to disprove what is written by them that they don't have an untoward agenda.
Neither credentials nor motives matter. What anyone says can be compared to scripture and it either agrees or it doesn’t. I’m not trying to disprove what is written, I’m doing my very best to understand it. What is written is 100% truth.

which leads me to ask why do you want to pick at how many and which disciples spoke in tongues as evidence of receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost
People use ignorance of scripture to justify all sorts of things saying its of the Holy Spirit. Those that hold to the 120 being baptized with the Holy Spirit use it to justify tongues, healing, prophecies, snake handling and such. Other than the apostles on Pentecost and Corneilus, everyone received miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit by the laying of the apostles hands, Acts 8:18. 3,000 souls were added to the church that day and there is zero evidence found in the passage that anyone other than the apostles performed miracles.
Acts 2:43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.

seeing that God is no respecter of persons in such matters pertaining to pure hearts offered Him in obedience to His command??
I agree with 100%, God is no respecter of persons.

With that said, I don't see any reason to not believe ALL in attendance in the upper room on that day had a Spiritual flame of fire setting over their heads.
Have your REALLY considered what I have pointed out to you? For starters, the upper room and Pentecost were NOT the same day. Since they were not on the same day, how do we know they were in the same house? Same people?

What do you hope to accomplish by going against that opinion and especially this by Peter:

"For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” Acts 2:39 (ESV)

I'm not going against scripture at all, I agree with Peter 100%. As far as the opinion that the 120 were baptized with the Holy Spirit, scripture does not support it. I don’t mind opinions as long as scripture supports them.

If the “they” in Acts 2:4 is not the apostles only, please show me how it’s the 120 using the context.
