MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left


Well-known member
this particular thing is new - as Stripe's shown, it's been popularized fairly recently by the New Zealand national rugby union team, the "All Blacks" - i had to look it up too

but the form is definitely familiar - one guy out in front leading the rest of the crowd in a sychronized movement - instantly recognizable to anyone who remembers pep rallies from high school imo

heck, in a couple years they'll all be doing synchronized "take a knee" along to chants of "hands up don't shoot!" :chuckle:

I kinda like the sumo thing. :chuckle:

Talk about getting your adrenalin going for a game!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He lost whatever respect he had earned when he accosted a bunch of high school boys for his political agenda.

i was looking up the planned agenda for the "indigenous people's march" and they were scheduled to go right through where the boys were standing, so there's that

on the other hand, all the indian-sympathetic reporting says that there were "thousands" of people attending the march, so it begs the question of why Phillips and his band of four or five chose to break away from what was purportedly the main crowd of the march

or maybe that was all bullcrap - the pics i've seen of the indigenous people's march show a couple hundred at best

meanwhile, nobody's talking about the roughly 300,000 people attending the Right To Life March

quelle surprise

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
back to the OP and more insane leftist follies!

... a symbol of bigotry... your MAGA hat ...

symbol of bigotry:

not a symbol of bigotry:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Be careful. Elderly wise Navy SEAL Indian will come and kill you with his fully semi-automatic drum of racial justice.

nah, he's been trained by the military

mess with him and he'll fix you good

or your refrigerator, at least :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
:doh: Leonard Pitts :nono:

...the boy in that video, smirking, trying not to laugh, is not startled or confused. He looks, rather, entitled and smug.

Indeed, what gave the image its initial, visceral power was the sense that his expression was one we have seen before. It was on the face of an SS man as he cut off a rabbi’s beard on a Warsaw street, on the face of an Alabama state trooper waiting at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Heck, it was on the face of a hulking high school boy as he prepared to dunk a smaller kid’s head into the toilet.

It was the eternal expression of the bully at the head of a mob....

amazing :nono:

and Pitts reports a new lie from Phillips, one i hadn't seen before, one that is easily disproven from viewing the video (not that that matters to the insane):
...The crowd, (Phillips) said, parted to let him through. All except for the boy, since identified as Nick Sandmann, a junior.

Phillips said the boy blocked him when he moved left. When he moved right, Sandmann did the same....


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

aka "irrational people"

the implication from Lemon here is that rational people should be sensitive to the pathological responses of the irrational, constantly be aware of their presence and constantly strive not to offend them

sorry, not interested

and if those pathological responses of the irrational include fomenting violence, invading privacy and calling for the murders of children and their families?

expect a knock at your door, nutcases :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Leonard Pitts: "(Sandmann's) expression was one we have seen before. It was on the face of an SS man as he cut off a rabbi’s beard on a Warsaw street..."


evil nazi / ss man:

nervous, uncertain 16 year old with a really weird old man banging a drum in his face and howling and yelping like a sick dog:

smug, self-satisfied adult, willing to destroy a sixteen year old boy:

Pitts has made his decision: GUILTY! of Facecrime!



Being American Indian, myself, I was ready to jump on the "smirker". Then after reviewing all the tapes, I realized my error. So, please, don't tell me there are two sides.

There was no hostility from him.
It was a situation that was a lot longer than just a few minutes- all the videos shows is the highlight moment of him doing his magical drum chant thing.

It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders, the Right wing have just up until now managed to make every person with a Maga hat look like sinless, angelic martyrs and are trying SO DESPERATELY to maintain that here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There was no hostility from him.
It was a situation that was a lot longer than just a few minutes- all the videos shows is the highlight moment of him doing his magical drum chant thing.

It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders, the Right wing have just up until now managed to make every person with a Maga hat look like sinless, angelic martyrs and are trying SO DESPERATELY to maintain that here.

would you have had any reaction to it if none of them had been wearing the hats?

do you think the story would have caught fire the way it did if none of them had been wearing the hats?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
would you have had any reaction to it if none of them had been wearing the hats?

do you think the story would have caught fire the way it did if none of them had been wearing the hats?



Well-known member
There was no hostility from him.
It was a situation that was a lot longer than just a few minutes- all the videos shows is the highlight moment of him doing his magical drum chant thing.

It wasn't aggression, and frankly it's annoying that I even have to sit here and argue something that is so plain. Everybody is acting stupid about it and it's gotten old- time to face reality here.
Those kids weren't just innocent bystanders, the Right wing have just up until now managed to make every person with a Maga hat look like sinless, angelic martyrs and are trying SO DESPERATELY to maintain that here.

orange man bad