ECT Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Let me guess; you think Jesus never called names... or anyone else who was a man or woman of God.

Then show Jesus, or anyone else other than Paul, using the phrase "Body of Christ" within the Bible. We've already shown you that Jesus stated He only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The passage was not specifically to a group that did not yet exist, regardless of the fact that is applicable to them after the fact.

Asking him counter questions is against his rules, Lighthouse! You have to start your own thread for that. Then, I suppose, you're to pray that dodge will grace you with an answer on that new thread.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Any MAD worth his salt should be able to pick up on where others are coming by their recurrent patterns with ease.

It is one of the very first things another MAD pointed out to me many years ago. I knew right then and there he was right, and have known it ever since.

Just as I've witnessed this very ability in many a MAD over the years.

Recurrent patterns is the very basis of the reemergence of MAD.

It is why so many fools do not get MAD.

It is the very basis of further refinements in one's understandings within MAD.

It is the basis of where you and I differ in some of our understandings, say, of Romans 2, STP.

One aspect has to do with being slow to draw a conclusion about...any...thing.

Hopefully, you do realize, one need not grasp the doctrine of MAD in order to be a member of the Body of Christ? I myself heard the Grace Gospel about 54 years ago when I was 12 years old and placed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. At that time, I knew NOTHING about the doctrine of MAD. It took several years for the Lord to show me the truths of MAD. When I was about 16 or so I remember reading James and being confused about what James said about: "Faith without works is dead." When I heard the Gospel in 1962, I wasn't told we had to do works to be saved, so that made me question what James was saying? Was it a contradiction? Was it a fact? I didn't know what to think of it. I remember trying to rationalize what James was saying, thereby, allowing myself to swallow more easily what James was conveying.

For several years I simply stuck with that original rationalization. I was still a member of the Body of Christ and if I had left this "Mortal Coil" (died) I would have gone to be with the Lord, howbeit, without the knowledge that MAD provides us. MAD puts everything in order and the seeming contradictions and confusion disappear. The writings of Paul (Romans through Philemon) were written to the Gentile believers, whereas, the other books of the Bible were written to "The House of Israel." Paul preached "The Gospel of Grace",faith alone without works, to the Gentiles, The Lord Jesus Christ, Peter and the rest of the Apostles preached "The Kingdom Message" to the House of Israel. The House of Israel is promised a time when Christ will return to earth and sit on the throne of David while ruling over His people, Israel. The Body of Christ (The Church) is promised eternal life in Heaven. Today, in what Paul called/calls The Dispensation of the Grace of God, both Jew and Gentile alike, are under the "Grace Gospel."

In the end analysis, MAD clears up any contradictions/confusion and places all the pieces of the puzzle together. We see that 2000 years ago there were two separate Messages being taught. The Grace Gospel and The Kingdom Gospel. The Apostle Paul was specifically chosen to be the Apostle to the Gentiles by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. It was a "Special Message" designed for the Gentiles. Paul first went to the Jews with His Gospel and they rejected it and subsequently, Paul, from that moment on preached to the Gentiles, the Grace Gospel, the same Gospel being preached today by the hearing of the Message and the acceptance or rejection of it. A full and complete understanding of MAD isn't necessary in order to receive eternal life and a position in the Body of Christ, however, it definitely helps one to understand God's will for humanity and places everything in its true perspective.

Both my Mom and my Dad are with the Lord today, never being instructed about the doctrine of MAD. I'm very happy I came across the teachings of MAD which helped me understand the Scriptures in a far better light. By the way, I grew up in a Non-Denominational, Christ centered, Bible believing, Mid-Acts Dispensational Church. However, I never understood what MAD represented until years later. Now, I preach, not only the Grace Gospel but, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, as well.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Circumcision is that of the heart, you fraud.

Try grace walking your talk.

I'm sorry to say that you're way too incorrigible. You desire to be "The Top Dog of MAD" on TOL and it ain't happening. Ya got too much HATRED in your heart. I kind of feel sorry for you in a funny sort of way. I think you're pretending to be something you're not and it's eating you up inside. It really can be seen in your words. Hopefully, some day the Lord will be able to get through to you. I'll pray for you.


New member
Yep, a Marine is a Navy size fits all...aye; artful dodger.

On reflection, please accept my apology for the above should it have offendef you.

I was merely trying to make a point about the importance of distinctions between...things that differ.

Again, my apology.

Sure the Marine Corps is a dept. of the Navy i.e. the mens dept.


Right Divider

Body part
I won't be surprised, I know exactly what his beliefs about Paul are and you don't have a snowball's chance in Hell of defeating him in a debate. I didn't send you there because I agree with him. He couldn't be more wrong and yet he would destroy you in any debate you dared to engage him on. You know why? It's because your most basic doctrinal presuppositions are very nearly identical to his and you don't even know it.

Right Divider

Body part
Just so you know, the Gospel always calls us to do the one thing we 'lack', ie, the one thing we are trying to save or protect. You've missed the whole point in your literalism. The point is that revolutionary grace was being blocked by this guy or trapped or chained.

Literalism can never generate good theology.
You just keep making stuff up to try to cling to that book that you read somewhere about 'theology'. :kookoo:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Danoh, believes he can read "Word Patterns" and somehow those patterns open up his ability to ascertain the thought processes of the poster in question? If I'm understanding his hypothesis correctly? However, the subject being observed needs to remain at a constant level of conscious choices of words and phrases being chosen. If a person varies his/her words and phrases to match the imaginative side of their brain, there remains a possibility of changing the continuum of the conversation and therefore, making it quite impossible to get a correct and meaningful reading. In other words, a form of "Words and phrases Split-personality." Which makes for the ability to lead others into alternative areas of discussion without them being the wiser. A form of "Mind-play." For many years I've noticed that people have a tendency to believe outrageous "Tall-Tales" if the person telling the tales has an innate ability to speak in a very sincere, matter of fact manner. Years ago I witnessed this, first hand. Much like a good Salesman's pitch, however, one isn't trying to sell a product, but, a fantasy, of sorts. People can be caught up in a storyline, an idea, or a ridiculous tale of absurdity. Depending on the words and phrases combined with what seems to appear as sincerity.

This kind of experiment can be rather amusing and creates an exercise for the imaginative part of the mind, especially if you consider yourself to be a creative writer or entertainer. However, when it comes to one's "Spiritual beliefs" one must be totally honest and forthcoming. I NEVER mix my proclivity for witty banter with my Spiritual beliefs. Never the twain shall meet. I have written several poems and other writings other the years. I was truly blessed with a humorous Wit and imagination. I also was blessed with an entertaining ability, to do several "Voice Impressions" of celebrities and politicians/neighbors and School teachers. I have done a lot of entertaining and have done some stage work. Not bad for a kid that grew up extremely shy. I'm both an introvert and an extrovert, a strange mixture of both. Anywho, just thought I'd venture off in a different path, a wee bit.


New member

Your mind is made up, despite the LORD not being sent to his own words.

Throughout the Old Testament, God's word was sent to specific people for a specific time and purpose. At the incarnation, God made His word into a human, and fused Himself with the human, making Jesus both man and God.

When Jesus said he was only sent (in the same sense that God sent His word and healed people) to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel", he was literally only speaking of those Who were alive and lost during his ministry. Future sheep are not sheep yet, and certainly aren't lost yet.

So, while Jesus at that time and place was only reaching for the Jewish nation as a whole (although he did reach every Gentile who came to him), the message of the gospel, which "began with The Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him" was for the world.

Just as God's word in the Old Testament was sent for a specific time and place, Jesus, THE WORD made flesh, was sent for a specific time and place. However, once Jesus's physical work was complete and the plan was fully implemented, culminating in Jesus returning as the Holy Ghost to guide and empower the believers, God opened the door and said, essentially, "go take this message to the world".

There is a very real reason for the door to the Gentiles to not be fully opened during the time of Jesus's earthly ministry. If He had sent evangelists into the world before Calvary, before the resurrection, and before the infilling of the Holy Ghost, you would have had a very incomplete message traveling around the world. We have too much confusion even after the message was completed-I'd hate to see what it would have been like if Jesus wouldn't have waited to send his disciples to the Gentiles.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


New member
Not a bad post, GM.

But for one thing.

Freud rightly noted that "within every belief lies the history of its origin."

MAD's reemergence was the result of a pattern of looking at a thing not much different from Freud's famous Talking Cure.

Where one traces the originally intended sense of a thing through its simply unavoidable, recurrent patterns, back to its' origin.

RD's and some other's posts on a Scriptural subject from a MAD Perspective often reflect that.

It is why they are so often on point, and why they each have their own voice.

Where I agree, that is :chuckle:

Paul would have said "this witness is true."

And therein lies the hole in your post once more.

Your need to prove some sort of a "not bad for a kid who..."

You just can't get away from your need to point to yourself; can you :chuckle:

Few can get away, hide from...their recurrent patterns.

As that other true witness goes "where ever you go...there you are..."

Right Divider

Body part
Throughout the Old Testament, God's word was sent to specific people for a specific time and purpose. At the incarnation, God made His word into a human, and fused Himself with the human, making Jesus both man and God.

When Jesus said he was only sent (in the same sense that God sent His word and healed people) to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel", he was literally only speaking of those Who were alive and lost during his ministry. Future sheep are not sheep yet, and certainly aren't lost yet.

So, while Jesus at that time and place was only reaching for the Jewish nation as a whole (although he did reach every Gentile who came to him), the message of the gospel, which "began with The Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him" was for the world.
Gods plans were always "for the world". But that does not mean that all people on the earth had the SAME relationship with the LORD.
God chose Israel has His special people and the gentiles were to be blessed THROUGH Israel. But Israel, as a whole, had always failed miserably in their job to be the light of the world.

Just as God's word in the Old Testament was sent for a specific time and place, Jesus, THE WORD made flesh, was sent for a specific time and place. However, once Jesus's physical work was complete and the plan was fully implemented, culminating in Jesus returning as the Holy Ghost to guide and empower the believers, God opened the door and said, essentially, "go take this message to the world".
Most peoples understanding of WHEN the message changed and HOW it changed is the problem.
It was NOT until Israel's FALL that a different message of God's grace to ALL without regard to "His people" came to and through Paul whom Jesus called.

This dispensing of God's grace without distinction is a temporary situation, as God will restore Israel when Christ comes back to judge the world.

There is a very real reason for the door to the Gentiles to not be fully opened during the time of Jesus's earthly ministry. If He had sent evangelists into the world before Calvary, before the resurrection, and before the infilling of the Holy Ghost, you would have had a very incomplete message traveling around the world. We have too much confusion even after the message was completed-I'd hate to see what it would have been like if Jesus wouldn't have waited to send his disciples to the Gentiles.
God did not end His dealing with Israel at the cross. They were given time, but they continued to reject the LORD.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not a bad post, GM.

But for one thing.

Freud rightly noted that "within every belief lies the history of its origin."

MAD's reemergence was the result of a pattern of looking at a thing not much different from Freud's famous Talking Cure.

Where one traces the originally intended sense of a thing through its simply unavoidable, recurrent patterns, back to its' origin.

RD's and some other's posts on a Scriptural subject from a MAD Perspective often reflect that.

It is why they are so often on point, and why they each have their own voice.

Where I agree, that is :chuckle:

Paul would have said "this witness is true."

And therein lies the hole in your post once more.

Your need to prove some sort of a "not bad for a kid who..."

You just can't get away from your need to point to yourself; can you :chuckle:

Few can get away, hide from...their recurrent patterns.

As that other true witness goes "where ever you go...there you are..."

Thanks for being "DISIGENIOUS." I really appreciate your honest assessment.

I do desire you to realize that I believe you to be the most intelligent poster on TOL. You put others to shame. My sincere appreciation goes out to you. Your friend and fellow poster, GM