Letsargue's Thread for Bashing AMR

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some other dude

New member
I mean if I were standing in line at the grocery store and asked you, "How do we Gentiles pay for our own sins?", what would be your short and sweet answer?


He'd probably start beating you about the head with a stalk of celery while screaming "PROVE ME WRONG!!!!! YOU CAN'T!!!! YOU GENIUSES!!!!!!!!!" until the store manager whacked him over the head with a mop.

Make sure somebody gets it on their cell phone and posts it on youtube, okay?


New member
So your answer is "By the Gospel and the Gospel ONLY can anyone be resurrected with Jesus Christ." ??

Kind of hard to extract a clear answer from your posts, so can you not simply break it down simply. I mean if I were standing in line at the grocery store and asked you, "How do we Gentiles pay for our own sins?", what would be your short and sweet answer?


You can't debunk it, so you just BUNK IT!!

In that the “GOSPEL” IS “THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION”!!! - There is no other Power!! – One must be “alive”, and a sinner of course, and believe that there is a God, and one must trust / have Faith in the Gospel of Christ, and he must hear the Gospel, and he must have been alive yesterday, and he must be sober when he obeys the Gospel, he must intend to live as a Christian, he must love the Truth and have read it, he must not take any fool’s word for anything of God, -------- SOME OF THE REST LATER!!! ---- There is a lot involved in Salvation, it’s just how big a cursed fool one is, and how far he is going to go to avoid the TRUTH!!!

God said what He said, and I said what I said!! – It’s not about YOU OR ME!!!!

Paul – 032312

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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In that the “GOSPEL” IS “THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION”!!! - There is no other Power!! – One must be “alive”, and a sinner of course, and believe that there is a God, and one must trust / have Faith in the Gospel of Christ, and he must hear the Gospel, and he must have been alive yesterday, and he must be sober when he obeys the Gospel, he must intend to live as a Christian, he must love the Truth and have read it, he must not take any fool’s word for anything of God, -------- SOME OF THE REST LATER!!! ---- There is a lot involved in Salvation, it’s just how big a cursed fool one is, and how far he is going to go to avoid the TRUTH!!!
How is a sinner able to "hear the Gospel" such that he or she can then "soberly obey the Gospel"?

Are those that hate God (the unbelievers) able to love God when they hear the Gospel?

Or...must God first give the unbelievers the ability to love him first?



New member
So your answer is "By the Gospel and the Gospel ONLY can anyone be resurrected with Jesus Christ." ??

Kind of hard to extract a clear answer from your posts, so can you not simply break it down simply. I mean if I were standing in line at the grocery store and asked you, "How do we Gentiles pay for our own sins?", what would be your short and sweet answer?


Short and SWEET!!!

REPENT is to turn around, or stop what you’re doing and do what Christ said!! – If one does REPENT, it is also said that in doing so, he dies to sin. - If one DIES TO SIN, - DID JESUS REPENT FOR THE SINNER, OR DID THE SINNER HAVE TO REPENT / DIE TO HIS OWN SINS ----- AND THEN TAKE UP THE CROSS AND FOLLOW JESUS!!!

A sinner must die to his own sins by repenting of them. - Jesus cannot do that for any sinner!! – Jesus died for the Church, his wife, that the sinner may be RESURRECTED “INTO” A PLACE OF HEAVENLY PROMISE!!

Is that, plus all the rest good enough for you, or do you have to send some more bunk to satisfy yourself in your genius!!

Paul – 032312

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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How is a sinner able to "hear the Gospel" such that he or she can then "soberly obey the Gospel"?

Are those that hate God (the unbelievers) able to love God when they hear the Gospel?

Or...must God first give the unbelievers the ability to love him first?


Is that, plus all the rest good enough for you, or do you have to send some more bunk to satisfy yourself in your genius!!
See questions above.


John Mortimer

New member
Jesus died for the Church, his wife, that the sinner may be RESURRECTED “INTO” A PLACE OF HEAVENLY PROMISE!!
Exactly! The sinner is resurrected now IN Christ that he/she may be resurrected TO heavenly promise. Repentance is the only way to the IN and thus the TO, (as you say, LA)...
Is that, plus all the rest good enough for you, or do you have to send some more bunk to satisfy yourself in your genius!!
It's the lust of cruelty that they are seeking, in vain, to satisfy.


New member
See questions above.


It’s sort of first things first!! – But if you insist!! – In your world, the Gospel has already been taken out, and there is none to preach the Gospel. – One cannot hear the Gospel from a sinner and be saved by his teachings, even if he teaches the apparent Truth. However, the Truth cannot come from a sinner, any more than a sinner can be saved by the teaching of a Mormon or the KKK, or the NRA, or the EPA. – The Gospel MUST be taught by one who is “SENT” BY THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE CHURCH., AND IT’S SHE WHOM IT IS SAID, ---- “How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter”!! – Romans 10:15 KJV – “How shall they preach, except they be SENT? as it is written, HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT PREACH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE”. ----- That’s having their feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace!! - The KKK cannot do that, nor can the Mormon!!

The Gospel is the POWER to do the will of Christ to those who love the Truth. – That doesn’t mean that anyone who hears is of a good and honest heart, but only those are ordained to be saved if the Gospel is delivered by a “SENT MINISTER” OF THE SPIRIT / ANGEL OF CHRIST. ----- Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV - But to which of the Angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 14 ARE THEY NOT “ALL” MINISTERING SPIRITS, “SENT” forth to minister for them WHO “SHALL BE” heirs of salvation? -----
God said this also, for those who have gone this far in their Faith in the Truth to receive the LOVE OF GOD. – Matthew 7:22 KJV –
When the mouth and hands of the Body of Christ administer the Gospel to a sinner / the good and honest heart, that is giving the sinner the ability to act on his love of Christ through that Gospel!! --- Romans 6:4 KJV - Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”. -----

Paul – 032312


New member
You seem to be the only one avoiding a direct question I have asked. Why?

How do we "Gentiles" pay for our own sins? Is the grafting of the Gentiles into the Vine unimportant here?


I’m going to give you a response to the second question, which is really not a question.

( “Is the grafting of the Gentiles into the Vine unimportant here”? )

We have to go back to Cain and Seth.
In the Garden of Eden there were the two trees; one the Tree of “LIFE”, and the other the tree of the knowledge of GOOD, and the knowledge of “EVIL” – Satan tempted Eve with the fruit of the knowledge of “EVIL” and that brought forth Cain, the Father of Canaan / or the Gentiles. However, Eve gave Adam to eat and that brought forth Seth, the father of the Children of God. – That’s the start of it all.

By that, - the nature of the Gentiles is to LUST after knowledge, any knowledge, but mostly the knowledge of evil. – This is where the idea that they seeketh after a sign, or knowledge, but there shall be no sign given. ---- From the Tree of Knowledge, the Gentiles lusted after knowledge, and the Children of God were to lust after eternal life from the Tree of Life, BUT!!

Until Christ, there was nothing but the Knowledge of Evil in the world including in Israel, or Judaea. – Until the last days, man only lusted after evil knowledge, or the evil fruit; - then Jesus did the same as circumcised the tree of knowledge from the boughs of GOOD knowledge and “GRAFFED” the knowledge of “GOOD” into the Tree of Life. – “NOW”, -- one of the fruits of the Spirit, and one of the fruits of the Tree of Life is “KNOWLEDGE”. -----2 Peter 1:5 KJV ---&--- Revelation 22:2 KJV – It’s not the graffing in of the Gentiles, but graffing in the DESIRE of the Gentile, which still follows, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. – Therefore we are what we desire or lust after, and there is nothing sinful about the lusting after Truth!!

Paul – 032412

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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It’s sort of first things first!! – But if you insist!! – In your world, the Gospel has already been taken out, and there is none to preach the Gospel. – One cannot hear the Gospel from a sinner and be saved by his teachings, even if he teaches the apparent Truth. However, the Truth cannot come from a sinner, any more than a sinner can be saved by the teaching of a Mormon or the KKK, or the NRA, or the EPA. – The Gospel MUST be taught by one who is “SENT” BY THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE CHURCH., AND IT’S SHE WHOM IT IS SAID, ---- “How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter”!! – Romans 10:15 KJV – “How shall they preach, except they be SENT? as it is written, HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT PREACH THE GOSPEL OF PEACE”. ----- That’s having their feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace!! - The KKK cannot do that, nor can the Mormon!!
So the gospel must come from one who is "sent"? In your view does the church "send"?

The Gospel is the POWER to do the will of Christ to those who love the Truth. – That doesn’t mean that anyone who hears is of a good and honest heart, but only those are ordained to be saved if the Gospel is delivered by a “SENT MINISTER” OF THE SPIRIT / ANGEL OF CHRIST.
What do you mean by "ordained"? Do you mean those chosen by God before the foundation of the world without consideration of merit? Or, do you mean those God saw who would accept the gospel when he looked down the corridors of time?



New member
So the gospel must come from one who is "sent"? In your view does the church "send"?

What do you mean by "ordained"? Do you mean those chosen by God before the foundation of the world without consideration of merit? Or, do you mean those God saw who would accept the gospel when he looked down the corridors of time?


First, the first two questions:
“The Gospel must come from one who is sent”:
YES!! – That’s why Jesus “SENT” the Apostles and Paul to preach the Gospel to every creature under Heaven. – ELSE THIS HAPPENS: ---- Matthew 7:22-23 KJV – “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23- And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”. -----//-- And there are others!!

Does the Church “send”:
YES!! – Only the Church / the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is the same as Christ doing it in person; after all, Christ is there in the Church doing or saying it. – The Church is anointed by the Holy Ghost, or it would be just another group such as the KKK, the NRA, or the MORMONS, etc. The Gospel spoken by anyone other than the Church / the Body of Christ / Jesus Christ is of no power!! – The Power is in ---- The Seed, the Seed, the Seed, or The SEED, The Gospel, and Jesus Christ, - they three are ONE, and cannot be divided!!

Second group of questions:
Every Word of God throughout His time, from the beginning to the end, is laying down “Law”; and the same Wording is prophesying of the things God wants to do, and is going to do; and allow, and not allow!! - Those are the ordinances that “ORDAIN” the future. – Even God cannot do anything without first laying down a Law, or Laws that allow Him to do it. – ((( The Flood of Noah is a good example. --- Where did the water go!! – (( Genesis 1:7 KJV - And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were “under” the firmament from –( THE WATERS WHICH WERE “ABOVE” THE FIRMAMENT )-: and it was so”. )). – Find where or what God ever did with the Waters above the firmament. – God placed them there at the Creation, knowing He could never recreate that again later. Those days were the days of the Creation, not later ))). -------
The division of the Light and darkness, gave God “reason”, or the “Ordinance” to do the ordained for the dividing the sheep from the goats, or the children of darkness from the Children of LIGHT. – God doesn’t have to come right out and say something to take place if he sets it up in a secret prophesy. There are many secret and hidden things of God that totally change the “Way” of Christ, -- but the carnal, or the lost can never know them!! -- The “MERIT” you referred to is simply the Commandments. – “The Ten Commandments”. - To obey or not obey them. The children of Darkness cannot obey, and the Children of LIGHT / GOD HAVE OBEYED from the beginning because God is that Light preordained and divided from the darkness, but not divided in Himself. ---- The Lost are divided into two, the “GOOD” and honest Hearts, and the EVIL hearts. That is the Light and the darkness foreseen in CHRIST / THAT LIGHT!!

T’S short, but have questions?

Paul – 032612


New member
So the gospel must come from one who is "sent"? In your view does the church "send"?

What do you mean by "ordained"? Do you mean those chosen by God before the foundation of the world without consideration of merit? Or, do you mean those God saw who would accept the gospel when he looked down the corridors of time?


Am I to assume that you have given up and "WON"!!

OR, assume that you are still studying this issue!!


OR, - OR, etc!!

Paul -- 032712


New member
I'd like to show him which God!!

Paul -- 032712

You and AMR both know the same God and talking about the same God of Abraham or the God of the Bible.

No need to on into the bragging modes.


Move on. God doesn't need to beat Himself


New member
You and AMR both know the same God and talking about the same God of Abraham or the God of the Bible.

No need to on into the bragging modes.


Move on. God doesn't need to beat Himself

You and the other children of darkness, are not of MY GOD!! - There are TWO GODS. - The God of your alls world, and the God of the New Heaven and earth, the Heavenly Body of people. CALLED ANGEL, of whom you deny!!

Paul -- 032712


New member
You and the other children of darkness, are not of MY GOD!! - There are TWO GODS. - The God of your alls world, and the God of the New Heaven and earth, the Heavenly Body of people. CALLED ANGEL, of whom you deny!!

Paul -- 032712

My God can beat your up god.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
First, the first two questions:
“The Gospel must come from one who is sent”:
YES!! – That’s why Jesus “SENT” the Apostles and Paul to preach the Gospel to every creature under Heaven. – ELSE THIS HAPPENS: ---- Matthew 7:22-23 KJV – “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23- And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”. -----//-- And there are others!!
Are those called to the ministry, considered by you to be among "the one who is sent"?

Does the Church “send”:
YES!! – Only the Church / the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is the same as Christ doing it in person; after all, Christ is there in the Church doing or saying it. – The Church is anointed by the Holy Ghost, or it would be just another group such as the KKK, the NRA, or the MORMONS, etc. The Gospel spoken by anyone other than the Church / the Body of Christ / Jesus Christ is of no power!! – The Power is in ---- The Seed, the Seed, the Seed, or The SEED, The Gospel, and Jesus Christ, - they three are ONE, and cannot be divided!!
Do you consider the local visible church a body that can send?

Second group of questions:
Every Word of God throughout His time, from the beginning to the end, is laying down “Law”; and the same Wording is prophesying of the things God wants to do, and is going to do; and allow, and not allow!! - Those are the ordinances that “ORDAIN” the future. – Even God cannot do anything without first laying down a Law, or Laws that allow Him to do it. – ((( The Flood of Noah is a good example. --- Where did the water go!! – (( Genesis 1:7 KJV - And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were “under” the firmament from –( THE WATERS WHICH WERE “ABOVE” THE FIRMAMENT )-: and it was so”. )). – Find where or what God ever did with the Waters above the firmament. – God placed them there at the Creation, knowing He could never recreate that again later. Those days were the days of the Creation, not later ))). -------
The division of the Light and darkness, gave God “reason”, or the “Ordinance” to do the ordained for the dividing the sheep from the goats, or the children of darkness from the Children of LIGHT. – God doesn’t have to come right out and say something to take place if he sets it up in a secret prophesy. There are many secret and hidden things of God that totally change the “Way” of Christ, -- but the carnal, or the lost can never know them!! -- The “MERIT” you referred to is simply the Commandments. – “The Ten Commandments”. - To obey or not obey them. The children of Darkness cannot obey, and the Children of LIGHT / GOD HAVE OBEYED from the beginning because God is that Light preordained and divided from the darkness, but not divided in Himself. ---- The Lost are divided into two, the “GOOD” and honest Hearts, and the EVIL hearts. That is the Light and the darkness foreseen in CHRIST / THAT LIGHT!!
So, the point here is that the law has not been abrogated? Yes? No?



New member
Are those called to the ministry, considered by you to be among "the one who is sent"?

Do you consider the local visible church a body that can send?

So, the point here is that the law has not been abrogated? Yes? No?


A Saint / one who is sanctified, is CALLED BY THE GOSPEL / “SENT”!!! - It’s the Holy Ghost who teaches that one is sanctified. The Church / The Body of Christ is the Holy Ghost that Sanctifies by the Gospel!! – It’s the Body of Christ who is the Spirit of TRUTH, who is GOD / the Holy Spirit, who is the Messiah / the Savior / Christ’s Body, or God’s Body, or The Body of the Holy Ghost!!!!
The local carnal group of people has nothing to do with Christ or anything else of God, IT RESISTS TRUTH, -- 1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV ----//--- It’s the SPIRITS who dwell in the dead body who are the Body of Christ, and do the will of Christ!! – What is a large group of SPIRITS CALLED BESIDES A CHURCH!! – The Flesh is not the Body / the Church!! – It’s a “HOST”!!
If I’m right and you are wrong, then there is no LAW to the Saints / Children of God, and all the lost are in the condemned world in the fire with their father still under the LAW that they were under while on earth. – Matthew 24:35 KJV ------//--- How can there be anything liken to a LAW in Paradise, if we are FREE!! – You all’s way CANNOT WORK IN TRUTH!!

Paul – 040212
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