ECT Israel's Prophetic Clock stopped in 70AD, not in Mid Acts


There comes a point where such a dishonest individual has to be walked away from.

You're the dishonest one.

You're the one who said Israel's prophetic clocked stopped in Mid-Acts.

Because you can't reconcile why certain prophecies regarding Israel were fulfilled in 70AD with your claim that Israel's prophetic clock stopped in Mid-Acts, you attempt to portray the question maker (me) as dishonest.


More proof that Danoh is dishonest:

"Ever look at a calendar, find that the days are off, only to find that you were looking at the wrong month! Ever get thrown off on what time you thought it was because your clock was off!

If the following is even a remote possibility, then Israel's prophetic clock has been on hold for some time now, putting Daniel's timeline on hold as well.

If so, then things are sort of like a baskeball game, where someone went off to get the popcorn was distracted by someone a bit too long, and has along been thinking he's missing the game. Only to find out, upon his return to where the game is being televised, that, no, that's his own idea, the game was put on hold, what's his name fell and broke his ankle...

Consider Daniel's timeline from the following, and a lot becomes crystal clear simple to piece together - much of it not connected to the secular history some, unaware of the following, might try to reckon these things from." - Danoh

Because the fulfillment of prophecies for Israel took place in 70AD, the above nonsense from Danoh is proven false.

This is why Danoh won't answer my questions.


New member
You're the dishonest one.

You're the one who said Israel's prophetic clocked stopped in Mid-Acts.

Because you can't reconcile why certain prophecies regarding Israel were fulfilled in 70AD with your claim that Israel's prophetic clock stopped in Mid-Acts, you attempt to portray the question maker (me) as dishonest.

You never ask honest questions.I will ask him the question honestly as an example to you.


More of Danoh's nonsense about Israel's prophetic clock being stopped:

"First, Israel resisted God; and killed His prophets.

Then, Israel resisted the Son; killing Him.

Finally, Israel resisted the Spirit; killing Stephen.

By this, Israel filled up, or reached the height of its sins, against the Godhead.

At which point, God concluded Israel stiff-necked in the uncircumcision of their hearts to their Circumcision gospel's offer of repentance and calling, turned from them in the severity of His wrath, setting their Circumcision calling aside. - Danoh"

Danoh's nonsense can be read in its entirety HERE


You never ask honest questions.

There's nothing dishonest about the question.

Danoh claims Israel's prophetic clock was put on hold in Mid-Acts.

We know that prophecies for Israel were fulfilled in 70AD.

So, how could Israel's prophetic clock be put on hold in Mid-Acts, but then prophecies for Israel be fulfilled in 70AD at the same time?

If you still think that's a dishonest question, please explain what is dishonest about it?


New member
More of Danoh's nonsense about Israel's prophetic clock being stopped:

"First, Israel resisted God; and killed His prophets.

Then, Israel resisted the Son; killing Him.

Finally, Israel resisted the Spirit; killing Stephen.

By this, Israel filled up, or reached the height of its sins, against the Godhead.

At which point, God concluded Israel stiff-necked in the uncircumcision of their hearts to their Circumcision gospel's offer of repentance and calling, turned from them in the severity of His wrath, setting their Circumcision calling aside. - Danoh"

Danoh's nonsense can be read in its entirety HERE

You cannot be asking honest questions if your mind is already made up.


My questions are never meant to prove you wrong. You have an agenda. You are not seeking the truth.,

I have said over and over again that Dispensationalism is a false teaching.

This is a theology forum. People debate their beliefs.

I am defending Preterism and proving Dispensationalism wrong. If you think that is dishonest, then I suggest you go somewhere where only Dispensationalists discuss things.

Why are you guys so afraid to defend your Dispensationalism?


New member
I have said over and over again that Dispensationalism is a false teaching.

This is a theology forum. People debate their beliefs.

I am defending Preterism and proving Dispensationalism wrong. If you think that is dishonest, then I suggest you go somewhere where only Dispensationalists discuss things.

Why are you guys so afraid to defend your Dispensationalism?

I'm glad you agree that you have an agenda here and that agenda has nothing to do with seeking the truth.


New member
If you were honest, you would defend particular beliefs and attack particular beliefs, but as you stated, that's not what you are here to do. You are here to attack a system of bible study and defend a system of bible study. No question is ever asked by you with the intention of filling a void in your understanding ( honesty); every question is intended to attack a weak spot in what you believe is foundational to the dispensational system.(dishonesty)


New member
If you were honest, you would defend particular beliefs and attack particular beliefs, but as you stated, that's not what you are here to do. You are here to attack a system of bible study and defend a system of bible study. No question is ever asked by you with the intention of filling a void in your understanding ( honesty); every question is intended to attack a weak spot in what you believe is foundational to the dispensational system.(dishonesty)


That is exactly my point against the fool.

What an absolute narcissistic moron of a hypocrite he is.

In post after post he continually proves he has had for over 27 years now; absolutely zero interest in actually hearing another view out, let alone; honestly exploring it.

When this is cited as the reason why his baiting questioning ploy will now falls on deaf ears; he exclaims how that the real reason has to do with fear of being exposed as being in error; by him, of course :rotfl:

The imbecile then tracks down a post of mine wherein, guess what - it turns out I actually have related my understanding of the issue of Israel's Prophetic Clock.

Nope; no fraidy cat here. And certainly not of you; punk loser nobody that you are.

His response to my post - which he in his neuroticism actually tracked down...

He rails against said post thereby proving once more what the actual intent behind his questioning has been.

This, even as he continues to attempt to sway others with this self-deluded illogic of his that...well, just read this post over :rotfl: doing so will repeat his very pattern.

Is it any wonder the fool ended up a Preterist - a system the result of self-contained, self-deluded, Aristotelian "reasoning" or what that now is, and on the massive scale that it is throughout "Churchianity" - Scholastic Mysticism.
