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Grosnick Marowbe

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There's been so much talk about Dispensationalism (Or MAD) both pro and con that, I thought I'd post a thread about it. I first heard "The Grace Gospel Message" when I was twelve years old.(Circa: 1962) I lived in California at that time and attended a small Non-Denominational Church, Appropriately titled: "Grace Gospel Church." It was a Christ centered, Bible believing, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism community Church. That's where I first heard the "Grace Gospel" that was given to the Apostle Paul by the "Ascended Lord Jesus Christ" to preach to the Gentiles.

My family began to attend that Church for many years to come. I even became a Sunday School Teacher and Leader of a Church Youth Group. Even though it was a M.A.D. Church I heard very little if any teaching on the subject, although I had heard the Grace Gospel and placed all my faith in Christ as my Savior. My Mom, Dad, and Sister did, as well. We not only attended the Church we also, through faith had become members of the Body of Christ. It wasn't until several years later that I learned about the "Doctrine of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism." It made a tremendous difference in the reading/studying of the Bible. It helped me understand the difference between "The Kingdom Gospel" being preached to the House of Israel by Christ and subsequently, by Peter and the other Apostles, and "The Grace Gospel" being preached to the Gentiles by the Apostle Paul.

I was already a member of The Body of Christ by God's Grace so, being led to the MAD Doctrine was a plus. My question to any who wish to share (Nicely if possible) is, do you believe MAD Doctrine, in any way leads to eternal life? Personally, I don't believe it does. However, it is invaluable regarding the understanding of the Written Word of God. (The Bible.)

Grosnick Marowbe

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In order to not have a war-like atmosphere on this thread,I've placed Danoh and Dodge on "Ignore." They may continue to call me a fraud and a liar to their heart's content, however, I'll not be responding to their nonsense. This thread is for serious minded posters who aren't looking to do battle and call obnoxious names. Names that, if you knew me, you wouldn't even dream of saying to my face. Take that whatever way you wish.

Grosnick Marowbe

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There are certain "Grace Gospel" posters that I have a lot of respect for, on TOL. Tam, Glorydaz, Heir, STP, Steko, DanP, JohnW, and the list goes on. I would like to hear what they have to say about this topic? The Dissenters and those who wish to cause dissension may feel free to stay away. I'd like to see this thread remain civil if that's even possible?

Grosnick Marowbe

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I would like to take a brief "respite" from all the anger and battling that goes on, on TOL. Hopefully, this thread will bring that about, if certain "elements" stay far away. The one's I've already mentioned, have been placed on ignore. So, that will help the thread to remain respectable.

Grosnick Marowbe

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What attracted me to TOL originally was the name: Bob Hill, who I knew from the Church I attended when/where I got saved. By the time I started posting he was no longer participating because of illness I believe. There's another poster on TOL that I knew from that same Church, who still posts here. I won't be mentioning their name. However, they are a Grace Gospel believer and a believer in the MAD Doctrine.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The Church I attended in my youth didn't believe that water baptism, tongues, and the miracles of two thousand years ago still exist. I still adhere to that premise. I believe that God speaks to us through His written Holy, inspired Word, the Bible and the Holy Spirit that indwells the believer.

Grosnick Marowbe

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I'll admit, I don't know all the intricacies of the MAD Doctrine. I have a friend who knows all of the ins and outs of M.A.D. He's an Adult Sunday School teacher at the church I attended years ago. He studies the Greek and I suppose Hebrew words in order to teach his class. Very bright guy. He lives in another state and I call him or vice-versa and we discuss a lot of Bible-based topics. We teach each other. However, the truth be told, he knows more about MAD than myself. I've known him for over forty years.


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If you mean "MAD" can help you to fully understand the Bible, I tend to believe that entirely. I fully trust in the doctrine of MAD. I'm an advocate of MAD.

Very few understand MAD, which is characterized by the huge number of churches & denominations with conflicting and often incompatible doctrines.

Grosnick Marowbe

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The Grace Gospel Message didn't come about until after Saul of Tarsus (Later named Paul) was met on the road to Damascus by The Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Christ subsequently, gave Paul the Grace Gospel Message which he first took to the Jews. They rejected it and Paul became The Apostle to the Gentiles from then on. In the meantime, Peter and the Other Apostles continued to preach Christ's "Kingdom Gospel" (Message) to the House of Israel. Hence, there were two Messages being preached at that time. The Kingdom Message to the Jews and the Grace Message to the Gentiles. Eventually, the two Messages became one: The Grace Gospel which included both Jew and Gentile alike. Today, The Grace Gospel is the only Message that brings salvation and eternal life to all who will hear the Message and place all their faith in Christ as their Savior.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Very few understand MAD, which is characterized by the huge number of churches & denominations with conflicting and often incompatible doctrines.

As long as the "basics" are adhered to. That being, the idea that Paul preached the Grace Gospel to the Gentiles while Peter preached the Kingdom Gospel to the Jews. Paul had a unique Message that he was given to by Christ Himself. Also, The Mystery was revealed to Paul. Paul preached a Gospel that taught salvation through faith alone, without works. Whereas, Peter preached faith plus works to the House of Israel. Therein lies the difference. The Gentiles were never given the Law nor were ever under the Law, not so, with the House of Israel. Gentiles weren't The Chosen People of God, the House of Israel was. The Grace Gospel was made simple for the Gentiles: simple child-like faith in Christ could bring about eternal life.


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As long as the "basics" are adhered to. That being, the idea that Paul preached the Grace Gospel to the Gentiles while Peter preached the Kingdom Gospel to the Jews. Paul had a unique Message that he was given to by Christ Himself. Also, The Mystery was revealed to Paul. Paul preached a Gospel that taught salvation through faith alone, without works. Whereas, Peter preached faith plus works to the House of Israel. Therein lies the difference. The Gentiles were never given the Law nor were ever under the Law, not so, with the House of Israel. Gentiles weren't The Chosen People of God, the House of Israel was. The Grace Gospel was made simple for the Gentiles: simple child-like faith in Christ could bring about eternal life.

However, most err by considering Jesus to be the primary teacher of "Christianity", and place his teachings above what the Apostle Paul taught. They just cannot seem to be able to, in any way, diminish
what Jesus taught. Therefore, obvious conflict and confusion results when reading the New Testament. And "doctrine" becomes jumbled and contradictory.


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do you believe MAD Doctrine, in any way leads to eternal life?
There are some variables that need to be considered.

Babies being one.
Don't think babies are going to grasp any doctrine you read to them.

Personally, I don't believe it does.
Me either.

However, it is invaluable regarding the understanding of the Written Word of God. (The Bible.)
MAD is like any doctrine.
It is a walk through scripture and connecting the dots in the way you deem most reliable.
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