In Case You Missed It...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Turbo

Animals don't consent to be killed, and eaten, or even penned for that matter. But you aren't a vegetarian, are you?
Well, in order to eat them, they are killed on purpose. Testing make up on them kills them without purpose, and then, because of the chemicals, they aren't even edible! What a waste.:nono:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

Well, in order to eat them, they are killed on purpose. Testing make up on them kills them without purpose, and then, because of the chemicals, they aren't even edible! What a waste.:nono:
If the testing is instead done on humans, some humans will get sick and/or die. Wouldn't it we wiser to put animals at risk than humans?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Now, now Philo.... septic hasn't actually said it's "ok" for people to have relations with animals yet, let's wait until his tap dance comes to an end and we get a clear understanding of what he does think
Saying something is "ok" is like an endorsement. I do not endorse "relations" with animals. Generally, I would recommend against it for health reasons. I do not, however, think such "relations" are a sin, because I don't think anything is a sin. Religious folks believe in sin. As I've said, I don't believe in any religious dogma or moral absolutes, such as those found that collection of fairy tales and superstitions called the Bible. All moral principles are human constructions derived from the human condition.

BTW, I've been a vegetarian for 30 years.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Turbo

If the testing is instead done on humans, some humans will get sick and/or die. Wouldn't it we wiser to put animals at risk than humans?
No. I don't eat humans.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

No. I don't eat humans.
You don't eat rats either. It's not like animal testing is causing a meat shortage. And even if it were, that's no excuse to start killing humans instead.

Why are you more willing to endanger humans than animals? Why, when given the choice to endanger a human or an animal, do you opt to endanger the human?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Skeptic

Saying something is "ok" is like an endorsement. I do not endorse "relations" with animals. Generally, I would recommend against it for health reasons.

I asked what you thought about it. If you met someone who told you they liked their goat, a-lot, you would tell them the health risks and they really shouldn't be engaging in that practice for that reason? Do I have this correct?

BTW, I've been a vegetarian for 30 years.



New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I asked what you thought about it. If you met someone who told you they liked their goat, a-lot, you would tell them the health risks and they really shouldn't be engaging in that practice for that reason? Do I have this correct?
That is correct.

What do I think about it? I think it is a silly and foolish practice. But I do not object to it on moral grounds. There are plenty of other things I can object to on moral (not absolute) grounds, like murder, rape, stealing, or doing other physical or psychological harm. If people choose to have "relations" with animals, I will not tell them it is immoral, any more than that smoking cigarettes is immoral. Getting it on with animals can be unhealthy, just like smoking cigarettes can be unhealthy. However, smoking cigarettes is probably worse for one's health.

Just wanted to let you know that I probably have more respect for animals than most.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Turbo

You don't eat rats either. It's not like animal testing is causing a meat shortage. And even if it were, that's no excuse to start killing humans instead.

Why are you more willing to endanger humans than animals? Why, when given the choice to endanger a human or an animal, do you opt to endanger the human?
My only stance is that animals can consent, knowing full well the dangers. But if science wants to test on street rats, then all power to them.


New member
Originally posted by jjjg

I think you guys are way off the original topic.

Boy, you're not kidding! But on the other hand, it does seem to be a convenient way to bury the rather more relevant question of what, exactly, a curriculum containing alternatives to evolution should include!


Merely Christian
I wanted to know where spetic stood on the issue.

As far as the interview, read it, read it again... read it a third time. It isn't going to change any. But for those who feel this thread should only focus on the interview.... there is an open letter to Scott about her misrepresentation of Dr. Humphrey's work:

Dr. Humphrey’s letter to Dr. Scott

Hi NCSE folks:

Please relay this to Dr. Scott. Having watched her talk about my theory of planetary magnetic fields on the Paula Zahn show tonight, I’m mildly curious as to which “physical constants” she is alleging that my theory changed in making the predictions Jason Lisle mentioned. Would she please specify them? Has she even read the Creation Research Society Quarterly article in which I made those predictions?23

By the way, I thought Dr. Lisle won the debate. He looked sharp and well-informed, which he is.

Hoping to get Genie up to speed,

D. Russell Humphreys, Ph. D.
Institute for Creation Research


I won't hold my breath waiting for her to reply...


New member
Thing is creationists' predictions have been falsified so thoroughly it doesn't matter if you find some data consistent with it. If you look you can find some data consistent with any theory.

But that ain't doing science!


Questions of God or even materialism are metaphysical questions. They are philisophical arguments based on what we can learn from physical science but they are not part of physical science.


That being said, certain aspects like the world being created in 6 literal days has been falsified.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Stratnerd

Thing is creationists' predictions have been falsified so thoroughly it doesn't matter if you find some data consistent with it. If you look you can find some data consistent with any theory.

But that ain't doing science!

Like evolution, for example.


Nin, how does this theory you posted explain that their has been reversals in the magnetic poles in the Earth's history that are accurately measured in the tens of thousands of years?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Dr. Humphreys' article

Hey, Nin, I thought you were disgusted with the so-called reliance of the evolutionary view on "woulda coulda shoulda"? So how come you keep citing a paper whose abstract begins with "God could have started magnetic fields in the solar system in a very simple way:...", and continues with "could haves" and "would haves" throughout? [Added: just so you know, Humphreys uses 13 "could"s and 31 "would"s in this short paper to explain his ideas].

And ends with "This theory is consistent with all the known data and explains many facts which have puzzled evolutionists." ! Thus, this paper only supports the argument that I and others here have made that even the best creationist "science" can do is claim "consistency" (i.e., lack of overt contradiction).

The validity of his assumptions, calculations, and assertions is another issue altogether, but even if we grant every one of these (questionable!) claims, though, we still have nothing more than "coulda woulda shoulda" (which I thought was unacceptable to y'all) leading to lack of overt contradiction (which, again, is the weakest form of scientific support). Lack of overt contradiction (i.e., "consistency") has many potential causes besides a correct model, such as a limited number of comparisons or a vaguely worded model.