I will not vote for trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You must be joking.

No, he is not joking, Chrys like the rest of the establishment types want another cookie cutter, milquetoast candidate that will promise them the world and never deliver. They want a candidate that has not the fortitude to lead but, will continue to play footsie with the left, a candidate that continues to line the pockets of generous donors whilst selling the American worker, their jobs, and their lives down the river as they have been doing since Reagan left office. The establishment wants another timid, weakling candidate that will go along, to get along, and keep this sham of a government on the same heading.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
This really is a most depressing election cycle. I don't mean that just as in "the candidates are lame", no, I mean it as "I just want to stay in bed and not bathe".

Shillary/Killary is an absolute scumbag with the backing of the Establishment. Oligarchs, Wall Street, Koch Brothers. She masquerades as a "progressive Liberal", when in reality she's a Corporatist Neocon. I don't know how she's managed to hoodwink so many, given her well publicized track record.

Donald Trump has the personality of a clenched fist; it's as if Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook users, with their powers combined, created a candidate. However, Trump is firmly anti-establishment, and the 1% can't touch him. Ever seen "The Godfather"? Mo Green tells Michael Corleone "you don't buy me out, I buy you out".

Also, the PWT (Poor White Trash) memes going around are exaggerated. Upwards of 40% of Trump's voter base are college educated, and fall into the Middle and upper classes. I can't stand him on a personal level, but to say a Trump Presidency would "shake things up" is an understatement.

Bernie Sanders also rode the anti-establishment train, and the DNC derailed him every step of the way. From voter suppression to outright fraud, it's clear HRC is who they want.

I've already talked about Johnson and Dr. Stein in previous posts.

In short, a HRC Presidency will be four more years of "business as usual" wherein the rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer. Government surveillance and the ever encroaching police state (she's an overt Statist, who actually did say "it's every citizen's responsibility to support The State") will keep on keepin' on.

Under Trump, we'll have an IRL troll for four years, but it will be anything but "business as usual". He's made it point blank he will not touch Social Security (much to the chagrin of the 1%), his stance on immigration is hard-line, but it would be difficult for him to do what he wants done.

In short, I think a Trump Presidency would be better for the country, but not by a whole lot.

Well put! :BRAVO:


New member
No, he is not joking, Chrys like the rest of the establishment types want another cookie cutter, milquetoast candidate that will promise them the world and never deliver. They want a candidate that has not the fortitude to lead but, will continue to play footsie with the left, a candidate that continues to line the pockets of generous donors whilst selling the American worker, their jobs, and their lives down the river as they have been doing since Reagan left office. The establishment wants another timid, weakling candidate that will go along, to get along, and keep this sham of a government on the same heading.

I noticed things changed when Reagan left office . Political correctness took off like a rocket. The fall of the Berlin wall saw the establishment start it's long road of ever increasing power and influence. Those people with masters degrees who helped magnify and expand all the goals of the establishment were richly rewarded and placed in jobs that firmly connected them with the establishment. Those who did not go along were punished like Bill Gates. They quickly repented of their sins and were thus richly rewarded later. This manifested itself in all the wealth creation since 200 0 being funnelled into the top 25% of wage earners. For a detailed expose on just how sinister and far reaching the establishment is , see the following link.



New member
I do find it odd that national review published the story as they are one of the fiercest critics of Trump. Perhaps they see the light of day now?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's too bad that there is a statute of limitations on child rape, or your boy would be in a jail cell as well.

Takes more than a 20 year old accusation for profit and smear value to get that done...very weak! I am surprised you are so easily taken.

Yeah, all of those other women (including Trump's ex wife) that Donald Trump raped or molested are nothing but LIARS! LIARS! LIARS!, right rocketman?

Why the Donald Trump child rape lawsuit is credible and can't be dismissed

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's too bad that there is a statute of limitations on child rape, or your boy would be in a jail cell as well.

Yeah, all of those other women (including Trump's ex wife) that Donald Trump raped or molested are nothing but LIARS! LIARS! LIARS!, right rocketman?

Why the Donald Trump child rape lawsuit is credible and can't be dismissed

It's funny that no credible news source is reporting this