He's not a tyrant


Well-known member
i see his ineptitude and inexperience as his best quality

stagnancy for four (or eight) years is preferrable to the bammy/clinton machine continuing their policies

Why do you think Trump would be a lame duck for 1 or 2 terms?
Don't you think his ego demands action right or wrong?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why do you think Trump would be a lame duck for 1 or 2 terms?
Don't you think his ego demands action right or wrong?

he'll need the support of congress to get anything done

no way the dems will help him

and i don't see any reason the republicans will help him either - what's in it for them?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I did my own investigation on this matter when I first read about it and documented it in another thread. There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump is a child rapist (he also raped his ex wife, so that would make Donald Trump a child and adult rapist).

You are a liar

Child rapists are the scum of the earth. As the election draws closer I'll be posting the evidence throughout TOL, on other forums and on social media showing that Donald Trump is indeed a child rapist (Sorry Aaron, but there are many people out there who aren't aware of the allegations and after examining the evidence, will NOT vote for Donald Trump because of it).


Allegations are not truth - Trump is innocent and you are a Clinton supporter. You should also be posting about the crook criminal Hellary.

Allegations about Donald Trump being a child rapist will be backed by evidence in civil court. Testimony from witnesses, circumstantial evidence showing Donald Trump's sexual deviant past, and his association (and praise) of convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein all can (and should be) used in the trial.

I know that I'll be using all of the evidence provided when I make the case showing that Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl as the election draws near.


false accusers are worse :idunno:

Did I mention that Donald Trump also raped his wife?

This is the part of the thread where you tell us that a man cannot be held accountable for raping his wife (as in your mind, once that marriage license is signed, the husband can do pretty much anything that he wants to his wife; ok doser passed "misogyny 101" with flying colors ).

Let's just hope that all of those women out there that despise wife beaters/rapists and child rapists don't read my posts.

Maybe your fellow Libertarian patrick jane should work harder on having me silenced?


Well-known member
he'll need the support of congress to get anything done

no way the dems will help him

and i don't see any reason the republicans will help him either - what's in it for them?

I think you are right many on both sides will distance themselves. His business partners have certainly done that. But a president in recent history can go to war without congress. What would stop him sending troops into Syria, Iran or nuking North Korea?
He admires dictators who do those things.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
with any luck we'll see congress take back the powers they've allowed the executive to assume

a trump presidency could be a grand readjustment of the whole political process - certainly the dems would work towards it (curtailing independent presidential power) and if trump is the loose cannon so many fear, the republicans will be motivated to put him on a leash as well


Well-known member
with any luck we'll see congress take back the powers they've allowed the executive to assume

a trump presidency could be a grand readjustment of the whole political process - certainly the dems would work towards it (curtailing independent presidential power) and if trump is the loose cannon so many fear, the republicans will be motivated to put him on a leash as well

Well, that's one scenario.


with any luck we'll see congress take back the powers they've allowed the executive to assume

a trump presidency could be a grand readjustment of the whole political process - certainly the dems would work towards it (curtailing independent presidential power) and if trump is the loose cannon so many fear, the republicans will be motivated to put him on a leash as well

Uh huh.

Trump Continues His Pro-Russia Parade

Sept. 9, 2016

(NEW YORK) -- In what may be seen as his latest overture to Russia, Donald Trump sat down for an interview that was aired on a state-sponsored television station.

Trump was interviewed by Larry King for RT, Russia Today, but his campaign manager said this morning that the Republican presidential nominee "didn't know it would be on Russian TV."

Speaking to CBS, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said that Trump "was doing it as a favor to his friend Larry King."

"He said he was doing it for his podcast, didn't know it would be on Russian-owned TV," Conway said on CBS today.

In the RT interview, Trump downplayed reports that Russia may be trying to influence the general election, pointing a finger instead at Democrats for continuing that narrative.

"I don't know," he said. "I've been hearing about it. I've been reading about it. I think it's probably unlikely."

A Week Full of Putin Praise

The interview comes a day after Trump repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin at a military-themed forum.

"I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin and I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Russia," Trump said Wednesday.

Trump also brought up Putin's praising the GOP candidate earlier in the campaign, when he reportedly called Trump a "bright and talented person."

"When he calls me brilliant, I'll take the compliment," he said at MSNBC/NBC's Commander-in-Chief forum.

Read more: http://www.wbal.com/article/188422/111/trump-continues-his-pro-russia-parade

When the former head of the mass murdering KGB pays Donnie a compliment...




Well-known member
I saw that Putin used the Russian word brilliant which did not mean intelligent but a bright shiny object. Trump knows how to draw attention. It really wasn't much of a complement. Subtly of course is lost on the Donald. He is Bob Dylan's Mr Jones. God gave him 2 ears and one mouth, but he has makes little use of the former. Not a good quality for this countries leader. Works for North Korea apparently where sarcasm was just banned.


I saw that Putin used the Russian word brilliant which did not mean intelligent but a bright shiny object. Trump knows how to draw attention. It really wasn't much of a complement. Subtly of course is lost on the Donald. He is Bob Dylan's Mr Jones. God gave him 2 ears and one mouth, but he has makes little use of the former. Not a good quality for this countries leader. Works for North Korea apparently where sarcasm was just banned.

Refer to Donald Trump's 1990 interview in the SMUT magazine Playboy where he gave accolades to the Communist Chinese for their use of force in Tiananmen Square.

More recent quotes from the psychopath/wannabe tyrant:

“If you look at North Korea, this guy, I mean, he’s like a maniac, okay? And you’ve got to give him credit,” Trump said during a campaign event in Iowa. “He goes in, he takes over, and he’s the boss. It’s incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one.”


Well-known member
Trump wins. America loses.

In two cases, he has used money from his charity to buy himself a gift. In one of those cases — not previously reported — Trump spent $20,000 of money earmarked for charitable purposes to buy a six-foot-tall painting of himself

How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money