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TOL Subscriber
Not just Christianity is being attacked.... From Voice of the Martyrs Website:

Category: Hostile Nation
Religion: Hindu 79.83%, Muslim 12.50%, Christian 2.40%
Ideology: Hinduism
Head of State: President Pratibha Patil

In the past, persecution was confined to specific regions of India. It has now spread nearly everywhere, as radical Hindus seek to purify India of all religions except Hinduism. At least six Indian states have anti-conversion laws and a seventh state is considering anti-conversion legislation. These laws impose prison terms and hefty fines against anyone who converts Indians by force, fraud or allurement. In 2008 there were about 400 attacks against Christians. Pastors have been killed; wives and daughters harassed and raped. Many Christians have been beaten or subjected to other acts of violence. VOM’s legal network kept busy fighting false arrests and accusations against Christians by radical Hindus. However, many Indian believers rejoice in their suffering; they see it as a way to testify to Christ’s victory in their lives. In late August and early September 2008, the worst anti-Christian violence since India’s independence occurred. Hindu militants burned homes, churches and belongings. More than 100 people were killed, and about 70,000 people were left homeless or in refugee camps.

If they wish to maintain a states religion (Hinduism) it is up to their people to make it known to their government.

Reminds me of the young Christian Evangelical that went into Iraq to preach Christianity..she was captured and was being held by one of the Muslim sects.....Now we couldn't have that! So we sent a team of military specialists to rescue her?
Risking your life for your religion is one thing, but expecting others to risk their lives for your foolishness, well that's really selfish and stupid!

Sounds like the fight the right wing Christian fanatical has going own here in our country, with the exception, we don't kill people out right if they don't believe in the Christian way...well, at least not on that scale.

But it is the risk that you take when meddling in another s business, so if you are not a risk taker, stay home where you can cuddle up on the couch, all warm and fuzzy and protected.


TOL Subscriber
I am sorry, I really disagree with you here. You only have to listen to the news to see that the world and people are not getting better. If evolution is supposed to make people better via natural selection, the only way for that to happen is for the strong to overcome the weak like happens with animals, plant life, etc.

Why/how are we getting it getting into the evolution of man via natural selection in order to demonstrate how some of man's ideals (evolve) progress?

It does not work this way with humans.

? OK, lets get back to the ideals of man evolving and bringing about a more compassionate, thinking, reasoning, civilized individual.

I truly do not care if man evolved from ape to man or if he walked out of the womb exclaiming E=MC squared, sporting a beard and carrying tablets of commandments!

We intervene to save the weak, we have laws to protect us against those who use their strength to harm others, we do not "obey" the law of natural selection, you see? So if we really want evolution/humanism to produce a race of people who are truly kind, compassionate, etc. we would need to actively eliminate the sick, mentally deficient, sociopathic, etc., anyone who does not exhibit the characteristics we ultimately desire in our world. I know you would heartily agree that this would be a terrible idea (Hitler already tried that). We are left with the question then, if we do not allow "natural selection" to rid us of the undesirables, then who is going to decide which humans should be allowed to reproduce so that via selective reproduction, we could truly evolve into the type of human being you describe.

I did hope you where different, but now we get caught up in the "lets play the Hitler card" in order to place more emotional emphases on a statement! Guys, Hitler is dead, you might as well bring up Genghis Khan or the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan!

Again, I am not being sarcastic here, I am just stating how evolution and natural selection work to produce positive changes in a species (speaking from the viewpoint of an evolutionist here - I am not an evolutionist. I do believe in adaptation of species, but there is little evidence in the fossil record that one species can become an entirely new species and there is currently no satisfactory model for how microevolution or even macroevolution "happens" in light of irreducible systems. )

Again...how did you get off on this tangent?

Additionally, the "Fall of Man" is not intended to be used as a form of "discipline". It is an explanation (a correct one I believe) of the condition we and nature are in today. If God (or evolution or whatever you believe) created everything perfectly at the beginning, yet now all we see in nature and man is violence, death, decay, etc., then what is the cause of all this? If everything in nature and man etc. are supposed to be headed toward more order and perfection, what do we do with the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Systems in chaos do not become orderly without an outside force acting on that system.

Micro-evolution, macro-evolution, 2nd law of thermodynamics, chaos, created man vs evolved man and finally Hitler...? Congratulations young Christian you have moved yourself out of the right wing attitude directly into the right wing religious fanatical in basically one paragraph.

Well done!


New member
Have you studied the Bible very much? Man has written that you should be afraid of your God or he will do terrible things to you.

Yes, I have studied the Bible quite a lot. What I get from it is that without Christ as your intercessor, man is under condemnation and that condemnation results in the spiritual separation of man and God. With Christ in your heart, with Him as your intercessor, Him as your righteousness, then there is nothing to fear from God and we have fellowship with Him through His Holy Spirit. That is my understanding. As I have said before, I don't have all the answers to difficult passages from scripture, but when I filter these things through the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, then I am able to live with that cognitive dissonance. Knowing that God humbled Himself, temporarily became a human being and experienced our lives, loved us enough to die for our crimes, and offers an eternal existence in the presence of total love, allows me to live with the fact that I do not understand nor can I explain all that is recorded in Old Testament scripture. Does this make a little more sense to you?


TOL Subscriber
Yes, I have studied the Bible quite a lot. What I get from it is that without Christ as your intercessor, man is under condemnation and that condemnation results in the spiritual separation of man and God. With Christ in your heart, with Him as your intercessor, Him as your righteousness, then there is nothing to fear from God and we have fellowship with Him through His Holy Spirit. That is my understanding. As I have said before, I don't have all the answers to difficult passages from scripture, but when I filter these things through the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, then I am able to live with that cognitive dissonance. Knowing that God humbled Himself, temporarily became a human being and experienced our lives, loved us enough to die for our crimes, and offers an eternal existence in the presence of total love, allows me to live with the fact that I do not understand nor can I explain all that is recorded in Old Testament scripture. Does this make a little more sense to you?

You do understand that Christianity is not the first nor the only religion that sets the above requirements in order to receive the good graces of their God?

So how and why is your way, the only way?

Is it difficult to understand that when a country or a people that have been following a specific belief for centuries are confronted with the possibility that their way is under attack and may be pushed aside for one that is alien to their way of life or their way of thinking, may react in the same way Christianity did during the dark ages?

Death to the infidels, burn the heretics, you'll go to hell for eternity if your don't believe in my way or my God?

Are we going to walk thru life with this limited vision for ever?

No wonder people are afraid of this "One World Government", who's belief or form of government will be the one and only one?


New member
If they wish to maintain a states religion (Hinduism) it is up to their people to make it known to their government.

Reminds me of the young Christian Evangelical that went into Iraq to preach Christianity..she was captured and was being held by one of the Muslim sects.....Now we couldn't have that! So we sent a team of military specialists to rescue her?
Risking your life for your religion is one thing, but expecting others to risk their lives for your foolishness, well that's really selfish and stupid!

Sounds like the fight the right wing Christian fanatical has going own here in our country, with the exception, we don't kill people out right if they don't believe in the Christian way...well, at least not on that scale.

But it is the risk that you take when meddling in another s business, so if you are not a risk taker, stay home where you can cuddle up on the couch, all warm and fuzzy and protected.

True, people do take a risk and usually willingly so. If you are on a ship, and you see millions of people drowning in the ocean around you, wouldn't you want to throw them a life-line? That is the heart of the missionary. I know your idea is that these people are not drowning, they don't need saving, I am just stating that this is the heart of the missionary.

One of the wonderful things about America is, that you can "be" whatever denomination you want to be. In certain other countries, that is decided for you. Hinduism has a caste system. Hindus are not all "created equal" if you know what I mean. An "untouchable" is stuck in his socioeconomic status for life. His children, children's children, etc. have no hope of improving their lives in the Hindu system because the belief system is that those people "deserve" their plight. When Christianity is brought to a cast system such as this, the system collapses, because in Christianity, all men are equal. Most of the conversion to Christianity that is occurring in predominately Hindu countries is among the "Untouchables". This is "rocking the Hindu caste system boat" so to speak. However, in my opinion, it is spiritual immaturity to have a religion that oppresses the poor as a matter of cause and elevates the rich simply because they are rich (evidencing that they are "better" and more deserving as opposed to the poor who's karma dictates that they never move out of poverty.) What do you think about this?

I know the above is true because I have spoken with a Pakistani priest who grew up in India and Pakistan. He is currently writing a book about his life and adventures and a friend of mine is helping with the transcript. He is a fascinating man and I can't wait for his book to be finished! There is much that goes on in other countries that we never hear about.


New member
Why/how are we getting it getting into the evolution of man via natural selection in order to demonstrate how some of man's ideals (evolve) progress?

I misunderstood your comment about evolving - you were speaking spiritually - I did not catch that nuance.

I did hope you where different, but now we get caught up in the "lets play the Hitler card" in order to place more emotional emphases on a statement! Guys, Hitler is dead, you might as well bring up Genghis Khan or the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan!

Again, I misunderstood your comment about evolution. I used Hitler as an example not to make an emotionally charged statement, but because his example of genocide was based on the idea that if we got rid of all the undesirables, the the world would be a paradise. Man would be fully evolved. I did not mean it as an offense.

Micro-evolution, macro-evolution, 2nd law of thermodynamics, chaos, created man vs evolved man and finally Hitler...? Congratulations young Christian you have moved yourself out of the right wing attitude directly into the right wing religious fanatical in basically one paragraph.

You sound very angry and hurt. I am sorry to have made you angry. Can we not agree to disagree and not label each other?


TOL Subscriber
True, people do take a risk and usually willingly so.

Which is all well and good, they decide to go there and risk their lives, so let them deal with it when they are about to be beheaded and not start whining for others to come risk their lives in order to save them.

Be the good martyr and die for your cause! if you do believe in your cause!


New member
You do understand that Christianity is not the first nor the only religion that sets the above requirements in order to receive the good graces of their God?
So how and why is your way, the only way?

Other religions prescribe that man perform in order to earn God's acceptance. Christianity says that man cannot do anything to reach God on his own. Instead, Christianity teaches that God provided the way to Him Himself. It teaches that we can have a relationship with Him not because we work for Him, but simply because He loves us and provided the way of salvation Himself. That is different from all other religions. I do not know of any other religion who's God sacrificed Himself for His people because of His love for them. Unfortunately, as I have said before, there are many who claim the name of Christianity who are not Christian or if they are, they do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide them.

Again, I am deeply sorry that you were not shown the love of Christ by those who call themselves Christian.


TOL Subscriber
I misunderstood your comment about evolving - you were speaking spiritually - I did not catch that nuance.

Nuance, nice word!

Again, I misunderstood your comment about evolution. I used Hitler as an example not to make an emotionally charged statement, but because his example of genocide was based on the idea that if we got rid of all the undesirables, the the world would be a paradise. Man would be fully evolved. I did not mean it as an offense.

The Hitler thing has become tedious!

You sound very angry and hurt. I am sorry to have made you angry. Can we not agree to disagree and not label each other?

Not angry, you have no need to apologize!

I don't believe in a Utopian world, man will probably never be ready for one, we are still animals on the path of enlightenment, our religions are the culprit for many of our atrocities in too many cases and will continue to be until we become the thinking, reasoning man that we like to claim!

An it harm none, do as thy will!


New member
Another thought; Christianity is also the only other religion that teaches the equality of man, love to your enemies, care of the poor, the orphan, the widow, etc. as the total "works" that one needs to be involved in. While others teach rituals and the need to do ritualistic good works to earn the acceptance of God, in Christianity the teaching is that good works are a result of the work God does in us through His Holy Spirit. There is no other religion that I know of that teaches that the order is God in us = good works produced.

I am probably not stating this very clearly---

As to the "only way", yes, many are offended by this. Yet this is what is stated in scripture. I guess it all boils down to whether one believes that the book we call the Bible is truly a letter from God to us explaining our condition and God's solution, or we believe it is not from God, but rather just some nice thoughts written by some folks a long time ago. I do believe it is a letter from God and cannot change what is written in the scripture and still be true to you or anyone else. In defense though, (speaking from the viewpoint of a non-believer of Christianity) if all that is written is true, if Christ really is God in the flesh, if God has condescended to live with us for a little while in time in order to reach us, if all He requires of us is that we love Him in return and allow Him to live in us, and if the result of that Holy Spirit living in us is that we love our enemies, take care of the poor, sick, orphaned among us etc. , that's not too bad a deal.

Again, I am not intending to spout off the same 'ole, same 'ole my religion is better than your religion junk. I am saying that a lot of what is said about God by Christians and non-Christians alike is misleading. It's not about being better than others, it's not about earning your way to God, it's not about "my way or the highway"... all those are side issues. It's about God is Love and has extended an invitation to man to love Him in return. That is my understanding and belief.


TOL Subscriber
Again, I am not intending to spout off the same 'ole, same 'ole my religion is better than your religion junk.

Sounds like it!

Your book says as much!

I am saying that a lot of what is said about God by Christians and non-Christians alike is misleading.

Doesn't matter what a non-Christian would say about Christianity, I listen to those that are supposed to know, but find that they can't explain it without it becoming "mine is better than yours and your condemned to hell if you don't believe it!

It becomes the same 'ole same 'ole rhetoric as soon as the questions ask for proof.

It's about God is Love and has extended an invitation to man to love Him in return. That is my understanding and belief.

That is an accepted understanding by most religious beliefs through out the world today...so why is it that we are to accept your book over any other?


"If you consider innocent children to be wicked, there truly is no hope for you."
God does not apologize for judging men. You would judge God? Wouldn't that make you God? Read Job.

[End times: preoccupation with illicit sex activity (Genesis 4:19; 6:2)] "I'm just dying to know what your definition of illicit sex activity is."
Fornication (sex outside marriage). When God says "Thou shall not" he means--don't hurt yourself. When God says "Thou shall"--he means enjoy his best for your life. Men cannot improve on God's plan. Men ask for "freedom". When is a railroad train freer? When it moves down the track on steel tracks or when it goes off the track and plows through the meadow itself? (Adrienne Rogers).

[Abortion] "[C]lump of cells with no brain or nervous system is not alive!"
Mary was with child not "clumps of cells" (Lk 2:5). Do you ask your pregnant friend, are your "clumps of cells" kicking today? :nono: Queen of D'Nile.

"Oh noes!! People are treating animals with love and respect! Give me a break!"
Do you have the same respect for human babies? Do you "ooh" and "ahh" over babies or just puppies?

Those who hate God, hate those made in his image (Prov 8:36).
"It's my body and I'll do what I want with it."
It's not your baby. It's the baby's body? Often it is a different gender than the mom. You'll do what you want with another human being? You must be god. This is called idolatry.

No one ever asks the baby's "choice". God does not permit the shedding of innocent blood (Jer 22:3).

When you say: "I'll do what I want with it"--I thought you accused God of doing wrong to take life. By your own logic, you are evil.

In reality, God creates life. Men don't. God has the right to take life. Men do not have the right to murder.

"[W]hat about those tribes in Africa that have never heard of God themselves?"
God is able to make himself known to all men. There is internal evidence (Ro 2:15); external evidence (Ps 19:1); and the scriptures. Men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).

"I thought we were all children in the eyes of God."
Not all (Jn 8:44).


We are all God's Children http://www.vananne.com/armorofthelord/#We_are_all_Gods_children.

"...[A]rcheological evidence"

Archeologist's Spade http://www.vananne.com/archeologistsspade/

[Pharaoh] "So he was wicked by staying true to his own faith?"
He did not worship the true and living God. God chose to reveal the wickedness which was already present in his heart.

"tone disobedient children to death?"
"Stoning [was] a form of capital punishment. Most of the offenses punished by stoning were crimes against the sovereignty of God. They included blasphemy (Lev. 24:15-16; cf. 1 Kings 21:13; Acts 7:11, 58), incitement to worship other gods (Deut. 13:6-10), worship of other gods (Deut. 17:2-7), worship of Molech by child sacrifice (Lev. 20:2-5), divination by mediums (Lev. 20:27), violation of the Sabbath (Num. 15:32-36), and violation of the taboo of devoted objects (Josh. 7:25). Stoning is specified also in cases of adultery (Deut. 22:21; 24; cf. John 8:3-7), filial insubordination (Deut. 21:18-21), and homicide by a goring ox (Exod. 21:28-29).
A description of the procedure in judicial stoning may be gleaned from various references. The stoning usually took place outside the city (Lev. 24:14; Num. 15:35; Deut. 17:5; 22:24; 1 Kings 21:13; but cf. Deut.22:21). The criminal probably was stripped (Ezek. 16:39). The witnesses were the first to cast stones, followed by the entire community (Deut. 13:10; 17:7; cf. John 8:7). Accounts of nonjudicial stoning are recorded in 1 Kings 12:18; 2 Chron. 24:21.
The custom continued into nt times, as attested by the stoning of Stephen (Acts 14:19; cf. John 8:5,7). The fact that Jesus died by crucifixion rather than stoning shows it was a punishment inflicted not by Jews but by the Romans."
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary. Includes index. (1st ed.) (994). San Francisco: Harper & Row.

[Ants at a picnic] "I might kill one or two that were crawling on me, but aside from that, I'd leave the little guys alone. They're just trying to survive."
Men yell at God like ants at a picnic. They are out of line. God lowered himself to become a man and die for our sins. It was a big thing for God to descend and lower himself like an ant in comparison.

"Believe or Burn" is not a relationship. It's tyranny."
Jesus died to save you. He did his part. You must do yours. He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge.

"So you just admitted that God isn't all powerful."
God has a plan. He is calling out a people for his namesake. He does not know a future that does not exist. "How many hairs are on the boogie man's head?" (Enyart).
"Adam and Eve didn't know the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, they were not created to be perfect beings."
Adam and Eve were created perfect. They knew right from wrong as you know right from wrong.

"If God created [angels] and God created humans, how come one can be redeemed but not the other? That doesn't sound very fair to me."
Angels were created for a different purpose (1Ki 19:5; Ps 68:17; 104:4; Lu 16:22; Ac 12:7-11; 27:23; Heb 1:7,14).

Man was made in God's image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) for God (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11) and his purposes (Ge 2:5,7).

"...[W]hat two dogs were there that were able to eventually birth St. Bernards vs. Pocket Poodles."
Likely a wolf-type creature that created genetic possibilities for a variety of dogs.


Did God Create Poodles? http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v25/i4/poodles.asp

"With so few humans and animals left on earth, that would cause deformities in the children when they started getting together with relatives."
Genetic imperfections get worse over time (e.g. entropy). Earlier humans had better genes. Sin changed the world.


Cain's Wife--Who was She? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/who-was-cains-wife

"[W]ho the heck are you to tell me that my life is not happy and peaceful?!"
I wouldn't tell you that. God would tell you that (Isa 48:22).

"Leave the 'judgment' up to your 'God'..."
Christians are to open their mouths and judge rightly (Prov 31:9).


"[NKJV]...[W]hat was wrong with the original [KJV]?"
Nothing. Both are good.

[TOL Heretic's List] "I always wondered why an individual that professes to be Wicca, a witch and pagan never made that list?"
Those on the list are deceivers. They call themselves Christians but they are not (e.g. non-trinitarians or work-based faiths).

You get more respect than them for being honest. Why are you complaining? :idunno:


TOL Heretics List http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55479

"You must have some really good software in order to copy and past so fast."
A few housekeeping items: I paste a biblical answer for the benefit of the reader, knowing full well that the original recipient in most cases could care less and has no intention of humbling himself before God (Mt 7:14).

"Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin; redemption. Is this not salvation?"
Christians are not sinless (Ro 7:17,23; Ga 5:17). They sin less. While we are in the flesh we will struggle with sin. Christ came to enable us to live the Christian life (Jn 10:10). We are freed from sin's dominion in our lives (Ro 6:18).


New member
That is an accepted understanding by most religious beliefs through out the world today...so why is it that we are to accept your book over any other?

Which other religions, specifically believe that their God became incarnate, died for them, and invites them to an eternal existence in the presence of his love (and denominations don't count...) ?

Which other religions, specifically have an explanation for why man is so violent, destructive, and self-serving and a solution that does not require good works or self-improvement, or reincarnation/works (again, denominations or different forms of Christianity don't count)?

I accept the Bible in the same manner as any other religion accepts their writings (i.e. by faith) and because the prophecies of the Old Testament regarding the Christ were fulfilled by Christ. I accept it also because in my opinion, it has the most logical explanation of what is going on. There is no way to not come off somewhat like "we are better that you", that is true; however, if you believe something to be true, and you believe that your fellow human beings are believing something false, then you will do what you can to convince them that what they believe is not the truth. I cannot help coming off somewhat "better than thou" about my "book" and beliefs to one who does not accept these things as truth; however if I am your friend, and I care deeply about my friend, I will share what I believe to my friend. Of course, that person has the right to reject the information, as I have the right to share it (yeah for freedom of speech!) with them.

In any case, I cannot prove any of the above empirically nor can I "prove" the "superiority" of "my book", as you cannot prove empirically your belief system. We will simply have to agree to disagree about that. :)


New member
Hey Lightbringer, I think we might be guilty of taking over this thread. Do you want to start another thread along these lines and continue the discussion?


New member
God does not apologize for judging men. You would judge God? Wouldn't that make you God? Read Job.
Children... are... INNOCENT!!!!!! End of Story! For God to take their lives for the sins of their PARENTS is absolutely unforgivable!

Fornication (sex outside marriage). When God says "Thou shall not" he means--don't hurt yourself. When God says "Thou shall"--he means enjoy his best for your life. Men cannot improve on God's plan. Men ask for "freedom". When is a railroad train freer? When it moves down the track on steel tracks or when it goes off the track and plows through the meadow itself? (Adrienne Rogers).
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in DEEP trouble then!! I'm never planning on getting married, EVER! So I'm always going to be having sex out of wedlock :)

Mary was with child not "clumps of cells" (Lk 2:5). Do you ask your pregnant friend, are your "clumps of cells" kicking today? :nono: Queen of D'Nile.
Please don't tell me you're one of those people who thinks abortion means "they cut the baby out of the mother right before she gives birth". >.< Abortion occurs in the first trimester.... when the embryo is the size of a frickin DIME or smaller! It has no brain, it has no heart, it has no nervous system.... It.... Is... NOT... A... BABY!! I don't understand what is so DIFFICULT to understand about that!

Do you have the same respect for human babies? Do you "ooh" and "ahh" over babies or just puppies?
I do for both :)

Those who hate God, hate those made in his image (Prov 8:36).
It's not your baby. It's the baby's body? Often it is a different gender than the mom. You'll do what you want with another human being? You must be god. This is called idolatry.
So you're telling me a clump of cells has rights? By the way, they can't tell the gender of the child until much, MUCH later into the pregnancy than abortions occur.

No one ever asks the baby's "choice". God does not permit the shedding of innocent blood (Jer 22:3).
Sorry, If I'm raped and I wind up pregnant against my will, I would much rather have an abortion than have my body carrying a child I don't want, and always internally resenting the child for the rest of my life. Also, it's NOT a baby!!!!

When you say: "I'll do what I want with it"--I thought you accused God of doing wrong to take life. By your own logic, you are evil.
I said this like two or three times already, but when a child is aborted, it is nothing more than a clump of cells. By your logic, it would be sinful to remove a wart, because the cells in the wart are alive.

In reality, God creates life. Men don't. God has the right to take life. Men do not have the right to murder.
If men and women didn't have to have sex to have babies, then I'd think there might be something to this.

God is able to make himself known to all men. There is internal evidence (Ro 2:15); external evidence (Ps 19:1); and the scriptures. Men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Ah, yes. I'm sure the tribes in Africa have all had access to those scriptures! Give me a break! How the heck are they supposed to know about the scriptures in the first place if they don't have a BIBLE?! If God sends them to hell because they don't have a clue that he exists, then God is NOT worthy of my worship.

Not all (Jn 8:44).


We are all God's Children http://www.vananne.com/armorofthelord/#We_are_all_Gods_children.
I can think of a LOT of other Christians who would wholeheartedly disagree with you.

Sorry, that website if filled with so much fail, it's actually sad.

"Stoning [was] a form of capital punishment. Most of the offenses punished by stoning were crimes against the sovereignty of God. They included blasphemy (Lev. 24:15-16; cf. 1 Kings 21:13; Acts 7:11, 58), incitement to worship other gods (Deut. 13:6-10), worship of other gods (Deut. 17:2-7), worship of Molech by child sacrifice (Lev. 20:2-5), divination by mediums (Lev. 20:27), violation of the Sabbath (Num. 15:32-36), and violation of the taboo of devoted objects (Josh. 7:25). Stoning is specified also in cases of adultery (Deut. 22:21; 24; cf. John 8:3-7), filial insubordination (Deut. 21:18-21), and homicide by a goring ox (Exod. 21:28-29).
A description of the procedure in judicial stoning may be gleaned from various references. The stoning usually took place outside the city (Lev. 24:14; Num. 15:35; Deut. 17:5; 22:24; 1 Kings 21:13; but cf. Deut.22:21). The criminal probably was stripped (Ezek. 16:39). The witnesses were the first to cast stones, followed by the entire community (Deut. 13:10; 17:7; cf. John 8:7). Accounts of nonjudicial stoning are recorded in 1 Kings 12:18; 2 Chron. 24:21.
The custom continued into nt times, as attested by the stoning of Stephen (Acts 14:19; cf. John 8:5,7). The fact that Jesus died by crucifixion rather than stoning shows it was a punishment inflicted not by Jews but by the Romans."
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary. Includes index. (1st ed.) (994). San Francisco: Harper & Row.
And I suppose that if YOU were in charge, you'd bring the practice back? This makes me so happy that Christians don't run the world. Stoning anyone for ANY reason whatsoever is a disgusting practice!

Men yell at God like ants at a picnic. They are out of line. God lowered himself to become a man and die for our sins. It was a big thing for God to descend and lower himself like an ant in comparison.
This only holds water if you can prove to me that the bible is the inspired word of God. And that your God exists in the first place.

Jesus died to save you. He did his part. You must do yours. He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge.
I don't have to do anything. He can judge me all he wants.

God has a plan. He is calling out a people for his namesake. He does not know a future that does not exist. "How many hairs are on the boogie man's head?" (Enyart).

Adam and Eve were created perfect. They knew right from wrong as you know right from wrong.
If Adam and Eve were created perfect, Eve would have known that listening to the serpent and disobeying God was WRONG! Therefore, they were NOT created perfect!

Man was made in God's image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) for God (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11) and his purposes (Ge 2:5,7).
Okay, is God a man, a woman, or both?

Likely a wolf-type creature that created genetic possibilities for a variety of dogs.


Did God Create Poodles? http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v25/i4/poodles.asp
You fail at Genetics.

Genetic imperfections get worse over time (e.g. entropy). Earlier humans had better genes. Sin changed the world.


Cain's Wife--Who was She? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/who-was-cains-wife
Prove to me that Cain OR his wife existed, and then we'll talk.

I wouldn't tell you that. God would tell you that (Isa 48:22).
Okay... God is wrong :)

Christians are to open their mouths and judge rightly (Prov 31:9).
Personally, I think it should be "Christians should Live and Let Live, keeping their mouths SHUT." Let people live their lives as THEY see fit! If they're not harming anyone, it's none of your business!

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Personally, I think it should be "Christians should Live and Let Live, keeping their mouths SHUT." Let people live their lives as THEY see fit! If they're not harming anyone, it's none of your business!

Not all Christians are like this, thankfully :)

Rather than argue over scripture, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself, NA? (Only if you want to, that is). What hobbies do you have? Do you like to read books? What music are you into?
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