Get back in the closet


Pfft, I don't care who he is or what username he used to go under. He's got more in common with you than he has with me doofus. You're both gormless, homosexuality obsessed cranks...


Yet he won't debate me, in fact he probably has me on ignore.

Have you ever noticed that his posts lack the essential doctrine of Christianity?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You're so right... :

Homosexual child rape ring busted in PA
Started by musterion, January 31st, 2017 02:14 AM 123

UK homosexual dissolves another man in acid, blames religion
Started by musterion, October 21st, 2016 01:31 AM 12345

Scene from a homosexual "wedding"
Started by musterion, July 10th, 2015 04:54 PM 12345

A racist homosexual...will TOL's leftists defend him?
Started by musterion, July 2nd, 2015 12:03 PM

The progression of the homosexual movement
Started by musterion, June 27th, 2015 05:48 AM 123

Homosexual child pornographer destroys school district
Started by musterion, May 12th, 2015 11:22 AM

501c3 at risk due to opposition to sodomite ceremonies
Started by musterion, June 29th, 2015 01:01 PM 1234567

Judges reduce sentence of sodomite child rapist. Guess why.
Started by musterion, May 20th, 2015 01:23 PM 1234567...10

FDA: Let's un-ban sodomite blood donations
Started by musterion, May 15th, 2015 05:08 AM 12

Sodomite admits she's out to recruit schoolkids
Started by musterion, April 24th, 2015 02:13 PM 1234

Tri-sodomite "marriage"
Started by musterion, February 26th, 2015 03:54 PM 12345

More of that peculiar sodomite-style 'live and let live'
Started by musterion, February 10th, 2015 04:34 PM

Moves in Michigan and California (!) to re-outlaw sodomy
Started by musterion, February 23rd, 2016 05:04 PM 1234567...11

What's your point "Anna the Liberal?"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't have started a thread because no one here ever implies that heteros are saints or above perversity, as they do with sodomites, and in any case heteros in the same situation would need locked away from society and not one straight person here will argue that.


Every time there's a report on homosexual criminals, TOL's loser leftists ALWAYS seek to mitigate or dismiss it somehow. They're angered just to have it reported. Because they're hypocrites.

That's why I do this.

Liberal Loons have a different mindset. Conservatives tend to be more logical and self-controlled.


and black people LOVE their watermelon.

That's racist!

Black people love cantaloupe :)

Extremists at both ends of the political spectrum can be violent.

Neo-Nazis are tagged by the government because they don't make idle threats.

Because of that, they aren't the enterprise that many black extremists have become.

It's ironic, really.

The Horn

The overwhelming majority of the anti-trump protesters were peaceful . Reports of mass rioting, lotting and burning were wildly exaggerated by the right-wing media .No such thing happened ,
no one on the left condoned the violence which did occur , including me .
And look who's talking ! Remember all the vicious anti-obamas protests which took place when he was President ? Many racist bigots went around carrying signs calling his "Kenyan-born " Muslim , Marxist and communist etc .
There were disgusting signs calling him an "ape ", a monkey " and sickening signs calling for him to be lynched KKK style . Many such racist protesters were at Tea Party rallies .
It's one thing for people to say they disagreed with his administrations policies and the way it was running the country , but such racist demonstrations were a blot on U.S. history .