Get back in the closet

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In the 2011 census Office for National Statistics, the proportion of Muslims in London had risen to 12.4% of the population (40% of England's Muslims). In the boroughs of Newham and Tower Hamlets, the percentages of Muslims were over 30%.

When did Muslim immigration begin in earnest? Do the math.


I've lived 100 yards away from a mosque for years and there's a fair percentage of Muslims in my home town also. There's also a fair percentage of Eastern Europeans and nobody is so demented or paranoid as to think the local populus is gonna be forced to own a prayer mat or some dippy conclusion formed by far right nutcases.

Seriously, get a grip.



New member

I've lived 100 yards away from a mosque for years and there's a fair percentage of Muslims in my home town also. There's also a fair percentage of Eastern Europeans and nobody is so demented or paranoid as to think the local populus is gonna be forced to own a prayer mat or some dippy conclusion formed by far right nutcases.

Seriously, get a grip.


I guess you have never heard of the cases where Sharia law has been implemented in some sections of Detroit?

You think things will remain the same if your area become 60℅ Muslim.... especially from Libya or Somalia?


New member
Apparently it hasn't...:

But you keep on wearing that tinfoil hat dude...


Keep sticking your head in the sand.

n 2008, UK's government formally recognized the first Sharia Law court, and the Archbishop of Canterbury - the head of Church of England - conceded that adopting elements of the Sharia law into UK's court system was "unavoidable."

Since then, over 100 Sharia law courts have been established across the UK. Although they technically lie within the UK's Tribunal Court system, these Sharia courts have been issuing rulings that contradict Britain's common law, as well as European Union laws.

In 2011, Britain's Muslims began demanding that Sharia replace British common law and become the only law in towns with large Muslim populations, including Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets, an East London Muslim enclave whose streets are already plastered with posters declaring, "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced" (below) and where Muslim imams now issue death threats to women who refuse to wear the Muslim veil.

Muslim controlled zoneOne-third of Britain's high security prison inmates are Muslims.

To woo more upscale Muslims, most of London's financial institutions have become Sharia-compliant, which requires donating a portion of their profits to Muslim organizations designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors. When he was Prime Minister, Gordon Brown loftily declared that he wanted London to become the Islamic finance capital of the world.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Keep sticking your head in the sand.

n 2008, UK's government formally recognized the first Sharia Law court, and the Archbishop of Canterbury - the head of Church of England - conceded that adopting elements of the Sharia law into UK's court system was "unavoidable."

Since then, over 100 Sharia law courts have been established across the UK. Although they technically lie within the UK's Tribunal Court system, these Sharia courts have been issuing rulings that contradict Britain's common law, as well as European Union laws.

In 2011, Britain's Muslims began demanding that Sharia replace British common law and become the only law in towns with large Muslim populations, including Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets, an East London Muslim enclave whose streets are already plastered with posters declaring, "You are entering a Sharia controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced" (below) and where Muslim imams now issue death threats to women who refuse to wear the Muslim veil.

Muslim controlled zoneOne-third of Britain's high security prison inmates are Muslims.

To woo more upscale Muslims, most of London's financial institutions have become Sharia-compliant, which requires donating a portion of their profits to Muslim organizations designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors. When he was Prime Minister, Gordon Brown loftily declared that he wanted London to become the Islamic finance capital of the world.

You might just want to extricate your own head from where it's already at and that ain't sand...

You ultra far right zealots don't have a clue...and that's actually sad.


New member
Trump and what is obviously his largely white supremacist base and assorted Uncle Tom's in their Make America Hate Again, was only inevitable.

Evidence his base is largely white supremacists?

Who are you calling uncle Tom's and what do you mean by that term?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
white people are responsible for everything that's bad in the world

and they must be stopped

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'm not sure italians and greeks count as "white" :carryon:

or spaniards
or Portuguese

or all those "white" folks from the Caucasus mountains area :noid: