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New member
I believe we should be fast as men, strong as men and able to think like men.

That not being possible I think we should be educated like men, given respect like men since we do have plenty to offer to be respected, and given chocolate candy when we really need it.

ps Town, you said:
"I'm trying to get at the particulars. That's where the angels and devils are oft located."

I love that did you coin that about angels and devils or did you quote it from somewhere?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I believe we should be fast as men, strong as men and able to think like men.
Why not simply be fit and think as rationally as any? The last thing sexual distinction does for guys is elevate their intellect. :eek:

That not being possible I think we should be educated like men, given respect like men since we do have plenty to offer to be respected, and given chocolate candy when we really need it.
How about we all give one another the respect we merit, the compassion we likely don't and the chocolate anyway?

ps Town, you said:
"I'm trying to get at the particulars. That's where the angels and devils are oft located."

I love that did you coin that about angels and devils or did you quote it from somewhere?
I expanded the old adage: "the devil is in the detail". :e4e:


How about we all give one another the respect we merit, the compassion we likely don't and the chocolate anyway?

The roles of men are sacred, not arbitrary or due in vanity- men are intended to be as God dictates, as well as women.

One either holds to Paul's teachings or they don't- it's very simple.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The roles of men are sacred, not arbitrary or due in vanity- men are intended to be as God dictates, as well as women.

One either holds to Paul's teachings or they don't- it's very simple.
That's a great sweeping statement. Break it down into details. That's where it's meaningful. Citations to scripture in support of the particulars would be icing on the cake.


That's a great sweeping statement. Break it down into details. That's where it's meaningful. Citations to scripture in support of the particulars would be icing on the cake.

1 Corinthians 14:34
Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.

Paul teaches that women cannot preach Godly wisdom to men. They are subject to other women and children.

He illustrates all through his letters that men are the ~head~ in all accounts- the household, church, and by extension, politics and all else. Women have no eminence over men.

Save Mary, there are no prime leaders to be had that weren't male. Jesus, and therefore God, is masculine. The entire religion falls on this notion.
Also notice that Adam came first as the direct image of God.


New member
1 Corinthians 14:34
Paul teaches that women cannot preach Godly wisdom to men. They are subject to other women and children.

This is not correct, I'm sorry. And no one ever subjects us to other women or children, are you thinking like a Muslim?

And are you assuming we don't have Godly wisdom?

Paul never says we are not wise or godly.

Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.

I fear he says this because we are a force with a power unto ourselves.

I think Paul reduces the turmoil by having us be quiet except at home.

I support this by reminding you women can be seen as great support to the Lord, and as great antagonizers to those they were opposed to in the New Testament.

They are always shown as smart in the Bible, I think, and Jezebel is an horrific example of a great, powerful and scary force. One prophet was scared of her for good reason.

But a man went up there and threw her down
so maybe you are just lucky God made you stronger and faster...eh?

He illustrates all through his letters that men are the ~head~ in all accounts- the household, church, and by extension, politics and all else. Women have no eminence over men.

Paul does not say through any of his writings any thing about politics.

Please do not confuse men as those usually ruling the world with anything of a spiritual nature, right?

Often the powers that be in the world are against God, and I bet you know that, don't you?

But the fact that powers against us all should first be dealt with by our best fighters is good. Men are that.
So let them rule in the church.

But I would wish more men talked in church instead of just a few big heads...

Anyway in the home one has to be head, let it be the man. You are right there, man was made first. Just don't make us want to sew you into the bed and cook you, ok?

Save Mary, there are no prime leaders to be had that weren't male.

First, Eve was promised a couple things which left you guys out totally.

Woman brought into the world The Savior of the World. And she did it well.
Remember that, ok?

Jesus, and therefore God, is masculine. The entire religion falls on this notion.

The fact you and I can't see God may be why men are generally stronger, faster, etc, etc -

you may be kinda an example of how The Lord Jesus is different from you and me.

Also notice that Adam came first as the direct image of God.



Well-known member
1 Corinthians 14:34
Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.

Paul teaches that women cannot preach Godly wisdom to men. They are subject to other women and children.

He illustrates all through his letters that men are the ~head~ in all accounts- the household, church, and by extension, politics and all else. Women have no eminence over men.

Save Mary, there are no prime leaders to be had that weren't male. Jesus, and therefore God, is masculine. The entire religion falls on this notion.
Also notice that Adam came first as the direct image of God.

Well the contradictory double speak going on in Paul's epistles reek of interpolation, oil and water trying to be mixed is apparent considering the spiritual creature has no concept of male or female being anything but equal attributions of the inner make up of all who are Christ.

Lose the literal letter that kills, Luke 17:20-21.


New member
Hall of Fame
1 Corinthians 14:34
Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith.

Paul teaches that women cannot preach Godly wisdom to men. They are subject to other women and children.

False interpretation, see chapter 11 of 1st Corinthians when paul is telling women how to pray and prophecy in the church.

Cant prophecy in the church if you cannot speak - and prophecying was for the entire church, not just other women.

What you have quoted has to do with women for the first time being allowed to be present during the teachings of the things of God, and women and men were seperated from one side of room to the other, women on one side, men on the other, women who were hearing the word for the first time, had loads of questions and were calling out to their husbands across the room, and disrupting the teachings, so they were told to keep quiet during service and ask the questions they had to their husbands at home, not in open church service.

Since the chapter already shows women being instructed on how to openly pray and prophecy, thats enough to show your translation false.

Save Mary, there are no prime leaders to be had that weren't male. Jesus, and therefore God, is masculine. The entire religion falls on this notion.

Again false, there were women deaconesses in the church, and Priscilla was a pastor along with her husband, and even she was mentioned first and she led a man to Christ.
Also notice that Adam came first as the direct image of God.

It says they both were, read genesis again, you dont understand what you read.


False interpretation, see chapter 11 of 1st Corinthians when paul is telling women how to pray and prophecy in the church.

Cant prophecy in the church if you cannot speak - and prophecying was for the entire church, not just other women.

The correct interpretation is that women are not allowed to preach to men.
If you go to any church, any real church, you will never see a woman at the pulpit.

Again false, there were women deaconesses in the church, and Priscilla was a pastor along with her husband, and even she was mentioned first and she led a man to Christ.

Deacons don't have apostolic power.

Nobody said anything about a woman persuading a man to God.

It says they both were, read genesis again, you dont understand what you read.

I'm sure that, because you are a female, your brain will simply dismiss the fact that Adam was created first and therefore the original creation.

You see only what you want to see- that they were both made in the image of God so as to merit your false standing that its okay for women to usurp men, or that God is not masculine even though He came down AS A MAN.


New member
Hall of Fame
The correct interpretation is that women are not allowed to preach to men.
If you go to any church, any real church, you will never see a woman at the pulpit.

Deacons don't have apostolic power.

Nobody said anything about a woman persuading a man to God.

I'm sure that, because you are a female, your brain will simply dismiss the fact that Adam was created first and therefore the original creation.

You see only what you want to see- that they were both made in the image of God so as to merit your false standing that its okay for women to usurp men, or that God is not masculine even though He came down AS A MAN.

Thanks for showing you have no biblical support for your opinion, and the bible actually supports mine. You cannot prophecy if you cannot speak, period and there are women shown leading men. Youll just have to get over it.


Thanks for showing you have no biblical support for your opinion, and the bible actually supports mine. You cannot prophecy if you cannot speak, period and there are women shown leading men. Youll just have to get over it.

Obviously, you and your little group don't care at all about looking retarded, so let me break it down:

You didn't show ANYTHING. You showed Priscilla leading a man to God and women serving under men as deaconesses. Feminists just love to try and loop around scripture to make it appear as something else.

They didn't have authority over men, and that's the bottom line.


New member
Hall of Fame
Obviously, you and your little group don't care at all about looking retarded, so let me break it down:

You didn't show ANYTHING. You showed Priscilla leading a man to God and women serving under men as deaconesses. Feminists just love to try and loop around scripture to make it appear as something else.

They didn't have authority over men, and that's the bottom line.

Actually it says Priscilla taught him a better way. Sad that you are unable to read. I also proved your interpretation of silence false, since the very same book as women speaking openly in the church.

So sad to be you, i know.


Actually it says Priscilla taught him a better way. Sad that you are unable to read. I also proved your interpretation of silence false, since the very same book as women speaking openly in the church.

So sad to be you, i know.

Oh yeah, sat down and had a chat with him, like nuns do everyday in the Catholic Church. And Paul didn't literally mean 'say a word, I dare you'.

The only thing you've proven is that you are a complete imbecile.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh yeah, sat down and had a chat with him, like nuns do everyday in the Catholic Church. And Paul didn't literally mean 'say a word, I dare you'.

The only thing you've proven is that you are a complete imbecile.

LOL hilarious that that is the best you have and cannot back your opinion with any facts. Ill wait while you go punch a wall, so you can feel like a man after a woman showed you up.


LOL hilarious that that is the best you have and cannot back your opinion with any facts. Ill wait while you go punch a wall, so you can feel like a man after a woman showed you up.

I'm sorry you live in fantasy world where women had authority equal to men in the 1st century, especially among those who believe in the Abrahamic God which pretty much condemns your feminism.

But what else does one expect from feminist, liberal theologians sabotaging proper interpretation of the Bible :idunno:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oh yeah, sat down and had a chat with him, like nuns do everyday in the Catholic Church. And Paul didn't literally mean 'say a word, I dare you'.

The only thing you've proven is that you are a complete imbecile.

If there were to be such a thing as reincarnation and within the realms of fluctuating time and space - then I wonder if you'd be so adamant if you were to be a woman living in 1884...

But then you wouldn't have a voice anyway and should just keep your gob shut, so at least that much would be a constant...


Hmm :think: not sure where i said that, i said women could speak in the church and showed your interpretation false using the very same book you quoted from...

Still cant read and comprehend, huh :)

Anyone can speak in church, it's not a courtroom.

But what does that have to do with the fact that it's about women not being able to preach or have authority over men?

The very fact that Paul tells the women to not speak just goes to show how much authority women had!
But like I said, your little group doesn't care at all about looking retarded, so I'll just leave you to it.
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