Every day is a new circus.

The Barbarian

US President Donald Trump read from a script during the bizarre press conference in which he claimed to have accidentally said Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday morning (Australian time), Mr Trump was seen reading from a series of printed pages to emphasise that he does in fact accept the US intelligence committee’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the vote.

The multiple pages included a misspelt handwritten note scrawled in black marker saying, “THERE WAS NO COLUSION [sic].”

A close up of the President’s note quickly circulated on social media.
It also appeared Mr Trump had crossed out a specific line on his prepared remarks.

CNBC reporter Christina Wilkie tweeted: “The only line Trump crossed out of his talking points appears to say, ‘Anyone involved in that meddling to justice.'”



Predictably, a majority of Americans now believe republicans colluded with the Russian government to throw the election to Trump:

The same general split was true when asked if Trump or someone from his campaign worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election. Overall, 52 percent of registered voters agreed. But 81 percent of Democrats said that was true versus 19 percent of Republicans.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you might want to consider George Will's words:
Precision is not part of Trump’s repertoire: He speaks English as though it is a second language that he learned from someone who learned English last week. So, it is usually difficult to sift meanings from Trump’s word salads.

Kit the Coyote

New member
You saw the hate then as it is displayed day in and day out now in almost every single news reportage?

I have to be honest with you, I saw the bashing of President Obama, and I did not like it, but I did not see the hate that is being displayed against our actual president.

The hate that is being displayed against their actual president is irrational from where I am sitting. I am not talking about speaking the truth, I am talking about visceral hate. No president is perfect for every man is imperfect, only the Lord Jesus Christ is perfect.

I do expect some bashing of every single president, but what is going on with President Trump is not at all becoming of news reportage. There has been a 'we will only report one side of the story'. Reporters are falling over themselves to see which one will say the right thing to degelitimize this administration. Even before anyone knew Donald Trump would be the president, some people were already talking about impeachment, which in my view was and is still ridiculous. (Yes, I know a president can do something and be impeached, if I am not mistaken it is in our Constitution.)

Quite frankly I've been watching the gradual decline of civility between the press and the Presidency and between the two parties pretty much all my politically active life. I think it started with Nixon when the Press saw that it could bring down a president. Kicked into high gear with Reagan and sort of left sanity with Clinton onward.

I think it is not so much the Presidents as it is the extremes on the right and the left that see the other side as the enemy. As long as us vs them is the driving force of our politics instead of reasoned debate and compromise, it will not get better.

Kit the Coyote

New member
I was trying to make a point of the ridiculousness of the reportage of the hoopla at Helsinki summit. I mean c'mom, even President Obama then said 'what good would have done if I ridicule in public the president of Russia' (or words to that effect). And, again, President Obama was right.

I remember that 'by mistake' World War III almost started and I can tell you that it had absolutely nothing to do with President Trump. Do you remember that? I believe it was in 1983 (don't quote me on that though.)

And the example of the mistake in 1983 is one of the reasons why we need better relations with Russia.

He could have avoided this particular mistake without ridiculing the Russian President in public. And saved himself the embarrassing backpedaling as soon as he got home.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quite frankly I've been watching the gradual decline of civility between the press and the Presidency and between the two parties pretty much all my politically active life. I think it started with Nixon when the Press saw that it could bring down a president. Kicked into high gear with Reagan and sort of left sanity with Clinton onward.

I think it is not so much the Presidents as it is the extremes on the right and the left that see the other side as the enemy. As long as us vs them is the driving force of our politics instead of reasoned debate and compromise, it will not get better.

I think in this case it's really just the incompetence of Trump. He's more and more embarrassing as time goes on. The press just latches onto this because of the influx of opportunity...


Well-known member

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you're an intelligent man...examine his progress over the last 15 months and come up with 10 things he's done that are commendable
I literally just got through doing something like that for another poster. I don't have any difficulty seeing a number of things the president has done that I think were good measures, but it doesn't alter the truth of what I noted in that last. And the good isn't beginning to overcome the damage he's doing to the institutions he should be serving...except for the Court. A solid job on that part of things. Not my guys, but excellent choices.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I literally just got through doing something like that for another poster.

well, no

because i literally just looked through the first page of your latest posts and didn't see it going back to july 12

town said:
I don't have any difficulty seeing a number of things the president has done that I think were good measures

if that number is ten or larger, feel free to list ten of them

town said:
...but it doesn't alter the truth of what I noted in that last.

what you noted in that last was: "I'm not sure where the better comes in."

"the better" would come in those things the president has done that you think were good measures

town said:
And the good isn't beginning to overcome the damage he's doing to the institutions he should be serving...

which institutions should he be serving that he's doing damage to?

what damage is he doing?


New member
well, no

because i literally just looked through the first page of your latest posts and didn't see it going back to july 12

if that number is ten or larger, feel free to list ten of them

what you noted in that last was: "I'm not sure where the better comes in."

"the better" would come in those things the president has done that you think were good measures

which institutions should he be serving that he's doing damage to?

what damage is he doing?

He's exposing the FBI and doj to the public. He's rightfully shown them to be the fascist seditionists they are.


like marbles on glass
I was reading over at Breitbart this morning, and this comment under one of the articles illustrates clearly why Trump's base won't shrink by much no matter what he does:

My question is why do you/anyone watch MSM? You have to do FOX and or talk radio, Rush preferably, Levin is a good second choice and or Hannity or don't watch anything.

A couple others:

[FONT=&quot]63 million Trump voters will never leave him! I am one of them.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Trump is our last hope to save this country—And his supporters are
standing firm, unshaken and more determined, by him—-[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Meanwhile the corrupt Democrats Are screaming “ Treason” & “Impeachment”,
every 5 minutes,—-which only shows their desperation—[/FONT]

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So why'd you make it look as though I'd said it?

'cause what you did say (to those who know that we do have troops in the region) made it look like they were all on standby, or taking naps in their bunks, or locked in "break glass in case of emergency" cabinets :chuckle: