Dozer's Fixation on Rape!

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Well-known member
Tough to consider it slander when it is a direct quote.

The quote is mine. It's the foolish conjectures of the over-wrought lynch mob that I won't own. They have to own that themselves, and while it should shame them, they seem bent on working themselves into a real dither. Not a pretty sight.


Well-known member
aka, selective infantilsm, but even worse than that. Infants can't make choices, therefore infants cannot be held responsible for what they do but instead must be kept from self-harm, monitored closely at all times. Ditto toddlers and adolescents, to increasingly lesser degrees.

But intellectually normal women, and even sub-normal ones, can make choices, yet are held selectively irresponsible for the consequences in certain situations. It's treating them like they're part-time retards; that they couldn't possibly have known better when the possible consequence is obvious to anyone, including themselves. I'm still really, really baffled by this phenomenon but I think I'm going to check out on it for good this time.

Thank the Lord there are still some sound minds on this site. I was beginning to wonder. :thumb:


Well-known member
Why don't you? After all, you don't consider rape to be that big a deal anyway so it should be a breeze right?



Well, if they didn't beat me up, or rape me with a foreign object, it should be a breeze, yeah. I got over feeling violated after a few dozen pap smears and 4 pregnancies and years of sex before marriage and years of sex after marriage.

It's the young and innocent....and the physical trauma that CAN accompany rape that I find disturbing. Any other little tidbits you'd like me to share?


New member
Well, if they didn't beat me up, or rape me with a foreign object, it should be a breeze, yeah. I got over feeling violated after a few dozen pap smears and 4 pregnancies and years of sex before marriage and years of sex after marriage.

It's the young and innocent....and the physical trauma that CAN accompany rape that I find disturbing. Any other little tidbits you'd like me to share?

You have the right to the dignity of your own person.
Sexacts without love are violations.
Pregnancy is a gift from God.
Pap smears are diagnostic tools to help us stay as healthy as possible.
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