Doorknob Bowie: Political Faggot Dead from Cancer - or maybe AIDS


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aCW goes to his playbook

aCW goes to his playbook

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And disrupt your obsession with Glen Frey?

Seek help Aaron.

Whenever exposed, this is what you do. You are soooooo predictable.

You accused me of being obsessed with Glenn Frey because of 7 (now 8) posts I made about him.

You have around 66 talking about Bowie.

Why are you obsessed with David Bowie? Inquiring minds needsta know.

Read and memorize my last 3 words.

Memorize these - you've been exposed

Refer to my first reply in this very strange post, as well as the 2nd.

Strange like taking about how happy your childhood was and how you never had daddy issues to prove you weren't gay...when no one else was even on the topic?

Strange like that?

Exactly, that's what I've been saying about Acw all along. ACW has been proven gay :devil:
Says the guy who sends me messages like this:

patrick jane hey dubya. who loves ya babe ?

patrick jane hi honey

On that note: Let's talk about our childhoods.

Hunting, fishing, camping, swimming, baseball, are just a few things that I did with my dad.

Anyone else care to share their childhood experiences with their dad?

Just. Wow.

Or should I say Just Tom :flamer:

We've seen you here before...


Whenever exposed, this is what you do. You are soooooo predictable.

While I wouldn't do this for everyone Aaron, you are most definitely one of a kind. I've temporarily reopened my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3" thread so that you can update your sick and twisted obsession with me.

Is 20 minutes enough time for you to take all of those posts of mine that you have on your bedroom wall and put them in your above obsession?

I'll check back in 20 minutes and see if you've taken advantage of my most generous offer.


New member
While I wouldn't do this for everyone Aaron, you are most definitely one of a kind. I've temporarily reopened my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3" thread so that you can update your sick and twisted obsession with me.

Is 20 minutes enough time for you to take all of those posts of mine that you have on your bedroom wall and put them in your above obsession?

I'll check back in 20 minutes and see if you've taken advantage of my most generous offer.

My post speaks for itself and you have never even attempted to refute any of it. Therefore it's all true :chuckle: That's how it works, right?

Tell you what, Tom...tell us what you think about Wayne Bessem and his organization Truth Wins Out. Or, stay on topic and obsess about Bowie some more.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
While I wouldn't do this for everyone Aaron, you are most definitely one of a kind. I've temporarily reopened my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3" thread so that you can update your sick and twisted obsession with me.

Is 20 minutes enough time for you to take all of those posts of mine that you have on your bedroom wall and put them in your above obsession?

I'll check back in 20 minutes and see if you've taken advantage of my most generous offer.

My post speaks for itself and you have never even attempted to refute any of it. Therefore it's all true :chuckle: That's how it works, right?

(I see that Aaron didn't take me up on my generous offer).

Yes, your obsession with me and especially being threatened by the thought of homosexuality being recriminalized certainly speaks for itself.

Tell you what, Tom...

"Connie", "Tom", which is it Aaron? (I should look at the bright side, at least Aaron is calling me by a man's name for now).

tell us what you think about Wayne Bessem and his organization Truth Wins Out. Or, stay on topic and obsess about Bowie some more.

Wayne spells his last name "Bessen". What about him other than he HATES God with a passion and anyone that dares speak out, let alone leaves homosexuality behind.