Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, so if we don't look at evil, it can't touch us. Ignorance is bliss.

Instead of sitting home reading your Bible, you should go out and grab one of those evil ones and preach the Gospel to him. Never forget....before you were saved (if you've been saved), you were evil, too.

If it is true: "Ignorance is Bliss," that would make Nang the happiest woman on earth. Obviously, she's not that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

I really think the Mods and Knight should weigh in on this matter and explain their reasons if they do not take it down. How can they continue to allow anti-Calvinists to promote AMR advocating such horror by manipulating his beliefs?

He is owed an apology, IMO.

There's nothing on that video you won't see on the "History Channel." So, what are ya belly-aching about? AMR is a grown man for crying out loud. If he can't withstand seeing those things, it's best for him to shut off his Laptop, Cable, and DVD machine and sit in a corner with a warm glass of milk and think about the "Good old days."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No . . evil is judgment from God that is consequential to sin.

All those horrible pictures are the result of sin and the wickedness (total depravity) of men.

Want to see the reality of sin . . look at this horrible video.

Want to see holiness . . don't look at this horrible video, but pick up your bible and read God's Word and promises instead.

God is just and righteous to inflict these judgments upon ungodly souls, which constitute most of mankind. Romans 3:9-20

Have you EVER read the Old Testament? Do you remember the story of Moses in the wilderness with the "Chosen People of God?" When Moses came down from the mountain the people were sinning away and Moses told those who were on God's side to come and those who were not to stay on their side. In the movie version those who chose not to be on God's side were swallowed up by the earth, whereas, in reality, Moses people were told to pull their swords and KILL the people who weren't on God's side. They slaughtered those people, did you know that? Men, Women and perhaps children, as well. They couldn't show that in the movie version. That must have been a bloody sight, yet, part of life. That video was part of life too.


New member
I couldn't get through your entire "smorgasbord of words and phrases" culminating into a plethora of Calvinist propaganda. I've done homework relating to Calvinism. A combination of history and experiential one on one conversations here on TOL. You folks follow "Another gospel" (small g) and another idea of god.

When I open God's written Word, I don't see the same God, Gospel, and doctrines you folks see. Reading your posts is like reading a textbook. You're so indoctrinated that you regurgitate the entire Calvinist manifesto. You speak AT others rather than to them.

It's a standard Calvinist mantra that when a person objects to the precepts of Calvinism that the problem is that the person "didn't understand Calvinism." Once upon a time I didn't understand Calvinism. Then I learned what it was, and it made me ill.


New member
So if Adam and Eve could CHOOSE to eat of the fruit and sin, then they had free will right?

The last time I talked with a Calvinist about Calvinism (he seemed to want to open up the topic) I asked that same question. He said that Adam and Eve had free will, but no one else after them. So then I asked about Cain, did the first son of men have free will? No, he answered, Cain did not have free will. Cain was chosen before he was born to be condemned and nothing he could do would allow him to be accepted.

Aside from the problem this creates that God himself was the author of sin, there was one little problem with his statement. A problem from scripture...

Genesis 4:6-7 KJV
(6) And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
(7) If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

So maybe the problem with this pastor was that he didn't understand Calvinism. But if he answered wrongly, at what point did man have free will stripped away from them so that the prepared puppets of sin could take the stage in their stead?


New member
Oh, so if we don't look at evil, it can't touch us. Ignorance is bliss.

Instead of sitting home reading your Bible, you should go out and grab one of those evil ones and preach the Gospel to him. Never forget....before you were saved (if you've been saved), you were evil, too.

Why would a Calvinist preach to someone? If they are one of the elect that won the lottery ticket before the foundation of the world, there's nothing they can do to avoid landing in heaven. If they weren't one of those ones, it wouldn't matter if they repented, changed their wicked ways, and walked uprightly until the end of their days. That would be a foolish person who would be cast into hell.

Ezekiel 33:14-16 KJV
(14) Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right;
(15) If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die.
(16) None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.

God doesn't sound like a Calvinist, or at least not like any Calvinist that I've ever heard.