ECT Do those who believe MAD have no problem disregarding what Jesus actually taught ?


New member
GM is not lost....

Lol - you no more know that for certain about the parroting brown nose MAD fraud GM, than you'd know that about anyone you have personally known up close their entire life.

Only God knows the heart.

All we can know is their fruit (recurrent patterns).

For all you know I am lost but am a better parrot than GM :rotfl:


Well-known member
The flesh is dead in its trespasses. Anything it does is the act of a decaying corpse. Nothing it does can put to death that which Christ has quickened.

The flesh is never dead, the lusts of it always live whilst we are in it, although it brings death to us, and we are tempted by the lusts of it always. But through Christ we are put to death to the flesh. Meaning that through Christ, God casts away those lusts so that they don't have a hold on us anymore.

Nothing Satan does in this flesh can put to death what God has quickened as long as we have faith and obey God, because he who is in us, is stronger than him who is in the world. But if we turn and start living by the will of the flesh again once we have been enlightened of God, because we love our own lives before God, then we are not only rejecting the holy spirit, but we are crucifying Christ again and put him to an open shame

Hebrews 6 is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame

The current flesh shall never see the kingdom of Heaven. It will, as it already is, waste away.

The current flesh as we live to it, will never see the kingdom of God, but we will see the kingdom of God if we are dead to the will of it.

Otherwise why would we ask for God's kingdom to come every day so that God's will can be done? Gods will can't be done if we live by the will of the flesh, but if we are dead to its will and alive in God, then we will be living by God's will and his kingdom will be within us every day. If we have the holy spirit within, then we have the kingdom of God within. Because he belongs to Gods kingdom.

When speaking of the flesh, it's not the natural skin that we are in, but the lusts of our fleshly nature, and we have to be dying to those lusts every day to inherit the kingdom of God. For whilst we live in this flesh, we also have the fleshly nature that Satan has control of unless we are quickened by the spirit and we are truly born again of God, and once we are truly born of God, then we should be living by his will and not by the lusts of the flesh.

As one not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, sin has no dominion over me; I am no longer its slave. I am free from its power and its sting. I am a slave of righteousness. I am the very righteousness of God in Christ.

Sin only has no dominion over you if you obey God and not the flesh. And if you are truly a slave to righteousness, then that means you are always turning from sin and if you are the very righteousness of God in Christ, then that means you must never sin?

I'm not righteous at all, it's only Christ in me that is righteous and being in him through faith, he is teaching me through the spirit to live right before God, he's helping overcome my sins and by his righteousness I'm overcoming the flesh day by day and I'm alive in the spirit. And I'll remain being saved so long as I don't live by the lusts of the flesh again and turn from God and deny his will putting myself before him.

2 Corinthians 6

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.


New member
So why don't you go LOL Dodge for saying GM was lost?
Uh oh.

Seriously, I plain forgot. Thus, my blanket statement in my above.

There were many posts going back and forth and I was about to go run an errand.

My recurrent pattern continues to be my defense.

What did I say to Lazy in a similar post of hers against your fraud pal.

That I agreed with all but her last two assertions against him.

You fraud pal's response?

That he did not need my help or some other narcissistic stupidity of his.

Because he is the issue in his mind. Not the Lord.

Because GM is a fraud who preaches a graceless...grace.

Where he and those he brown noses...are the issue.

I answered Lazy in the way I did because your brown nose MAD fraud pal is not the issue; the Lord's truth is.


New member
So why don't you go LOL Dodge for saying GM was lost?
Uh oh.

Look in the mirror, Tam; a group shot if possible :chuckle:

While I still support those of their/your posts I agree with; they/you no longer support those of mine they/you well know you/they agree with :crackup:

Nevertheless, still luv ya sis.

You newbie :)


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
you no longer support those of mine you well know you agree with :crackup:
Excuse me?!!!
So just what sort of "support" do you need to NOT think you are an enemy??????
Even after your unfounded rant of how you think I deemed you as an enemy, I have indeed agreed with some of your posts publicly.
So this whole "You no longer support me when you agree with me" is just more of you imagining there are monsters where there are none.
I got so tired of it that I just gave up trying to convince you that you were not an enemy to me.
And thus I no longer cared if you thought that I think of you as an enemy, because I have the feeling that nothing I do or say about it will ever be good enough to defuse your paranoia about it.


The chuch is made up of Jew and gentile.

Israel the whole is yet to be saved.

When Israel the whole gets saved they will not be part of the Body of Messiah.

Yet their salvation results in the saving of many GENTILES who also are not part of the chuchy.

The Body of Christ is a Mystery because it was not known in the OT. Salvation for GENTILES was known so what's the mystery? Jew - gentile in one body.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Look in the mirror, Tam; a group shot if possible :chuckle:

While I still support those of their/your posts I agree with; they/you no longer support those of mine they/you well know you/they agree with :crackup:

Nevertheless, still luv ya sis.

You newbie :)

You're starting to sound like "Letsargue." Only, without the insane punctuation.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Seriously, I plain forgot. Thus, my blanket statement in my above.

There were many posts going back and forth and I was about to go run an errand.

My recurrent pattern continues to be my defense.

What did I say to Lazy in a similar post of hers against your fraud pal.

That I agreed with all but her last two assertions against him.

You fraud pal's response?

That he did not need my help or some other narcissistic stupidity of his.

Because he is the issue in his mind. Not the Lord.

Because GM is a fraud who preaches a graceless...grace.

Where he and those he brown noses...are the issue.

I answered Lazy in the way I did because your brown nose MAD fraud pal is not the issue; the Lord's truth is.

You sure sound like a guy who has the love of God in him. Nah, I'm just being sarcastic and disingenuous. In reality, I believe you have some form of "Mental Illness." I'm being serious about that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You divert to make GM feel Ok in his lie. NOT good for GM

Heb 10:26
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

You asked me if I was a Marine? I told you it's classified. And, you called me a liar, for saying, "It's Classified?" That's not exactly "The Crime of the Century", or worse than the Holocaust. Did I ever come out in all seriousness and say I was a Marine? The answer is NO! Yet, you call me a liar?
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