Did God become flesh?

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Are you under the impression I didn't know this is ALSO a way .... not the only way, but A way .... "with" is used???

No, I was actually under the impression that you were trying to deceive me....thinking I was just someone whose door you knocked on that was not Bible literate.

The issue here is, ALL Scripture must be in harmony.

It must be rightly divided. Unlike what you're attempting to pull.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.​

When Jesus is given a name, Emmanuel, that means "God with us".... it is POSSIBLE "with" can mean in the presence of, and it is possible "with" can mean on your side, NOT against you.


We should look at the immediate context, to see if there is proof which meaning is intended.
ANY interpretation we consider, must ALSO agree with EVERY OTHER VERSE ON THE SUBJECT.
So, we KNOW Jesus stated repeatedly that God was in heaven during his ministry. AND he stated that they had NOT seen God.

Actually, Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father". He is the image of the invisible God, after all, and God was in Jesus as well as in heaven.

John 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

John 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.​

So it is not possible that "God with us" actually means the multitudes were seeing God's face, and were hearing God's own voice. This rules out your interpretation of the phrase.

The above verses prove you're wrong.

On the other hand, did Jesus birth in Bethlehem, and ministry, death and resurrection, demonstrate that Jehovah/YHVH God, his Father, is on our side... and is not against us?

He's not on the side of those who fail to recognize Jesus as their Saviour. There will many who deny Him as Lord and they will go to hell.

Therefore, by looking at the various definitions, and comparing those definitions with Scripture, we can clearly see, "with" doesn't mean geographic location ... it means on our side, NOT against us.

There, glad that's cleared up.



Well-known member
Nowhere is the Miltha explained to be a god-like creature. At least I see no notes in the Aramaic text. There is no direct translation for this word. You are really confused friend. Why don't you read your Aramaic text again. However, why not just try the Greek. That is the common alternative.

The Greek has many errors and distortions. The AENT to me is a good reference book, like the KJV, or any translation.


Well-known member
You know as well as I that Jesus was the Christ from his birth unless the Scriptures are in error.

Luke 2:10-11 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11 for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is [a]Christ the Lord.

Either you ignore or tend to leave these things out.

Here is one of the Greek questionable verses BR. I will go over you AGAIN, but this is the last time.

The word "Christ" means anointed of God. When Jesus came into the world he was not yet anointed so he could not of yet be the Christ. The book of Luke was written maybe fifty years after the birth. It was written years after Jesus was anointed as Christ. Your perfect Greek to English contains errors and planned distortions. All of them have additions to them. That goes for the AENT also, but it is a better, safer translation.


Well-known member
Once again, you must hate Christmas....
Jesus is rendered like a piece of garbage in your view...

Your a liar Doc. I love and respect my God and the Son he sent. Your refuse to open your mind to the truth. Jesus never said to hold a birthday party for him and if he did it would be in September, not on the day of the Sun.


Well-known member
Which Son KeyPurr? Which Son? There is only ONE!!!!!!

BTW, I know your sincere when you say you love your God and the Son He sent.

If you do not understand that the spirit became flesh then there is not a way to tell you which Son. One is a spirit form of God, an exact copy of the creator and the other is the body prepared to hold the spirit son and die on a tree.

It is my prayer that you can see this in the scriptures as I have shared it in love for the people who love YHWH and his Son.


Well-known member
If you do not understand that the spirit became flesh then there is not a way to tell you which Son. One is a spirit form of God, an exact copy of the creator and the other is the body prepared to hold the spirit so and die on a tree.

KeyPurr, I see the spirit become flesh in the scriptures. Here is the BIG difference though....Jesus has always existed. We did NOT know Him by the name Jesus back then, but you can put it down BIG, put it down BOLD and put it down STRAIGHT, there HAS NEVER BEEN A TIME WHEREBY JESUS DID NOT EXIST! (Except for 3 days in the tomb) NEVER NEVER NEVER! I cannot tell you why God is Truine. I can only tell you He is. I know ONLY because He revealed it to me and everyone else who will listen, thru His word. It is what separates Christianity from all other religions. Either I accept it or I don't. I choose to accept it because unlike you, I accept His word as authoritive. You on the other hand dismiss it by you saying such things as the Bible has been tampered with, which begs the question really on how much faith you really do have. Like I said earlier, I believe you to be sincere. I don't think you have a hateful bone in your body. And that's wonderful. But you can be sincerely wrong. And I believe you are. You are wanting an answer to a triune God. There is no answer forthcoming, as God has chosen not to share. Just like we read in Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth. Note it does not say how He did it, He just did it. It's one of those things that really are none of our business. This debate we are having is the same thing. It's none of our business.

It is my prayer that you can see this in the scriptures as I have shared it in love for the people who love YHWH and his Son.



Well-known member
KeyPurr, I see the spirit become flesh in the scriptures. Here is the BIG difference though....Jesus has always existed. We did NOT know Him by the name Jesus back then, but you can put it down BIG, put it down BOLD and put it down STRAIGHT, there HAS NEVER BEEN A TIME WHEREBY JESUS DID NOT EXIST! (Except for 3 days in the tomb) NEVER NEVER NEVER! I cannot tell you why God is Truine. I can only tell you He is. I know ONLY because He revealed it to me and everyone else who will listen, thru His word. It is what separates Christianity from all other religions. Either I accept it or I don't. I choose to accept it because unlike you, I accept His word as authoritive. You on the other hand dismiss it by you saying such things as the Bible has been tampered with, which begs the question really on how much faith you really do have. Like I said earlier, I believe you to be sincere. I don't think you have a hateful bone in your body. And that's wonderful. But you can be sincerely wrong. And I believe you are. You are wanting an answer to a triune God. There is no answer forthcoming, as God has chosen not to share. Just like we read in Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth. Note it does not say how He did it, He just did it. It's one of those things that really are none of our business. This debate we are having is the same thing. It's none of our business.


I disagree because Jesus was a man, he had to be a man to be the Lamb of God. Scripture tells us he was BORN to Mary in Bethlehem. I believe that the son that was SENT from ABOVE is YHWH's first creation, a spirit copy of his own nature, yet a creature. This spirit was sent to dwell in Jesus, it spoke through Jesus. God created ALL using this spirit son.

God was alone until he created his express image and he was pleased that it contained his fullness.

Study Heb 1:3, Col 1:15+ and Phil 2 and see what might be there to get you to question what it says.


Well-known member
I disagree

I could never have guessed.

because Jesus was a man,


he had to be a man to be the Lamb of God.


Scripture tells us he was BORN to Mary in Bethlehem.


I believe that the son that was SENT from ABOVE is YHWH's first creation, a spirit copy of his own nature, yet a creature. This spirit was sent to dwell in Jesus, it spoke through Jesus. God created ALL using this spirit son.

Yeah I know what you believe, and I believe you to be sincerely wrong.

God was alone until he created his express image and he was pleased that it contained his fullness.

Were you there?

Study Heb 1:3, Col 1:15+ and Phil 2 and see what might be there to get you to question what it says.

I have extensively....I have questioned it, and I received my answer.


Well-known member
Doc as I said before I was doing a study on the morning stars when the Lord guided me over to Heb 1:3. I was alone in the room at the time but I felt someone guiding my thoughts. I tried to disprove them, for I know how silly they sound, but I can't, I have only found more evidence to support my findings.

Many years ago I used to discuss scripture with my Pastor, he had a Phd and I tried to learn from him, but he could not answer my questions. We were on a collision course in theology. I loved this pastor. He was a great speaker and he was the one who married us. But one night I had a dream. The pastor died and was laying at the front of the church in his casket, I was at the back of the pews, near the door. Suddenly the door opened up and a burst of light entered the church. There was someone in white in the doorway. He looked at me and I quivered, he smiled, a sign of approval I assumed. That's when I woke up. It might be nothing but that was sixty years ago and the very thought of this dream is still in my mind. It was my wife's church so I joined it to please her, that was a big mistake as I did not find God there. I got involved in the church, even became a Board Member. I finely had to leave it, it did nothing to think I was in the presents of God. That was many years age Doc, so you see I was a trin believer for many years. I started as a Baptist then to an Agnostic. Noe I am just a guy to speaks of the Love of God and his Son and I do my best to reflect it. I admit sometime I get carried away, but it is not my intension to offend anyone on a personal level. The forces of good and bad are always near us.
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