Date of Christ's Crucifixion & Resurrection


New member
"sabbatou" is not intended for "week" in Scriptures. Jesus resurrected πρωῒ πρώτῃ σαββάτου = early morning of the chief sabbath. That's Saturday.
The date was March 31, 31 AD when He resurrected. That was 3 days and 3 nights after He was crucified March 28, daytime Wednesday.

But why AD 31, instead of 30 AD?

John recorded 3 passover feasts that transpired AFTER the baptism of Jesus. The last passover was on His crucifixion. He was baptized in the 15th year of the imperial reign of Tiberius whose first year of reign as emperor was in 14 AD. He was therefore baptized in 28 AD, and the first Passover was in 29 AD; the 2nd in 30 AD and the last was in 31 AD, when He was crucified.

But why March 28 in 31 AD?


New member
But why March 28 in 31 AD?
Recall that Passover is a full moon festival. God designed it to be so. It is always a full moon in the nighttime after sunset of the 14th in all lunisolar calendars. And God instructed that Passover meal be eaten after sunset of the 14th day of the first month (Abib or Nisan), a full moon.

Abib is a term that describes the stage of ripening of barley where it is ready for harvest in about two weeks, so there will be sheaf of grain to be waved before the Lord on the day after the weekly Sabbath that follows the Passover AFTER the spring equinox.

And the first full moon after the vernal or spring equinox fell after sunset of March 27, 31 AD. That same night, Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples. That same night, He was arrested. And on the daytime that followed, Wednesday March 28, 31 AD, He was crucified.

3 days and 3 nights later as He Himself specified, He resurrected πρωῒ πρώτῃ σαββάτου = early morning of the chief sabbath, Saturday, March 31, 31 AD.


New member
And the first full moon after the vernal or spring equinox fell after sunset of March 27, 31 AD. That same night, Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples. That same night, He was arrested. And on the daytime that followed, Wednesday March 28, 31 AD, He was crucified.

In 31 CE the full moon was on Tuesday which means the crucifixion would have been on Monday.

Do you believe believe any of this stuff you've posted or are you just trolling?


New member
In 31 CE the full moon was on Tuesday which means the crucifixion would have been on Monday.

Do you believe believe any of this stuff you've posted or are you just trolling?
The first full moon after the spring equinox in 31 AD was on Tuesday March 27, 1:00 PM, Jerusalem time. 100% illumination of the moon occurs on the night closest to the time of exact full moon, and that night would be after sunset of that same day. It was on that night, THE full moon night, that Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples, Passover being a full moon festival as instituted by God Himself.

Jesus Who said He came to fulfill the law which obviously includes the law on when Passover meal is to be eaten, ate Passover on that full moon night, after sunset Tuesday; was arrested that same night and crucified the day that followed, Wednesday March 28.

Full moon night preceded the crucifixion. You have it backwards.
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New member
The first full moon after the spring equinox in 31 AD was on Tuesday March 27, 1:00 PM, Jerusalem time.

But you don't provide any documentation to validate your claim. Did you just arbitrarily make up a date?


New member
Which says: "31 March 27 11 a.m. Tue."

This says that the full moon in 31 CE was on Tuesday, March 27, 31 CE.

Nisan 15 (mid month) is a Sabbath, the first Sabbath of the Passover feast.
Jerusalem time is +2 hours of Greenwich time. It is 1PM in Jerusalem when it is 11AM in Greenwich. And the times shown in the link are in Greenwich time.


New member
Jerusalem time is +2 hours of Greenwich time. It is 1PM in Jerusalem when it is 11AM in Greenwich. And the times shown in the link are in Greenwich time.

What does that have to do with the full moon on April 6, 30 CE, which was a Thursday?


New member
What does that have to do with the full moon on April 6, 30 CE, which was a Thursday
There were 3 passovers recorded by John that transpired after Jesus was baptized until He was crucified. Jesus was baptized in the 15th year of Tiberius who started to reign as emperor in 14 CE. Jesus was therefore baptized in 28 CE. If He was crucified in 30 CE, then John should have recorded only two passovers instead of 3.

But since John recorded 3 passovers, the first one being the passover in 29 CE, the last passover was the one just before He was crucified in 31 CE.


New member
But since John recorded 3 passovers, the first one being the passover in 29 CE, the last passover was the one just before He was crucified in 31 CE.
Christ's baptism in 28 CE and the 3 Passovers recorded by John that transpired AFTER His baptism to His crucifixion, make 30 CE ineligible as crucifixion year.


Well-known member
Day 24 month 9—13th December 4BC—Jesus’ conception
Day 1 month 7—11th September 3BC—Jesus’ Birth
Day 9 month 6—19th August 28AD—John could have began baptising no sooner than this
Day 29 month11—3rd February 29AD—Jesus’ Baptism
Day 15 month 13—20th March 29AD—Purim, the wedding in Cana
Day 14 month 1—18th April 29AD—Passover and the first temple cleansing
Day 8 month 3—10th June 29AD—The Sabbath before Shavuot, healing the lame man after 38 years
Day 13 month 3—14th June 29AD—Blood moon seen in Israel
Day 1 month 7—28th September 29AD—Day of Trumpets and the transfiguration
Day 10 month 7—7th October 29AD—Day of Atonement and Jubilee announced
Day 15 month 7—12th October 29AD—Tabernacles and the unfulfilled day
Day 28 month 8—24th November 29AD—Total solar eclipse seen in Syria
Day 24 month 9—19th December 29AD—Hanukkah, Jesus; “He and God are one”
Day 14 month 1—7th April 30AD—Passover, Jesus’ death and burial
Day 15 month 1—8th April 30AD—Jesus preaches to the souls in Hell
Day 16 month 1—9th April 30 AD—First Fruits and Jesus’ resurrection
Day 30 month 2—22nd May 30AD—Jesus’ ascension
Day 9 month 3—31st May 30AD—Pentecost