Creation vs. Evolution

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Mark SeaSigh

Dear Mark,

What did you think of my PM. Answer me in a PM. The Chicken dinner was delicious. Everyone is charging a $1 for a piece of chicken. Is that too much, especially for a dang wing?? Also got Dutch Apple Pie. Tomorrow, I am making Lamb Ribs.

Hey Mark, if Jesus came right before your wedding, would you be bummed? You know how He said not to turn around and get anything, even your coat or cloak.

So, are you sure there are man's bones that have been found that are older than 9,000 years old?? I can't wait to find out. Tell me and also how you know?

God Bless You Whole Bunches,


If Jesus Came Now I would Be Happy!

But I think he is Waiting for the End of the Earth. He did say that if all of his Servants turn to Drink, he will come Early, However.

Anything that Has Man Feet, and Possesses A Man Skull, with the Brain Capacity Of Man or Greater, should be considered a Man. You know there have been Giant Men found?

anyway, There is Physical Evidence that Man Was here, More than 6000 years ago;

I believe that this Structure was Made, Just after the Flood.

It was then Buried in Sand To Preserve it.


Now Consider this;

Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC

Ok that puts you about Five thousand Years ago, for the Beginning of the Egyptian Civilization. How long do you think that it was After the Flood, that the Egyptians were able to start their Civilization. The Population would have to rise back from Noah and His Family alone, then Come to Full Sized Civilizations again.

Since Mathusala Lived 950+ Years Before he Died, and his Whole Life Span all Happened Before the Flood, that Adds at least a Thousand Years onto Pre Flood times Frame.

So, considering the Time recorded in the Bible Before the Flood, and the Time after Noah, before the Egyptian Civilization, that means were already working with more than 6000 years.


There have been Tectonic Plate Movements on Mars, this didn't happen Recently. The universe is Much older than Man, and so is the Earth, and So is God. Whether you are reading the Bible or looking at Science.

When God comes here, the Earth is here, but it is Void, there is only water Seen on the Surface, He forms the Layers of Atmosphere, Ozone and other UV Protection, the Magnetosphere and Whatnot, Then, He Pulls the Dirt out from under the Water to make Dry Land, then He plants all sorts of plants, then he Allows the Lights of heaven to Shine on the Earth.

Makes sense to me.

Here is Evidence of Man,

They say that these Footprints were made By A Lucy Kind of Creature, but they Seem to Be Perfect People Feet Prints. Not Prints that Are Half Monkey, and Half Human.

This also is the Main reason that they gave Lucy Human Feet, even though Her Feet and Ankles were Never Found. They say, Hey, we think that lucy was the only thing walking around back then, Must be Lucy Prints. LOL!

If you look for the Same Prints on Wikipedia, you get something Else, they Look nothing like People Feet, in fact they are horrible Pictures of the Prints on Wiki.

Here See for Yourself;

What are they trying to Hide? That These Supposed Lucy Feet look just Like Man's Feet?
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Well-known member
Here is Evidence of Man,

They say that these Footprints were made By A Lucy Kind of Creature, but they Seem to Be Perfect People Feet Prints. Not Prints that Are Half Monkey, and Half Human.

This also is the Main reason that they gave Lucy Human Feet, even though Her Feet and Ankles were Never Found. They say, Hey, we think that lucy was the only thing walking around back then, Must be Lucy Prints. LOL!

If you look for the Same Prints on Wikipedia, you get something Else, they Look nothing like People Feet, in fact they are horrible Pictures of the Prints on Wiki.

Here See for Yourself;

What are they trying to Hide? That These Supposed Lucy Feet look just Like Man's Feet?

Mark, your analysis here is less than amateurish. Judging from your past willful ignorance I think I will stick with the opinion of experts in this field. And not the opinion of some loser on a theology site who has demonstrated that he will not correct his own errors when they have been clearly addressed.

Mark SeaSigh

Mark, your analysis here is less than amateurish. Judging from your past willful ignorance I think I will stick with the opinion of experts in this field. And not the opinion of some loser on a theology site who has demonstrated that he will not correct his own errors when they have been clearly addressed.

Can you Give me an Example, or are you full of No Guru Goodness?

They never did Recover Lucy's Feet.

You don't have to take This OEYLC's word for it, I Posted a Video about Lucy, in My Thoughts on Planetary and Biological Evolution thread; the Video Explains how the Feet Were never Recovered, and Lucy was Pieced together by fossils found over a 1.5 Mile Area.

Have you seen what they recovered of Lucy?


Look, then they Assumed that her Feet were Human Feet. See Here;


The reason they think that she Had People Feet is because there are Human Footprints that were found to be As old as Lucy. So, they decided, since they think there were no Humans back then, it must be that Lucy had people Feet!

That Makes No Sense Evols.

If you find Human Foot Prints, Humans Probably Left them.

Don't just assume that the Lucy Ape Creature Had Human Feet, because you found Human Footprints from 3 Million years Ago.

That's Quite a Leap in Logic, without proof of the Feet Looking Human.




Now See Here;

The Impressions Left were Left by a heavier Creature like Man, Not a light Creature like the Supposed 3 Foot Lucy Creatures.


FootPrint from the Rock is on the Right, Normal Human on the Left.
This appears to be an Arched foot Being that Walked on its Heel and Ball of the Foot. However the Impressions it made seem to indicate a Bit heavier than normal Man.

Just look how Silly Apes look with People Feet! LOL!



New member
Hey Alwight,

How are you doing lately!! It's been a while indeed! I thought I was bothering you too much emailing all of the time, so I slowed it down. My computer guy is coming over tomorrow to have dinner (we're having lamb ribs and wheat pilaf). The wheat pilaf is called jederah, it is an ethnic dish and it is delicious. Just to give you a clue, it's got coarse wheat, onions, ground beef, chick peas, lentils and canned spinach in it. Delicious as a main course or a side dish.
Hi Michael,
I'm currently on a "seefood" diet, if I see food I'll eat it. :drum:

Has it been warming up a LOT where you are at?? It has here!! Suppose to be 112 soon. Eeeek!! Hey, Al, do you have health and life insurance? I have both. I want a natural funeral, of course, but I sure don't want someone to cremate me. I know it's so much cheaper. Even donating your organs for others is better. I've got life insurance so that I can get buried and leave my loved ones with a little bit of money. My best friend is going to get some money also. Have been friends since I was 16 or 17 years old. His Mom passed away, bless her heart. His Dad is still going strong at 88. His Dad remarried.
It's been in the mid 80s here which you would probably think was quite cool but it's sticky not dry. :cool:

I would prefer being cremated rather than rot but I don't think it really matters if you're dead.

I've been helping my 90 yo mother move into a care home instead of struggling alone in her house not meeting anyone. I think she actually enjoys meeting new people now. I've been trying to sell her property and seem to have a buyer.

Do you do any fishing there on the island. I used to be a fish fanatic. I've still got a couple fishing rods in the bedroom closet. I found out it was cheaper to buy them from the grocery store than trying to fish for them. Hey, we had fried chicken today with French bread. Do you get to go out to eat often. I know it costs a bit indeed. The prices on everything are getting ridiculous!! I found a lobster for $7 at the store, but the tail must have been 4 oz. or so. Not worth it. All that's left is the claws. I'm not eating roe. I miss having smelt. Maybe I will get some soon and make it.
I've never been much of a fisherman but I know from scuba diving that the seas around here are not as abundant as other places, say Scotland, too much fishing goes on here perhaps. You should live near the sea rather than AZ?

How's the car running?? I really hope it is running great. I spent $170 or so in July to get some car work done. I don't have Dad anymore. He passed away a couple years ago. It's really a bummer not having a Dad or a Mom. It tears a big chunk right out of your being and heart. Especially Mom. Mom did the loving. Dad did the whipping. Bummer. They should have taken turns, so I'd understand it all better.
I don't expect anything to go wrong with a new car else it goes back to the garage but touch wood all is well.

Well, buddy, I won't leave a novel again. I don't want to pry at all. Like have you done any swimming lately?? OK, I will get going!!

Much Love Coming Your Way,

No, I haven't been swimming for years now Michael, I don't seem to want to anymore. It didn't use to worry me but now I think I might catch something either in the sea or public pool, paranoid? :)


Well-known member
The Impressions Left were Left by a heavier Creature like Man, Not a light Creature like the Supposed 3 Foot Lucy Creatures.

Lucy (an adult of that species) was over 4 feet. Do you know how heavy these creatures were and what their impression should look like?


FootPrint from the Rock is on the Right, Normal Human on the Left.

There is an obvious and big difference in the heel (width and angle), the arch (width and angle), the bones that support the big toe (length and angle), and the big toe (length and angle). Are you seriously claiming you cannot see the differences?

Just look how Silly Apes look with People Feet! LOL!


Just look how silly you look posting your ignorance about this subject.


New member
The evidence fits even better with the Biblical account that God created. Evolutionism is a belief system that often denies the most logical explanation of evidence.

Creationism is not science, it is religion. I'm getting sick of repeating myself on this. Creationists start with cherished beliefs and then attempt to reinterpret what real science discovers to suit their agenda. Fortunately they are not taken seriously among the vast majority of the scientific community, which include many theist scientists.

Sorry, but that is just plain silly. All scientists examine the exact same evidence. What is different is the interpretation. For example Anthony Flew was until recent years the worlds most prominent atheist. He wrote books and debated that there was no evidence for a creator. However, Flew was later convinced that there must be an intelligence that created. What changed?...

ANTHONY FLEW "What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together. It’s the enormous complexity of the number of elements and the enormous subtlety of the ways they work together. The meeting of these two parts at the right time by chance is simply minute. It is all a matter of the enormous complexity by which the results were achieved, which looked to me like the work of intelligence".

Well you know, I've told my family, if I get a bit forgetful in old age just take no notice. But if I ever start talking bollux then ignore me and try to remember the rational person I formally was. Antony Flew's change of heart, in his later years, is a week argument really.

Biblical creationists and atheistic evolutionists examine the same evidence, but interpret according to beliefs.

Except science is about examining falsifiable evidence and creationists rely on preconceived cherished beliefs which must be protected at all costs.

That is false. What Biblical creationists want is for your (and mine) beautiful grandchildren to be presented with all the get the best education possible... not just atheist beliefs. What Biblical creationists want is academic freedom. Teachers need to teach what is in the curriculum, but should have the freedom to discuss strengths and weaknesses of different theories. We want kids to learn how to think...not what to think.

Yes, in my family, we teach our young the importance of critical thinking. We do not indoctrinate them in any direction, but equally it is our duty to see that their young minds are not infected with daft beliefs, which is why the teaching of creationism/intelligent design in our schools must, and will, be stopped.

There is a difference between "modern scientific evidence" and interpretation.

We have the History Book of the universe...God's Word. Although thousands of years old, the Bible is scientifically accurate. The "modern scientific evidence" always supports the Biblical account.

No it isn't. There is no science that explains a talking snake, the clinically dead coming back to life, a birth not including a male of the species or a gravity defying walk on water, to name but few. They are all myths that never happened. Your Bible was written and compiled by fallible pre-science men. There is no Gods word only words of ancient superstitious men

Not only are some scientists theists, but a growing number of PhD biologists, physicists, astronomers and geologists agree that evidence supports the Biblical account.

Good for them. Let them eventually join the flat Earthers and the Elvis spotters and the holocaust deniers where they belong. In the dustbin of history.


Dear Mark,

I saw your pics that you presented (Thank you very much!!) and if they had a Lucy 3 million years ago, they should have an Ethel at 10,000 years old. That would make my decision a lot easier to make about whether I want to be YEC or OEC.

Will chat again soon. Hey, make sure you check out my Post #4401 on Pg. 294 of this thread. It's only 1/3 of what I know about the matter.

Thank you Mark!

God Be With You And Your Honey!!


Mark SeaSigh


I think that it's interesting that the Depression of the "Print From Three Million Years Ago" Looks just like Modern Man's, but it appears that the Print maker from 3 MYA was heavier, given the Depression is greater.

As Deep as that Depression is though, It wont be Nearly as Deep of Depression as that which will be Felt by No Guru, when She finds out that Lucy was Supposed to be Smaller than Modern Man; So, a Large Man must have left these Footprints 3 MYA, and Not a Half Apish half Human Looking Being, that had feet with Common Characteristics of both Apes and Man.

Holy Moly!!!! It's A Fully Developed Human Being Foot!!!! 3MYA!!!!!

I can't say it any Louder than That Typing; Unless, Maybe;

Footprints? People Feet!!!!

Yeah, That figures, Just follow the Link above and you can View it Still on You tube, if you feel the Need.

Do Apes, "Walk Together"?



Not to Beat a Dead Horse, But;

Laetoli Footprint



I think I just Beat a No Guru, and A Jos'e!

Jim Carrey, Everybody........ : P
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Alwight and Mike 7-23-2014

Alwight and Mike 7-23-2014

Hi Michael,
I'm currently on a "seefood" diet, if I see food I'll eat it. :drum:

You gave me quite a chuckle there!! Are you a tad overweight also?? I'm needing to lost 30 lbs. I was 135 lbs. for most of my life. Now, I have 30 lbs. in my belly. I will get rid of it or die trying.

It's been in the mid 80s here which you would probably think was quite cool but it's sticky not dry. :cool:

I would prefer being cremated rather than rot but I don't think it really matters if you're dead.

Yes, I am from Michigan, USA. I know what humidity is like. It feels more like 85 or 87, eh??

I've been helping my 90 yo mother move into a care home instead of struggling alone in her house not meeting anyone. I think she actually enjoys meeting new people now. I've been trying to sell her property and seem to have a buyer.

I had no idea you have a Mother who is 90 years old. That is exceptional!! You must be 60-70, eh? I'm proud of you. She is in good hands (yours) and she's probably loving living again meeting new people. And you might as well start selling her property rather than waiting until she is gone. She may surprise you and live longer. Are you selling most everything in the house along with the house??

I've never been much of a fisherman but I know from scuba diving that the seas around here are not as abundant as other places, say Scotland, too much fishing goes on here perhaps. You should live near the sea rather than AZ?

Well, I thought fishing was a sport! I knew you did scuba diving, but it did not sink in that it was in the sea. I thought maybe swimming pools and some lakes. Must be nice living so close to an ocean. Is the Atlantic Ocean water all around your Island of Wight?? Do you have any lakes up north in England??

I don't expect anything to go wrong with a new car else it goes back to the garage but touch wood all is well.

Al, you are so lucky to have a new car. I want a Ford Fusion, but looks like that isn't going to happen. At least I have a Ford Escort. I've been getting my use of it. It's a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2 with a spoiler. But it's only a 2-door. But the back seats fold down forward, and you can fit tons of things in the trunk. It's hard to explain. It's also got a 6-CD changer in the trunk, so that no one can steal it or your CDs. It's got some dings, but I think I might need a part for the Park/Drive sensor. Also, soon I'll need some new struts. But for what I pay for it, I just pay routine car repairs, instead of a new car payment, which would cost me more. My car is already all paid off. Yippee!!!

No, I haven't been swimming for years now Michael, I don't seem to want to anymore. It didn't use to worry me but now I think I might catch something either in the sea or public pool, paranoid? :)

Oh, yes, I did mean swimming without your scuba gear. I can see what you mean. Don't need Hepatitis A. I had a neighbor die from that. I can swim, but I'm touchy about the water. When I was younger, my Dad had me in his arms, and my Uncle had one of my sisters in his arms, and they both dropped us in the deep water and saying 'Swim.' They thought they were teaching us. I swallowed so much water, that I and she has a unseemly fright of water, to be honest.

I guess everyone goes to the beach in London. There must be a lot of beaches. I mean, really!! We have a few man-made lakes here in Phoenix and outskirts, and we can go there. But to go to the Pacific, it's about a 400 mile drive. I would love it though. I've been in the Atlantic Ocean and I loved it. I surely should break down and go swimming in the Pacific. We'll see what happens.

Hey, I'm getting really good with these quote boxes now. I'm not as timid as I used to be about them. It was so frustrating before, you can not imagine, really.

Well, you take great care and enjoy your Mom while she's still alive. It's nice if she has her wits about her. Give her a kiss for me!!

Your Good Friend, Michael

:eek: :drum:


Well-known member

I think that it's interesting that the Depression of the "Print From Three Million Years Ago" Looks just like Modern Man's, but it appears that the Print maker from 3 MYA was heavier, given the Depression is greater...

What you think is irrelevant because it is not an accurate report of the evidence


Dear Mark,

You're photos of the Tanzania Laetoli foot prints have caused me to stick with my original beliefs that I had before embarrassing myself terribly. I am going to stick with being an OEC (Old Earth Creationist), just like I was before. I thought that maybe I should think YEC (Young Earth Creationist) because I was swayed and thought, well maybe I had heard a 'lying spirit'. But no, it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience. There has been more than one Adam and I stick with my original premise. I hope that I did not delete it from my Post No. 1 on THIS THREAD.

Thanks so much Mark for setting my life together. Same goes to you also, Noguru, for giving me the courage to believe in myself and what I've felt and heard. I'm not changing my mind again.

Praise the Lord!!



This video demonstrates that these footprints were made by an obligate bipedal homonid. What exactly are you trying to demonstrate with this clip?

Dear Noguru,

What do you mean by the Post previous to this one about the Tanzania footprints. Also, this photo; how about a hominid. Is that an upright walking person? What is an obligate bipedal homonid? I would say it walked on two feet, right?

Hey, I know I'm getting too far, because I've passed your thread and Hedshaker's thread somehow. I will go find them and answer them right now. It has been a VERY BUSY DAY!!

Much Love In God AND Jesus Christ, As Always!!


:confused: :think:


Mark, your analysis here is less than amateurish. Judging from your past willful ignorance I think I will stick with the opinion of experts in this field. And not the opinion of some loser on a theology site who has demonstrated that he will not correct his own errors when they have been clearly addressed.

Dear noguru,

You're kidding! I'm wrong again? Is there any evidence of man before 6,000 years ago or not. I think there is. But I'm going to remain neutral, tending privately towards OEC. It's just really difficult to think that all of this making Earth and an entire Vast Universe is just for the benefit of the people on earth for only 6,000 years. You must admit it's quite a lot of work. Maybe I'm wrong. Nothing would surprise me ANY MORE!!

Thanks again, noguru!! We shall talk again soon.






Dear Hedshaker,

How are you doing, pal!! I saw your post to 6days and thought I shouldn't answer it. I will give him a heads-up though, so he will answer it. Anyone who posts on my thread should get an answer from one of us. I hope all is fine with you and that you post to me sometimes. When you gonna send me some more video?? I don't have ANY video of me playing guitar and singing. But I have made 3 videos for YOUTUBE, and another for Public Broadcasting Station. To say the least, I was nervous as heck, especially for the PBS one. I was on for 1/2 hour. I'm less timid now, to say the least. With God behind you, what can go wrong? I've grown a lot bolder.

Hey, Hedshaker, do you have reason to believe that there is evidence that man lived over 6,000 years ago?? It's been hard to come by. I'm thinking there is. Well, if you come across anything, please let me know!!

It was 114 degrees here today. I stayed in most of the day. I went out for a bit earlier this morning before it got too hot, to get a food box for my computer guy and his mom. They got some good stuff!!

Well, if you get some time, get back to me soon as you'd like. Much Love and Care!!



Dear Noguru And Mark,

It's okay. I looked up homonid in Wikipedia and found out they were possibly made from apes? Oh well, that was a close call. Well, I guess I will remain a YEC instead, but I'm not yet saying for sure. I have to weigh things a bit. You know I am a Libra, in the balances. Just come to me when you want to weigh your pot. Heheheheh. I will still work with God about the matter. I don't think we are descended by apes. It is possible that man came a lot later and his footprints just weren't found conveniently in any lava. Will chat later. Got to run to the store. Thank you guys!!

Praise God!!!

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New member
Dear Hedshaker,

How are you doing, pal!! I saw your post to 6days and thought I shouldn't answer it. I will give him a heads-up though, so he will answer it. Anyone who posts on my thread should get an answer from one of us. I hope all is fine with you and that you post to me sometimes. When you gonna send me some more video?? I don't have ANY video of me playing guitar and singing. But I have made 3 videos for YOUTUBE, and another for Public Broadcasting Station. To say the least, I was nervous as heck, especially for the PBS one. I was on for 1/2 hour. I'm less timid now, to say the least. With God behind you, what can go wrong? I've grown a lot bolder.

Don't worry about it Michael, I have about as much interest in debating creationism/Evolution with 6days as I would debating spoon bending with Uri Geller. It's an exercise in futility.

That video was from way back and it's the only one of its kind I have. The more modern videos I have are more about Stonehenge Summer Solstice and Glastonbury Festival to promote the music I produce now, which isn't every ones cup of tea.

Hey, Hedshaker, do you have reason to believe that there is evidence that man lived over 6,000 years ago?? It's been hard to come by. I'm thinking there is. Well, if you come across anything, please let me know!!

Have you tried Google?

It was 114 degrees here today. I stayed in most of the day. I went out for a bit earlier this morning before it got too hot, to get a food box for my computer guy and his mom. They got some good stuff!!

Well, if you get some time, get back to me soon as you'd like. Much Love and Care!!


It's been hot here too. Must go.



Don't worry about it Michael, I have about as much interest in debating creationism/Evolution with 6days as I would debating spoon bending with Uri Geller. It's an exercise in futility.

I wouldn't do no bending spoons with him. I have better things to do with my life for God. The only one bending those spoons is Satan, doing it by electromagnetic force.

kjlThat video was from way back and it's the only one of its kind I have. The more modern videos I have are more about Stonehenge Summer Solstice and Glastonbury Festival to promote the music I produce now, which isn't every ones cup of tea.

Have you tried Google?

It's been hot here too. Must go.


Dearest Hedshaker,

It must be hot there. You live in England or New Zealand. I never can remember. I'm not really sure how to try Google, but I will give it a chance. Thanks Hedshaker!!

Kindest Regards and Blessings,



Dear Noguru,

What do you think of the link below that Mark left for me. I hope it is promising. I keep thinking instead of OEC, I will be YEC after all. I will continue to search for answers. Noguru, Hedshaker suggested Google, but I tried with no luck. Is everyone just too afraid to tell me that there is no evidence of man older than 6,000 years ago?

Let me know what you think of this ASAP!! Thank you!

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