ECT Challenge to end D'ism


New member
That's because I have exposed your false claim, and your false belief system (Dispensationalism).

Darby followers such as yourself hate me because I expose the lie that Dispensationalism is.

Nobody can defend the lie (Dispensationalism).

If I'm wrong, then I challenge any Dispy to defend Danoh's claim (since he has failed to do so):

Bring it on Darby followers !!!!

Must be why I shunned responding to Jerry's (your exact) narcissism, by not
supporting him in any way, shape or form, on some of those points of his that I had actually agreed with him on that differ with those of STP's and heir's but that Jerry was ever atttempting to bait all MADs into a fight over; that his vanity might some how perhaps relieve him of his own nonsense if he could somehow release it on others.

As with yours, the guy's EVERY post always had that foul odor of sulfer.

As if you and he are out to make other's lives a purgatory for whatever this mental illness of yours is that so compels you to post just one more baiting attempt...just one more...

I signed up on TOL in hopes of exploring both same and different understandings with others.

I don't care who that is with.

One of those on my "friends" is Totten - a Post Tribber.

But you are Jerry Shugart's twin - a hypocrite whose sole interest is in baiting others into a fight with you over your Preterist nonsense, no matter what or how they answer you.

Try that in real life with the same people a few times, you internet coward; see how long you keep your teeth.

I don't see Ivan the Tall chasing MADs all day long in this asinine Jerry Shugart baiting into a fight manner of yours.

I don't see I Am A Berean doing that.

Nor Interplanner, or any other Preterist.

Only you - the Jerry Shugart loser twin of the town known as TOL; ever out to start the same old nonsense like some poorly made Old Western TV show repeated day in and day out.

Hah - that's you! A day after day, after day, after day, after day - enough already! - same old, tired, I On Television repeat - one that should never have been allowed air time to begin with; it's so bad.

I On Tel-a-lie :rotfl:


Must be why I shunned responding to Jerry's (your exact) narcissism, by not
supporting him in any way, shape or form, on some of those points of his that I had actually agreed with him on that differ with those of STP's and heir's but that Jerry was ever atttempting to bait all MADs into a fight over; that his vanity might some how perhaps relieve him of his own nonsense if he could somehow release it on others.

As with yours, the guy's EVERY post always had that foul odor of sulfer.

As if you and he are out to make other's lives a purgatory for whatever this mental illness of yours is that so compels you to post just one more baiting attempt...just one more...

I signed up on TOL in hopes of exploring both same and different understandings with others.

I don't care who that is with.

One of those on my "friends" is Totten - a Post Tribber.

But you are Jerry Shugart's twin - a hypocrite whose sole interest is in baiting others into a fight with you over your Preterist nonsense, no matter what or how they answer you.

Try that in real life with the same people a few times, you internet coward; see how long you keep your teeth.

I don't see Ivan the Tall chasing MADs all day long in this asinine Jerry Shugart baiting into a fight manner of yours.

I don't see I Am A Berean doing that.

Nor Interplanner, or any other Preterist.

Only you - the Jerry Shugart loser twin of the town known as TOL; ever out to start the same old nonsense like some poorly made Old Western TV show repeated day in and day out.

Hah - that's you! A day after day, after day, after day, after day - enough already! - same old, tired, I On Television repeat - one that should never have been allowed air time to begin with; it's so bad.

I On Tel-a-lie :rotfl:

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah........

DanyBoy, not even your fellow MADists like discussing things with you.

Your posts are always the same. "you and yours", "books based", etc.

Anytime you are challenged with your claims, you can't defend them. Instead, you try to attack the person who challenged your claims.

The bottom line is you made a statement/claim, and you can't defend it.

It's that simple

You've spent days trying to attack me because you can't defend your claim.

All you're doing is proving what an antiChrist, false teaching Dispensationalism really is.

If I make a claim, I can defend it.

You on the other hand, are a laughing stock.


New member
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah........

DanyBoy, not even your fellow MADists like discussing things with you.

Your posts are always the same. "you and yours", "books based", etc.

Anytime you are challenged with your claims, you can't defend them. Instead, you try to attack the person who challenged your claims.

The bottom line is you made a statement/claim, and you can't defend it.

It's that simple

You've spent days trying to attack me because you can't defend your claim.

All you're doing is proving what an antiChrist, false teaching Dispensationalism really is.

If I make a claim, I can defend it.

You on the other hand, are a laughing stock.

Yours is Jerry's standard reply when called on his nonsense.

As for other MADs liking me or not; so be it, if such is the case.

But that's you; attempt to divide others through one baiting tactic or another.



But that's you; attempt to divide others through one baiting tactic or another.

All I asked for was an explanation for a claim you made.

Here is your claim:

you know my answer - Israel's Prophetic clock was temporarily stopped by God

All you have to do is explain how your claim stands up to the events that happened in 70AD.

Why don't you just admit you don't like your only option, and can't give an explanation.

Notice how not one of your fellow MADists and/or Darby followers can explain it either.

Dispensationalism is a mess.


Well-known member
Dang, there I was hoping Jn 3:16 would be mine.

Where do you get this idea? Besides, as far as that goes, it is a question (the restored theocracy) for Israel first, but told in a way that indicates to all people what is and is not important. For ex., Jn 4 where we find the 'time is coming and NOW IS, when you will worship neither in this mountain or that one, but in spirit and truth.'

Which is an episode with a gentile, and a woman.

Me too,I'm curious if it applies. "were you saved at some point between the time you were born until today or were you saved long before you were ever born"?


Well-known member
Me too,I'm curious if it applies. "were you saved at some point between the time you were born until today or were you saved long before you were ever born"?

The work that needed to be done (the Gospel) is what justifies us from sin. A few people saw it happen in person. Most people were either awaiting it or are looking back to it, but all must say either 'thank you' and gain justification or say 'no thanks' to their destruction.


Well-known member
Me too,I'm curious if it applies. "were you saved at some point between the time you were born until today or were you saved long before you were ever born"?

The work that needed to be done (the Gospel) is what justifies us from sin. A few people saw it happen in person. Most people were either awaiting it or are looking back to it, but all must say either 'thank you' and gain justification or say 'no thanks' to their destruction.


Well-known member
lol,,,,"Did Jesus save us way back then,,or is he going to save us at some other time,or should we do something to save our own selves?"

Your usually pretty easy going and thats a good thing. You at least do try to look at something and try to be fair about it like you want to figure it out(I say that because our stances are opposite,lol) so I'll say,since your looking at it and thinking that if you say it's one way the scriptures will say one thing to you,,and if you say it in your heart the other the scriptures completely say something else,It's all dependent on who you say is the Savior, either you or him.

If one thinks he left something undone it's the natural course of thinking to do the things left undone. On the other hand if one believes that he actually did save them back then on that cross,all thats left is to relax,have hope,thank the lord for what he did ect. One is utter peace,the other agony.


New member
Me too,I'm curious if it applies. "were you saved at some point between the time you were born until today or were you saved long before you were ever born"?

That woman was of His "other sheep" of Israel "not of" Israel's same "fold" - she was not "a Gentile woman."

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

Her fold was also waiting for He of Whom it had been Propheseied would unite both sticks into "one sheepfold."

Ezekiel 37:24 And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?


Well-known member
I know that Danoh,but if he don't know when he was saved then Israel,Gentiles and "B.O.C".(your concern in posting to me)are all going to blend together in his mind.


Well-known member
That woman was of His "other sheep" of Israel "not of" Israel's same "fold" - she was not "a Gentile woman."

John 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

John 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?

Her fold was also waiting for He of Whom it had been Propheseied would unite both sticks into "one sheepfold."

Ezekiel 37:24 And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 4:26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

John 4:28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 4:29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?

Neither of them knew your theology, did they Danoh? Stop your damned impositions.


Well-known member
I know that Danoh,but if he don't know when he was saved then Israel,Gentiles and "B.O.C".(your concern in posting to me)are all going to blend together in his mind.

Think of justification as an inheritance. Does it matter whether you inherit it the day it became available, or the day you reach 21? Or the day that the current in line dies? It will still come to you.

The work was done in history. We have access to it when we fail, ie, we are "being justified" (Rom 3 and 5). That is encouraging and motivates us to do the right thing going forward--or else we simply don't know God.

You might compare the employer in the parable who paid one denari whether a person worked 10, 8, 4 or 1 hours. All employees were paid one denari.


Well-known member
Neither of them knew your theology, did they Danoh? Stop your damned impositions.

I.P. he fully well knows that I should set whats written to one separate from the other but I did not on purpose,,and so he was "scratching his head".

You have to bare in mind that you and Danoh,Jerryshu,Danp,fourscotsmen,biblewriter ect. have been at it for years,how many 10-15? and so your probably a bit on nerve with one another.

I did do something unorthodox when I ask you about when you thought you were saved. Why is because without settling that issue in anyone's mind none of the rest will make any sense. So I'm glad he caught it and quizzed me on it,it proves he does understand that I sidestepped dividing it to you.

Look at that question I.P.,,,


New member
I.P. he fully well knows that I should set whats written to one separate from the other but I did not on purpose,,and so he was "scratching his head".

You have to bare in mind that you and Danoh,Jerryshu,Danp,fourscotsmen,biblewriter ect. have been at it for years,how many 10-15? and so your probably a bit on nerve with one another.

I did do something unorthodox when I ask you about when you thought you were saved. Why is because without settling that issue in anyone's mind none of the rest will make any sense. So I'm glad he caught it and quizzed me on it,it proves he does understand that I sidestepped dividing it to you.

Look at that question I.P.,,,

Not at all. He well knows from my past exchanges with him that I also believe all this is a waste if one is lost.

I do not believe he is though. He is a brother in Christ and we agree on the justification issue, though we at times differ on what one passage or another appears to be saying about it or not.

I do love to give him a hard time, though :chuckle:


Well-known member
Not at all. He well knows from my past exchanges with him that I also believe all this is a waste if one is lost.

I do not believe he is though. He is a brother in Christ and we agree on the justification issue, though we at times differ on what one passage or another appears to be saying about it or not.

I do love to give him a hard time, though :chuckle:

Maybe I should have never brought it up about the old days(makes me seem as an intruder,lol) but it's also a testimony as to what the guest are seeing as we all post. I was never a member nor did I post on the forum where you all came from,I just watched. It was as though then as if you all were much closer to one another(friends)who were discussing these same matters as if you were in the same family and the important thing was to find the truth of it for each other as if you all were sharing the same food at the same table.

There was differences,there still are but the affection is different here than there(different environment). I don't doubt the friendship between you and the others because I've seen you and them hash through this both here and there and you all have remained true to your theological stances(although different from each other) and would hate to see that bond of earnestly searching through this together.

Now I myself was for the most part post trib.pre mill dispy(so I'm quite the oddball even here,lol)but I do have to admit that the other day when I read the thread from J.Hilston when he was speaking of ministering Angels vrs,b.o.c. he said something that set my wheels turning,lol and he wasn't talking to me at all. That and what he brought up about the nephalem(I share that opinion with him). That was before I came to TOL but I sure wish I had had the chance to discuss a few things with him.


New member
Maybe I should have never brought it up about the old days(makes me seem as an intruder,lol) but it's also a testimony as to what the guest are seeing as we all post. I was never a member nor did I post on the forum where you all came from,I just watched. It was as though then as if you all were much closer to one another(friends)who were discussing these same matters as if you were in the same family and the important thing was to find the truth of it for each other as if you all were sharing the same food at the same table.

There was differences,there still are but the affection is different here than there(different environment). I don't doubt the friendship between you and the others because I've seen you and them hash through this both here and there and you all have remained true to your theological stances(although different from each other) and would hate to see that bond of earnestly searching through this together.

Now I myself was for the most part post trib.pre mill dispy(so I'm quite the oddball even here,lol)but I do have to admit that the other day when I read the thread from J.Hilston when he was speaking of ministering Angels vrs,b.o.c. he said something that set my wheels turning,lol and he wasn't talking to me at all. That and what he brought up about the nephalem(I share that opinion with him). That was before I came to TOL but I sure wish I had had the chance to discuss a few things with him.

Lol, I'm not so sure some see one another as friends.

And good ol precious Tambora; we have her to thank for bringing that post Hilston-Tel thread back.

Lol, even Tel's incessant attempts at baiting MADs into a fight ended up contributing to your having been exposed to that sound byte or two within Hilston's assertions that stood out to you.

For the more astute - and they are VERY few and far between - all it often takes is a sound byte or two.

Of the remaining few that do see something, most either need an entire article if not a series of same, or in the abscence of that; a period of time of soundbytes that VERY few stick around long enough for, for that image a thousand words in soundbytes might eventually paint a picture of.

Most are not only too married to where they approach looking at things from, but it is a very narrow window they see things through.

The "one size fits all" tunnel vision the wisdom of men ever relies on.
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Well-known member
I challenge you all to read FOOTHOLD and still be dispensationalist. It is not a 'theology.' It is a biographical journey of a 'child soldier' taught to hate Israel among other things. It is written in utter practicality, given the increasing rate and breadth of Islamic attacks. See my footer.

The current edition now includes the Imprimis essay (Hillsdale College) by US Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy "Islam: Facts or Dreams?"

See my footer to take the next step.

Dispensationalism, or something connected to it, is a mortal threat to you; there's something about it that you cannot tolerate. We already know from your posts you can't even articulate what exactly that is. But that's okay...we know what what drives you.