Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Looks as if Caino is, on the horns of a REAL dilemna! The "celestial beings"
are going to be REALLY angry when they find out, he hasn't even converted
one single earthling to the, 'Uraunchian' way of thinking!

Does anyone out there (really OUT there) have any suggestions for Caino?


Quote: Caino;

What will I do next? I'm
running out of lies, misconceptions, and occult teachings?
What is a "Urantian" to do, when faced with truth from
the Bible? We need to spread our illogical propaganda, or else,
our 'celestial being' leaders will leave us dry, and move
off to another Galaxy? Now, I'm really concerned! I haven't
even had a chance to earn my UFO award yet!! The "beings"
promised me that award; if I could just convert just one
extremely naive earthling!

I feel your pain man! Your pal GM

Grosnick's quote is a lie, I never said any such thing.

This reminds me of Jesus teaching about hiding inside a religion because its safe:

(1730.1) 155:5.13 Pointing out each of the twenty-four and calling them by name, Jesus said: “And now, which one of you would prefer to take this easy path of conformity to an established and fossilized religion, as defended by the Pharisees at Jerusalem, rather than to suffer the difficulties and persecutions attendant upon the mission of proclaiming a better way of salvation to men while you realize the satisfaction of discovering for yourselves the beauties of the realities of a living and personal experience in the eternal truths and supreme grandeurs of the kingdom of heaven? Are you fearful, soft, and ease-seeking? Are you afraid to trust your future in the hands of the God of truth, whose sons you are? Are you distrustful of the Father, whose children you are? Will you go back to the easy path of the certainty and intellectual settledness of the religion of traditional authority, or will you gird yourselves to go forward with me into that uncertain and troublous future of proclaiming the new truths of the religion of the spirit, the kingdom of heaven in the hearts of men?”

(1730.2) 155:5.14 All twenty-four of his hearers rose to their feet, intending to signify their united and loyal response to this, one of the few emotional appeals which Jesus ever made to them, but he raised his hand and stopped them, saying: “Go now apart by yourselves, each man alone with the Father, and there find the unemotional answer to my question, and having found such a true and sincere attitude of soul, speak that answer freely and boldly to my Father and your Father, whose infinite life of love is the very spirit of the religion we proclaim.”

(1730.3) 155:5.15 The evangelists and apostles went apart by themselves for a short time. Their spirits were uplifted, their minds were inspired, and their emotions mightily stirred by what Jesus had said. But when Andrew called them together, the Master said only: “Let us resume our journey. We go into Phoenicia to tarry for a season, and all of you should pray the Father to transform your emotions of mind and body into the higher loyalties of mind and the more satisfying experiences of the spirit.”

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm rooting for you Caino! When the chips are down, you find out quick,
who your real friends are! Know what I mean? Perhaps not, however,
I'm here to help you, man! These are hard times for 'Uraunchians!'


Looks as if Caino is, on the horns of a REAL dilemna! The "celestial beings"
are going to be REALLY angry when they find out, he hasn't even converted
one single earthling to the, 'Uraunchian' way of thinking!

Does anyone out there (really OUT there) have any suggestions for Caino?

I've carried the message of the UB to many over the years, and we have lots of followers that enjoy the quotes here on TOL but they stay above the fray of your hatred.

Your avoidance of answering questions is noted to all who follow these discussions.


I'm rooting for you Caino! When the chips are down, you find out quick,
who your real friends are! Know what I mean? Perhaps not, however,
I'm here to help you, man! These are hard times for 'Uraunchians!'

It's like shooting fish (no pun intended) in a barrel:

Christianity declining 50pc faster than thought – as one in 10 under-25s is a Muslim

Christianity could be facing a catastrophic collapse in Britain according to official figures suggesting it is declining 50 per cent faster than previously thought.

Religion Among Americans Hits Low Point, As More People Say They Have No Religious Affiliation: Report


The UB community continues to grow among young and old as so many have become disillusioned by the hate filled and sect divided right wing of Christianity who spend most of their time fighting with each other about who is the most righteous of them all.



Caino, I'm here for ya buddy! Glad to see you're finally starting
to come to your senses!

Thanks friend, that reminds me of Jesus' teaching on the way to Rome.

Do you see truth in this?

(1429.1) 130:1.5 Jesus’ last visit with Gadiah had to do with a discussion of good and evil. This young Philistine was much troubled by a feeling of injustice because of the presence of evil in the world alongside the good. He said: “How can God, if he is infinitely good, permit us to suffer the sorrows of evil; after all, who creates evil?” It was still believed by many in those days that God creates both good and evil, but Jesus never taught such error. In answering this question, Jesus said: “My brother, God is love; therefore he must be good, and his goodness is so great and real that it cannot contain the small and unreal things of evil. God is so positively good that there is absolutely no place in him for negative evil. Evil is the immature choosing and the unthinking misstep of those who are resistant to goodness, rejectful of beauty, and disloyal to truth. Evil is only the misadaptation of immaturity or the disruptive and distorting influence of ignorance. Evil is the inevitable darkness which follows upon the heels of the unwise rejection of light. Evil is that which is dark and untrue, and which, when consciously embraced and willfully endorsed, becomes sin.

(1429.2) 130:1.6 “Your Father in heaven, by endowing you with the power to choose between truth and error, created the potential negative of the positive way of light and life; but such errors of evil are really nonexistent until such a time as an intelligent creature wills their existence by mischoosing the way of life. And then are such evils later exalted into sin by the knowing and deliberate choice of such a willful and rebellious creature. This is why our Father in heaven permits the good and the evil to go along together until the end of life, just as nature allows the wheat and the tares to grow side by side until the harvest.”
Gadiah was fully satisfied with Jesus’ answer to his question after their subsequent discussion had made clear to his mind the real meaning of these momentous statements.

That's so beautiful, you have my permission to share that with other Christian friends.
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I hear Ya!

I was thinking about your persistent unhappiness and dishonesty, I thought you may find comfort in Jesus' teaching about people of your character:

(1674.4) 149:5.2 “Simon, some persons are naturally more happy than others. Much, very much, depends upon the willingness of man to be led and directed by the Father’s spirit which lives within him. Have you not read in the Scriptures the words of the wise man, ‘The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts’? And also that such spirit-led mortals say: ‘The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a goodly heritage.’ ‘A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked,’ for ‘a good man shall be satisfied from within himself.’ ‘A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance and is a continual feast. Better is a little with the reverence of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatred therewith. Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without rectitude.’ ‘A merry heart does good like a medicine.’ ‘Better is a handful with composure than a superabundance with sorrow and vexation of spirit.’

(1674.5) 149:5.3 “Much of man’s sorrow is born of the disappointment of his ambitions and the wounding of his pride. Although men owe a duty to themselves to make the best of their lives on earth, having thus sincerely exerted themselves, they should cheerfully accept their lot and exercise ingenuity in making the most of that which has fallen to their hands. All too many of man’s troubles take origin in the fear soil of his own natural heart. ‘The wicked flee when no man pursues.’ ‘The wicked are like the troubled sea, for it cannot rest, but its waters cast up mire and dirt; there is no peace, says God, for the wicked

If you have any other unhappy family members or neighbors you could share that with them.