boycott the NFL


New member
Hall of Fame
They are paid to play football. Coaches are paid to coach football. I don't think the anthem is under either job description.

I suppose a coach could bench a player because of it. I think they have been largely silent on the issue though.

Who has said they are?

All those who dont believe they should be as fired as the fast food worker who take a stand that they wont serve cops because "black lives matter"


New member
Hall of Fame
So if they were protesting for those being robbed blind by a government of thieves, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

So if they were protesting for those being taken advantage of by a government of scoundrels, idiots and cowards, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

So if they were protesting for those being locked up by a government of greedy jailers, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

So if they were protesting for those being spied on by a government of Peeping Toms, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

So if they were protesting for those being forced to surrender our freedoms—and those of our children—to a government of extortionists, money launderers and professional pirates, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

So if they were protesting for those 60,000,000 babies aborted since 1973, that wouldn't be ok? I wish they did.

Bottom line I guess is if the above were the things being protested by taking a knee during an anthem, you would have an issue with it? So really it is the topic of the protesting subject?

One more time, they arent at their job, to practice their politics. Thats for their own time.


Well-known member
Fact: Do your job at work, practice your politics on your time.

Unless you own a sports bar/cafe and take your NFL channel away from your regular clientele with added flourish by posting right wing diatribe on your company Facebook page like Cup it Up?

"Stick to business and leave your politics at home" swings both ways.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

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New member
Here is another commenter on Breitbart concerning NFL kneelers I am in total agreement with:

"The NFL should surprise no one! In a way, I WANT professional football to fade away. With their ratings in free fall, and extreme pressure from American patriots for advertisers to cancel their sponsorships, Goodell's decision is the nail in the coffin. Why do I want the NFL to fade? It's become as immoral, filthy, and corrupt as Hollywood. The sexual perversion and bribery have even percolated down to college sports, with coaches hiring hookers for the players. DISGUSTING. Large crowds shouting at big morons to hurt each other while they disrespect the National Anthem of the country that GAVE THEM the opportunity is as barbaric as the gladiators in Roman times. Let's clean up Hollywood by bankrupting it. Let's get rid of these whiny, ungrateful, unpatriotic NFL burpers by bankrupting them. LET'S CLEAN HOUSE ON THE DARK SIDE OF OUR CULTURE, AMERICA!'

I replaced a foul word with burpers to avoid a banning .

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Here is another commenter on Breitbart concerning NFL kneelers I am in total agreement with:

"The NFL should surprise no one! In a way, I WANT professional football to fade away. With their ratings in free fall, and extreme pressure from American patriots for advertisers to cancel their sponsorships, Goodell's decision is the nail in the coffin.
Except that ratings aren't in free fall, getting your knickers in a twist over someone exercising their right to free speech doesn't make you patriotic (or particularly American) and wanting any business to fail because you don't agree with the political views of some employees is about as stupid as boycotting Starbucks because your local barista drives a Prius.

Why do I want the NFL to fade?
Because the writer is an intellectually stunted, emotionally constipated purveyor of a myth invented by people who seem to have a pathological addiction to outrage? Just a guess, mind you.

It's become as immoral, filthy, and corrupt as Hollywood.
So he's boycotting the movies as well? Everyone in on that one too? Seems like his version of America doesn't wear buttons.

The sexual perversion and bribery have even percolated down to college sports, with coaches hiring hookers for the players.
Yep. That's the rule. It's in the bylaws. Hiring hookers. And everyone knows the cheating, bribing immorality began during the Obama administration. Before that the NCAA death penalty was just an idea, right? Shhhh SMU fans, that was a show pony. Everyone else was clean as a whis---shhh, Penn State fans. And so on.

DISGUSTING. Large crowds shouting at big morons to hurt each other
Like MMA, wrestling, etc?

while they disrespect the National Anthem of the country that GAVE THEM the opportunity is as barbaric as the gladiators in Roman times.
There's nothing disrespectful in exercising one of the fundamental rights that makes that anthem more than a peculiar take on an English drinking song. Supra.

Let's clean up Hollywood by bankrupting it.
Hollywood will give us what we ask for with our wallets. So instead of trying to drive businesses out of business, spend money and go to the movies that you want to see and don't go to the rest.

Let's get rid of these whiny, ungrateful, unpatriotic NFL burpers by bankrupting them. LET'S CLEAN HOUSE ON THE DARK SIDE OF OUR CULTURE, AMERICA!'
What a load of horsefeathers.

I replaced a foul word with burpers to avoid a banning .
So you're saying he exhibited even less impulse control in the unedited version? That's amazing.